Losing You (Stars On Fire #4)

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Losing You (Stars On Fire #4) Page 8

by Ryleigh Andrews

  Playing with the passes around his neck, Marc continued to watch his friend, his concern for her only escalating. He needed this show over so he could talk to her, assess how she was really doing.

  At the beginning of the encore, Marc headed backstage. He wanted to be right there when the band got off stage.

  First off was Marty who high-fived him. “Marc!” he exclaimed and continued on. He pretty much got the same greeting from Todd. Clark gave him a look and gestured back to Mia who followed behind him.

  “Hi, baby girl,” he said to get her attention off the floor in front of her. Her eyes shot up and a smile tugged her lips.

  “Marc!” she exclaimed, racing over to hug him. Her hold on him was impressive for a tiny thing and he did his best to return it, knowing she needed it. “Come with me,” she said right before releasing him from her embrace. Mia grabbed his hand and led him through the arena to her dressing room.

  After they were shut in the room, Mia began shedding some of her ensemble. As she did, she talked to him. “So, I thought I’d be able to meet your Lizzie . . .” Mia began, walking into the little bathroom.

  Marc sat down on the sofa then replied. “Yeah. I had hoped for that too, but she had another work trip this weekend.”

  Mia’s head popped out from behind the door, her skin bared but the good stuff hidden by the door. She gave him a frown. “That sucks. I really wanted to meet this woman who has stolen your heart to make sure she’s good enough for my Marc,” she said with a smile. Then the water from the shower started.

  “Don’t worry, baby girl. You’ll always have a special place in my heart. No need for jealousy on your part.”

  Her bark of laughter had him grinning. “Give me five minutes,” she called out.

  When she came out, she was fully dressed and cleaned. “Come on,” she ordered, swiping her phone from her bag. They exited the dressing room and walked down to the green room where the loud cheer had him hurrying to enter.

  The room was packed and all eyes were on the large TV on the wall which was playing the UFL Championship game. Indy versus Phoenix.

  Marc looked from Mia whose eyes were locked on the screen to the TV which had Ethan’s smiling face as he ran to congratulate one of his receivers, back to Mia whose own smile had faded and her eyes full of tears.

  Spinning on her heels, Mia stalked off to the back of the room where a table had been set up with food and drinks. She beelined to the drink side, grabbed a red cup and a can of Coke along with the bottle of Jack Daniels. When Marc saw that, he hurried over to her. “Gonna split that Jack with me?”

  “Wasn’t planning on it,” she replied, pouring some of the soft drink into her cup.

  Frowning, he grabbed a beer and stayed by her side as she drained her drink. Mia violently shook her head as the alcohol hit her, then quickly made another. With that new drink in her hand, she moved over to a far wall and trained her eyes on the television.

  “So . . . it’s true,” he stated for her ears only.

  With a barely discernible nod, she addressed his statement. “Ethan and I have taken a break from our relationship,” she said, absently twirling the huge engagement ring on her finger.

  “But . . . that rock on your hand?”

  “I just don’t know. He and I are a mess. This past tour . . . it didn’t help things. It only created a huge divide between us. Right now, we’re both stuck, looking at the other from the opposite side, longing for each other, but nothing is being done to try to bridge the monstrous gap between us. I haven’t heard from him in a couple weeks. I . . .” she stopped, her thoughts pulling her from him. He let her have that moment to collect herself while he watched the Flash intercept a pass for a touchdown. The people in the room went nuts, cheering for Mia’s man and she took that moment to speak.

  “You know after the many times Luke left me, how I’d ask you to give me something to take away the pain?”

  “Yeah,” he replied, a little hesitant to where she was going with this. Marc wasn’t a fool—he knew what she was talking about, what she was hinting at. The sweet oblivion drugs could bring her. He knew because that’s what he’d been doing for years. Him and her, partners in that escape. And here she was again about to ask and he was unsure of what he should do.

  “I so want to ask you to do that for me right now. I want to forget it all. I don’t want to feel this. I ache for Ethan. It hurts so damn much, and the need for that salvation is huge. What I’ve done hasn’t been enough, and I’ve done a lot. But it doesn’t go away . . .”

  “Congratulations to the Indianapolis Flash, 2008 UFL Champions!”

  Mia heard the announcement and turned towards the TV. Ethan was on there, confetti falling from the stadium rafters as he put on the championship hat. As he spoke, the tears streamed down her face as she silently cried.

  “Mia—” Marc started, his heart breaking for his friend.

  She turned towards him and frowned before she spoke. “But I’m not. Though I will get drunk tonight. So if you don’t mind . . .”

  Mia turned and strode over to the liquor and Marc watched as this time she only poured the whiskey into her glass. After a long drink, she walked to Todd who took one look at her face and wrapped her in his arms, then led her away. Marc hoped between the four of them they’d be able to help see her through this because right now, he was very scared for her.


  April 3, 2008

  Tom had just finished a very big job with multiple pieces. Having delivered it yesterday evening, he was heading into work with no deadlines hanging over his head. Maybe he could just get inspired and work on pieces that he wanted to see made. His desk at work housed many designs he’d come up with over the years. And that thought had him excited to get to work that morning despite the fact that he had to park three blocks from his shop. The one downside of having a shop in trendy Bucktown.

  Adjusting his cap against the early spring wind and tucking his hands in his pockets, Tom hurried down the sidewalk. He paused when he thought he’d heard his name being called out. By a woman . . . who sounded so much like Mia.

  Turning around, he scanned the area and when he saw her standing about thirty feet behind him, coffee in hand, he almost couldn’t believe it—over two years since he’d laid eyes on her.

  “Mia?” he asked.

  She nodded her head then continued moving towards him.


  A gleeful smile transformed his mouth. She was here, he thought as he closed the distance between them. He needed to hug her.

  And he did, wrapping her slight body in his embrace.

  “Oh my God! It is you! Miss Bigtime!”

  She chuckled at that and made him even happier when she squeezed him tight. He missed the feel of her body up against his—the way her breasts pushed into him, the way the valley of her pelvis nestled his cock—the most perfect place to rest it. He shook his head—totally inappropriate thoughts right now.

  Taking a step back, he stared at her, his smile growing even bigger. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m a junkie,” she said, holding up her coffee cup. “I was on my way to the studio when the need for coffee overpowered the need to be on time.”

  Shit . . . he didn’t want her to leave. He needed more time with her . . . how . . . oh! “Do you have some time? My shop is just down the road . . .”

  “Of course I do!”

  With a thankful sigh, he grabbed her hand and gave her a slight tug before leading her to his shop. Since it was so loud with all the traffic whizzing by, Tom kept quiet as they made their way.

  He loved his shop and couldn’t wait to have Mia see it. Right around the time of her big break, he had relocated to something bigger, something light and airy to contrast with his many wood pieces, to showcase his work. It also had a workshop out back for him to actually create his designs instead of his garage.

  While he unlocked the massive double door, Mia stayed right by his side. She was close
and he loved it.

  As he led her down a short hallway to the main display room, he kept his eyes glued to Mia as she took it all in, her eyes shooting all over the space. Before he got entrenched with her, Tom needed to check his messages to make sure his clients from yesterday hadn’t called. Excusing himself, he headed to his office.

  Walking in, he saw the red light on the phone indicating voicemail and hurried to his desk. As he listened, Tom was grateful there were no issues and just messages about his work. After jotting down the names and numbers of the prospective clients, Tom lifted his eyes and spied Mia standing in the doorway.

  Hanging up the phone, he smiled at her. “Sorry about that.” Tom liked how easily she returned his smile.

  “It’s okay. I do have a question for you, though.”

  “What?” he asked, very curious as to what it could be.

  “Well . . . what would you say to building me some furniture?”

  Build Mia furniture? Hell. Yes. Especially since it meant being able to spend more time with her. “What kind of furniture?” he asked.

  “A new dining room set. A new bed. Actually, the entire bedroom really—tables, chairs. Ooh, and a big, sweet ass desk!”

  “You serious?” That was a lot of furniture.

  Mia turned from the table she was looking at and started towards him. “Very. My house is sparse and I’ve always wanted to have something made by you. Now that I’m—what did you call me? Miss Bigtime? Anyway, now I can afford this. So, can you do this for me?” she asked, her index finger lightly touching his forearm, sending a bolt of desire to his cock. She raised her head, her dark brown eyes right on his.

  “I can. I’d want to come,” he paused ever so slightly, the spoken words having another meaning tripping him up, “over and get measurements—especially for the dining room. And I’d like to see what your style is, which will help me with my designs. I think I can come over next Monday, but let me check my calendar first,” he glanced over the calendar on his desk. “It looks like I’ve got the afternoon free . . .”

  “Sounds good.”

  “Where are you living now?” he asked, knowing she’d moved but not where.

  “Lincoln Park. Near the zoo.”

  “Nice,” he said, her hand still on his arm. “Why don’t you give me your contact info?”

  “Oh, of course,” she said then rattled off her address and her new cell phone number. He wrote them in the book, placed the pen in the spine, and closed it. The thought that in four days he’d be at her home brought a smile to his face. Looking up from the appointment book, Tom found her eyes on him and her teeth teasing her slightly larger bottom lip.

  His smile grew bigger when she started to lean into him like she wanted him to kiss her. He wanted that and so much more. Stepping closer, Tom pulled her almost flush against his body and moved in for that kiss, his eyes locked on her plush lips. He had to taste her again. But the moment she closed her eyes, waiting for him to make contact, her phone rang.

  “Fuck,” she muttered on an exhale of breath.

  “Your phone?”

  “Yes. I’ve got to get that,” she groaned, pulling her phone from her back pocket. “Hello?” she said, answering the call.

  “Where the fuck are you, brat? I thought we said nine,” the voice roared over the line. Tom knew that voice. Marty.

  “We did,” she said, her face wrinkling in a grimace.

  “So it’s after ten. Where the fuck are you? Obviously not here,” Marty said loud and clear.

  “I’m on my way. Fifteen minutes.”

  Tom heard Marty grumble something and then Mia was slipping her cell into her pocket.

  Glancing over at Tom, she rubbed her forehead in frustration. “So, I’ve got to go.”

  “Yeah . . . I heard Marty yell all the way from over here.”

  “I’m impressed that you recognized it was Marty.”

  “He’s loud.”

  “So, I’ll see you Monday?” she asked

  Tom didn’t want her to leave. That almost-kiss needed to be complete. Resigned to the fact it wasn’t, he responded, “Count on it. One p.m.”

  Mia surprised him when her soft lips grazed his cheek. “Bye, Tom,” she said, a shy grin gracing her gorgeous face, before ducking out of the building and leaving him.


  April 7, 2008

  Tom was prepared. Along with his small notebook and pen he always took with him, he had new condoms in his wallet. Just in case . . . because when he was around Mia something just happened to him—all logic thrown out the door.

  Bumping into her on the street like that after two years of not seeing her was definitely not how he’d expected their reunion. The very last time he’d seen her was at a New Year’s Eve party as they’d celebrated the beginning of 2006. She’d brought Luke. Tom had had enough of that and had cornered Luke to enlighten him as to how his back and forth with Mia was bad for her. The man had been clueless as to how Mia dealt with him leaving her over and over, but Tom saw the realization fill the other man’s eyes.

  As well as love. That was a little hard to see. Luke did love Mia, and Tom knew then that Luke would do right by her.

  And Luke had. Tom had thought he’d finally have his chance but a few months later, Mia and the band got their big break and she ended up on the arm of Ethan but now . . . she was free.

  This was it.

  Wiping his sweaty hands on his jeans, Tom rang the doorbell. Not two seconds later, the door flew open and Mia stood before him in a pair of body hugging jeans and a gray tank top with a hot pink bra strap peeking out and a wide grin on her beautiful face.

  “Tommy!” she exclaimed, throwing herself at him and wrapping him in her embrace.

  “Hi there, baby girl,” he said, returning the embrace and putting his arms around her waist and lifting her in the air. The use of that nickname just flowed out of his mouth . . . she was the baby of the group and a girl. They were guys and weren’t very creative when it came to nicknames.

  Tom closed his eyes when she nuzzled her face against his neck, breathing him in. His cheek brushed against hers and he couldn’t stop himself when he replaced his cheek with his lips. Letting them linger on her skin. “So good to see you again. Two times in less than a week. Much better than what it was.”

  Knowing he should put her down, but not caring, he locked his eyes on her face, gazing at her beauty. She hadn’t looked away but the pinkening of her cheeks let him know that he was affecting her.

  “You look good,” he said in appreciation, finally letting her down and took the opportunity to let his eyes travel all over her. “Very good.”

  “Thanks. You’re as handsome as ever,” she replied, reaching behind him and closing the door.

  Not able to take his eyes off her, they exchanged some small talk before she took him on a tour of her house. As they went from room to room, idea after idea sprung into his mind which he jotted down in his notebook. He was focused on what she asked him here to do—design furniture—but the moment she mentioned her bedroom, Tom felt his whole demeanor change. He’d never been in her bedroom and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t interested or that he’d never thought of what could happen in there.

  “Lead the way, Mia,” he said.

  She stood in place while studying him, before moving onto the back stairway that led upstairs. “The entire third floor is the master suite. My office,” she said, opening the door to the room at the back of the house. Sticking his head into the room, Tom quickly looked around, cringing at the Ikea table currently holding her laptop and deciding the first thing he would do was make her the coolest desk she’d ever seen.

  “Walk-in closet,” she said matter-of-factly, as they entered the space. Tom’s eyes soaked up as much as they could of her clothing until they landed on a familiar shirt. The same shirt he’d peeled off of her before seeing her breasts for the first time. He lingered in her closet, the shirt between his fingers.

Mia spoke up, standing in the adjacent bathroom.

  It surprised him how hard it was to let go of that shirt. He wanted to rip it off the hanger and take it with him. But he finally let the red fabric slide from his fingers and turned his attention to her. “Sorry, memories,” he said and joined her in the bathroom, still lost in thought.

  Tom continued on through the bathroom and finally stood inside of her bedroom. Mia stood before him in the center, clearly nervous. He liked that. “And this is my bedroom. All this furniture is pretty much from my old apartment aside from the chaise. That’s really the only new thing in here.”

  Staring at her, he couldn’t stop the flood of memories hitting him of her above him, his fingers kneading her breasts, her moving against him. The desire to have her again was intense, and he didn’t want to fight it.


  Storming forward, Tom cupped her face and crashed his mouth upon hers, tasting her sweet lips against his. It took a moment for the lack of movement on her part to register with him and when it did, he backed away, his eyes searching hers for clues. “Is this okay?”

  Mia didn’t take long to answer. “Yes,” she replied and pulled him back to her.

  Hell yes, he thought, wanting to immediately up the voltage of this kiss. He needed inside of her mouth. The instant the tip of his tongue touched her bottom lip, she opened for him, his tongue assaulting hers. Her fingers fell to his waist, gripping his belt loops as his mouth, lips, and tongue, bullied her into submission.

  His hands learned the curves and planes of her back before stopping on her ass. He groaned then squeezed, pulling her against him. When her stomach hit his hard cock, the hottest moan fell from her lips, making his dick twitch. Then she tilted her head to deepen the kiss, and wrapped her arms around his neck. With almost frantic movements, he undressed her as he backed her up to the bed. When her body hit the bed, she was as naked as the day she was born.

  He stood above her, hypnotized by her nudity. Fuck. He couldn’t stop looking at her, his eyes cataloging everything, including the adorable pink bandage covering her knee. The woman who had captured his heart years ago was below him, ready for him. With a shake of his head he got to work. Lifting his arms, he ripped his T-shirt over his head.


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