Love in Flames: Spells, Secrets and Seductions, Book 3

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Love in Flames: Spells, Secrets and Seductions, Book 3 Page 13

by N. J. Walters

  “Let’s go outside. The moon is almost full and will add power to our spell.”

  She headed out the back door with her friends tight at her heels. Abigail slipped out with them and raced ahead, down the steps and into the secluded yard.

  The long cotton skirt she wore fluttered in the light breeze. The air was crisp, but it wasn’t too cold. The moon hung like an orb in the sky, illuminating the garden. Rhiannon loved this time of year. There was so much magick in the air you could almost touch it. An owl hooted in the distance.

  The large yard was one reason she’d bought this house. With mature trees and no close neighbors, it gave her the privacy to practice any rituals or spells she chose. Plus, she enjoyed the feeling of being alone in her garden.

  “So what do we do?” Esther was on her right side trying to see what she was carrying. Rhiannon could hear the slightest bit of nervousness in Esther’s voice. Maggie walked silently on her other side.

  They reached the center of the garden and she stopped and handed both women a red votive candle. “First, we’ll anoint the red candles with rose oil. Both are representative of passion. Start in the middle of the candle and stroke down to the bottom. When you’re finished, go back to the middle and then stroke the oil up to the top of the candle.”

  She handed off the oil and they all began to rub the fragrant scent into the candles. The night was cool but not overly cold. Maybe it was the remnants of the wine keeping her warm. Or perhaps it was the thought of having sex sometime in the near future that heated her blood. “As you do this, think about the kind of man you’d want to have sex with. Be specific without naming a person.”

  “Why?” Maggie stopped what she was doing.

  “Because you should never try to manipulate anyone with magick. That’s bad and will rebound on you in ways you won’t like. What you want to do is draw someone with the characteristics you want. They’ll only come if they’re willing.”

  “Okay.” Maggie went back to her task. Rhiannon noticed Esther was concentrating fiercely on her candle.

  Rhiannon focused her attention on the candle in her hand. It warmed as she ran her fingers up and down its length. Her bangles tinkled with each stroke she made, like wind chimes blowing in the breeze. She pushed them high on her arm, wanting to be able to concentrate solely on what she was doing.

  Closing her eyes, she thought about the kind of man she wanted. She wanted a man who was honest and loyal, one who had morals without being self-righteous. He’d be strong, with wide shoulders and piercing blue eyes. His fingers would be calloused, but they’d be gentle as they stroked over her body. A shiver skated down her spine. Her breasts felt heavy and a low pulse of desire began to throb deep in her belly.

  Her eyes popped open and she sucked in a breath of the cool evening air. The breeze caressed her skin like a phantom lover, teasing and touching her everywhere. In spite of the chill, a bead of sweat rolled down the length of her spine. She shuddered and wrapped her hand around the small votive candle, envisioning all her sexual frustration flowing from her and into the wax.

  Thankfully, both of her friends were focusing so hard on their candles, they hadn’t noticed anything amiss. When they were all done, Rhiannon placed her votive candle on the patio stone that sat in the middle of her garden for this very purpose. She motioned to her friends and they did the same. The three red candles now sat in the middle of the stone, the scent of rose perfume surrounding them. “If I was doing a big ritual, I’d cast a circle and do more elaborate preparations, but this is simple candle magick.”

  She stepped forward and lit her candle, then handed off the matches to Esther so she could light hers. Esther then passed the matches to Maggie. The flames leapt into the air, diffusing the scent of the rose oil into the air.

  Rhiannon stepped up close to the candles and raised her hands in the air. The other two women did the same, and they all touched their fingers together, forming a circle around the burning flames.

  Tipping her head back, Rhiannon stared at the moon, drawing its energy down to her. “Lady Moon in the sky so bright. Lend your power. Lend your might. Bring to us a love that’s true. And one that one day we won’t rue. In this time and in this hour, we three ladies ask this of thee. We ask this done and harm to none, what we have wrought here now is begun.”

  A breeze came up suddenly, whipping around them, but not extinguishing the flames. Rhiannon could sense the power building in the center of their circle, spiraling upward and outward. Her fingers tingled and her entire body vibrated. Tension stretched her nerves to the breaking point. The energy shot upward and outward, flinging itself toward the heavens. The breeze subsided and the candles flickered and died. The women slowly lowered their hands back to their sides.

  “Did it work?” Maggie glanced nervously around the yard.

  “Only time will tell.” Rhiannon didn’t want to tell the women of the huge amount of power she’d felt welling up between them. She nibbled her bottom lip. Maybe it wouldn’t work at all. Maybe it would work too well. She had no idea what had possessed her to ask for a true love instead of a lover. She shook her head. What was done was done. Her magick tended to not work that well anyway, so there was really no need to worry.

  She doesn’t believe in magic—or love. Until a spirit goes walking on the wild side…

  Dreams of Seduction

  © 2011 N.J. Walters

  Spells, Secrets and Seductions, Book 2

  Maggie O’Neill goes along with her two best friends’ candle-magick spell to summon a lover only because, well, they are her BFFs. She doesn’t really believe in this stuff. Yet the aftermath of the spell leaves her strangely hot and bothered, and then the dreams of a man start—and not just any man. Jed Bearson. Pity, since she’s sworn off men for the foreseeable future.

  Jed, part-time deputy and painter, doesn’t tell many people that he has the ability to let his spirit travel outside his body. One night, despite his self-imposed rule to never invade anyone’s privacy, he follows an irresistible pull to Maggie’s bedside. He’s astounded to find her crying out his name in private pleasure. After months of giving her space, maybe it’s time to approach her.

  Maggie and Jed’s first touch is lightning hot—and their passion is a thunderclap of erotic pleasure. But when Jed reveals he’s a spiritwalker, Maggie’s reaction is like a curtain of cold rain descending between them. Leaving him wondering what she’s afraid of. Magic? Him? Or of following her heart?

  Warning: This book contains erotic dreams and fantasies, a candle magick spell, spiritwalking, lots of hot, sweaty sex, and a happily ever after that will make you sigh.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Dreams of Seduction:

  Jed’s body heated as he drew closer. His balls ached and his cock throbbed. Beautiful, elusive Maggie O’Neill had attracted him from the first time he’d set eyes on her. Her waist-length hair was thick, its red color a beacon, drawing him. Jed wanted to wrap his fist around that hair, anchoring her to him as he pounded into her sweet, soft body.

  Maggie had the kind of curves that made men sweat. Lush and lovely, he wanted to trace every arch, every hollow of her body, mapping each one until he knew it by heart. He wanted to run his tongue over her smooth skin. It looked like fresh cream, but would taste sweet and salty. Her breasts were large and Jed had the deepest desire to know what color her nipples would be.

  But Maggie was a wounded soul. He’d sensed it the moment they’d met. This was a woman who’d been hurt and needed time to recover. As much as his instincts urged him to get closer to her, to make her see him as a man, he’d refrained. He was patient and knew his time would come.

  He’d thought of her, night after night in his empty bed. Imagined having her naked, sprawled across his midnight blue sheets with nothing to cover her but his body. His cock jerked, a bead of pearly white liquid seeping from the tip.

  For whatever reason, he was being drawn to Maggie. Now that he knew where he was going, Jed surged forward, eager
to be with her, even if it was only in spirit. He slipped through her closed window and stood in the shadows.

  Maggie was as he’d pictured her so many times. Naked. Well, almost naked. Her nightgown was pushed over her breasts, leaving her naked from the chest down. Her skin gleamed like a pearl in the light of the moon that seeped through her window.

  Her legs were sprawled wide and her mouth was open on a low moan of pleasure. Like a man in a daze, Jed stumbled forward until he was standing beside the bed. He swallowed hard, entranced by the sheer eroticism of the moment. It was an invasion of privacy, but he couldn’t make himself leave. She’d called him here, somehow reaching beyond the physical world. Her soul had called to his and he’d come. There was no way he was going anywhere. Not yet.

  Her hands covered her breasts, large pink nipples peeking out from between her fingers. He’d fantasized about her breasts, but the reality was much more than anything he’d imagined. Plump and full, they drew him. Lowering himself to the mattress beside her, he placed his hands over hers.

  Her fingers jerked, almost as if she felt his touch, but she sighed and circled her palms over her breasts. The slide of silky skin beneath his palms almost made him come right then and there. Her hands drifted away and he took the opportunity to circle her nipples with his thumbs. The nubs puckered even tighter and Maggie arched her hips upward.

  A flash of an image popped in his head and he knew it had come from Maggie. At first he was stunned. Then satisfaction filled him, deep and abiding. She was thinking of him as she pleasured himself.

  Jed wanted to tip back his head and howl. He wanted to lower himself onto her body and slip his cock into her heated warmth. Then he wanted to fuck her until she screamed her release.

  He did none of those things. Instead, he watched as she let her fingers trail over the curved mound of her stomach and lower still. The reddish curls at the notch of her thighs were damp with cream. Jed let his hands follow Maggie’s, trailing them over her warm, willing flesh. He traced the delicate line of her ribcage and cupped her ample hips. His fingers skated inward until they hovered just above her mound.

  Love in Flames

  N.J. Walters

  A love to last a lifetime…or a dream turned to ash?

  Spells, Secrets and Seductions, Book 3

  When Esther goes along with her friend’s candle-magick spell, it’s not because she wants a lover. But a good old-fashioned one-night stand could be just what she needs to get her mind off Ryan Jameson. Having lost her father in the line of duty, she has no plans to lose her heart to a firefighter.

  Not that Ryan doesn’t heat up her nightly dreams. Those erotic fantasies invariably end in deadly flames—a still-smoking echo of her ancestral namesake, whose wedding day ended in the fiery loss of her husband. A man whose dying breath was a promise to one day find his beloved.

  All his life, Ryan’s dreams have taken him backward in time. As he matured, so did those dreams—erotic fantasies of a woman he loves but has yet to meet. Then he finds her in Burnt Cove. But she’s not only holding him at arm’s length, she refuses to acknowledge their time-proof bond.

  On a magical Samhain night, undeniable desire is stronger than the walls around her heart. But time has one last test for them—one that will meld them into one, or drive them apart forever.

  Warning: This book contains a simple candle-magick spell, a hunky fireman, past lives, lost lovers and enough heat to start a bonfire.

  eBooks are not transferable.

  They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520

  Macon GA 31201

  Love in Flames

  Copyright © 2011 by N.J. Walters

  ISBN: 978-1-60928-543-2

  Edited by Heidi Moore

  Cover by Kendra Egert

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: October 2011

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten


  About the Author

  Look for these titles by N.J. Walters

  Also Available from Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  Copyright Page




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