Ollie, Ollie Hex 'n Free (Easy Bake Coven Book 5)

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Ollie, Ollie Hex 'n Free (Easy Bake Coven Book 5) Page 6

by Liz Schulte

  She released a breath. “Thank you. That makes me feel better.”

  No part of me wanted to be involved in any of this, but the words came out anyway. “The pain concerns me. If it were anyone else, I’d say it was a coincidence. You have to figure out what’s causing it—which means you should talk to someone besides me. Who knows what we went through in the underworld?”

  “Cheney, Sebastian, Sy, Katrina, and Jessica.” Selene chewed on her thumbnail. “She wants the baby.”

  And there we had a winner. Jessica’s plan was finally clear to me. She asked me to let her weaken Selene. What better way to do it, then to make Selene think her offspring was somehow connected to purgatory? I nodded, giving nothing away. “How do you know?”

  “She was the reason Kat came to find me when we were talking in the garden. She had hostages. First she wanted me to choose between the elves and my friends and then she wanted the baby.”

  I shrugged. “Maybe it’s just a distraction.”

  I slipped into the great hall, wearing Selene’s cloak with the hood up. Today the room was packed with concerned and vocal elves. Cheney, Selene, Leslie and I had decided over breakfast that we, the humans, would stay until Jessica was caught. It would be too much of a strain on their resources to guard us at the new house, a.k.a. Selene’s grandma’s house, and without guards, there was too big of a risk that we’d be taken captive. But in return we needed to lay low, especially after yesterday.

  Sebastian stood to the right of the empty thrones, hands behind his back, studying the crowd for threats. When his gaze hit mine, it snagged. His jaw tightened and his mouth thinned ever so slightly, but that was the only indication he gave of seeing me.

  I looked away from him and pulled the hood lower over my face. I just wanted to watch, not cause a scene.

  A couple in front of me approached another couple. Their greeting was friendly.

  “Did you hear what happened last night?” the elf with board-straight black hair asked, turning toward the other woman, who had long white-blonde hair.

  “Yes—but do you think she really plotted treason against the Erlking?” the blonde said.

  “What about her affairs or the vampire?” The dark haired woman pursed her lips. “Serves him right for choosing her.”

  I wanted to interrupt them and set them straight. No one talked about my friend like that, but I didn’t budge. I promised not to draw attention to myself and I wouldn’t. No matter how sorely they needed a talking to.

  The man next to her cleared his throat. He didn’t look like a full elf. Instead of the perfect even features of the elves, the end of his nose went a little to the left and he was taller and broader than the other elves. “Need I remind you that you’re speaking of the Erlking, dearest. If the wrong person hears, you will be held accountable.”

  She made a face at the other woman. “They can hardly punish me when our own queen has one scandal after another. Besides, it won’t be long before we stand up there, darling.” There was no affection in her words nor in the look he gave her.

  “She is beautiful,” the blonde woman whispered.

  “For a whore,” the dark haired woman said.

  “Who are you calling a whore?” I snarled, striding forward. Enough was enough. Selene was one of my best friends. If we were in prison, I’d take a shank for her. There was no conceivable world in which I would stand by and let someone talk about her like that.

  Four pairs of startled eyes turned toward me.

  “It’s one of them,” the blonde said, looking a little frightened.

  “I think I see a spot over there.” The dark haired woman led her small group to the other side of the room, whispering the whole time.

  “I’m sorry,” the half-elf told me, his apologetic smile crinkling his eyes. “I’m sure the queen is a lovely person.”

  I glared at him. How could he be with a woman like that? A simple silencing spell on their whole little group would do the trick. Then they couldn’t say anything about Selene; they couldn’t say anything at all.

  “What’d Selene do this time?” Sy asked, slipping in beside me. His devious, charming grin was the most cheerful thing in the whole room. “Where there is a snafu my cousin must be nearby.”

  I leaned in close enough my lips nearly touched his ear and whispered, “Jessica came at us last night. An elf died.”

  “Did you at least get her?”

  I shook my head. “Frost is looking for her now.”

  He took a deep breath. “I know he wanted to end this quietly, but Cheney should have put an official bounty on her after she killed Devin. As it is, it looks like they did nothing.”

  “We’re going to get her back.”

  Sy’s gleaming silver eyes met mine. “Of course we are. That’s all that matters.”

  Yeah. If only that were true, we would have found her by now. “You mean that and the election?”

  “I don’t give a rat’s ass about the election.” Truth rang strong in his words. “I do, however, care about my cousin and she’s lost enough. You guys are part of her family now. You make her happy. And why are you wearing this?” he asked, pulling my hood back and letting it fall. “You look ridiculous.”

  I couldn’t resist grinning. “Has anyone told you that you’re kinda amazing? I think I’m a little in love.”

  His laugh was loud and heads swiveled in our direction. “Get in line.” Sy slung his arm over my shoulder and squeezed me to him.

  Selene and Cheney were announced and the crowd hushed as they entered. They looked perfect up there: calm, collected, regal. Cheney helped Selene into her seat and then sat in his own. Sebastian opened the floor to questions and the room erupted.

  “What did the witch mean about the Pole of Charon being here?” someone asked.

  “Is Selene bound to a vampire and how did it happen?”

  “Did she commit treason against your father?”

  A sharp whistle tore through the room then Cheney stood up. His anger was palpable. “Selene is not on trial here. We suffered an attack last night and she defended everyone, all races, as she has always and will always do. Did she plot treason against my father? No more than he did against his own people—and even then she wasn’t fighting for herself. She was fighting for all of us. You should be ashamed that a few accusations from a known enemy to all of us can so easily make you turn on your queen.”

  The chatter died down to a soft murmur. Cheney hadn’t really answered their questions at all. I held my breath as I waited to see if they noticed.

  “What about the humans? Sebastian swore to us they were leaving the castle and yet one still remains,” a man yelled, pointing directly at me. “How are we to trust anything you say when your own advisor lies?”

  The murmurs became angrier as more people turned to stare at me. I held my head high, cheeks burning, and focused on Selene who went white with shock. Slowly she pushed herself off the throne and brushed away Cheney’s hand when he tried to help. She made her way through the crowd and came to stand beside me, taking my hand.

  “Sebastian, spoke out of turn,” Cheney announced. “My friends, human or otherwise, will always be welcome anywhere I am. I will not have them run off or mistreated because of fear.” Cheney stepped from the podium and strode over to join us.

  Selene looked up at him and he nodded. She drew in a deep breath, squeezed my hand, then spoke. “Yes, we are under attack, but it has nothing to do with my coven. It’s because of me. I did retrieve the Pole of Charon from purgatory and have since returned it. But while it was here, it did irrevocable damage, allowing beings that should have never walked the earth to come forward. One of my best friends has been possessed by one of these souls. We will resolve this. It will be taken care of, but if you need to blame anyone for the fallout, I feel it must squarely fall to me.”

  “Why did you bring it?” the man with the obnoxious dark haired elf asked.

  “Kalan, welcome,” Cheney said. “She retrieved the
pole to save my life then promptly returned it.”

  “And the vampire?” he asked.

  “Helped me navigate purgatory,” Selene replied.

  “A bounty has been placed on the witch,” Sy said, his arm still around me. “She will be found before she can do anymore damage. You have my word.”

  “I consider this line of inquiry resolved,” Cheney said, leading Selene back to the front of the room.

  I finally stole a glance at Sebastian. He stood as stoically and proud as ever. Bastard. I shrugged away from Sy and slipped out of the room, tears burning my eyes. Sebastian had exiled us all and hadn’t even bothered to tell me.

  “Had enough of that crowd in there?” Sy asked, following me into the family quarters.

  “I’ve had enough of this whole place,” I said. “He actually singled us out.” Furious was too small a word for what I felt. Betrayed. Humiliated. Homicidal. I looked up at the gorgeous, muscular half-elf before me. “Will you help me with something?”

  “Anything. You know that.”

  “Good. Come with me.”

  I led him to my room where Leslie was waiting, and slammed the door open. She looked up from her book with wide eyes.

  “What happened?” She scrambled to her feet.

  “Sebastian promised the elves that we were leaving today, but failed to mention it or open his big, stupid trap over breakfast to give anyone else a clue.”

  “Okay,” she said slowly. “I’m sure he was just appeasing them. They were probably mad. Jessica did kill one of them.”

  “I don’t care.” I stomped my foot then immediately felt bad. “I don’t mean that. Of course I care that someone died, but don’t you see? He was supposed to be our friend. He betrayed us. All of us. I get it that the election is all that matters to him, I do, but I can’t live like this.”

  Leslie closed her book. “What do you want to do?”

  “I want to leave. Today, like we planned. And Sy’s going to help us.”

  “I shouldn’t have gotten involved, should I?” He picked up two boxes. “Do you have a house?”

  “Selene is renting me her grandma’s.”

  He walked out of the room with the boxes. I grabbed the next one and Leslie took another. We went outside, but he was already gone. We stacked the boxes next to where he had been and went to get more. Within ten minutes, all of my stuff was gone. I did one last sweep of the room to make sure I hadn’t forgotten anything and scooped up Stewie before I went back to Sy and Leslie who were waiting.

  “You sure you don’t want to wait? At least tell Selene?” Sy asked.

  I took one last look at the castle. I’d never forget my time here, but I had to leave before every last memory was tarnished. “She’ll know where I am.”


  “You’d think I’d be used to it by now,” I said, my head between my knees on the porch. Magically transporting was the worst. It was like drinking a bottle of whiskey and being put on a merry-go-round that was being pushed by Superman.

  Leslie laughed at me (bitch) and I flipped her off.

  “So this is where you’re going to live?” Sy asked, coming back out to the porch. “Kind of remote.”

  “It’s right by town,” I said, forcing myself upright. “Selene grew up here.”

  “It’s more of a village,” he said, looking around. “I just can’t picture her here.”

  “It’s pretty. It’s near the beach and walking distance to the shops and restaurant. I like it,” Leslie said.

  “Wanna be my roommate?” I asked.

  “I wish, but I need things, like a job.” Leslie pulled her hair over her shoulder. “Speaking of jobs, what are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to open a store. You know how Selene sold candles with spells in her yoga studio? Something like that—but no yoga. It’s what I’m good at. I want a magic, new age novelty store type thing. I think people will like it and what better way to find other witches than a place where they can buy supplies.” I stood up. “We could be partners. It’ll be fun.”

  She nodded a little. “Let me think about it.”

  “Great. Now all we need is money.” I made a face and laughed. I didn’t need to worry about the store now. Getting settled in was enough. “Thanks for helping, Sy. Can I get you a drink?”

  “I’m good,” he said.

  “I bet you are.” I nudged him with a smile.

  He winked, his eyes darkening slightly. He went to the porch swing and sat, legs wide apart, arms stretched out across the back. Such a guy. “I think your store’s a good idea. If you need a silent partner, let me know.”

  My mouth fell open. “Are you serious?”

  He stared out at the grass growing up through the sand and the water stretched out in the distance beyond that. “While I stand by my opinion that this town is way too small for you to have any fun, I think the store could work. I can see the opportunity. Plus it could have other uses for me.”

  “You know by silent partner we’re talking money, right?”

  He laughed. “I am aware.”

  “What will you call it?” Leslie asked.

  “I haven’t thought about it. How about Kat-tastic!?” I flashed my hands on either side of my face. “Jazz hands.”

  “We agreed you’d wait to leave,” Selene said, appearing at the bottom of the steps. “I didn’t know. I’m sorry you were singled out, but come back. Come home.”

  I shook my head, still riding the emotional high from planning my future. “I am home.” Selene didn’t look convinced. “It’s okay—and they’re right. We don’t belong there and nothing is going to change that. This is our home.”

  “You know I can’t accept that.” Selene got that stubborn look in her eye. “You guys will always belong wherever I am, and I won’t live somewhere that doesn’t accept that. Especially not now. You can’t leave. It isn’t safe.” She hugged both Leslie and me, then nudged Sy over on the porch swing. “Come back with me.”

  “Frost is a good bounty hunter. If she has anything to go on, she’ll find her,” Sy said.

  Selene glared at him.

  He held up his hands. “If the girls want to be back here, which by the way I think is a great idea, you can’t make them come back with you.”

  “And what happens if Jess shows up? I can’t stay here too. No offense.” She shot a glance at me and Leslie. “I know you’re witches, but right now Jess’s dark magic is way stronger than yours.”

  “And yours,” I pointed out.

  “Even if that were true, I have other options. I can transport, I can fight, and….” She shook her head. “You can’t move here until we find her.”

  “I’m not coming back. Sebastian promised them we would leave. If we stay it will look bad for you and Cheney. I’m not going to be the reason you lose.”

  “Who cares about the stupid election?” Selene threw up her arms. “I’m so sick of hearing about it and all the things I can or cannot do because of it.”

  “Look, I don’t care where we stay,” Leslie said. “But I’m with Kat on the fact that I don’t want to be the reason you guys lose. You may be sick of all the politics, Selene, but from what I’ve seen, they need you. We’ll find a way to be okay here.”

  “If you want, I can hang out here until she’s caught.” Sy raised an eyebrow at Selene, then at me and Leslie. “I don’t mind. We could have fun. It’ll be like a vacation for me. And if things get dicey, I’ll transport us out.”

  “What about the Office?” I asked. “Have you hired someone recently?”

  “Looking for a reason for me to leave already?” He pressed his hand against his chest. “Why am I always rejected?”

  “Never,” I said, laughing. “I just don’t want to disrupt your life.”

  Selene leaned forward as best she could and looked at each of us. “I’m not going to forbid you to date my friends, but just know if you hurt her, I know where you sleep.”

  “I never sleep, cuz.” He put his arm ar
ound her. “You’re as big as a house.”

  She elbowed him in the ribs. “Remind me. Why do I like you again?”

  “A question we all ask ourselves at one point or another,” Cheney said, coming up the stairs with Sebastian following behind.

  “I’ll get everyone a drink,” I said, going in the house, not even able to look at him.

  Stewie meowed and purred, rubbing against my legs in the kitchen. I reached down and scratched his furry orange cheeks. “Too many elves out there, huh?”

  He nuzzled my hand.

  I straightened and there was Sebastian. “You’re like a cold I can’t get rid of.” I turned to wash my hands.

  “Kat—” he started.

  “Don’t. I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “It wasn’t personal. I love having the coven…and you there. You’re a breath of fresh air in the castle, but right now that isn’t what’s important. We need Selene and Cheney to be focused on the election. That can’t happen if they’re fighting a war on every front. We need the elves to return to a state of calm. That won’t happen so long as their lives keep getting threatened. Don’t be selfish. This is a temporary inconvenience.”

  If my jaw clenched any harder my teeth would crumble. “Selfish? It’s selfish to want to be accepted for who I am? And I suppose it’s selfish to want the guy I’m really into—no, make that the guy I was really into— to acknowledge that he feels something, anything, in return, even just once… . It’s selfish to want to protect my friends.”

  Sebastian’s eyebrows rose. “That is not what I meant.”

  I shook my head. “No. Don’t retract. I think this was the first time you were actually honest with me. Thank you.” I took a deep breath. “You made your choice, Sebastian. You chose them. Stand by that. Only cowards backpedal.”

  “Selene and Cheney? Of course I chose them. They are my friends just as Jessica is yours. Would you have me turn away from them and everything we have worked for?”


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