Crouching Vegan, Hidden Werewolf

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Crouching Vegan, Hidden Werewolf Page 1

by Sean Michael

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  Amber Quill Press, LLC

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  Crouching Vegan, Hidden Werewolf

  An Amber Quill Press Book

  This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author's imagination, or have been used fictitiously.

  Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

  Amber Quill Press, LLC

  All rights reserved.

  No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts used for the purposes of review.

  Copyright © 2014 by Sean Michael

  ISBN 978-1-61124-542-4

  Cover Art © 2014 Trace Edward Zaber

  Published in the United States of America

  Also by Sean Michael

  Art And Snowflakes

  Carved In Wood

  Digging For Gold

  Dirty Kisses

  Full Disclosure

  The Good Life

  Office Hours

  Revving It Up


  Working It Out

  Chapter 1

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  Dark was new to town and he was doing what he always did when he first arrived somewhere. He was wandering the streets, leaning the sights and smells and sounds. There was a lot of green space here and he liked that. It appealed to the animal side of him. He also liked that this town was surrounded on three sides by woods. It would give him a lot of choices.

  He wasn't sure how long he'd been wandering, but his stomach started growling, warning him that food would be a good thing. Something caught his nose, the scent of spices making his mouth water. Following those smells, he turned a corner and saw the word "Werewolf" out of the corner of his eyes. No way. There was not a restaurant called Werewolf. It had to be a sign.

  He headed for the place, the rest of the name slowly coming into view. He stopped cold, not quite able to believe his eyes.

  The Vegan Werewolf.

  No way. No fucking way. Werewolves were a lot of things, but vegan was definitely not one of them. Growling under his breath, Dark headed for the front door. This just wasn't right.

  He walked in and was assaulted by the best smells ever. Like really, truly the best ever. How was that even possible?

  The tiny place was packed, waiters bringing out plates of amazing looking and even better smelling food. Glasses clinked, silverware clattered and the chatter was low and pleasant.

  He went back out and checked the name on the sign. It still said The Vegan Werewolf. Unbelievable.

  He went in again.

  A pretty little twink beamed at him. "Good evening, sir. Do you have a reservation?"

  "No, I do not. Is this really a vegan restaurant?" There was no way those fabulous smells came from anything vegan. It was impossible.

  The waiter's smile never faltered. "It is. Would you like a table, sir? I do have one."

  Dark frowned. "Yes." He was starving and whatever it was that had just walked by smelled amazing. Besides, there was no law saying that he had to like the food he ate. Because if it was vegan, he wasn't going to like it. No matter how good it smelled.

  "Excellent, please follow me." He was led to a table for two. The tablecloth was clean, the flowers were fresh. He wanted to be able to growl, but it was nice. He couldn't find a single reason to complain. Apart from the vegan-ness and that had been advertised up front.

  "Would you like to hear the specials of the day?"

  Did he? He took in a deep breath and pointed to a table catty-corner from his. "I want that." It was the best smelling thing in the place and that was saying something, given how good everything smelled.

  "Ah. The navrattan korma with pakoras. Excellent choice. One of our best sellers."

  His eyes narrowed. "What's a navrattan when it's at home?"

  The twink chuckled. "Cauliflower, potatoes, and seven other vegetables in a cashew and tomato and cream sauce."

  There wasn't any meat in that. Like even remotely. Yeah, yeah, he'd been told vegan, he'd read it on the sign, he knew the definition of the word. Still. Who didn't eat meat, like ever? "And the pak... pakka... other thing?"

  "Vegetables coated in chickpea flour and fried. They're amazing."

  Well, they smelled good. Which was a neat trick, given they were fucking vegetables. "Okay. That." He could go out for a steak later. He'd passed lots of places that served it.

  "Yes, sir. Would you like a wine and beer list?"

  "Just give me whatever dark ale you've got on tap." He started at waiter, daring the little twink to tell him they didn't have beer on tap. It would figure that a frou-frou vegan place like this probably didn't.

  "Yes, sir. Would you like water as well?"

  Huh, color him surprised. "Sure." Fuck him if the smells weren't making him fucking drool. "You got breadsticks or something?"

  "Absolutely! I'll grab a bread basket."

  Man, did they only hire perpetually happy twinks here? Maybe what he really needed was whatever this guy was on.

  The bread basket was placed on his table--no butter, of course--and he had to admit, it was tasty, especially with the dipping oil. There were little green things floating in it. Herbs, he guessed.

  He felt a little bit better for the food, and when a beer was put in front of him that took the edge off even more. Maybe he'd just been hungry. Still. There was no such thing as a vegan werewolf. That had nothing to do with whether or not his tummy was growling. They just didn't exist.

  The main course arrived in short order and he dug in, the flavors amazing--creamy and spicy and rich and crispy and filling. The food was rather stunning, in fact.

  There was no way this was vegan, no way.

  Except for the fact that he couldn't find any meat in it. He knew there wasn't any. He'd looked, quite thoroughly.

  Shit, it was good without the meat. Probably one of the best meals he'd ever eaten. He couldn't quite believe his own taste buds.

  When he was done, he sat back with a satisfied sigh. That had been amazing. Damn it.

  His beer was refilled, a dessert menu and coffee offered. The service was impeccable. The food was out of this world.

  "I'll have the flourless chocolate cake." This he had to try. No flour either? What was left?

  "Absolutely. Coffee?"

  "No, thanks." The stuff made him crazy. He figured it was the caffeine. Didn't mean he didn't drink it, but he was already feeling like he'd entered crazy-town and he didn't need to add to it.

  Another man, a beautiful, lean redhead, brought him his dessert. "Good evening, sir. Did you enjoy your meal?"

  Now this man he could make a meal of. He licked his lips. "Surprisingly, yes."

  "Your first vegan restaurant? It's been very popular since I opened it."

  His eyes narrowed. So this was the head vegan. "So you're the one responsible for the ridiculous name then, are you?"

  Bright green eyes met his, surprise sliding into icy arrogance. "I suppose I am to blame, yes."

  "You do know that werewolves are carnivores, right? Big time meat eaters." He was proof of that.

  "I've heard that. Ironic, hmm? I do hope you enjoyed your food."

  "It was good," Dark offered grudgingly. "Ironic, huh?" People did that? Named things ironically?

; "Indeed. It's clever, memorable, and my food is good enough for a carnivore to eat."

  That surprised a laugh out of him.

  One eyebrow lifted, and he got a wink, then the man was off, touching tables, making conversation as the place emptied.

  Dark tried the cake and he'd be damned if it wasn't as amazing as the rest of his meal.

  Of course, now that his stomach was full, other hungers were making themselves known and he had his eye on Mr. Ironic. The man was sex on a stick, even if he was a little skinny, a little lean. Probably from all that veganism. Dark gave a rough chuckle at that.

  Those bright eyes glanced back at him, then ignored him.

  He could totally tag that ass. He took his time with his dessert as the place began to clear out, anticipating doing exactly that. He just needed a little less...veganism around to make his play.

  He was given the bill, offered a warm smile by his little cheery server. "Can we get you anything else, sir?"

  "I'll have another beer, please." He could make that last until the place shut down.

  "Absolutely." The sounds of cleaning were beginning to sound in the kitchen, along with laughter and reggae music.

  He paid his bill when it was brought with his beer and sat back, relaxing, letting the various smells wash over him. The place was clean, cherry. It was a little surreal, really.

  Mr. Hot Owner came out, wearing a pair of jeans and a heavy sweater. "I'm going to grab a cup of coffee down on Washington and work on paperwork, guys. See you tomorrow."

  "See you, Erik!"

  Erik. He had a name now.

  Dark downed the rest of his beer and got up, slipping out of the restaurant to follow his prey down the street.

  Erik moved easily, unafraid. He was obviously well known, people waving to him, chatting with him on the street. The coffee shop was one Dark hadn't seen while he'd been cruising the streets earlier. Mojos. The scent of paranormal beings was everywhere.

  It made his hackles rise when several pairs of eyes turned to check out Erik. He was tapping that tonight. Him. No one else. He had to swallow his growl, though. He didn't want to start trouble. Well, maybe he wanted to start a little trouble.

  He caught up to Erik in the line and let his growl out, let Erik hear him, smell him.

  Erik stiffened, head tilting, and he turned, blinking. "Oh. Sorry, I thought I heard something."

  "Yeah, that would be me." He grinned, going more for friendly than toothy. Not his strong point, granted, but he was motivated.

  "Ah. Hey." Erik got to the barista and smiled. "Almond milk latte, please, with hazelnut."

  "Sure, Erik. How was dinner?" The guy behind the counter was too friendly in Dark's opinion.

  "Busy. Busy tonight. The kormas are still a hit."

  "I'll get that." Dark interrupted the conversation and passed a twenty to the barista.

  He got a surprised look, a smile. "Well, thank you."

  "You're welcome. A thank you for feeding me." He gave Erik another one of his best smiles before asking for a black coffee for himself. If he was going to be fucking Erik's brains out, a little caffeine high would not be a problem.

  "I'm glad you took a chance."

  God, Erik smelled spicy. Edible. Dark was going to pounce.

  "I always trust my nose." He licked his lips, got his change.

  "Thanks for the coffee. I appreciate it." Erik headed toward the back, and Dark growled at another male with a long, gray braid.


  The guy's eyes widened, but he backed away and Dark nodded. That was right.

  He sat across from Erik.

  "Would you like to sit down?" Those green eyes were twinkling.

  "I would like a lot more than that." He sprawled in his chair, smiling at the man.

  He got a surprised look. "You would? Recipes? Lessons in cutting carrots?"

  He snorted. Had it been that long since he'd flirted that he didn't know how to do it anymore? Or maybe too much vegan food clogged the brain cells and Erik was the one who hadn't picked up on his attempt at showing interest.

  "No, nothing like that."

  "No?" Erik chuckled softly. "Are you sure I'm batting for your team?"

  "I'm very sure." He looked Erik square in the face. "Take me back to your place and I'll fuck you blind."

  "I..." Erik blinked at him, eyes wide. "You will? Goodness."

  "Oh, it'll be good. It'll be amazing." He wasn't bragging, it was simple fact--he was great in the sack. He could do things to this human that would blow Erik's mind.

  "Confidence isn't your problem, is it?"

  "I don't believe in false modesty."

  "Or in slow build up, hmm?" Erik chuckled softly, looking him over, then winked, obviously playing with him. "I'm sorry, but you're not my type. I try to avoid eating animals."

  "You've got it backward, baby--I'm going to eat you up."

  He could smell Erik's arousal. It was like a drug in his nose and he inhaled deeply, even as Erik took a long drink from his coffee.

  Dark's prick pressed hard against his zipper. He took a small sip of his coffee, eyes watching every move Erik made.

  "What do you do..." Erik stopped, head tilting. "I don't even know your name."

  "I'm Dark."

  "Dark? That is a fabulous name. Honestly."

  "Thank you." It was short for Darkon, really, but he liked Dark a whole lot better.

  "So, what do you do, Dark?"

  "Private security." He could work anywhere, pick up and move whenever he wanted--like he'd just done. It left him open for anything and kept him from getting into too much trouble.

  "Oh, I imagine that's exciting."

  "It has its moments. None like this, mind you." He licked his lips and grinned.

  A corner of Erik's lips quirked. "Flirt."

  Finally, he was doing it right. "So take me home." He grinned even wider. "After all, you've already fed me dinner."

  "What if you're an axe murderer?"

  "No way an axe murderer would eat vegan." Of course just a few hours ago he would have said no way a werewolf would eat vegan and yet here he was, stomach full of vegan food.

  "Then I guess you're safe from me, too." Erik's laugh warmed and one toe nudged his foot.

  He chuckled, played footsie with Erik.

  Erik relaxed, beginning to flirt back. "So, be honest, why did you come to the restaurant tonight?"

  "The food smelled incredible." He could be honest.

  The look he got from Erik proved that it was the perfect thing to say. "Thank you."

  "It lived up to the smell, too. Even if it was vegan." He winked at the chef.

  "Veganism is the way to go. It's a whole lifestyle. I've been vegan for ten years." The words were so fucking self-righteous, but the tone wasn't, the expression wasn't.

  "I need meat." He was a werewolf, after all. He leaned in, gave Erik another smile, deliberately letting his teeth show a little in this one. "I want your meat."

  The air crackled with electricity again, buzzing and burning between them.

  Making the first move, Dark stood, staring at Erik the entire time. He could smell the need between them, hot and heavy and all fucking male. Erik followed him, gaze caught, watching closely.

  They got out onto the street and Dark wasn't quite sure how they'd managed not to leave the coffee shop burned to a crisp behind them.

  "Take me home." The words growled out of him, part order, part plea.

  "I'm just up the street." Erik started moving and Dark followed that tight little ass like he was attached to it by a leash.

  It was nighttime, but that didn't bother him. He could deal with anything that might bother them on the street. It was all he could do to keep from pouncing Erik here and now, though. Just a little farther, he kept telling himself.

  They made it to a small apartment building with a courtyard. Erik jogged up the stairs, giving Dark a look at that fine ass.

  Mine. The thought was sure, pure, and rig
ht there.

  As soon as Erik had the door open, Dark pushed the man through it and up against the wall, growling a little as he latched onto Erik's mouth. If he hadn't known better, he would swear that Erik growled back, but the tiny sound was lost in the push and drag of their tongues.

  His hands found Erik's hips and he tugged even as he pushed with his own hips, slapping them together hard. He could feel Erik's answering arousal, the eager cock drilling against his thigh.

  He wanted Erik here and now, up against the wall just like this. He hadn't been this turned on in a long time.

  Dammit, why did everyone insist on so many clothes?

  Growling again, he started tearing at Erik's, using his strength to rip the fibers apart. The light sweater was easy and luckily for the jeans, he got distracted by Erik's pretty muscles.

  "Careful!" The man was covered in ink--black and gray designs covering the sweet body.

  "Look at you." He ran his fingers over the permanent marks, then his tongue.

  Pack. Erik tasted, weirdly, like Pack. He nuzzled in, rumbling softly, searching for more of that scent. He nibbled at Erik's right underarm, teeth dragging through hair and along skin.

  "Fuck. Stings!" The words didn't sound like a complaint, though.

  He moved to do the same thing to the other armpit, his fingers plucking at Erik's nipples. Tiny and hard, they fascinated him. Completely distracted by them, he moved to take the right one in his mouth, his teeth threatening.

  "No biting." Erik's entire body shook, shuddered. "No biting."

  He bit that sweet little tit.

  A sharp cry split the air and Erik arched, body surprisingly strong, slapping against him. No biting, his ass.

  He grabbed Erik's hips, slamming them back against the wall.

  "I said no." Erik snarled low, body rippling, and for a second, a heartbeat, those green eyes glowed gold.

  A fucking werewolf.

  No fucking way.

  Snarling, he brought their mouths crashing together. Erik fought him, fingers tangled in his hair as the man climbed his body. Grabbing Erik's ass, he picked the man up and backed up, heading deeper into the apartment.


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