Laugh Like You've Never Cried (Summer Lake 5)

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Laugh Like You've Never Cried (Summer Lake 5) Page 18

by McCoy, SJ

  She opened her eyes and smiled at him.

  “Good morning.”

  “Mmm.” She wasn't fully awake yet.

  “Do you want coffee?”

  She sat up. “I'm sorry. I'll do it.”

  He pulled her back down. “You stay here, sleepy head. I'll do it.”

  She snuggled against him. “You are wonderful, Doctor Morgan. I just panicked, thinking I should have been up before you and had it ready.”

  He closed his arms around her. He could only guess that was another hangover from her time with Adrian. “You don't need to panic about anything anymore, Meggie. I'll take care of you.”

  She smiled, but he could see she wasn't sure. “But, Michael what if I have to go? What about Ethan? How can you let me in, if I might let him down?”

  “I've been thinking about that. I don't want you to go. I don't believe you'll have to. But the way you answered Ethan last weekend taught me something. It taught me that all we can do is be honest with him. We need to tell him that we're going to be spending a lot more time together, but that you may have to leave.” Michael hugged her to him. “I can't believe you will. I don't know how I'd let you, but as long as he knows the score from the outset, he'll do okay.” It was a big risk. But living, really living, involved risks. He knew that. And much as he didn't want to see Ethan get hurt, he'd decided that it would be better for the little guy to have Megan around for a little while than not at all.

  She still looked uncertain. “I don't want to go. You know that. But if she needs me, I will. I'll have to. You do understand that, don't you?”

  He nodded. “I understand that you feel you have to. But, I think we'll be able to find a way so you don't need to.”

  She said nothing, and he decided not to push. Not for now. He heard Ollie bark and Ethan giggle. He needed to get up and see what they were doing. They were going to have a good day together. A family day. Talk of her leaving could wait. He couldn't see any real reason she would have to go. “How about we cross that puddle when it rains? I'm going to check on our boys and make you some coffee.”

  She smiled and nodded. “Okay. I'll be right down.”

  He cupped her face between his hands. “I love you, Meggie. We'll make this work, you'll see.”

  She brought her hands up to his face and planted a kiss on his lips. “I hope so.”


  Megan watched him pull on some sweatpants, wishing he could have stayed in bed with her a while longer. She laughed when she heard him with Ethan and Ollie. The three of them thundered down the stairs laughing and barking. How she hoped he was right, that there would be a way for her to stay here. She hugged the duvet around herself. She loved him. She loved Ethan. And they both loved her. They even loved Ollie! She hadn't talked to Michael about babies yet, but they would get around to it. And besides, she still had to think about Kenzie. She loved her too, and she would never let her down. If it weren't for Kenzie, she would still be trapped with Adrian. She knew that, and she was prepared to repay that debt no matter what the cost.


  Kenzie stirred her coffee and stared out the window of the cafe. She had no idea what the hell she was going to do next. Since Hunter had kicked her out, she needed every penny she could lay her hands on. The motel where she was staying was the cheapest she'd been able to find. It was really was cheap—and nasty, but she didn't want to give up, didn't want to admit failure yet again. She was convinced that if she stuck around long enough she'd get picked up by some band or other. She knew her voice was good, but not fantastic. She was never going to be a solo artist. But she'd convinced herself that she had to stay here in Nashville, had to make it this time, stick around long enough to finally succeed at something.

  Megan had sent her the money to buy a ticket to California. While that money would go a long way to supplement what she made at the diner and buy her more time at the motel, she would never use it for that. Besides, she wanted to make sure her little sister was doing okay. Megan was the sensible one, the smart one, but she wasn't exactly street smart. It sounded as if she was pretty hung up on this Michael guy she was seeing. Kenzie needed to protect her, to make sure she wasn't getting herself into another horrible situation.

  She'd always felt guilty that she hadn't taken Megan with her when she'd run away from home. But Megan was only fourteen at the time and seemed better able to cope with the church than Kenzie. When she'd heard that Adrian had taken her back to his home in New Mexico, Kenzie had lost it. That man was one of the reasons she'd run away. He was a slimy bastard. He'd touched her any chance he got. He'd cornered her one night and she'd only managed to escape by kicking him in the balls and screaming bloody murder. If she'd thought for a moment that her leaving would expose Megan to him, she would have stayed.

  That was mostly why she wanted Megan to come live with her again. She wanted to be able to keep an eye on her, wanted to protect her. For the longest time Megan had claimed that she was fine with Adrian, that he was good to her, that he wasn't a bad man. That was her trouble. She always wanted to believe that people meant well, that if there was a problem it was her fault. Kenzie couldn't stand the thought that this Michael might be taking advantage of her, or might be using her. Even if he wasn't another pervert like Adrian, and she didn't believe he wasn't, Megan was perfect prey for men like that. She was the ideal mix of a sweet and trusting nature packaged in a body that brought out the worst in men. Even if Michael was a decent guy, he had a kid. She didn't want her sister to be roped into bringing up someone else's brat, especially if it meant she had to give up the chance of having her own kids someday.

  Kenzie drummed her fingers on the table. Maybe she wouldn't wait until the end of the month as she'd been planning. Maybe she should switch her shifts at the diner and go next weekend. Surprise Megan. Surprise Michael and see how he was treating her when he wasn't expecting a ferocious sister to be checking up on him. She drained her coffee and left, setting out towards the bus station. She was going to buy her ticket now, before she needed the money for something else. She gave a short laugh, something like food!


  Michael sat in his truck outside the library. Ethan had asked if he could stay at the after-school club Megan had set up. He wasn't supposed to be there, it was for middle-graders. But Megan had happily let him join in. Michael knew the other kids too. They were mostly Scot's friends. They would look out for the little guy. He smiled. Everything was going so well. Megan had stayed with them on Sunday night and had only gone home to collect a few things on Monday. They'd fallen into an easy routine through the week. Megan helped with getting Ethan ready for school. They both walked him to the bus stop, and walked back to the house together before heading off to work. Michael’s mom picked Ethan up from the bus stop in the afternoons. Since Michael had been back at work, he'd been picking him up at his parents' place when he got done. Last night, Megan had finished work earlier than he had and she'd gone to collect the little guy. His mom had stopped by the clinic this morning. She loved Megan and was making no secret of the fact that she was excited about the future Michael might have with her. He was excited himself. He kept trying to remind himself that there might not be a future, but he couldn't take that thought seriously. He couldn't believe that she would really go.

  He smiled when he noticed Dan's Jeep pull into the parking lot. He got out of the truck and waved. Dan grinned and came to meet him.

  “How's it going, Michael?”

  “Doing great, mate. And yourself?”

  Dan nodded. “Never been happier.”

  That made Michael smile. He knew it was true of Missy too. “Have you guys set a date yet?”

  Dan rubbed a hand over the stubble on his cheek. “Not yet. I'm trying to talk Miss into going to Vegas. She wouldn't have to do anything at all that way.”

  “I thought she'd be all over that?”

  “She likes the idea. It's just that she hasn't quite got the hang of not having to work her ass off for
everything yet. I think she'll get there though. She loves it when I take her to see her shows. We were there a couple of weeks ago, at the Bellagio. I took her to see the chapel and the terrace where you can married. You should have seen her. She fell in love with it.”

  Michael grinned. “Well, you know I want to be there whenever and wherever the two of you do tie the knot.”

  “Of course! You were her best friend growing up.” He raised an eyebrow. “And from what she's been saying, you might be headed down the aisle sometime soon yourself?”

  Michael knew he had that big silly grin going again. “We're a long way from that yet.”

  Dan nodded and gave him a knowing smile. “Really? You look like you're getting pretty close to me.”

  “Maybe, but we've got a few wrinkles to iron out first. I'll admit that I like the idea though.”

  “I know Ethan does. Every time he comes over he talks about how wonderful Megan is, and Ollie too.”

  “Yeah. I think he loves her as much as I do.”

  Dan smiled. “Tell her she can talk to me if she ever needs any tips on surviving life with the louder members of the Summer Lake gang. God knows I've had to learn fast.”

  Michael laughed. “I might do that, mate. I don't how the two of you put up with me and Miss.”

  Dan nodded. “I think you do.”

  The library doors opened and kids started coming out. Michael watched Scot hitch his back pack higher and grin when he spotted them. He made his way over to them and leaned against Dan.

  “Did you have a good day, champ?”

  “I did, Dad. How about you?”

  “It was okay. I need your help with some coding after we get your homework done though.”

  Michael watched the two of them together. The way Scot called Dan 'Dad', made him stop and think. He wasn't his dad, of course. They'd only known each other for about six months or so, yet they had obviously become a family. It made him wonder about Ethan and Megan.

  “Hey, Uncle Michael.”

  “Hey, Scotty.”

  “Ethan should be out soon. He wanted to wait for Miss Reid.”

  Michael smiled. He always wanted to wait for Miss Reid.

  “We'd better get going,” said Dan. He looked at Michael. “The three of you should come over one night soon.”

  “Yeah,” agreed Scot. “That'd be cool. Are you and Miss Reid going to get married?”

  “I don't know yet, mate.”

  “I hope so.” Scot grinned at him. “Ethan said you are.”

  Michael frowned. He needed to talk to the little guy about that.

  “Come on, champ.” Dan grinned at him over the kid's shoulder as they walked away.

  Michael went back to his truck to wait. It seemed everyone wanted him and Megan to get married. Everyone including him, if he was honest about it. But he had to go slowly. There was no rush—was there?

  Megan and Ethan appeared at the top of the steps. As always, it made his heart happy to see them together. While Megan locked the big doors, Ethan turned and waved at him.

  “Hey, Dad!”

  “Come here and give me a hug, you little monkey.”

  He grinned and ran down the steps barreling into Michael who scooped him up and swung him around. He hugged him, and put him back down just as Megan came to join them.

  She looked tired. Michael held his arms out to her and jerked his head. “You come here and give me a hug too, little one.”

  She stepped into his arms and relaxed against him.

  Ethan wrapped his arms around both their waists and leaned against them. “Family hug!” he shouted.

  Megan looked up at Michael uncertainly.

  “It is a family hug!” he affirmed and dropped a kiss on her lips. “And you'd better get used it, little one.” Michael was already used to it, and his conversation with Dan and Scot had given him a clearer idea about making their family a reality.


  Later that night, the three of them sat together on the sofa. Michael had an arm around Megan's shoulders and Ethan had wriggled in between them. Ollie lay at their feet, seemingly engrossed in the movie.

  Megan, however, wasn't too interested in the movie. Her thoughts kept drifting to Kenzie. She'd called her three times this week and got no answer. She'd left a message each time, but still hadn't heard back. Kenzie did shut down sometimes, but only when things weren't going well and she didn't want to talk about it. It was making Megan nervous. The better things got between Michael and her, the more she worried that it might be too good to be true, that it might all have to end soon. Michael seemed to think that it wouldn't be a problem, that Kenzie would be fine, and that if she was struggling, they'd find a way to help her. He was even looking forward to meeting her, although Megan had warned him that he would be under intense scrutiny. She'd told him that Kenzie was suspicious of him, that she was coming to find out what was wrong with him, and that she wanted to convince Megan she would be better off in Nashville.

  Michael had shrugged and given her his mischievous smile. “I've got no worries there, darl'. She'll love me when she meets me. I mean, what's not to love? I'm adorable.” He'd waggled his eyebrows at her and Megan had to laugh.

  “I won't deny it. You made me fall in love with you. I'm not sure Kenzie will be such an easy sell.”

  “Are you saying that my charm and dazzling good looks aren't enough to win her over?”

  She'd laughed. “They're enough to win any woman over and you know it. That might be part of the problem. She'll see that you could have any woman you want and wonder why you're with me.”

  She smiled now, remembering the way he'd picked her up and swung her around. “She's your sister. She'll know why I love you, little one.”


  Michael closed a hand around her shoulder and smiled at her over Ethan's head.

  “Are you all right, little one?”

  She nodded. “I'm wonderful.” She was. She was just hoping that she would still feel that way after Kenzie's visit.

  Chapter Twenty

  Megan stood at the kitchen counter. Ethan stood on a step stool next to her. They were having a great time baking together. Ethan had flour on his cheeks and in his hair. Megan watched him as he rolled out the dough.

  “That's right. You're doing a really a good job of it.”

  He turned to her looking so very pleased with himself, she had to smile. “Would you come take a look at this?” he asked.

  She stepped toward him and he planted a wet kiss on her cheek. “I love you, Megan.”

  She felt tears prick her eyes. “I love you too, Ethan.” She gave him a big hug.

  “And you love my dad as well don't you?”

  She nodded. She could hardly lie to him.

  “Good. So that means you are going to stay here and marry us then?”

  She smiled at the way he phrased it, but she didn't know what to say. First of all, she didn't know if Michael wanted to marry her. Second of all, she didn't know what would happen with Kenzie. Though she was starting to relax about it. It was hard not to in the face of Michael's unwavering belief that they would be able to find some solution to Kenzie's problems that didn't involve Megan moving to Nashville. The more she thought about it, the more it made sense. There must be some other way.

  “Is that a yes then?” Ethan was grinning at her.

  “I don't know. We don't need to decide yet. Remember, your dad said we just need to have fun together for now? Well, he's right. We never know what tomorrow holds. All we can do is make the most of today.” She dipped her finger in the batter and dabbed it on the end of his nose, making him giggle. “And today, we have two pies and one cake to get in the oven before your dad gets home. So let's get back to work shall we?”

  He nodded and got busy with the rolling pin again. He didn't look up, but she could see the smile on his face when he said. “That's a yes.”


  Michael sat at the bar chatting with Ben. He hadn't wanted to cook.
He was worn out tonight. He was getting busy at the clinic now, and today had been especially crazy. Megan had offered to cook, but he didn't want her to feel she had to. He'd noticed the way she was still nervous around the house. He hated to think what her life must have been like with Adrian. She seemed to think that she should be doing everything, and that she'd get in trouble if she didn't. Michael was used to doing for himself and his boy. He'd love to share with her, if she wanted to. It would be fun. But first he needed her to relax, to realize that she didn't have to do anything at all. He’d suggested they order takeout from the resort. She’d agreed, but said she wanted to bake and Ethan had been a very willing accomplice. They'd been having so much fun and making so much mess that they'd sent him off to collect their food. She'd smiled and kissed him. “Why don't you go and have a beer? We're having fun, we won't even know you're gone.”

  He'd taken her hand and led her out into the hallway where Ethan couldn't see. He'd closed his hands around her ass and pulled her to him. “You feel that?”

  She'd nodded, her eyes full of desire. “How could I not feel that? It's enormous!”

  He'd chuckled. “I just wanted to remind you that we'll be having even more fun come bedtime. You might not notice I'm gone, but you'll have no doubt that I'm back once I get you into bed.”

  She'd reached her arms up around his neck. Her breasts had felt so good against his chest. She had felt so good with her legs slightly parted opening up to him as he thrust his throbbing cock against her.

  She'd stepped away from him, just before Ethan appeared in the kitchen doorway. “Promises, promises.” She'd even winked at him when she said it.

  Now, all he wanted to do was get the food Get home to them. Have a fun, but short evening so that they could all get an early night. He was still semi-hard now. It was a problem he knew he wouldn't be able to solve until he got her into bed.


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