The Wild Interview

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The Wild Interview Page 17

by K. A Knight

  I nod and turn away, gesturing for the guys. They follow after me as I press for the elevator, my own exhaustion setting in as I realise we are nearly at the room. I do as the man instructed, and when we reach our room I swipe our key card. Pushing open the door, I search along the wall and place the key in the slot, immediately the lights come on, illuminating the room.

  It’s big, the room opens up into a living room, and includes three sofas facing a flat screen TV. A minibar and fridge are to the left when you first walk in, and three doors lead from the main room. No doubt the bedrooms.

  “Looks like we are sharing boys, or some of you can take the sofas if you want.” Dropping my bag on the floor, I shuck off my shoes and blazer, groaning at the feel of the soft carpet beneath my aching feet.

  “I’m sharing with Gabby!” several voices yell.

  Letting them decide, I take a random door on the left. Pushing it open I almost climax at the sight of the huge, white king-size bed in the middle of the room. It has a desk and chair, mirrors and a table, as well as two seats and a wardrobe. There’s another door leading off it, which I’m guessing leads to the bathroom. Ignoring it all, I jump on the bed and starfish. Fuck, my feet are killing me.

  “If only you were wearing a skirt right now,” Liam jokes. I flip him off without lifting my head and he laughs as he lays down next to me.

  Someone jumps onto the end of the bed and lifts my feet into their lap. I look over and stare at Kingston as he starts massaging the arches of my feet. Groaning, I lean back.

  “Damn, if that’s the sound you make with just his hands, wait until he touches you with his dick,” Liam teases.

  Kingston’s hands falter for a moment and I freeze, before relaxing back into the bed. It dips again and I turn to see Damon laying next to me. Blake is in the chair reading through a menu. Looking around, I frown when I can’t find Leo.

  “He’s calling Kelsey,” Blake comments, obviously noticing my look.

  I nod, leaning back again, but my shoulders slump in disappointment. I miss him when we aren’t all together. We sit there in comfortable silence for a while, with Kingston massaging my feet as the others relax, before Leo shuffles in. He looks frustrated, but I don’t want to call him out in front of the others, so I just pat the bed instead. He smiles at me sadly and curls up next to us.

  “Who wants food?” Blake asks.

  “Me!” we all shout, looking at each other we start giggling. Today has been amazing, I just hope tomorrow is as good.

  I changed and got ready for bed as they ordered food. It didn’t take long, so I had just finished laying my outfit out for tomorrow when there was a knock on the door. We all ate quickly and when we were finished, I crawled into my bed, flicking off the lights. To my surprise it was Liam and Blake who shared my bed, while the others shared the other rooms. Blake hadn’t seemed like someone who would share. I was too tired to comment though, so I just curled up in the middle of them and went to sleep.

  “Babe, get your phone,” Liam grumbles, turning over and borrowing back into the covers like an oversized burrito. Blinking the sleep from my eyes, I frown as the alarm sounds again. Grumbling myself, I crawl over Blake who’s still snoring softly, lying on his front with his arms under his pillow.

  Leaning over him, I search the floor to find my phone. He grunts as he wakes up from my weight spread across him. I grab it and slump back into the middle of the bed, silencing it. Laying back, I drop the phone on my chest. Blake turns over and stares at me, his face has a crease on it from the pillow and it’s adorable. Before he can moan, I snap a picture.

  “If you wanted nudes, Angel, you should have asked me,” Liam murmurs from my other side, still sounding half asleep.

  “Har har,” I joke, closing my eyes again. I set an early alarm so I could be up, showered, have emails checked, and be ready to go before the crew, but I’m finding that my motivation has moved to something else... That something wraps an arm around me and pulls me back down into the sheets, and I’m surrounded by warm male bodies. I could stay here all day, but with a groan I remember my responsibilities. I need to get up, and I certainly shouldn’t be snuggled up in bed with two of my employees…

  Sighing, I climb over Liam, slapping away his playful hands as they try to pull me back into bed. I have no doubt that if he was really trying, he could force me to stay, but he lets me pull away, knowing I need to get prepared for the day ahead.

  Walking to the bathroom, I grab some clothes as I go past my suitcase. I lock the bathroom door, knowing how the guys are with my privacy. I glance up at the large shower, large enough to fit at least four people inside, even guys as big as my guys outside... No Gabby, stop it, you can’t think about your employees naked in the shower. I bite down on my lip to stop the smile that’s trying to form there.

  Shrugging out of my nightclothes, I step into the shower. It has one of those large waterfall showerheads, and as the hot water blasts my skin, I can’t help the blissful sigh that leaves my lips. Rubbing the shampoo into my hair, I arch my back and enjoy the feeling of the hot water trickling down my body. My thoughts return to the guys in the other room. Remembering Liam’s body wrapped around me, and Blake’s hands and mouth teasing me earlier. Kingston’s dirty words from our story time echo in my head, and I find my hands caressing over my body, tweaking my nipples into hard points and slipping down to my core as I try to find relief from this pressure that’s building within me. Fucking strippers are going to be the death of me. Can you spontaneously combust from being turned on all the time?

  Well, I don’t want to find out. I should have brought Barney the purple dildo in here, but they would have definitely teased me about it. My mouth parts in a silent gasp as I circle my clit, my brain imagining someone else's hands touching me... more than one person’s. I bite my lip to try and stop the moan that leaves me, but it’s too late. A rattle at the door brings me out of my sex-fogged brain, and a door against the far wall, which I had assumed was a store cupboard, bursts open.

  “Gabs, you okay in there? I heard a noise—” Leo stops in his tracks as he runs his eyes over my naked body and to where my hands are currently between my legs, the glass shower door letting him see everything. It only makes me more crazy, my pussy pulsing even as I stare at him awkwardly. Kelsey, think of Kelsey Gabby. Yep, that does it.

  “Um,” he stutters. He has a nervous look in his eyes, like he knows he shouldn’t be looking, or enjoying what he’s seeing. But he is. That’s clear to see in the greedy way his eyes take me in, and the way his hands are balled into fists. His boxers tent at the front and I drag my eyes away, reminding myself of Kelsey. We both stand there in silence, neither of us moving, a growing need and desire building up between us.

  “Leo, why do you look like you’ve just seen a ghost?” Liam asks, as he saunters into the room. His mouth dropping in shock as he sees me and where my hands are, before turning up into a sultry grin. “If you wanted to go to pound town, Angel, all you needed to do is ask.”

  Holy tits on a cracker.

  “Do you mind? I was close to finishing, close your door on the way out.” I reply, trying to skate it off and not let them see my mortification from them seeing me have a bit of ‘me time.’ But then again, why should I be embarrassed? Liam chokes and Leo just stares at me open-mouthed.

  “You’ve got thirty seconds before I carry on,” I warn.

  They both look torn, but I look at Leo and he must be thinking the same thing—Kelsey. He grabs Liam and drags him out, slamming the door behind them. I can hear Liam bitching from behind the door, and I laugh before closing my eyes and putting my head under the water. Come on girl, get yourself together. I sigh, putting my forehead against the glass of the shower wall, there’s no way I’ll be able to finish now, not after that interruption. Bloody men.

  I finish showering and start drying off, sexual frustration making me feel crabby. I’m so going to hit one of them with my clipboard today. Pulling on my clothes, I look in the mi
rror as I brush out my hair, deciding to let it air dry this morning. I quickly brush my teeth and finger scrunch my hair. Although I’m tired, my skin is looking good. In fact, I haven't looked this healthy or happy in a long time, and I know it has something to do with the rowdy bunch of guys outside the bathroom door. Shaking my head, I take a deep breath and open the door. I arch my eyebrow as Damon and Liam scramble away, obviously sitting with their ear to the door. I glance around the room to see Blake lounging on the bed, Kingston in the chair, pretending to read, and Leo nowhere to be seen, neither is Emmett.

  “Who’s hungry?” I ask sweetly.

  “For you,” Kingston retorts and I wink at him, trying to stop myself from jumping him across the room.

  “Sorry, I’m not on the menu. Come on, let’s go get breakfast.” I sashay from the room, knocking on doors to get Emmett and Leo as I grab the keys from the table.

  We spend the rest of the day packing up and travelling to the next venue. We don’t have a show tonight, so we’re able to take our time a bit more without rushing, plus the journey is a bit longer and it gives us more time at the venue and to get prepared.

  I spend most of the journey at the table in the bus firing emails off, and making sure everything is ready for us in the next few venues, it always pays to be organised. The boys have been resting, tired from their first show. They will soon get into the routine of it, but for now, it’s taking a lot out of them, so I let them rest and don’t harass them about rehearsing as soon as we arrive at the venue.

  The guys’ social media account has blown up overnight with comments, tweets, and videos from last night’s show, and countless people are now trying to buy tickets for future shows. I received an email from the board this morning saying that if it carries on like this, the tour may very well be extended. They also congratulated me on a job well done, and they enjoyed my input in the show, telling me to add more if possible. Excitement builds up in me, but I haven't told the guys yet, I don’t want to get their hopes up in case it doesn’t happen.

  Clicking through the social media sites, I send off a few replies and post a picture of the guys from the show last night. I’m just about to log off when a message pings into my inbox.

  I told you to leave them alone.

  I frown and click on the account to see who it is. It’s another fake profile, but I’m pretty sure that it’s the same person who sent the creepy messages from before. Crazy fans. I shake my head and click to delete the message. Just as I do, another message pings through.

  I will be watching.

  Attached to the message is a picture. My heart drops a little as I see that it’s an image of the guys with their arms around me. It must have been backstage after the show. No fans should have been able to get back there. I shudder, feeling completely creeped out. I will need to have a word with security, also maybe with the crew. The thought that someone on my team could be sending them has me shivering. I trust them, we have spent countless hours with each other and we are more like a family than anything else.

  “Everything okay, Gabby?” Blake’s voice calls out, bringing my gaze snapping to his. I quickly delete the message, there’s no way I’m going to tell them about this, at least not yet. They will only worry. I can handle a few weird messages from crazed fans, it’s part of the job, right?

  “Fine,” I reply quickly with a smile, maybe too quickly.

  Blake narrows his eyes at me, obviously not believing me. He leans towards me, his gaze piercing, until he’s just a few inches away, and our lips are almost within touching distance. His eyes glare right into me, like he can see through my bullshit and plans to call me on it. He’s the only person who can ever seem to look at me like this, like he already knows the truth and is just waiting for me to realise it as well.

  “You wouldn’t be lying to me, would you?” His voice is quiet, but that doesn’t take away from the demanding, domineering tone. I raise my eyebrow at him, my top lip quirking up at one side.

  “I would never lie to you Blake, I told you that.” And technically it’s true, I’m fine, and I will deal with it. “Just some odd messages from your adoring fans.” I cave under his stare, giving him a watered down explanation. It seems to be enough, as he nods at me before leaning forward so his lips meet my ear.

  “Good, because lying is bad. And bad girls get punished. You wouldn't want to be a bad girl would you?” he whispers, his voice rough and sending heat straight to my core. Yes, please. Hell, I’ll even call him daddy... ew no wait, that’s weird! No Gabby, stop it. You are their manager, you’re in charge here, no time for daddy fantasies.

  “Is Blake giving you a hard time, Angel?” Liam asks, coming up behind me, as he slides a hand over my shoulder, jerking my thoughts out of the gutter... sort of. I would not be opposed to him giving me a hard time. Okay, shit, stop. God it’s getting weird in my mind, I need to get some dick and soon, before the puns take over.

  “Nothing I can’t handle,” I say, keeping my eyes locked with Blake's for a moment longer, before raising them up to Liam’s with a smile.

  He smirks knowingly and I roll my eyes before standing, needing a minute away from all of them. It can be overwhelming sometimes. Head up, I make my way to the bathroom. Closing the door behind me, I lean into the mirror and adjust my makeup, noticing the bags under my eyes. The door opens and my eyes widen at Liam. He shuts the door behind him and I expect his usual smile, but he watches me intently, his eyes filled with lust and something else.

  “Liam?” I question, my voice breathless.

  “You know, it seems everyone else has got to taste you apart from me. Really, Angel? That’s just mean.”

  I blink owlishly. “Erm, what?” Great communication skills Gabby.

  “You didn’t think they would tell the others? Blake hasn't shut up about it, Kingston hasn't said much, the smug bastard.” He looks frustrated and swallowing, I turn around. Of fucking course they would tell each other, they are ridiculously close. Stupid Gabby.

  “Liam, it’s not what it looks like—”

  “It looks like you want everyone else but me. Hell, I’ve even seen the looks between Leo and you,” he grumbles, striding towards me and pressing me into the sink. “Is that what it is, Angel? You don’t want me? Maybe they were right, I’m just a little lovesick puppy following you around.”

  My mouth drops. “Are you fucking serious?” I blurt out.

  His eyes narrow. “Do I look like I’m joking, Gabby?”

  The use of my real name has me flinching, he might be angry but I can see the hurt he’s trying to bury in his eyes. “You think I don’t want you?” I ask slowly, trying to understand so I don’t say something stupid.

  “That’s what it feels like. Tell me if I’m wrong or not. At least I’ll know where I stand. One minute you’re cuddling into my arms, wrapped around me so tight I don’t know where I end and you begin, and then the next you’re kissing everyone but me,” he demands, and I start to get pissed off.

  “Who I kiss isn’t your business unless I want it to be, and for your fucking information, Angel, I want you. I fucking want you all and it’s driving me crazy.” My voice gets louder as my chest rises and falls so fast, it looks like I’ve been running as I spit the words at him.

  His eyes widen and I freeze. Shit, did I just admit I like all of his brothers and him? Holy tits on a dick. I am so fired. “You like me?” he whispers, and I stare at him incredulously. That’s what he took from that?

  “Of course I like you, I can’t imagine going to sleep without you. Waking up without you zombie walking towards me, that fucking cheeky smile of yours that drives me crazy…” I trail off as a goofy smile splits his face. It’s not practised or flirtatious, it’s just pure happiness.

  “You like me,” he repeats, and I nod.

  “Okay,” he adds cheerfully, that crazy angry person he just was disappears within a second, and the normal Liam returns. I get bloody whiplash, wondering what the hell just happened.

nbsp; “Oh, and Angel? We don’t give a shit if you want all of us or one of us, we’re all just hoping we will be that one.” He swoops in and drops what I’m guessing is supposed to be a chaste kiss on my lips, but I open my mouth for him. He drives me crazy, they all do. It seems only fair I return the favour.

  He groans and pushes closer, my ass meeting the plastic sink as he traps me there, his hands digging into my hips as he pulls me to him, letting me feel his hardness pressed against my stomach.

  Reaching up, I grip his thick, wiry hair and yank his lips to mine. And I sweep my tongue into his mouth, tangling it with his as his hand comes up and cups my breast, squeezing through my shirt. Running my other hand under his shirt, I almost moan at the hard muscles under my fingers. His shivers as I explore all the dips and lines of his six-pack, rubbing against me as I drag my nails down his washboard stomach.

  I know the others are right outside this door, fuck, they could push the door open and catch us, the thought should make me stop but it only drives me wilder, and I devour his mouth desperately as he rubs my nipple through my shirt. It’s wrong, so fucking wrong. They are my employees, I’m their manager, but it doesn’t stop me from running my hand down to the waistband of his joggers. Fuck it.

  Slipping my hand inside, we both groan as my fingers meets nothing but silky hardness, he’s fucking commando. Of course.

  Wrapping my hand around him, I squeeze and he groans again, his hand gripping my breast hard. The grip borders on pain, but it’s amazing. Running my hand along his shaft I explore him, he’s long. Really fucking long, thinner than some I’ve felt before, but I’m betting he would hit spots deep inside of me that not many could. Rubbing my thighs together, I try to relieve some pressure as I flick my thumb over the tip of his already wet cock.


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