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Laugh Like You've Never Cried (Summer Lake 5)

Page 13

by McCoy, SJ

  “It'll go great, Dad. You're a charmer. It'll be fine. I'm going to ask her.” With that he scrambled out of the car and ran across the parking lot and up the steps to the library.

  Michael shook his head. He was glad the boy was keen, but he was still trying to figure out how it all might work. He didn't want Ethan getting too close to Megan before he figured out what he himself wanted. Part of him was happy and excited about where all this might be going, but another part was much more cautious. He'd really screwed up when it came to Kay. She'd hurt Ethan more than he would have ever believed was possible for a woman to hurt her child. No matter what he wanted himself, he would never again willingly expose the kid to a situation that might hurt him. He already knew Megan would never hurt him intentionally, but he didn't know enough about her or her past yet either.

  He jogged up the steps to catch up with his boy. Wondering how this little encounter might turn out.

  When Michael pushed open the doors his heart thundered in his chest and he had to catch his breath. Ethan was resting his arms up on the counter at the front desk, even though he had to stand on tip-toe to do so. He was resting his chin on his hands, smiling as he talked to Megan. She was smiling right back at him. Seeing the two of them like that stopped him in his tracks. He stood there watching as Megan laughed at something Ethan said. The kid was grinning up at her. She reached across and patted his shoulder. Blimey! It made him want everything he'd thought he was getting when he married Kay. A wife and a kid to look after. To come home to. To be his family. To laugh with—to love! He loved Ethan with all his heart and soul. Seeing Megan there with the little guy made him wonder if he loved her too. The way his heart was racing and his palms were sweating, he thought he knew the answer. But he wasn't about to let himself go anywhere near it. Not yet. He barely knew her. He needed to know more about her, needed to know Ethan wasn't going to get hurt.

  Ethan pointed over at him. Megan met his eye and smiled. That smile really did work all kinds of crazy on him. It made his feet start walking over to them without his permission or even his knowledge, until he realized he was at the desk with them—with his son and his girl.

  Ethan was grinning at him. “Don't you, Dad? You want to take us out on the boat on Sunday.”

  Michael looked from Megan to Ethan and back again.


  “Hey, yourself.”

  Wow! He didn't know what to say. He just stared into her eyes, and she stared back, smiling. Ethan nudged him, bringing him back to Earth.

  “Don't you, Dad?”

  He laughed and nodded. “I do. What do you say, Meggie? Ethan doesn't think it's fair that I get to hang with you and he doesn't.” He waggled his eyebrows at her. “I'll have you all to myself on Saturday night.” Her cheeks colored at that. “Then on Sunday we can have breakfast before we pick this guy up and take the boat out for the afternoon.”

  “I'd like that.”

  “You will.”

  “I will too,” said Ethan. “And you can stay for dinner afterwards. Can't she, Dad?”

  He looked at Megan. “If she'd like to?”

  She nodded. “She would.”

  “Good,” said Ethan smiling at the two of them, looking very pleased with himself.

  Michael had to laugh. “Don't you need to go get a book, mate?”

  He shook his head. “No. I've got plenty.”

  Michael lowered his face to his son's with a mock frown. “I thought you desperately needed a book tonight?”

  Ethan laughed. “Oh! Yeah.” He gave Megan a cheeky grin. “That's what I told him!”

  Megan laughed. “Then perhaps you'd better find one?”

  “You can never have too many books, right?” He wandered away with a big grin on his face, turning back before he disappeared behind the bookshelves to wink at Michael and give him a big thumbs up.

  Michael laughed then looked back at Megan. “You don't have to if you don't want to, you know.”

  “I'd love to! I....” She stopped and her face fell. “Unless you don't want me to? Was it just Ethan's idea?”

  Michael wanted to go around the desk and hold her. She looked so disappointed. So uncertain. “You know better than that, Meggie. I want to see you. I'm looking forward to Saturday night, to taking you out, seeing you in that dress.” He winked at her. “And getting you out of that dress before I sleep with you again. This way I get to spend the whole day with you too.”

  She still looked uncertain. “Okay, but only if you really want to. I don't want to take up your time with Ethan.”

  “Well, I want you to and so does he. So it looks like you're outvoted.”

  “In that case, Doctor Morgan, I shall look forward to it.”

  He grinned. “I will too.” Ethan was heading back to the desk with a pile of books. “For now though, it looks like you have a customer to take care of.”

  She smiled. “I do. One of my best customers, and my favorite too.”

  As Michael watched her check out Ethan's books it seemed as if she really meant it. The two of them obviously got along so well. He rubbed a hand over his chin. He had some serious thinking to do.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Megan looked across nervously at Emma. They were sitting on the deck of the restaurant overlooking the water. She was seriously considering making an excuse and leaving before the others got here. Why had she agreed to come to their Saturday girls' lunch? She liked Emma, they'd had a great time together the other night, but this time there would be three others. She wasn't so worried about Missy, she was lovely. Holly and Laura had seemed nice too. It wasn't even that she was bothered about them not being nice. It was being in a group that she didn't like. She never knew what to say.

  Emma gave her a reassuring smile. “I know you're nervous now, but after everyone has gone I'm going to ask you if you enjoyed it, and I bet you'll say yes.”

  “I hope you're right. I'm very tempted to leave now, before they get here.”

  “I can tell, but you're too late. Here comes Missy.”

  Missy made her way between the tables, stopping to say hello to people here and there. Laughing and joking. Megan could see why she and Michael got along so well. He'd said that they were best friends when they were kids.

  “Hey, ladies.” She reached their table and hugged them both. Megan was getting used to the way everyone seemed to be so huggy here—she liked it. Missy sat down next to her. “I'm so glad you came. I was ready to come pick you up if you'd chickened out.”

  Megan smiled. Missy already had her figured out. She didn't seem to miss a trick. “I'm glad I came too. I think.”

  Missy laughed. “At least you're honest about it. You're going to have to get used to it though, and I think it's a smart move to come out with just the girls first.”

  “Definitely,” said Emma. “This can be a practice run for tonight, too. You are going to come, aren't you?”

  Megan nodded slowly. “I think so.” Michael had given her the choice. Most of the gang were coming over to the resort tonight to listen to the band. He'd said they could join them, if she wanted to. If not, they could eat at Giuseppe's again. She felt really torn. She knew he would have more fun here with his friends, but she would never choose to spend an evening with a whole group of people. Or at least she never would have before. Now she was a little curious. It might be fun, if she dared to do it. She was learning that was the way things usually turned out around Michael.

  “Oh, you should come,” said Missy. “I won't be here, because I've got the boys, but it's always a great night. You'll enjoy it.”

  “You know what I'm like though, Missy. It's scary.”

  Missy wrinkled her nose at her. “I remember a certain someone being scared of going out with Michael not so long ago. And you can't tell me that isn't turning out well, that you're not glad you did.”

  Megan felt her cheeks flush. She took a deep breath. If she was going to be friends with them then she should let herself talk to them. In t
he way girlfriends did, in the way she'd always wished she had someone to talk to. “I am very glad I did, Missy.” She looked at Emma too. “Thank you both for being so encouraging. I really like him.” There, she'd said it out loud!

  They were both smiling back at her. “And he really likes you too, hon.” Missy grinned. “I've never seen him like this. I mean, he flirts all the time, with everyone, but that's almost like a defense mechanism. He puts on the charm so no one gets near him. With you he's just diving right in.”

  Emma laughed. “You should have seen him the other night, Miss. He was doing his usual and I was cross with him for flirting when Megan was there. He got all worried that she was going to be cross with him too.” She smiled at Megan. “But this lady is not as insecure as I am. She gets him, and knows that it's just what he does.”

  Missy smiled at her. “You'd have to understand that about him just to survive the first five minutes.” She made a face at Emma. “Not every woman needs her man to be completely devoted to her every second of every day, Mouse.”

  Emma laughed. “We're all different. Anyway, look. There's Holly.” She waved as a tall slim, beautiful woman with long, brown hair made her way over to them. She sat down next to Emma.

  “Hey ladies. How are we?” She turned to Megan. “I'm glad you came. And don't worry, if you can survive spending time with Michael, we'll be easy company.”

  Megan smiled nervously. She wasn't sure what Holly meant by that. She hoped she wasn't being mean.

  Holly laughed and touched her arm. “Sorry, sweetie. That might have come out wrong. I mean your man is so full of fun, and such a big personality, that even the four of us will be a peaceful time after him.”

  Megan nodded. It was true.

  “I talked to Laura,” Holly continued. “She's going to be a little late. That smoking hot pilot of hers came back earlier than she thought. She hasn't seen him since last weekend and I think they have a little catching up to do.” She grinned at Emma. “He was supposed to be bringing Nate, but something changed. Did you know that Nate's moving up here?”

  “I did. Jack's been wanting to get him up here for ages. And Lexi's coming too.”

  Holly nodded. “I adore that woman.”

  Missy looked at Megan. “Okay. Emma is married to Jack. Holly is engaged to Pete. Jack and Pete run a big company and they are talking about people who work there. Lexi, I think, is Jack's secretary and Nate...”

  “Nate is one hot guy!” A dark-haired woman pulled up a chair next to Holly and smiled around the table. “What? He is! I've known him for years. He's worked with Jack for ages. What?”

  They were all staring at her. Megan was staring because she was so beautiful. She must be Laura.

  Holly laughed. “We weren't expecting you yet. I was just telling the girls that you probably had some catching up to do with that gorgeous pilot of yours.”

  Laura gave them a raunchy grin. “All caught up. For now. I left him wanting more. I don't want to wear him out before tonight!”

  Megan knew she was blushing. How were they comfortable talking like that?!

  Laura smiled at her. “Hi Megan. I'm sorry. That was probably too much information before I even said hello. You'll get used to us, although you must be used to 'anything goes' humor with Michael.”

  Megan nodded. She supposed she was—getting used to it.

  Laura smiled at her now. “I'm so happy the two of you got together. He's such a great guy. Are you coming out tonight?”

  She nodded. “I think so.”

  Laura seemed to understand. “Please come? You'll have fun.”

  Megan decided she just needed to keep being honest. “I'd like to. I just don't do well in groups. I think Michael will have more fun if we come out with all of you though.

  Laura smiled. “From what I've seen him of him this week, I don't think he'll care where he goes as long as it's with you.”

  Wow! They all seemed to think that he really liked her.

  “Leave the poor girl alone,” said Missy. “She'll come if she wants to, but if we all keep questioning her, she'll probably never want to come out again.” She smiled at Megan. “Isn't that right, hon?”

  Megan nodded gratefully.

  “Okay, down to business as usual then,” said Holly. “I have a question. Where the hell do you get a Brazilian around here? I've had to miss my last two appointments in the city and I'd love to have a fallback option here. Jackie at the salon doesn't do them, and the girl at the resort has left for the winter.”

  Emma laughed. “You know there's no point asking me. I'm a natural girl and Jack loves it.”

  Megan blushed. They were talking about hairy privates! Or how to make them non hairy.

  “I can't offer you my solution,” said Missy. “I'm a DIY girl. Trimmed and shaped by my own fair hand.”

  Holly laughed. “I should have guessed.” She looked at Laura. “Looks like you're my best hope, girlfriend. You must be a Brazilian girl.”

  Laura smiled at Megan. “Aren't you glad she's not interrogating you?”

  Megan laughed, even though she knew her cheeks were bright red. This was fun, if a little embarrassing.

  Laura tucked a strand of her long, dark hair behind her ear as she turned back to Holly. “I'm afraid I can't tell you about local. I haven't found anyone here yet.” She had that raunchy grin going again as she added, “And I'm not quite a full Brazilian girl either.”

  The others looked at her, puzzled. Megan couldn't hold back a giggle. She didn't do any waxing herself, not anymore. That had been one of Adrian's likes, and one of the many things she was relieved about after they'd finished. She did know the different options though. She giggled again and the others looked at her baffled.

  Laura turned to her. “Thank you! At least you get it.”

  She nodded, still giggling.

  “Okay, fill the rest of us in,” said Emma.

  Laura nodded at Megan. “Go on, I'll let you tell them.”

  “I'm guessing she has a landing strip!”

  The other three burst out laughing.

  Laura's eyes were shining. “Well, I need to give my pilot a safe place to land!”

  They were still giggling when Ben stopped by their table. He smiled around at them. “From the expressions on your faces, I shouldn't even ask, right?”

  Laura shook her head vigorously. “Please don't, Ben.”

  He grinned at her. “Done. It strikes me I'd probably end up more embarrassed than you would.”

  “Wise move, hon,” said Missy.

  He turned to Megan. “I have to watch myself around these ladies. They can get a little risky.”

  Holly laughed. “You don't need to apologize for us, Ben. Megan definitely fits right in.”

  Megan smiled up at Ben. She was enjoying herself, and Holly's words meant the world to her. To fit right in? With a bunch of girlfriends? Girlfriends who joked about sex and their boyfriends, and her boyfriend? Before she came to Summer Lake, she would never have dared to dream that her life would be like this.

  Ben smiled back at her. “So, dare I ask if you're coming tonight?”

  Megan made her decision. She nodded. “I am.”

  Emma clapped her hands together. “Oh, good!”

  Laura grinned. “Yay! I can't wait.”

  Missy touched her arm. “Welcome to the gang, hon!”


  Michael pulled into the square at the resort and looked across at Megan. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  She nodded, but she looked scared.

  He winked at her. “I don't mind if you'd rather go home. I told you, you can torment me with that dress until I have to tear it off you. I'm getting close to that point already.”

  She smiled. “But I haven’t tormented you yet.”

  “You're tormenting me just by being in it. It does such a good job of showing off your hot little self. I need to get to what's underneath it.”

  “That's partly what I'm worried
about, Michael. I like you seeing me, but being out with everyone else makes me want to hide inside a sweatshirt.”

  “You're going to knock 'em dead, little one. The guys won't be able to keep their eyes off you, and the girls will all be jealous.”

  He was trying to build her up, but it seemed to be having the opposite effect. She looked even more nervous now. “I don't think these girls will be jealous, they're all so beautiful. But Michael, that was why I started hiding in the first place. Boys noticed me and girls bullied me for it.”

  Damn. He should have remembered that. “But that was when you were a kid, Meggie. You're all grown up now.” He ran his eyes over her as he said it. “And these are our friends, not a bunch of high school kids.”

  She nodded. “I know. That's why I'm here.” She smiled at him. There was such trust in her eyes. “I want to do this. I want to come out with your friends, they're nice people. Most of all I want to be out with you. Just promise you'll come rescue me if look panicky?”

  He leaned across and cupped her face between his hands, planting a kiss on her lips. “I won't be able to come rescue you.”

  She looked scared again at that.

  He laughed. “I won't be able to come to the rescue, because I'll already be right there. I don't plan on leaving your side, Meggie.”

  She brought her own hands up to cup his face as well and they stared into each other’s eyes for a moment. “Okay, then Doctor Morgan. Let's go do this.”

  She clung tightly to his hand while he led her through the bar. He'd been right. He was aware of guys' heads turning to look at her as they made their way over to where the gang was sitting. It made him grin, but it also brought out that possessive side he'd never known he had until he met her. He let go of her hand, but only so he could put his arm around her shoulders and pull her close in to his side, making a clear statement to every guy who looked at her—she was with him. She was so tiny she fit under his arm. It did seem she was made to measure, just for him.

  As they approached the table he could see she was getting appreciative looks from the guys there too. He had to laugh. Smoke especially looked like a wolf eyeing a lamb. Laura smiled at Michael and rolled her eyes. She certainly wasn't one to get jealous. She had way too much confidence in herself, and in her man. Michael was pleased to see that she seemed to understand Megan as well.


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