by Aliyah Burke
Fiona sat across from him, clashing with the room. “Do you plan on allowing my niece to keep her freedom?” His brows rose in amazement. Scanning the room, he looked for the viscount. “Trenton’s not here. This is between you and me. She is my only link to my brother and I will not have her hurt.”
“I don’t plan on hurting her. Some of her activities will have to cease, for she will become the wife of a marquess. I am allowing her to keep her animals and that should tell you something right there. When we come out to Heartstone, I will probably allow her to assist with the horses. She will not want for anything. I will provide for your niece.”
“You will find her out riding past the lake. One of the grooms can give you directions.” She didn’t look back at him when she added, “Don’t forget who she was when you met her. Ever.” Then she left in a swish of silk.
Lucien let her words wash over him. He had to go find his wife-to-be. The minister would be here this afternoon. The special license was in his pocket. He had witnesses, had sent a note to his father letting him know what he was doing. All he needed was to see his son and his future wife.
He swung up into his saddle and got directions from the groom. When he rode up to the field he stopped as he saw Faolan and Kosse lying in the sun. Bryn was not with her. She was riding across the field. Her hair was loose and flowing out behind her.
Ciara was riding low and they were moving fast. Artemis was moving swift and powerful across the grass. Her hooves pounded the ground, sending up chunks of earth in their wake. As they approached the edge of the field, they moved as one into a smooth turn and headed back across.
Riding into the sun, Ciara sat up and reached her arms out to the warmth. Her head fell back and she moved with her horse, holding on with her legs. Lucien saw and realized that she was riding bareback. There was no saddle and no bridle on her horse. His breath caught in his throat.
A whistle reached his ears and, as he watched, Faolan and Kosse jumped up and ran after her. Without slowing, she turned Artemis toward a fallen tree. Urging her horse on to greater speed, she sent her flying over the tree, followed by both animals, and was soon out of sight.
Shaking with fury at her daring, he rode his horse down to look at the tree. It reached the chest of his horse. She could have killed herself. Wheeling his gelding around, he headed back to the stables. Ciara, however, wasn’t there when he arrived.
Ciara rode off into the trees. She loved this, running fast and free. As she found herself on the road, she slowed Artemis to a walk and followed the winding path. Glancing at the sun, she realized she needed to get back to get ready for her wedding. Her wedding, that struck a nerve.
Turning Artemis around, she noticed that Faolan and Kosse had slipped back into the wood and Artemis was tossing her head. She heard it then, an approaching horse and rider. Moving Artemis over to one side, she continued walking on.
“Morning. What are you doing out here and who are you?” He pulled his horse up in front of hers so she would have to stop.
Cool eyes, the color of whiskey, ran an assessing gaze over him. He preened. He was very good-looking and knew it.
Ciara looked at the gentleman in front of her. He was built like Lucien but had sandy brown hair and gray eyes. His face was pointier and more hawklike. Lips were thinner. He was broad-shouldered and fit. He was a handsome man. Problem was, he knew it.
“I am riding. I am Ciara. You need to keep your horse moving. He is too hot to be made to stand still. Who are you?”
Arching a brow at her comment, he moved his horse alongside hers and walked with her. “I am Phillip Vallence, Earl of Edais. I am on my way to see the Marquess of Heartstone. He is getting married today.”
He smiled like she should be heartbroken at the news. Or shocked to hear it. “Oh. How nice for you. Excuse me, I have to go.” She turned to head Artemis off the road and onto a path when his voice stopped her.
“Do you know this chit he is supposed to marry? There are rumors all over London that she beat up the duke’s men for no reason. They say that she is a heathen from the colonies and…” Dawning hit him. To his credit, he did blush.
“Looks like they say a lot in London. I believe you will find the marquess at Viscount Trenton’s house, for that is where the wedding is supposed to be. Good day.” She rode off into the trees without another word.
“Wait. Where are you going?” Phillip turned off the path and blanched as he saw the animals in his way. His horse rolled its eyes in fear and bolted off down the road, leaving him on his butt on the ground.
Ciara turned back when she heard the thump of him falling to the ground. This was not how she had wanted to spend her last free day. She saw her babies stalking the man. Calling them off, she looked down at the man on the ground.
“Are you all right?”
“Are they friends of yours?”
“Aye. They won’t hurt you, unless you attempt to hurt me. Are you hurt?” She swung down from Artemis and walked over to him. Artemis began to eat the grass.
Phillip rose with caution, keeping an eye on the animals that were watching him. “I’m fine.” He took a step and winced as his ankle flared with pain. “Ouch. That hurt.”
Ciara was by him in a flash. “Sit. I need to look at that.”
Phillip listened. She examined his ankle in a detached manner. As she slipped his boot back on, she said, “It’s not broken, just sprained.”
“How would you know?”
“I just do. I will help you to the Trenton house. There someone can summon a doctor if you prefer.” She spoke with calm assurance.
“I can’t walk on this, woman. It hurts. Send someone to help me. I will wait here.”
“I can’t leave you here. You will ride my horse with me.”
“No way. Your horse has no saddle. For that matter, why is it still here? Why didn’t it run away from those animals?”
Unamused by his hesitations, she struggled to contain her irritation. “They are friends. I will help you on her back and then I will ride in front of you.” Her decision made, she rose and held out her hand to the man on the ground.
Shaking his head, he refused her hand. “I will stay here.”
Another heavy sigh. “Look, the nice weather will not last. There is rain coming. You can do this the easy way or the hard way, but I am not leaving you here. Come on. Let’s go.” Ciara took the decision from him and lifted him.
Calling her horse to her, she looked between them both and made her decision. She spoke low to the horse and it got down on the ground. She gazed at the man standing next to her and gestured to the horse.
“You get on now. After she rises I will get on. I would help you up, but I think it best if I do not put my hands on you. Come on.”
Phillip shook as she helped him on and Ciara wasn’t sure if it was from pain or fear.
“Slide back. I will swing up in front of you and then you will have to scoot up so you can hold on to my waist.” When he complied, she pulled herself up and brought her leg over the other side of the horse’s neck. Waiting until she felt his arms go around her waist, she spoke and they were off.
“Are you really marrying Luc?”
“That’s the rumor,” Ciara answered.
“You don’t speak much for a woman.” He gripped her tighter as they went around a corner.
“I speak when it’s important. Hang on, we are almost there.” They broke from the covered road and saw the Trenton house in the distance.
Her passenger tried to hold himself upright as they rode in but he couldn’t find it in himself to release her all the way. Lucien was waiting at the top of the steps with thunderclouds in his eyes. Rafe and Devonna were there as well.
Halting Artemis, she looked until she saw the footman she was searching for. “Go get a doctor. The earl has hurt his foot.” The man ran off. She looked up at Lucien and Rafe. “Don’t just stand there. Come help him off the horse. He can’t stand on his own.”
Lucien sp
eared her with a glare. “You have some explaining to do. I saw you in the field.” He grabbed his friend and pulled him down, asking, “What are you doing here? Why are you riding and holding on to her? Stay away from her.”
Ciara turned Artemis toward the stable and rode off, ignoring the look of disbelief on Lucien’s face. She would deal with him later. For now she had a horse to tend to. While she was in the stall brushing down Artemis, she felt rather than saw the door slide open.
When she looked up, she stared at a furious man. “Morning, Wolf.” She kept on brushing.
“What in the hell do you think you were doing, riding around like that?” Lucien fisted his hands and stepped closer. “I saw that jump. For god’s sake, woman, you weren’t even using a saddle or a bridle. And then to come back riding with another man.”
“Would you have had me leave him in the road, injured?”
“Yes. It would serve him right for falling off his horse. He should learn to ride better.” His words were snarled.
“Funny, your father said the same about you. Should I have left you where you fell?”
“That wasn’t the same thing.”
“How do you know? His horse spooked. He fell, he was injured. There is a storm coming and, regardless of your feelings about it, I couldn’t and wouldn’t leave him there.” She walked past him out of the stall. “Now I have to go and get ready. Excuse me.”
* * * *
“Where are you going to celebrate the marriage?” Phillip asked Lucien.
“We are just going to Heartstone and after Devonna’s wedding we will be going to London.”
“We should be going.” Lucien rose and pulled her to her feet amidst the sly looks of his friends. He had arranged for Bryn to stay here with Devonna for one night and they would return to Heartstone tomorrow, for Devonna’s wedding was at the end of the week.
“Bye, Mama. Bye, Papa. I will see you tomorrow.” He hugged his mom and whispered something in her ear.
“Yes, Bryn. They will stay with you. Take them with if you ride Toka. I love you, baby. See you tomorrow.” One more hug and she turned to the rest of the family. “Thank you for everything.” She kissed her uncle and said goodbye to the rest present.
Lucien handed her up in his carriage that had been sent and they set off for Heartstone. He couldn’t believe it. He had just married Ciara. “Well, how do you feel, Lady Heartstone?”
“I think I am in shock. It seemed to happen so fast. What about you?” Ciara smiled at him.
“Happy. You are mine now. I will never let you go.”
Chapter Twenty-Eight
“To the Marquess and Marchioness of Heartstone. Cheers.” Everyone in the room echoed the shout and raised their glasses in a toast. Lucien took a drink, looked to his wife of two months and sent her a smile.
The townhouse was filled with members of the ton who were making an appearance at the wedding breakfast of the future duke of Stokley and his duchess. The Black Marquess had been tamed. Or had he? The paper wasn’t so sure.
Ciara felt like screaming. She had been married to Lucien for two months and for six of those weeks they had been in London. He had changed. There were so many rules for her to follow.
At least Bryn was settling in well. He went with his father to the races and spent most of his time shadowing his footsteps. Lucien was gone until the wee hours of the morning, and if and when he made it home, he smelled of drink and women.
Through it all, Ciara smiled. She kept her own counsel and rarely ventured out to see Devonna and Rafe, who, also newly married, were in his townhome. The smile that she had on her face felt like it was etched in stone. When would it end?
Endless invitations came to the St. Martin house. Each one Lucien accepted on her behalf, as if she were an idiot and not capable of doing so herself. Her new husband seemed to avoid her unless there was a function to attend, during which he performed his obligatory duties then left her alone to fend for herself.
Most of her days passed in the large gardens in the back of the house with Faolan and Kosse. His friends would stop by to try to catch a glimpse of the elusive animals, but she always had them hidden away. This was what she had feared beyond all measure.
Ciara sent a smile back to her husband and nodded at him, her face schooled into a pleasant mask as she listened to the ramblings around her.
Ciara felt the duke’s gaze on her. Enough was enough. Rising, she left the room, heedless of the other stares on her. Lucien was right behind her.
“Where are you going?”
“I don’t feel well. I am going to lie down.”
He placed his hand on her head. “Should I call a doctor?”
“No.” Brushing off his hand, she walked away without looking back.
* * * *
A knock on her door surprised her. She opened it and found herself looking at Foley, her husband’s man of affairs, and a bearded man that had a nasty look on his face. Arching a brow, she asked, “Can I help you?”
“I’m Dr. Roman. Your husband sent for me to check on you.” He tried to push his way into the room.
Ciara slapped her arm across the opening. “I don’t need a doctor.”
“Your husband sent for me.”
“Then go check on him. I don’t need you.” She shut the door in his face. Then she locked it. Sitting on her bed with Faolan and Kosse, she looked out of the window. The air was thick and blackened with coal smoke. There was a very pungent odor in the air that made her want to choke. I want to go home. I want to ride in the clean air and swim. Covering her face with her hands, she turned her back on the window and curled up against Kosse with Faolan at her feet.
* * * *
“I called the doctor to check on you. Why did you not let him?” Lucien asked.
“I don’t need him.” Ciara didn’t even open her eyes. He had gained entrance to her rooms through a connecting door.
“You don’t feel well. You need a doctor.”
“No. That’s not what I need.” Her hand clutched as she tried to keep from breaking down.
“What then? There are things to do tonight, you know. We have places to go.”
“Why don’t you go? I feel like staying in tonight.”
“Ciara, what’s wrong?” The bed shifted as he sat next to her back.
“Just a change, I am not used to all this.” All this dirt and congestion.
“I know. I forget that you are used to the country. I suppose it can be overwhelming. Maybe I will just go to White’s with Phillip then if you are staying in.” He patted her on the back. Like a child. “You rest. I will see you later. Maybe a walk in the park will do you some good.” Rising, he left the room.
“Getting me out of this damn city will do me some good,” she snapped at the closed door. “I hate it here.”
She was a prisoner. Her son had a governess and otherwise spent time with his father. She, on the other hand, couldn’t go outside without people following her and telling her what to do and where to go. For being a marchioness there certainly were a lot of people that got to order you around.
A walk. Maybe that was what she needed. If only she could take Faolan and Kosse. She changed into what Lucien considered a proper walking dress. She considered it uncomfortable. After telling Faolan and Kosse to stay, she opened the door and peeked out and came face to face with a pair of violet eyes.
Devonna. “Where are you going? I saw you leave. Are you feeling all right?”
“I am going to the park for a walk. Would you like to come?”
“Are you sure you should? Lucien said he sent for a doctor.”
“I’m going out.”
“I’m going with you. Let me just get our maids.”
Ciara rolled her eyes. How she hated this, but she waited. Before long, the two women were off walking toward the park. They traveled in silence until they reached their destination.
“Is everything all right, Ciara?” Devonna glanced at their maids, not close enough to ove
rhear but not far enough away to be improper. “You seem different. Are things all right between you and Saint?”
The women came to an open section where there were couples sitting on the ground and kids flying kites. Ciara sat down.
“I don’t think I am fitting in here. I hate the city. My husband is gone all the time and sets up all these appointments for me to attend without asking me first.” She ran a weary hand over her face. “I miss riding, I miss being able to go outside by myself. I miss my son.” She turned her face up to the sun and shoved the bonnet off her head. The warmth on her face almost brought a smile to it. Almost.
Two women stopped by them, deep in their conversation. “Then what happened?”
“I’ll tell you. Phillip said that he would bring a friend with him back to my house and that I should just go home and wait with Christie. Sure enough, he brought his friend the marquess with him. Imagine that. I spent the night with the Black Marquess, even though he is supposed to be married. Well, he is. I mean they are having his wedding breakfast this morning. She must not be very good for him to be with me at night. He is supposed to be back to my place again tonight.” The women laughed and walked on.
Devonna made as though to jump up and confront them only to be stopped by Ciara. “Let it go.” They waited until the women were gone then headed back to the house.
Devonna and Ciara walked back into Lucien’s townhouse and saw him in the foyer with the Widow Levon pressed up against his arm, offering him a clear view down her dress front. The shock he had at seeing his wife come in from outside flashed across his face, but he didn’t move.
“Saint.” Devonna’s voice was sharp with disdain. “Lady Levon.” She brushed past with no further comment to find her husband.
Ciara looked at both of them. Her heart may have fell to her feet, but her expression didn’t change or even offer the slightest bit of emotion. She nodded and walked past them both as she headed off after Devonna.
A bit later, she came back down and found the same widow pressed against him. Bitterness swam in her mouth but she swallowed it back.