The Wild Interview

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The Wild Interview Page 8

by K. A Knight

I head straight to my office and log onto my computer, groaning at the barrage of emails that comes through after being off for the weekend.

  “You alright, Boss Lady?” Liam’s voice calls from the doorway and I look up at him with a fond smile. I can’t help it, somewhere along the way these guys have slipped into my heart. No, not even slipped. They smashed their way in with those cheeky smiles and caring ways.

  “Yeah, I’ll be through in a moment.” He hesitates, looking concerned, and I smile wider at him. “Go! It’s nothing to worry about,” I reassure him and laugh as he pulls a face at me.

  Looking at my trusty clipboard, I examine today’s list of tasks. We still have a lot to do if we are going to be ready for touring in three weeks, but we’re getting there. I smile as I think about all the hard work everyone has put in, not just my guys, but the stage crew and Mark have really worked hard too. I need to make sure I pay them all a visit today, so I add it to my list. Pushing away from my desk, clipboard at the ready, I head to the studio space. Time to try convincing some strippers to be less touchy-feely at work.

  “You don’t want us touching you?” Damon frowns at me, his expression confused, but his tone is hurt. I look around at the guys and they all look hurt. Kingston won’t even look at me, staring at the floor with a dejected expression, obviously remembering how last night I slept in his arms. Shit. Well, except for Blake, who just has his standard fuck off expression on. Sighing, I rub my hand over my face, dropping my professional persona so they can just see Gabby, and not their manager for a moment.

  “Guys, you know I don’t mean it like that. I have no problem with you touching me. But at work, we have to be more professional. I’m already crossing boundaries by staying with you, can you imagine what everyone would say if they saw us acting like we did last night? We know nothing is going on, but others won't, they will make assumptions, and that could get us into a lot of trouble. The board already questioned me about my gender being an issue, let’s not give them any reason to worry,” I explain, because I need them to understand what is at stake here, what we could all lose if someone questioned our integrity. I’ve already lost my relationship with my parents and my home for this job, I refuse to let those losses be in vain.

  Emmett sighs and looks around at the guys. “Look Gabs. We’re a touchy-feely bunch, it comes with being part of the family and we don’t really have any boundaries. You can’t when you’re naked with each other all the time. We just automatically let you slip into that family vibe. If you don’t want us touching you we won’t, or if you’re uncomfortable then just tell us and we’ll stop, but it will look strange if we aren't hugging you and teasing you. It’s who we are, but you want the board to think you fit in, so we will try and rein it back a bit at work. Sound fair?” he asks, looking at the guys who have perked up a bit.

  I nod and Liam grins while Blake rolls his eyes. “Great, can we get on with our actual jobs then?” he sneers, and I stick my tongue out at him before clearing my throat and putting back on my ‘Boss Lady’ mask, as Liam calls it.

  “Nice clipboard,” Damon says with a laugh and I narrow my eyes at him.

  “Insult the clipboard again and I will hit you with it,” I threaten, meaning every word, clutching it to my chest protectively.

  “Kinky,” Kingston teases and I ignore him, even as I have to bite my lip to stop my smile from forming.

  “What’s on it anyway?” Liam asks as he tries to peek over my shoulder to see what I’ve written on it. I make sure to keep it hidden from them, not that there is anything on there they shouldn’t see, but I’m not going to tell them that.

  “My plans for world domination,” I reply over my shoulder as I walk out of the studio space. When I reach the door, I turn to see them all looking at me with various amused expression on their faces. “Shouldn’t you be warming up?” I scold in my serious voice, before grinning and leaving them to it.

  “Boss Lady is back,” one of the guys mutters as I walk away, making me laugh as I head back to my office.

  The rest of the day runs smoothly, rehearsals with the guys are going well, the stage crew has been busy sorting out the changes I suggested, and the new props and equipment has arrived, ready for the guys to start rehearsing with.

  I can’t help but laugh when I realise the guys have found a way to flirt and tease me without being caught, it also makes my heart warm that they are listening to me, and trying to respect my wishes. Another text pings in the group chat as I finish my conversation with the stagehand, and I hide my phone behind the clipboard. I open the chat to see a picture from Liam, with him and Leo kissing the camera. I snort and cover it with a cough when I get strange looks. Narrowing my eyes at the stagehands when they stop their work, they soon jump and get back to it.

  I decide to get my own back, I sneak down to the rehearsal space while they’re busy and don’t notice me. Grabbing my phone, I take some pictures and zoom in while the guys are pulling funny faces. Sneaking out again so they don’t catch me, I upload them to the chat, giggling to myself as I lean against the wall. My work phone goes off, alerting me to an email, and I slip mine in my pocket and get back to work, still grinning.

  “It’s nice to see you smiling,” a voice calls out and I nearly crap myself. Clutching my clipboard to my chest and juggling the phone I just threw in the air, I look around and see that the voice was Mark. “Sorry sweetness, didn’t mean to startle you,” he says with a kind smile and I chuckle to myself. I need to get a grip, here I am sneaking around, sending texts like a naughty schoolgirl. My phone vibrates in my pocket but I ignore it.

  “Don’t worry about it Mark, how are you getting on?” I ask, and my smile is genuine, even as my phone keeps vibrating from the mass of messages coming into the group chat. I really like Mark, I haven't had the chance to get to know him well yet, but I think we could be friends.

  “Good, thanks, sweetness.” He seems to hesitate and I pocket my work phone and straighten from the wall.

  “Want to grab a coffee?” I inquire and he nods. I invite him into my office and start making us both a drink from the coffee maker I installed in the room. After getting rid of the piece of crap computer that had been in here, buying a coffee machine had been my second essential job.

  “How are those boys treating you?” he asks and I nearly choke on my coffee. “Woah, you okay?” He leans forward and pats me on the back.

  I sputter and choke until I can breathe normally, while wiping the tears from the corner of my eyes. I nod and sit down in my chair as he grabs the other, watching me with a worried frown. “I’m okay,” I lie, downing a sip, trying to stop the red spreading across my cheeks. Fucking hell, why is my mind so dirty?

  “They are, we seem to have come to a truce,” I admit, finally answering his question as I smile at him. Good, see Gabby? You can do this. Just stick to the truth. Just not the whole truth.

  He leans back in his chair, and it creaks with the movement as he crosses his legs and leans the coffee on his knee. “I’d say, they seem quite taken with you now.” His eyes twinkle and I force an innocent expression on my face.

  “I don’t know what you mean,” I tease, raising the mug to hide my smirking lips.

  “Sure ya don’t. Look kid, I’ve known these guys a long time. I know every dirty secret and I’ve been through all the drama and managers with them. I really hope this works out because you’re changing them. They listen to you, and you see them as more than just naked men to sell.”

  My mouth drops open and I bang down the mug. “That’s what the other managers thought?” I fume, angry on their behalf. No wonder they didn’t want to like me when they had been treated like that. I had assumed, from some of their comments, that they hadn’t seen eye to eye but I hadn’t known it was that bad.

  Mark nods, eyeing my reaction with a strange smile. “Yep, some even used their position to try and... get what they didn’t want to give, if you know what I mean.” I gape at him and he sighs. “Look, I’m only tell
ing you this because I love those boys like they’re my own, and kid, you look like you could use someone in your corner. Whatever you need, even if it’s just to rant at someone, I just wanted to let you know I’m here.”

  I grin, my heart lightening at his words. I see the truth in his eyes and he’s so genuine that I find the words slipping out. “Are they always so... forward?” I ask hesitantly, worried I’ve crossed a line or given something away.

  Mark takes a sip and seems to think about my question. “Yes and no. They like to tease and they push boundaries, but they don’t let anyone, and I mean anyone, into their inner circle. Not even girlfriends, but I see that wavering with you. I don’t know if it’s because you’re a girl or you don’t put up with their shit, but they like you. Don’t hurt that or they will close up quicker than you can imagine.”

  I nod along, sipping my coffee. “Okay, thank you for the advice.”

  He grins and eyes me shyly. “Can I give you another bit of advice?” My phone vibrates in my pocket again, but I ignore it.


  “Don’t let a good thing pass you by cause you’re scared. I’m an old man, I’ve made all the mistakes and trust me, nothing is worse than regret. You will regret the things you didn’t do, not what you did, even if it goes wrong.”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” I mutter, forcing myself not to fidget as he eyes me.

  “Yes, you do.” He turns serious. “I don’t judge, they’re healthy boys and you are a beautiful young girl. Just don’t hold yourself back because of fear. Anyway, that’s just an old man’s bit of advice.” He smiles and downs his cup before placing it on my desk. “I better get back to work, I’ve heard the new boss is a real slave driver.” He winks and leaves me to my thoughts.

  Shit, am I really that obvious? I sigh, I don’t think so, maybe he just notices more than others. I mull over what he said, lucky it was Mark who noticed and no one else, I doubt that the others would be so accepting of what I have with the guys. My phone goes off again, interrupting my brooding and I pull it from my pocket to see the messages in the group chat.

  Blake: Please, god. Save me from these idiots Gabby.

  It’s the last message and it makes me laugh as I scroll back through the others to see them winding Blake up. Shaking my head, I type out a response.

  Boss Lady AKA Angel: Be good or I’ll come up there and use the clipboard.

  I wait and grin when a message comes back instantaneously.

  Liam: Kinky, I like it, but okay. See you at lunch Angel ;)

  Shaking my head, I put the phone in my drawer and open my laptop, ready to get to work.

  The rest of the day passes in a blur and I force myself to stop checking the group text, Mark’s words still lingering in my mind. I even work through lunch, ignoring the phone calls and messages I feel vibrating the desk, but I need some space to think through everything, and I do have a lot of work to get done.

  I’m working through the tour date spreadsheet when my door bangs open, making me blink up at Kingston who stands in the doorway. He raises his eyebrow at me, but my mind is still on the numbers.

  “So, this is where you’re hiding?” He shuts the door and lounges in the chair opposite my desk, pulling me from my spreadsheet, which I look at sadly as I lean back.

  “Everything okay?” I ask, confused why he isn’t rehearsing.

  “I was going to ask you that.” He tilts his head when I look at him in confusion and he lets out a chuckle, which has me shivering in my seat. “It’s half six Gabs. Time to go home.”

  Is it? I look over at the clock to see he’s right. Shit, I’ve been working non-stop for six and a half hours. “Fuck, okay. Give me a minute and I’ll meet you upstairs, unless you need me to catch a cab back so you can leave?”

  “We can wait for you,” he assures me and makes no move to leave. I eye him, but quickly finish up my spreadsheet and close my laptop. I grab my phone to see twenty missed calls and over a hundred messages. I shake my head, rolling my eyes. I’m only down the corridor from them, but they have filled up my phone with messages. I do appreciate that they’re following my wishes about keeping up appearances at work. I drop it in my bag, determined to look through them later. Grabbing my coat, I stand up and squeeze around the desk.

  Kingston jumps up and grabs my bag, slinging it over his shoulder without a word. Shrugging into my jacket, I smile at him. “Suits you,” I tease.

  He grins, flashing me his pearly whites. “Matches my eyes.” I snort out a laugh as his face turns serious. Uncomfortable, I walk to the door but he holds it closed with a hand in the middle. “Gabs, are you okay? Did we do something?”

  I turn around to see he’s so close, I can smell him. Gulping I lean my back against the door and tilt my head back to meet his eyes. “I’m fine,” I admit lamely and he raises his eyebrow.

  “Even I know that means you’re not. Look, just tell us what we did and we can make it better.” He looks so worried that I sigh, my eyes locking on his chest.

  “Honestly, I’m okay, just had a busy day.” I can’t take my issues out on them, it’s not fair. I shake off the bad feeling and smile again, not wanting to push them away. I meet his eyes as he searches mine.

  “Okay.” He smiles and leans down, making me freeze. I even stop breathing as he moves close enough to kiss. His finger softly rubs under my eye and comes away with an eyelash, and he closes his eyes for a second before blowing it away. “You always have to make a wish.” With that, he steps back and I turn and yank open the door, trying to escape how disappointed I am that he didn’t kiss me. Keep it together Gabby.

  I meet the others upstairs, they all eye me before they look over at Kingston and have some sort of silent conversation. Rolling my eyes, I walk out the door and lock up. “Come on, I’m starving,” I complain and they all laugh, the tension breaking.

  That night we have Chinese takeaway and the guys are open-mouthed as they watch me demolish the same amount as them. They laugh and tease me, saying I’m secretly a guy, which is why they get on with me so well.

  Afterwards, I drift upstairs and run myself a bath, almost dancing in excitement. I haven’t got the chance to try it yet and I’m super excited. I even stole some bubble bath from one of the other bedrooms. Stripping down, I slip into the bubbly water and sigh in relaxation, leaning my head back against the towel pillow I made. This is the life. The tension starts to ease from my shoulders and I close my eyes in bliss.

  I’m floating there when I hear my bedroom door fly open. Rolling my eyes, I wait for them to bust in here, they really have no sense of privacy but it doesn’t really bother me, especially since the bubbles coat the surface of the water and they won’t see anything. On cue, the bathroom door flings open to show me an out of breath Liam and Leo. I arch my eyebrow, but they just dash inside and slam the door shut, leaning against it and listening. I don’t think they even noticed me.

  I clear my throat and they both spin, guilty smiles on their faces until they spot me in the tub, and then they turn red and wide-eyed. I don’t bother hiding, the bubbles cover everything important, but you would think I’m showing everything with the way they eye me.

  “Eyes up here,” I say around a snort and Leo’s snap to mine, filled with guilt and desire. I ignore that, not wanting to push the boundaries, but Liam continues to stare at me.

  “Damn, can I join?” he asks, pulling his shirt over his head and I laugh.

  “Not a chance, now who did you piss off and why are you hiding in my bathroom?” I question, leaning my head on the side of the tub, tendrils of my hair escaping my clip and blow into my face.

  They shuffle, grinning innocently, and I just look at them until one of them breaks. “Blake,” Leo admits, looking away before his eyes seem to be drawn back to me.

  “Whatcha do?” I ask, trying not to smile at their good boy acts.

  “Might have accidentally on purpose added salt to his coffee and put permanent marker around the rim.” Li
am grins before strutting over and sitting on the edge of the tub.

  I laugh, I can’t help it, and we share a smile. “You can take refuge in here, but if he comes in I will throw you under the bus,” I warn and they nod.

  “Deal,” they both say at the same time.

  We chat and joke around for at least an hour until the water goes cold and my fingers resemble prunes. You would have thought it would be awkward with two gorgeous guys in the bathroom with me while I’m stark naked, but it’s not. Sure, there are some heated looks from Liam and Leo, but I try to ignore them. Eventually I kick them out so I can get out of the tub. They moan and complain, but leave me in peace to get dressed.

  Later on, I’m lying on in bed staring at the ceiling, unable to sleep with the events of today running through my mind—namely Mark’s words. A soft knock sounds, making me sit up. Frowning because no one knocks, I shout out, “Come in!”

  Kingston shuffles in wearing only a smile and some tight black underwear. “Hey, sorry, but I can’t sleep and I saw your light on...” He trails off and looks nervous. I spot the book clutched in his hand and grin.

  Scooting across the bed, I pat the other side and he smiles before jumping on and getting comfy.

  “Whatcha reading?” I ask all cutesy and he smiles down at me.

  “Found a new werewolf book.” He shows me the cover and I smile.

  “Ooh, I love werewolves.” I wiggle into a sitting position and turn it over to read the blurb. “Sounds good, you started it yet?”

  “Nope, was going to tonight but… I just couldn’t,” he admits sheepishly. “Then I remembered what you said about wanting to borrow a book, so I brought it to you.”

  “Thank you,” I respond softly, turning it over in my hand. “Want to read it together?” I ask and he looks from me, to the book, before an amazing smile stretches across his face.

  “Yes!” he gushes and his cheeks tint adorably.


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