When Maggie Loved Patrick... Then John

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When Maggie Loved Patrick... Then John Page 2

by Nancy Pirri

His hands trembled as he reached down and circled one nipple. Maggie groaned softly when it immediately hardened and puckered. Then he caressed every inch or her body. She liked how he paused at each spot he touched, seemingly gauging her reaction without words. She liked that a lot. Patrick had never cared about how she felt.

  Satisfaction filled Maggie’s soul at the sounds outside her window, muffled voices followed by outraged gasps. A low aching sensation filled her nether regions, her desire growing stronger at the thought that others watched them.

  God, she’d never thought she’d enjoy others looking at her under such intimate circumstances and normally she wouldn’t. But this was revenge, plain and simple and she’d enjoy every single moment, imagining Patrick’s face turning florid at the sight of her making love with another man. She closed her eyes and smiled. Yes, revenge was sweet.

  Then all thought fled when something as light as a feather flicked across her womanhood, stunning her. She gasped, looked down to find John had slid down her body.

  “Thought that would bring you back to me,” he murmured. “They’re out there you know, watching us.”

  “Yes,” she breathed softly. “I heard them.”

  “Let’s really give them an eyeful then,” he said, ducking his head.

  She nearly shot off the bed when his tongue flicked across her throbbing bud of desire. She squirmed but he held her in place, his big hand stretched across her stomach. Then Maggie’s entire world and reason for existence dimmed as he concentrated on giving her pleasure unlike any she’d ever received—at least at the hands and mouth of a man. All she could think as she heard herself groaning was that John’s tongue was equal...no, make that better than her best vibrator.

  * * * *

  All thoughts, including the lurkers outside Maggie’s window, escaped John. He gave his full attention to the gorgeous blonde splayed on the bed like a sacrificial lamb—just for him. He’d had dreams about Maggie; dreams that had left him dripping sweat and trembling with hot desire to possess her over the past week.

  He’d known all along, deep down in his heart that Angelina wasn’t the right woman for him. But she’d been determined to catch him and she had, even managing to coerce a marriage proposal out of him; one he realized he truly hadn’t meant. He’d learned much about Angelina during their engagement, especially how she enjoyed attention from lots of men—besides him. But he’d always thought her just flirtatious and would never cheat on him.

  He’d met Maggie months ago at Patrick’s house, at a New Year’s Eve party. He’d accompanied Angelina, but had had a difficult time keeping his eyes off the enchanting blonde who happened to be Patrick’s fiancé. He guessed he would have pursued Maggie if neither of them had been engaged. But now with their engagements soon to be broken, he’d have his fill of her.

  Softly he blew on the blonde curls between her legs and grasped her hips, steadying her. While he experienced strong feelings for this woman, he wouldn’t be so quick to ask her to marry him as he had done with Angelina. He’d learned his lesson. They’d get to know each other very well first. Hell, maybe they’d live together to see how their relationship fared.

  John lifted his head at the sound of Maggie’s groans, then an outraged shriek split the silence of the night and he knew it had come from Angelina.

  He was still at the foot of the bed, between Maggie’s legs, when he grasped her ankles and raised her legs high, eliciting more angry sounds from outside. After he planted her thighs over his shoulders, he raised himself up to his knees and gazed down at the creamy golden-colored skin fetchingly displayed for him. He hated how the two-timers at the window had a perfect view of what they were doing, yet knew they couldn’t stop now.

  Reaching down he tweaked one distended pink nipple, prompting Maggie to gasp, “Ohmygod.”

  “Have you ever experienced foreplay like this, sweetheart?” he purred.

  He cocked his head toward the window, mouthing the words, make it good!

  “Never. I’ve never experienced anything like this but now I will, thanks to you, darling.”

  Then he said softly, but loud enough so that the two outside heard him, “Then get set for the ride of your life. It’s going to get a little rough.”

  With a loud groan she said, “Do me good, John!”

  And John did.

  With her legs still over his shoulders, he easily slid deep inside her. She shrieked when at the same time, he pressed his thumb down on her center and rubbed tiny circles across her pearl.

  “Ohmygod, ohmygod,” Maggie’s litany sounded as she closed her eyes and concentrated on the havoc he played upon her body; only John’s presence in her life mattered at the moment. Her climax came on so suddenly it stunned her. She stiffened, gasping for breath even as her body jerked in time with her convulsions.

  John’s brow dripped sweat as he lowered Maggie’s legs. She heard the rustling of fabric then spoke softly, “Sheath me, sweetheart.”

  She did, thankful he had the forethought to be prepared. Soon he drove into her time and time again. Within moments his body tightened then he shouted out his own release, clutching her to him, thinking he was half in love with a woman he barely knew.

  * * * *

  It took John a moment to realize someone was banging on Maggie’s front door. Gently he lifted himself off her body, smiled when he saw the satisfied look on her face. She frowned then and started to sit up.

  “Stay here. It’s them. I’ll take care of things.”

  Maggie shook her head as she sat up. “No. We’ll both take care of things.”

  He looked at her carefully as he pulled on his jeans but didn’t take the time to put on his shirt. “You sure you’re up for this?”

  “Absolutely,” she said briskly. She reached to the foot of the bed where she found her robe and donned it. “Let’s go.”

  John walked down the hallway to the front door, Maggie behind him. He held her hand the entire way, until they stood before the door.

  “You two-timing bastard! Open this damned door!” Angelina shouted from without.

  Maggie gave him a panicked look. “Oh, hurry! She’ll wake up my neighbors.”

  John nodded and opened the door. Angelina came stumbling across the threshold, Patrick right behind her. Angelina’s expression was furious while Patrick looked embarrassed.

  Patrick looked at Maggie. “You heard me and Angelina at my place, didn’t you?”

  “How’d you guess?” Maggie snapped.

  Dryly, he said, “Do me good, John? Come on Maggie. That’s not you talking. That’s Angelina. Can we talk privately?”

  “Sure.” She led the way to the kitchen.

  They sat down at Maggie’s kitchen table, across from each other. “You start,” Patrick said.

  Maggie shook her head. “Uh-uh. I think the ball’s in your court, buddy.”

  He sighed. “You’re right, of course. I’m a two-timing bastard.” He gave her a sad look. “You deserve a hell of a lot better than me.”

  “You’re right,” Maggie said, sinking against the back of her seat. “I deserve better. Even though we haven’t talked through things yet, I believe John and I will do well together. Now tell me why you did it.”

  He shrugged. “Can’t really tell you except that Angelina’s quite a woman.”

  Maggie grimaced as tears came to her eyes.

  Quickly, he amended, “So are you! It’s just that your calm serene personality left something lacking between us.”

  “So, you’d rather listen to a lifetime of that caterwauling going on out there right now?”

  Angelina was screeching off and on, loud enough the neighbors would hear everything. So much for keeping things quiet, she mused in disgust, feeling sorry for John.

  “She’s not like that all the time. She’s an exciting, vivacious woman. We suit each other.”

  “Then why didn’t you come out and be honest with me instead of going behind my back?”

  He swiped an unsteady
hand through his hair. “Cause I wasn’t sure how to tell you, didn’t know what to say.”

  “Well,” she said as she came to her feet. “You won’t have to say a damned thing after all.”

  “How’d you find out?”

  “Each time we went out together you behaved more like a brother than a lover. And, you were finding excuses not to see me so I made a couple late night jaunts to your house and found Angelina’s car parked outside. Do you know I actually stood right outside your bedroom window?”

  A pained look crossed his face. “Grayson, too I imagine?”

  “We ran into each at your house about a week ago.”

  He groaned, “I should have been more discreet.”

  “You should have told me the truth,” she snapped. “Leave, Patrick. I’ve nothing further to say to you. Needless to say, you’re free of me and the wedding is off.”

  “No, it’s not.”

  Both of them turned to find John slouched in the kitchen doorway. Patrick rose slowly.

  “Where’s Angelina?”

  “Waiting in her car.”

  “What do you mean the wedding isn’t off?” said Patrick. “Are you saying Angelina’s still marrying you?”

  “Hell no!” John growled as he straightened and moved to Maggie’s side. Taking her hand, he pulled her towards him, “A wedding is in mine and Maggie’s future. As a matter of fact, I can’t see any reason why she’d need to change the date, the hall or any of the plans—except for replacing my name with yours.” He smiled down into Maggie’s eyes. “You didn’t have the invitations made up did you?”

  She gulped and shook her head, unable to believe what she was hearing. Wanting to believe it but wondering how it was possible to fall in love with someone in one night’s time, but she had. Big time, big fall, and had, had the best sex she’d ever experienced.

  John turned to Patrick who was edging toward the doorway. “Yes, leave,” he said casually, pulling Maggie closer to his side. “Go to Angelina, with my blessings. You’ve no idea what you’ve lost man, no idea.”

  Patrick frowned and stared at Maggie, confusion on his face, but then he swiveled on his heel muttering, “Hope you’re happy, Maggie.”

  They watched him leave and when John grinned down at Maggie again pulling her into his arms, she said, “Do you mean it, John? You weren’t pretending?”

  He ducked his head, kissed the throbbing pulse in her neck, moving up to her jaw-line with feathery kisses that made her shiver. She giggled—until his firm but gentle lips covered hers. He slanted his mouth across hers, his tongue stabbing inside. She felt his tongue swirl along the edges of her teeth before he finally released her.

  He stroked her hair. “God, I love this long blonde stuff. I knew you were a true blonde from the moment I saw you. Tonight confirmed it.”

  Maggie blushed to the very roots of her blonde hair. “John! Please, you’re embarrassing me,” knowing well to what he referred. “No pretending, you said?”

  “That’s right. No pretending sweetheart. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted any woman, though I’ve got to admit it surprised the hell out of me. Especially since when I arrived here a short while ago, I had to tell myself to slow down with you and not make the same mistake I’d made with Angelina. I know what you’re thinking. We don’t really know each other. We just met and all of the other excuses, but you can’t deny there’s a mutual attraction and desire between us can you?”

  “No, I won’t deny it.” She gave him a shy smile. “I’m glad you said it because you’ve done so quite nicely, while I’d likely have stumbled around for the right words to say.”

  “You will marry me then, won’t you?”

  “Oh yes, John Grayson.” She laughed. “I rather like the name, Maggie Grayson.”

  His chest expanded and his eyes turned darker. Maggie’s heart, beat in double-time at the possessive look on his face, knowing he wanted her as much as she wanted him.

  She gave a little joyous shriek when he easily lifted her in his arms and started walking back to her bedroom. Grinning mischievously, he pretended to drop her and she tightened her grip and shrieked again. Then, leaning close she nibbled on his earlobe. She loved how he tightened his grip on her and held her even closer. Once in her bedroom he lowered her to the bed, following her down, laying beside her and he spread her robe wide. His eyes feasted on her body for a long while until Maggie felt somewhat embarrassed, realizing her legs were splayed.

  She made to close them but he placed his hands on her thighs and said, “Don’t close yourself to me sweetheart. I’ll be your husband soon. I can’t wait for the wedding date you’d established with Patrick. Five more months is too long for me to wait.”

  Maggie gulped and nodded, unable to think of a reply.

  He stood and pulled down his zipper. Her eyes followed his hand’s movement as heat seeped into her body. Casually he said, “You know what? It just dawned on me I’ve no idea what you do for a living.”

  Maggie gave him a saucy grin, rolled to her side and faced him as she took up the sexiest position she could muster.

  “Remember when you told me that you’re a marriage counselor?”

  He nodded as he sank to the bed and faced her, his body nearly touching hers

  Maggie’s body prepared itself for her lover, as she grew aware of the gathering moisture between her thighs.

  He ran one finger down her nose, crossed her lips, then moved down the pulse in her neck once more. Once he reached one pert pink nipple, she said, “I’m a divorce attorney.”

  She smiled when he threw back his dark head, laughed, and growled, “I adore you.”

  The End

  About the Author

  Nancy Schumacher is the owner-publisher of Mélange Books, LLC, writing under the pseudonym, Nancy Pirri. Nancy started writing fifteen years ago while raising four children. Nancy has been a member of Romance Writers of America and her local chapter, Midwest Fiction Writers, for nine years. She is also one of the founders of a second Minnesota RWA chapter, Northern Lights Writers (NLW). They meet in various locations in north-eastern Minnesota the fourth Saturday of the month.

  Nancy's debut historical romance, THE MACAULAY BRIDE, set in late 19th century Scotland, was published in 2003. The debut book received several contest wins and received a TOP PICK award from Romantic Times publication in Oct. 2004. She has written five full-length novels, and many stories included in anthologies with Mélange Books, LLC. Her last story, To Love a Music Master appeared in the recently released anthology, Christmas Collectibles.

  January 1, 2011, Nancy opened her new digital and print on demand house, Mélange Books, LLC, www.melange-books.com.



  Other works by Author

  Make Me Behave, with Tara Fox Hall

  A Little Holiday Magic

  One Magical Night

  Riding Blue Steel

  Wishes & Kisses

  Also featured in the following anthologies

  Bikes & Booties

  Christmas Collectibles

  Holiday Treats


  Summer Sensations

  Western Ways

  Also Available

  From Melange Books

  Wishes & Kisses

  by Nancy Pirri

  For Angelina Marrone's twenty-first birthday she receives a birthday present to remember; a night in the arms of sexy escort, Burke Severson.

  Also Available

  From Melange Books

  Riding Blue Steel

  by Nancy Pirri

  One woman, biological clock ticking; one widowed father with no desire for more children. Is it lust or love at first sight at a Bikini Bike Wash?

  Also Available

  From Melange Books

  One Magical Night

  by Nancy Pirri

  Give All to Love, Obey thy Heart'

  -Ralph Waldo Emerson

  Marcus Calhoun arrives home
after divorcing his unfaithful wife. He renews his friendship with spinster, Anne Prentice. Marcus soon discovers his friendship with Anne has changed to love. Anne can't believe Marcus loves her due to her imperfection, a limp, until Marcus manages to prove his feelings.




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