Magic Kitten: Moonlight Mischief

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Magic Kitten: Moonlight Mischief Page 3

by Sue Bentley

  Her dad chuckled. ‘I think Flame agrees! And I’m glad you and Alison are getting on now.’ He paused. ‘On another subject altogether, that grumpy ginger and white cat didn’t eat much food again. I hope he isn’t getting sick.’

  ‘Oscar?’ Eve guessed.

  ‘He’s one of your favourites, isn’t he? I think we’ll get him checked over by the vet.’ Her dad popped the supper in the oven. ‘I’m just going to the office. I’ll get your mum to phone Oscar’s owners when she has a minute, to tell them what’s happening.’

  Curious, Eve decided she’d go and have a quick look at Oscar herself.

  ‘Come on, Flame,’ she called, as the little kitten padded along behind her.

  As soon as she opened Oscar’s pen and stepped inside with Flame, the grumpy cat pricked up his ears. Oscar gave a low growl in his throat and then he spotted Flame. His eyes narrowed with interest as he walked over to the kitten and had a good sniff. A moment later, Oscar started purring.

  ‘He seems to like you, Flame,’ Eve said in amazement. ‘I wonder if Dad’s right about Oscar being sick.’ She risked stroking Oscar gently. He put up with it for a second or two and then moved away. ‘Poor old boy. Do you feel poorly? Is that why you’re grumpy?’ It’s a shame you can’t talk, like Flame, she thought. Then you could tell us what’s wrong.


  * SIX *

  ‘Hurrah, it’s Saturday! My favourite day!’ Eve cried the following morning as she dried her hair after having a shower.

  Flame sat on the bedroom window sill, washing his face with the side of one front paw. He gave her a whiskery grin. ‘Why do you like this day so much?’

  ‘Because it’s when I get my pocket money!’ Eve said in a voice muffled by the towel over her head. ‘And I’m going to the cinema!’

  Flame frowned. ‘What is the cinema? It sounds as if it is a good place,’

  ‘Oh, it is. It’s where they show moving pictures, called films. They can be funny or sad or even frightening. You can buy popcorn to eat too. It’s great fun.’

  Flame’s eyes widened. ‘I would like to see these moving pictures. Will you take me with you?’ he purred excitedly.

  ‘Of course I will,’ Eve promised. ‘But you’ll have to hide in my bag again.’

  Flame nodded. ‘And what is this popcorn you eat? Is it something like cat biscuits?’

  Eve bit back a grin. ‘Not exactly. I think you’ll want to pass on the popcorn!’

  She finished drying her hair and then reached for her shoulder bag. Flame jumped inside and curled up.

  As she went to call for Alison, Eve couldn’t help thinking about Oscar. The vet had kept him at the surgery as he wanted to do some tests.

  Alison opened her front door, wearing just a long baggy T-shirt and slippers.

  Eve thought she must have forgotten about going to the cinema. ‘Hi, Alison! You’d better hurry or we’ll miss the start of the film,’ she said.

  ‘I’m… I’m not coming,’ Alison gulped. Her eyes looked red and puffy as if she’d been crying. ‘Darren’s been playing up again. Mum’s gone ballistic and now I’m grounded.’

  ‘What’s he been up to?’ Eve asked.

  Alison wiped her eyes. ‘I was doing my homework in the kitchen, when Darren sneaked upstairs. He got hold of Mum’s lipsticks and rubbed them all over the duvets and bedroom curtains. It took Mum hours to get the stains out.’

  ‘But that wasn’t your fault,’ Eve said indignantly

  Alison shrugged. ‘Try telling my mum that. I explained that Darren slipped past without me noticing, but she said I should have checked on him. The little horror was quiet as a mouse up there. You know what he’s like.’

  ‘Yes, I do,’ Eve said with feeling, remembering how Darren had run off with Flame. ‘I’m really sorry you can’t come out today. Maybe we can go to the cinema another time.’

  Alison nodded and gave her a watery smile. ‘Yeah, OK,’ she murmured, before shutting the door.

  ‘Poor Alison. She was really upset,’ Eve said to Flame as they retraced their steps back to the cattery. ‘I don’t know how she puts up with that little terror of a brother!’

  ‘Whose daft idea was it to volunteer to look after the cattery?’ Jim Dawson groaned on Sunday afternoon as he stretched and yawned.

  Eve giggled and gave him a playful shove. ‘Mum’s and yours, silly!’

  Her dad chuckled. ‘Well, next time I have an idea like that, someone shoot me!’

  Eve made everyone some hot chocolate. She took a mug in to her dad and then went into the office where her mum was catching up with some paperwork.

  ‘Thanks, love.’ Mary Dawson took the hot chocolate and sipped gratefully. ‘I’ve almost finished here. I thought we could all go out for a brisk walk and blow the cobwebs away.’

  Eve put her head on one side. ‘Do you mind if I don’t come, Mum? I was planning to watch that new video Dad got for me, seeing as how I didn’t get to go to the cinema with Alison.’ Eve was looking forward to showing Flame what video and TV was like!

  Her mum patted her arm. ‘No, that’s fine, love. How about you, Jo? Do you and Darren fancy coming?’

  Jo had just popped in to deliver a pile of ironing. Darren was outside the back door, kicking a ball against the terrace wall. Jo smiled. ‘A walk’s probably just what Darren and I need. And it’ll give Alison a bit of peace while she’s doing her homework.’

  Eve felt pleased that Alison had some peace and quiet for a change, especially after the lipstick disaster. Even though she sometimes felt a little lonely without any brothers or sisters, she didn’t envy her having a brother like Darren.

  After everyone had gone out, Eve decided she needed some crisps and a drink to go with the video. She looked in the kitchen cupboard, but they were out of crisps. Now that she’d set her heart on them, nothing else would do.

  ‘Come on, Flame. We’ll just have to go and buy some treats,’ she said, pulling on a jacket.

  It was windy in the street. Yellow and green leaves scuttled along in little whirlwinds along the pavement. Flame couldn’t resist them. He darted about play-growling and pouncing on leaves, his sandy tail whisking about with excitement.

  At the shop Eve bought some crisps and chocolate and a big bottle of lemonade. As she came back, she passed Alison’s house. On impulse, she decided to ask Alison if she’d like to come and watch the video too.

  ‘I bet she’ll be glad to get away from doing boring homework,’ she said to Flame, as she knocked on the front door.

  Alison took ages to answer. Eve was about to give up, when the door opened a crack.

  ‘Hi,’ Eve said brightly. ‘Dad rented a video for me. Do you fancy coming to watch it with Flame and me?’

  ‘Oh, er… Hi, Eve,’ Alison puffed, out of breath.

  Her cheeks were pink and her long brown hair was all over the place. Eve noticed there was a sticking plaster on the older girl’s finger. It looked new, as if Alison had just put it on. ‘Have you cut your finger?’ Eve asked worriedly.

  ‘No! I mean… I… er… burned it on the toaster. Silly, isn’t it?’ She gave Eve an awkward grin. ‘A video sounds great. Thanks. I’ll just grab my coat.’

  Eve raised her eyebrows at Flame. Alison was acting really oddly.

  Alison reappeared in her coat.

  ‘Ready? Let’s go.’

  Back at the cattery, Eve, Alison and Flame settled down in the sitting room. The video was fun. It was a brilliant fantasy adventure. Flame curled up on Eve’s lap, watching it intently and purring loudly.

  Alison grinned. ‘Fancy that kitten liking films. It’s amazing.’

  Eve just smiled, thinking that Flame was even more amazing than Alison realized!

  As Eve took the video out of the player, her parents, Jo and Darren came in. They were all flushed and windblown from their walk.

  ‘Can I play in the garden?’ Darren asked.

  ‘I wish I had that boy’s energy,’ Mrs Dawson said with a smile, g
oing into the kitchen after Darren. ‘I’ll make us all a hot drink.’

  ‘Hello, what are you doing here, Alison? I thought you were doing your homework,’ asked Jo, frowning.

  ‘That was my fault,’ Eve said quickly. ‘I asked her over to watch a video. That’s OK, isn’t it?’

  Jo’s face softened as she smiled at Alison and Eve. ‘Course it is. It’s nice that you two are spending time together. You can always finish your homework later, Alison.’

  Alison rolled her eyes at Eve. ‘Thanks,’ she whispered. ‘I thought I was in trouble for a minute there!’

  Eve chatted to her dad, Jo and Alison for a couple of minutes and then decided to go and see if her mum wanted any help. Flame followed her into the kitchen.

  ‘What’s that noise, Mum?’ Eve said, as she heard some scuffling and clanging coming from outside. She looked out of the kitchen window, expecting to see Darren kicking his ball around, but he wasn’t on the patio. ‘It’s coming from over the fence. Something’s going on near the pens. Come on, Flame. Let’s go and have a look.’

  Her mum frowned. ‘Wait a minute, love. I’ll get your dad.’

  But Eve and Flame were already rushing through the storeroom and running out into the yard. Eve stopped, her eyes widening with dismay as she saw the terrible mess.

  The rubbish bins had been tipped over. Newspapers, food packaging and empty tins had spilled everywhere. And right in the middle of the rubbish, kicking tins and packets about, was Darren.


  * SEVEN *

  Eve’s parents and Jo came out into the yard. ‘Oh, no!’ Mr and Mrs Dawson gasped.

  Jo ran over to Darren. ‘You naughty boy! Whatever possessed you to do this?’ she shouted.

  Darren looked up at his mum with innocent blue eyes. ‘It wasn’t me!’

  Jo bent down in front of her son. ‘You’re only making it worse by telling fibs!’

  ‘I’m not!’ Darren insisted, sticking out his bottom lip. ‘It wasn’t me.’

  Jo looked really embarrassed as she turned towards the Dawsons. ‘I’m really sorry about this! I’ll take Darren home and then come back and help clear up this mess. Alison, will you stay at home with him, please?’ she called to her daughter who stood in the doorway.

  Alison’s shoulders slumped and she sighed heavily. ‘Why me?’ she complained. Then she saw her mum’s expression. ‘OΚ, if I have to,’ she said in a small voice.

  Darren’s angelic face crumpled. He howled in protest as his mum marched him away.

  Mrs Dawson sighed. ‘Jo seems very upset. I think I’ll go inside and have a word with her.’

  ‘All right,’ her husband said as he began gathering up sheets of newspapers. Eve picked up some packets and reached for a couple of tins. ‘Careful you don’t cut yourself, love. Those are sharp,’ her dad warned. ‘You’d best put some thick gloves on. Oh, that’s the phone now. I’ll be right back.’

  ‘Darren is such a pest!’ Eve said to Flame. She reckoned you needed three eyes to watch him. Two in the front and one in the back of your head. ‘This mess is going to take ages to clear up.’

  Flame gave a short miaow. ‘Do not worry, Eve. I will help you.’

  Eve felt the familiar tingle up her spine as Flame’s sandy fur ignited with silver sparks and his whiskers crackled and fizzed. Eve couldn’t wait to see what would happen next! Flame pointed a tiny paw, his emerald eyes flashing with concentration. Suddenly a comet’s tail of glittery light shot all round the rubbish-strewn paved area.

  Bang! The bins stood to attention and opened their lids. Rustle! Newspapers rose up high into the sky and then fluttered back down into the bottom of the bins. Crunch and clunk! The packets, boxes and tins marched one behind the other, like toy soldiers, right up to the bins and then shot inside.

  Eve clapped her hands in delight as the bins snapped shut – not a single piece of the mess Darren had made remained. ‘Thanks, Flame. That was fantastic!’

  ‘You are welcome.’ Flame sneezed as a final spark tickled his nose and then faded before Eve’s eyes.

  A few minutes later, Eve’s dad came back out into the yard. ‘Another owner wanting to book their cat in…’ He broke off in amazement as he noticed that every bit of rubbish was all gone. ‘Goodness me! However did you manage to clear up so quickly?’

  Eve gave him a broad grin. ‘Oh, I’m full of magic tricks!’ At least, Flame is, she thought, wishing she could tell everyone how special Flame really was.

  ‘That was the vet. He wants to have a chat about Oscar,’ Mary Dawson said the following afternoon, replacing the phone. ‘I’m going to pop over there now.’

  ‘Can Flame and I come with you?’ Eve asked eagerly.

  ‘All right,’ her mum agreed.

  ‘I’ll meet you at the car!’ Eve jumped up and went to fetch a pet carrier for Flame.

  At the surgery the, receptionist took them straight through to a treatment room. Eve was carrying Flame in her arms. ‘Hello again,’ the vet said, when he saw Eve and Flame. ‘Still got his fat little tummy, I see. Good, good.’

  Eve felt Flame stiffen indignantly and lay his ears flat. A tiny spark tingled against her fingers for a second. ‘It’s OK, Flame, the vet’s trying to be nice,’ she whispered hurriedly to him. ‘Healthy kittens are supposed to have round tummies.’

  Flame relaxed and pricked up his ears.

  The door opened and a nurse brought Oscar in and put him on the table. Eve put Flame down on the table beside Oscar. Flame mewed softly and rubbed his sandy head against the older cat’s leg. Oscar touched noses with the kitten and began purring softly.

  ‘Hello, boy. How are you?’ Eve stroked Oscar as she listened to the vet. He explained that Oscar had something with a very long, complicated name, which some cats developed as they grew older.

  ‘But is he going to get better?’ Eve asked worriedly.

  The vet nodded. ‘Oh, yes. He’s had some medicine and he’s already feeling much better. Once he gets his appetite back, he’ll be just like his old self.’

  ‘That’s brilliant!’ Eve exclaimed. She felt so pleased that Oscar was going to be OK. Flame seemed delighted too and even seemed to have forgotten to be cross with the vet!

  Back at the cattery Eve and Flame took Oscar to his pen and made him comfortable. She discovered some of her dad’s favourite prawns in the kitchen fridge and pinched a couple as a treat for Oscar. ‘Here you are, Flame. There’s a few for you too. Dad won’t miss them!’

  Flame chomped down the prawns and then licked his lips to get every last fishy taste. ‘That was delicious. I like this human food!’

  The rest of the afternoon passed quickly. Eve helped her dad for a while and then gave Jo a hand cleaning pens with disinfectant. When a delivery of dried cat food arrived from a pet-food supplier, she showed the driver where to put the sacks.

  Darren was on his best behaviour. He stayed by Alison’s side while Jo worked, and even made a big fuss of Flame. Eve thought he seemed sorry for running off with Flame the other day

  She felt really tired by the time she went upstairs and crawled into bed. Rain pattered against the bedroom window. She drifted slowly off to asleep to the sound of it, with Flame’s warm furry little body curled up next to her.

  Eve woke up with a start.

  She sat up, blinking in the darkness, trying to work out what it was that had woken her. She listened carefully. Every now and then, she was sure she could hear faint sounds coming from outside.

  ‘Can you hear that?’ she whispered to Flame.

  ‘Yes, I can. Someone is out there,’ the little kitten mewed softly, jumping across to the window sill.

  Eve’s heart beat fast. She got out of bed and peeped out of the curtain. It was still raining. The terrace with its table and chairs looked shiny in the darkness. Beyond the terrace wall, the extension and the cat pens looked dim and shadowed.

  As the moon slipped out from behind a cloud, Eve froze. The storeroom door leading to the yard was wide
open. She watched as a slim dark figure came out dragging something that looked heavy. It was only then that she noticed the dark humps already lying out on the paved area.

  A burglar was stealing the sacks of cat food!

  ‘Come on, Flame, we have to stop them!’ Eve said, already dashing for the door and racing downstairs in her pyjamas.

  With Flame streaking ahead of her, Eve rushed into the extension. A blast of cold air met her as she ran outside. She could see the dark figure a short distance away in the yard, bending over a sack of food. It was wearing dark trousers and a top with the hood up.

  ‘Stop, thief!’ Eve meant to shout, but it came out as a dry croak. She tried again, this time yelling at the top of her voice. ‘STOP, THIEF!!’

  ‘Wha…!’ The figure almost jumped out of its skin with shock. It straightened up and started hurrying towards the gate at the side of the cottage.

  Eve didn’t think twice. She ran after the burglar, but Flame was even faster. He hurtled towards the gate and scrabbled up it until he stood balanced on the top. His sandy fur bristled as he arched his tiny back. Hissing fiercely, he faced the burglar.

  Eve’s heart hammered in her chest. Flame was so brave. She could imagine just what he would be like as a Lion Prince, even though here he couldn’t use any magic or he’d give himself away Eve felt sick with fear for him.

  The hooded figure raced up to the gate and grabbed the catch. ‘Get off! Go away!’ the burglar shouted at Flame.

  Eve’s eyes widened in shock. It was a girl’s voice! One she recognized.

  Flame recognized the burglar too. He gave a loud whine and jumped into the girl’s arms. The burglar took a step backwards, holding Flame. She turned round slowly to face Eve as Eve pushed back her hood.



  * EIGHT *

  Eve sat with Flame huddled inside her dad’s fleece jacket. Her bare feet stuck out of her rain-soaked pyjama bottoms. From the look in her dad’s eyes, she knew she was in for an awesome telling-off for running outside in the middle of the night by herself.


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