Tempted Cyborg

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Tempted Cyborg Page 4

by Nellie C. Lind

  She took another step closer to him even if she knew that she was playing with fire.

  Hunter pressed himself against the wall and showed his teeth almost in a snarl.

  “I'm warning you, Avril. Stay away. I will not bind myself to you.”

  “Why? Do you find me unattractive? Are you repulsed by me?”

  He winced. “Of course not. Why do you think that? You have no idea how much I want to touch you, and that is why you are dangerous to me. I didn't recognize you at first, but once I did, all I wanted was to hold you. I remembered how protective I was of you when you were a child, and my programming remembered it too. Now, it wants to protect you as my bound one.”

  Joy filled her, pushing away some of that wariness she felt toward him. “You feel overprotective of me?”

  “Yes, damn it!” he hissed. “But this time, it is not like when you were a child. This time, my programming sees you as an adult woman and not as the child you once were. It screams inside my head like crazy, telling me to rip your clothes off and to take you hard against the wall.”

  Avril felt heat fill her body as she couldn't help but imagine what he had just said. “Then why don't you?”

  The shining in his eyes intensified as his anger grew. “Because you want to bind me to you for the wrong reasons!”

  She shook her head and tried to remain calm as he got louder. “No, I don't.”

  He flew up from the bed, but he didn't approach her. “Yes, you do! Don't lie to me!”

  Avril took a deep breath. It was time to tell him.

  “I'm doing this because I love you.”


  Hunter winced when he heard Avril say that she loved him. He felt the shock go through him like a wave of cold air. His programming reacted by going just a little bit crazier. It made him groan when the need to go to her intensified. His heartbeat increased and he was unable to pull his gaze away from her. She just stood there, several feet away from him, and looked at him. Her eyes were sad, but her posture was relaxed.

  Damn, she was so beautiful ... and he wanted her bad ...

  “You love me?”

  She nodded. “Yes, I always have.”

  With those simple words, she gave his programming the last piece it needed to initiate the bond. All he had to do now was to touch her and his eyes would flash. He felt a strong and uncontrollable pull toward her, and as in a trance, he took one step closer to her. He reached out his hand, unable to stop listening to the mantra that played inside of his head.

  Touch her. Bond with her. Touch her. Bond with her ...

  He was losing the battle, he knew it. He wasn't able to resist much longer. For twenty years, he had fought against his own programming, trying to keep it in check. Losing Sarah had devastated him, but he had somehow managed to keep himself in control, but when it came to Avril, that control was gone. It was because she was familiar to him, because they had a history as friends. His programming knew that, and therefore, it saw her as the perfect candidate. A friend was much more appealing than a stranger.

  She lifted her hand with the palm toward him and took a step back. “Stop, Hunter.”

  He jerked to a halt as realization of what he was about to do hit him.

  “Fuck,” he cursed and immediately backed away. That had been close. One more step and he would have touched her. It didn't even need to be an intimate touch anymore, not when it came to Avril. His programming was so worked up because of her that it wasn't even funny.

  He sat down on the bed, resignation filling him. His hands hurt, especially his knuckles from hitting the walls, but he ignored it.

  “Why did you stop me?” he asked. “I thought you wanted me to bind myself to you.”

  “I do, but not like this. I want it to be on your terms. Not on mine or your programming's.”

  He liked hearing that. “Thank you, Avril. That means the world to me.”

  There was a short silence. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Avril shift her weight to her right leg.

  “Do you want me to leave?” she asked.

  He took a deep breath. “It would calm my need to bind with you if you did, but no, I want you to stay.” He looked at her. “I want you to tell me more about your feelings for me. You said that you have loved me a long time. Did you love me when you were a child too?”

  She nodded. “Back then, it was more of a childish crush. You and Sarah were my whole world and I often wished that I would one day meet someone like you. As I already told you, I was devastated after you both disappeared from my life. I never stopped thinking about you. I always wondered what had happened to you, if you were still alive. And I guess, over the years, that childish crush slowly turned into love as I grew older.”

  “So you are here because you love me.” He had to say it aloud to actually believe it. It sounded almost too good to be true, but he didn't doubt her words. He had no idea why he trusted her on this when he had called her a liar just a few minutes ago. Maybe it was because it made him happy to hear it.

  “Yes,” she said. “I hope that is the right reason.”

  His lips twitched. It sure was. “I never knew.”

  “You were bound to Sarah and you wouldn't have taken a twelve-year-old girl's crush seriously.”

  He agreed. “Tell me, Avril. What would life be like with you?”

  She licked her lips. “I hope it will be a happy one. I am determined to make it work so that the both of us are happy. I don't have much to offer you, but I'm sure we can create the life we want to have ... together.”

  He saw her reach out her hand toward him. Everything about her told him how much she wanted to come closer to him.

  “You want to hold me?” he asked.

  “Yes. You have no idea how much.”

  He stood up from the bed and looked straight at her, but he didn't move closer. It made her lower her hand.

  “It won't be easy, Avril, even if the bond is in place. I have so many issues because of my damaged program. Are you really ready for that?”

  “Yes. I want to stand by your side and help you through it all. I have never abandoned you, and I never will. I am here because I love you and because I would do anything to see you well again.”

  He saw the seriousness in her eyes and his trust for her grew stronger. He became more and more certain of that Avril knew what she was doing and that she didn't believe in a fairy tale between them.

  It was funny, but he was actually considering binding himself to her. Things had changed fast during the day. Yesterday, he had been sure it would never happen even if he had found her appealing. Today, he yearned for her. He wanted to rest in her arms. He wanted to close his eyes, lean his head against her chest, and just listen to the sounds of her heartbeat. He would find most healing there, in her embrace, than anywhere else. It would bring him calmness, it would bring him peace. He could feel it, so why was he still hesitating?

  He had no idea how to answer the things she had just said, so he just nodded. Too many emotions lived inside of him. He wanted to just approach her, grab her hand, and initiate the bonding process, but at the same time, he wanted to stand here, away from her. After all, he had a duty to the Fighters. Nightmare needed him. Not many of the Fighters were suitable for the things that Nightmare needed help with. Hunter was one of them, and he had information that could be fatal for the Fighters.

  But he was so tired .... just so damn tired ...

  Twenty years had passed since Sara's death. He had been with the Fighters most of that time. He had seen a lot. He had experienced a lot. He had become a close friend to many of them, and he had helped many of the new ones to adapt, just like Nightmare had helped him. But the thing he could remember the most was the pain and the suffering, mostly emotional suffering caused by the broken bond. Avril could take all that away. She could give him a chance for a good life again. It wouldn't be easy, but he knew that things would become better. No more fighting, no more robbing places for sustenance. No more kil
ling, or having to watch other Fighters lose it. No more having to watch them being terminated.

  Avril loved him. That thought alone brought him some calmness while the thought of returning to the Fighters filled him with stress.

  He took a step closer to her. That made her tense and insecurity filled her eyes. It was an insecurity he felt himself. It was as if two sides of him struggled. He wasn't sure yet, but considering his options, this was the best one.

  Getting him out would be difficult for Nightmare. With Silver it had all been planned, arranged. With him, nothing was planned. He hadn't been able to escape after Nightmare, Edge, Heaven, and himself had been brought out of the house to be taken to MedAct. Nightmare had tried to remove Shade's bond to Phoebe. Hunter hadn't liked it but had agreed to go through with it for the greater good. Unfortunately, it hadn't worked. He had no idea if Shade was still alive or not, but he had seen the cyborg struggle and he had seen how it had affected him. It hadn't gone in the right direction.

  “Hunter,” he heard Avril say, bringing him back to the present.

  He met her gaze and gave her a gentle smile. He was calm now. He didn't feel like wanting to hit the wall again, but there was a gaping, emotional hole inside of his chest, and it only grew bigger.

  “You don't have to decide now,” she said. “We have all the time in the world.”

  “And what if I, in the end, tell you “no”? Will you be able to let me go?”

  He saw her bite her lips and clench her fists. She was fighting with herself. That told him how much she really wanted him. He saw the desire in her eyes, the need to go to him radiated through her whole being.

  “Yes, I will let you go if that is what you decide.” Her words didn't come easy, but she was ready to sacrifice her happiness for his. She wouldn't force him into a bond, and that made him want to go to her even more.

  He knew what awaited him if he told her no. If he didn't manage to escape, MedAct would transfer him somewhere. They said it was a place where cyborgs like him could live in peace, but he wouldn't have any communication with the outside world. All Fighters feared that place. They doubted it even existed. It sounded more like they would be taken to their execution because there was no information to be found about that place. It didn't even have a name.

  “But you don't want to let me go, do you?”

  “No, never.” Her voice was almost a whisper.

  There was a knock on the door, and Hunter felt his anger return instantly. Whoever had knocked didn't wait. Instead, the door was opened, and a second later, Jade entered. To his surprise, she seemed angry too. No, she looked furious. Considering how unstable he was right now, that was the last emotion she should show in front of him if she wanted him to co-operate. He tensed and prepared for a fight.

  Jade stopped in front of Avril and looked her in the eyes before she looked at him. “We have a situation.”


  Avril didn't like the seriousness in Jade's voice. “What kind of situation?”

  Jade held a tablet in her hands. Hunter slowly came closer with narrowed eyes. His suspicion was impossible to miss.

  “We have received a video from Nightmare and I need you two to watch it,” Jade said and switched the tablet on. “He demanded that we get back to him within an hour after viewing it.”

  Avril knew who Nightmare was. There probably wasn't anyone out there who didn't know who he was. She had seen him several times in media. He was that dark, handsome cyborg with a scar on his throat that everyone feared. He was the Fighters' leader, and he was also the most intimidating cyborg she had ever seen. Hopefully, she would never need to come face to face with him.

  Jade pushed a few digital buttons on the screen and a holographic image rose from the tablet. It was a video that instantly started to play. At first, Avril wasn't sure what she was looking at, but it was showing the inside of a big room. On the floor sat five small children pressed together with two women who wore terrified facial expressions. They hugged the children to them and some of the bigger children were crying. Something told Avril that whatever was going to come out of this was not a good thing.

  The camera moved around in the room, taking in the children and the adults while spotting Fighters dressed in black and with huge rifles in their hands, rifles that were pointed at the children and the women.

  And then Nightmare came into view ...

  Avril gasped and even if he wasn't in the same room as she, he still had an intimidating effect on her. She had never seen so much anger and determination in someone's eyes before.

  For a short moment, he just stared into the camera. It sent cold chills down Avril's spine. She noticed that Jade looked troubled, and when she looked at Hunter, she expected to see anticipation or some kind of positive feeling in his features, but she didn't. To her surprise, Avril saw sadness in Hunter's eyes.

  “I doubt I need any introduction,” Nightmare said, “and I think you also know why I am contacting you. You are holding one of my men in custody, and I want him back. I'm sure you know who I am talking about.” Nightmare took a step away from the camera and pointed at the children and the two adults. “I hate doing this, but you give me no choice. You either release Hunter within the hour from when you see this video, or I will silence them all for good.” He looked into the camera again, standing closer than before. Darkness and death were in his eyes. “Do I make myself clear? I am waiting for your reply.”

  A phone number showed up in the video for a few seconds before the holographic image disappeared.

  Silence filled the room and all Avril could hear were her own hectic breaths.

  “Oh, my God,” she gasped.

  Jade sighed and lowered the tablet. “I honestly never believed that he would sink this low. He has done a lot of crazy and stupid things in the past, but he has never hurt innocent people before. Either he is bluffing, or something has snapped in his head.”

  “He wants me back,” Hunter said.

  Those words hurt like hell in Avril's heart. All her hope for a future with Hunter went out the window. It had all been in vain. Hunter would never be hers. She was sure that he would never choose her now.

  “He does,” Jade said, “but I am surprised by how far he is willing to go to get you back. You must be special to him.”

  Hunter didn't answer.

  “We have had plenty of Fighters in our custody that Nightmare didn't even raise a finger to get back. So why is he ready to kill innocent children to get you back?”

  Hunter remained silent.

  “Time is running out, Hunter. It's been twenty minutes since the other doctors and I watched this video for the first time. We have barely forty minutes to call him back.”

  Hunter finally sighed. “If you want that information, you will have to drill it out of me.”

  Frustration shone in Jade's eyes. “You know, sometimes I really hate the rule that forbids me to do anything to you.”

  Hunter's gaze narrowed. “So you are no better than Nightmare.”

  Jade raised a warning finger. “Don't ever compare me to him. Just because I say that rule pisses me off, it doesn't mean I don't think it is a good rule.”

  He snorted. “Whatever.”

  Avril felt her chin tremble. “What do you intend to do?”

  Jade took a deep breath. “I don't think there is much we can do. Maybe Nightmare is faking it, but at the same time, maybe he is not. If he wants Hunter back, then I will give him Hunter. I am not going to let innocent children die just because I want to keep a Fighter. I am not going to risk it. I hope you understand, Avril.”

  It felt like her heart broke into a thousand pieces. Tears gathered in her eyes. Now it wasn't just her chin that was trembling. It felt like her whole body was trembling. Her knees were weak. Her head spun and the headache wasn't far away. She wanted to scream, she wanted to let the world know how much it hurt to lose him again, but she remained still as she dried her tears away.

  Avril nodded and so
bbed. “I understand.”

  She didn't want to look up at Hunter, but couldn't stop herself. She saw sympathy in his eyes. She wished she hadn't seen it. That was the last thing she wanted from him. It only made her feel worse.

  “I will call him and put an end to this,” Jade said before she turned to Hunter. “You will be free soon. You must be thrilled.” She spoke her words without a single sign of amusement.

  Hunter didn't answer.

  Avril had no idea what went on inside his mind. He just stood still and watched her and Jade, his gaze went slowly between them before he looked down and wrinkled his forehead. She watched him tense his fists before he relaxed them. He didn't seem happy with the news that he would be released soon. She couldn't help but wonder why. Maybe he hadn't expected it.

  Avril saw her happiness fade away with each digital button that Jade pressed as she pushed in the phone number that Nightmare had left in the video. For a short while, there was nothing else heard but the dial signal. On the fourth signal, Nightmare answered and a holographic image of his face rose from the tablet. His eyes were cold, his expression filled with anger, and when his gaze set on Jade, his anger seemed to grow.

  “Well, you took your time,” Jade snorted. “I was starting to think that you didn't miss Hunter that much after all since you allowed four signals to go by before you picked up.”

  “And you sure called fast,” Nightmare said. “You must want me bad.”

  Jade's gaze darkened. “Yeah, locked away and tied down.”

  Nightmare gave her an evil grin. “I didn't know you had such wicked dreams about me, Jade. Keep dreaming, and who knows, maybe one day, they will come true.”

  Jade looked taken aback for a second. “If you want to keep your body parts where they are, you better make sure that never comes true.”


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