Odyssey_Double Helix

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Odyssey_Double Helix Page 1

by R. Patricia Wayne



  Complied by R. Patricia Wayne

  All stories contained within are Copyright © 2014-2018 by their respective authors.

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and situations within its pages and places or persons, living or dead, is unintentional and coincidental.

  ISBN-13: 978-1542825573

  ISBN-10: 1542825571

  Printed in the United States of America.

  First Printing, January 2018

  Editor: R. Patricia Wayne

  Book and Cover Design: Ray Harmeyer

  Interior Map: Maria Gandolfo


  [email protected]



  Dax the Betrayer

  And Then the Morning Comes

  Haunting Heathyr

  Dead Weight

  Provenance of Fear

  The Companion

  Janna and Isadora

  The Face of Amy James

  Walkout Bout






  Dax the Betrayer

  By R. Patricia Wayne

  EDITOR’S NOTE: After the Armageddon that nearly destroyed humanity, the Earth has been slowly spiraling into a new ice age. But, unbeknownst to the colonists on Mars, a small number of humans survived. These were the fittest, the most hearty, or the very lucky.

  Over the centuries, Earth’s technology has been lost. Now, most humans have become brutal bands of scavengers who live in Earth’s crumbling cities. Others have returned to the lifestyle of the original inhabitants of North America; the Native American and Inuit tribes. And these peaceful people live out in the wilderness and far away from the cities.

  This is the story of Nyx and Dax who meet where Earth’s differing cultures cross paths.


  Earth. Somewhere in the Pacific Northwest

  Year: 2256

  It was early morning and Nyx had been awake for at least an hour, but she couldn’t get out of bed yet. She could only lay there, captivated by the young woman with long dark hair sleeping next to her. Dax the Betrayer, the Archons called her. Nyx had no idea what her real name was, but it was surely something dainty and feminine, just like she was. She was probably named after a flower.

  This was the first time they had slept in the same bed. For the last week, Dax had been content with sleeping on the floor beside her, bundled up in her rabbit fur clothing. Last night, Nyx was startled awake to discover Dax quietly slipping under the sheets and wrapping an arm around her waist. Nyx usually slept nude and was also surprised to find Dax had stripped off all her clothes. Nyx hadn’t said anything. She was just pleased Dax no longer saw her as a threat.

  With a finger, Nyx gently pulled the loose hair from the girl’s face and tucked it behind her ear. She then studied her again. She was perhaps twenty years old and had lovely sun-reddened skin. She was a thing of beauty in this otherwise ugly world and Nyx admired her for that. But, as attractive as she was, Nyx hadn’t saved her life for any sexual reasons. She only wanted to protect her. She was too innocent to protect herself. Nyx couldn’t stand by and just watch her get brutalized. This world needed to keep what little beauty and innocence was left.

  As Dax rarely spoke, it was hard to guess what the girl was thinking. Perhaps today she’d feel like talking. Until then, Nyx would let her rest. Sleeping was the only time she looked peaceful and not terrified like she usually did all day long.

  A polite knock at the door forced Nyx from the bed. She tossed the purple sheets over Dax, wrapped a purple bath towel around her body, then made her way through the living room and to the front door of her apartment.

  Nyx opened the door just enough to peer into the hall. It was a tall woman who wore pearls as if they were clothes. Her skin was as dark as midnight. Much darker than Nyx’s own deep brown coloring.

  “Diabolique?” Nyx cringed. “What do you want?”

  “Time for you to earn your keep.” Diabolique pushed the door open and marched passed Nyx.

  Nyx didn’t know much about the woman, but she tolerated her. Everyone did. Abraxas was the ruthless leader of this clan, but Diabolique was his voice and that made her both powerful and untouchable. She could walk around half-naked and no one would say a word. Where all the rest of the Archons dressed in black leathers or furs to attend to their assignments and duties in the snow-covered and decaying city, she strutted around the hotel wearing only a bra and a long skirt, both made of pearls and neither left much to the imagination. If Nyx had to guess, Diabolique had probably never left this fortress since Abraxas claimed her as his.

  Diabolique turned to face Nyx. “Have you met Abraxas’ new friend? Scalpel?”

  “Once.” Nyx nodded. “But we never exchanged words.”

  “An interesting man with many interesting stories to share.” Diabolique began pacing back and forth. “We didn’t know there was another city so near to ours, but it seems there is. Scalpel has told us of this city and their weaponry, and that greatly concerns us. He has informed Abraxas that our neighbors are less than fifty miles from here. To the south.”

  “Are they a threat?”

  “Yes. A week ago, Abraxas sent six men to where we found this man. To see if Scalpel spoke the truth. They never returned. According to Scalpel, our neighbors to the south are machines with weapons that are far superior to our spears, arrows, and hatchets. All we have are spitballs compared to their arsenal.”

  “All incredibly non-interesting.” Nyx sat down at the table and crossed her legs. “Why are you telling me this story?”

  “You’re making a shadowrun, Nyx. We cannot trust Scalpel until we know if he speaks the truth. At the moment, we have to assume what he claims is true, but your job is to find out for sure. Sneak into enemy territory, find out if there really is a city full of machines out there, then report your findings to Abraxas.”


  Diabolique quickly cut her off with a pointed finger. “This comes directly from Abraxas. You wish me to tell him that you refuse? You’re already in deep shit, Nyx.”

  “No,” Nyx said. “But, why me? If six men couldn’t do it, why am I being sent in alone?

  “You’re not going alone. Abraxas has assigned you as the team leader. Ajax and Kilo will be your escorts. Both of them know that area well.”

  “Then why am I going at all? You just said they know the area. I don’t.”

  “You’ve been on Abraxas’ shit list since you took Dax the Betrayer from War Hammer. Abraxas liked War Hammer, but the law is the law. And you followed the laws of disputes just like any other Archon would. And that changed things. You may have been an outsider once, but that time has passed. He’s willing to give you a chance to redeem yourself, so do this well and you’ll be back in his good graces.”

  Nyx blew out a breath of frustration. She did want things to get better and she was tired of being shunned as an outcast.

  “I’ll do it.”

  “Very good. Abraxas needs someone at his side that can be trusted, and that can handle trouble whenever it arises. He told me that if you’re successful, he’ll elevate your standing in the clan. Since there is now an opening as one of Abraxas’ personal bodyguards, perhaps you’ll replace War Hammer. If you can impress us, that is.”

��Does Ajax have to go?”

  “Do you have a problem with your hearing?”

  “I heard you the first time. I’m asking if he has to go. He’s been after Dax since they raided her village. I’ll kill him if he touches her.”

  “When it comes to your little native girlfriend, you won’t find any sympathy from me or anyone else in this clan. If you’re so worried about her, then perhaps she shouldn’t go.”

  “We both know what’ll happen to her if she stays here. She’ll be raped by every man in this hotel the moment I leave.”

  “She doesn’t belong to you, Nyx. They didn’t take that girl for you.” She pointed at Nyx. “She belongs to all of them.” She pointed at the door to her apartment. “That’s the way this system works. And every time you parade her around with you, you’re taunting them. I’m surprised they’ve let you keep her for as long as they have.” Diabolique softened her voice. “I know you want to protect her. We all see it, but you have your own future to worry about. After you killed War Hammer you bought yourself some time, but that won’t last forever. Everyone knows that no one can win every duel in the arena. So, sooner or later, someone will challenge you for her. And after him, there’ll be another, and another, and another until they have her back. Her fate was sealed on the day they captured her. Your fate is still in question. Don’t put your personal issues above Archon law, or your fate will end up the same as hers.”

  “No one is raping Dax,” Nyx said. “She goes wherever I go.”

  “This is about you and Abraxas, and nothing to do with the betrayer. Take her if you want, but Ajax goes.” Diabolique shrugged. “Or you can settle this in the arena if you really have a problem with him.”

  “No, thanks. Once was enough.”

  “Wise, Nyx. Abraxas doesn’t care for him any more than you do, but Ajax has been in the arena four times and he’s still among the living.”

  Nyx sighed. There wasn’t anything she could do. She was forced to take Dax with her and hope they didn’t have a problem with Ajax.

  “Now,” Diabolique continued. “I suggest you get showered and dressed. Since it’s already begun to snow, you three will leave within the hour.” She walked to the door and paused. “Just a friendly piece of advice. If you fuck this up because you took your little native girl with you, Abraxas will be very displeased.”

  Diabolique’s head darted toward the bedroom. Nyx assumed she spotted Dax. Nyx hadn’t offered any acknowledgment, but Diabolique seemed to be finished discussing the matter anyway. The woman shrugged, then shook her head. She then turned and left the apartment.

  “Nyx?” It was Dax’s soft voice coming from the bedroom doorway behind her.

  “Yeah?” Nyx’s gaze followed the girl as she made her way to the table and sat down across from her. She was now dressed in a large, purple bath towel that matched the one Nyx was wearing.

  “I heard what that woman said,” Dax said. “And I am worried now.”

  Already this was probably their longest conversation. Nyx wanted to keep her talking, but now wasn’t the time. For now, she only wanted Dax to know she’d protect her.

  “You’ll be right by my side,” Nyx told her. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “Okay.” Dax drew her long black hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ear. “Can we take my horse this time? Fury?”

  “Why? Fury is as big as a house. He’ll never fit inside the subway tunnels.”

  “I never get to ride him. If I am not allowed to ride my horse, then why did you buy him for me?”

  Since they met, Nyx had been buying the girl nice things, trying to get her to open up. One of which was the biggest horse Nyx could find; a massive brown Clydesdale they called Fury. The horse towered over the other horses and had long white hair covering its brown body. It wasn’t meant solely as a present. Nyx hoped, in a small way, the horse would make Archons feel intimidated around the girl. And apparently, they were not. The intention of every man in this fortress was to rape the poor girl. The first chance they had, it would surely happen. And once it started, it would never stop. Just like what happened to both Nyx and her sister, Lily.

  Dax reminded Nyx of her sister. It was eerie. She was just like her. Lily was too innocent and frail. She didn’t survive the repeated beatings and rapes. They killed her the moment they tired of all her tears. And Nyx was not going to let that happen a second time.

  After a moment of thought, Nyx realized that Dax was right. She had been forcing Dax to ride on Nyx’s stallion with her, to keep her close. She could do the same thing on Dax’s horse.

  “I’m sorry,” Nyx said. “Sure, we’ll take your horse this time. I’ve never ridden a horse that big. Who knows. It might be fun.”

  “Thank you!” Dax leaned over and kissed Nyx on the cheek. “I will get dressed now. I cannot wait to see Fury again. He was a good gift.” She hopped out of her chair and dashed toward the bedroom.

  “Wait!” Nyx stopped her. “You can’t wear that rabbit fur anymore. It’s only taunting the others. Seriously, it’s asking for trouble. You’re a little thinner than I am, so I’ll dig out some of my old clothes. You can keep them. They don’t fit me anymore. I’m sure I have an old parka you can have, too.”

  Dax studied Nyx’s eyes for a long moment, then she nodded.

  At least the girl was beginning to trust Nyx. She was talking today and seemed to understand that Nyx was not like the others. It was a start. If things kept progressing the way they were, she and Dax might be friends soon.


  While Nyx never cared for the Archons, she had to admit having a roof over her head, food to eat, and heat to keep her warm were the only things that kept her with them. The rest of the planet had been laid waste by the Armageddon that befell Earth, and each new day was one day closer to the impending ice age. And what little survived outside had more than two hundred years of rot and decay. That is, all except the seven-story hotel that Abraxas claimed as his fortress. It was the only structure in the city that wasn’t crumbling into dust. He had men that routinely repaired and kept it in good condition, inside and out. In a city of nothing but ruins, it was a luxury that Nyx couldn’t deny.

  Both dressed in black leather and fur parkas, Nyx led Dax out of the building and into the foggy outside world. The snow was falling fast. The flakes were large and wet, hinting at a substantial accumulation of snow on its way. If they were going to get this done, they needed to get started soon. Fifty miles was a long ride on a horse and a treacherous trek in a city full of sinkholes. Especially when visibility was poor. Even if there were no snow and there weren’t many obstacles for the entire trip, they were still looking at a full day to ride back and forth.

  Nyx grabbed Dax by the hand and led her to the stables that the clan had built adjacent to the fortress. The stables were a series of perhaps two hundred horse stalls under a slanted wooden roof. Much like everything else that Abraxas had control over, he had a group of men who did nothing else but care for the horses on a daily basis. As she and Dax approached the stalls, the blacksmith hammering on horseshoes stopped working when he spotted them. The man was portly and older with a prominent beard of gray hair that hung to his chest. The Archons called him Anvil.

  He pointed into the snowfall at the line of wooden troughs that lined the front of the building. “Fury is saddled and out front. I did you a favor and filled a saddlebag with food for that beast. You didn’t think about that, did you?”

  His words were gruff, but Nyx knew it wasn’t personal. Most of her jaunts were shorter excursions into the ruined city, or through the subway tunnels. Usually, her horses were back before their feeding or watering became a concern. Anvil worked with the horses every day and knew their needs far better than she did. And apparently, he also knew where they were going.

  “Thanks.” She left it at that.

  Walking in the direction he gestured, she found Fury already saddled and drinking water from a half-frozen trough. Nyx had pack
ed his saddlebags earlier when he was still inside his stall. She stopped to inspect the contents of the saddlebags. As she suspected, Anvil had reorganized her belongings. Both bags were bulging. One was full of apples and carrots. He had crammed all her belongings in the other. She pulled out the two pair of black fur mittens and refastened the bag’s leather straps. She then handed both pairs of mittens to Dax.

  “Hold these.”

  After Dax took the gloves, Nyx readjusted the large bedroll, the torch, and the two canteens of water that were strapped between the saddlebags. She pulled them back further, toward the horse’s tail, trying to make room for Dax to sit comfortably behind the saddle. Once done, she pointed out each item on Fury’s back to Dax, then noted the contents of each saddlebag.

  “If we need anything and can’t stop,” Nyx told her, “you’re in charge of the supplies.”

  “Okay,” Dax replied. “I can do that. I will remember.”

  Now, the hard part.

  At first, Nyx couldn’t make it up on the saddle. Trying to throw her leg up and over the horse’s back wasn’t working. On her third attempt, she awkwardly tucked, pulled, pushed, and then scrambled onto Fury’s saddle. There wasn’t anything pretty or graceful about her maneuver, but she’d made it. After composing and adjusting herself to sit up straight, she then pulled Dax up and sat her between the saddle and Fury’s saddlebags. By far, this was the biggest horse Nyx had ever seen. Over the years, she had ridden just about every type of horse imaginable, and she’d never had a problem mounting them before. This was embarrassing in front of her new friend. Perhaps she should have bought Dax a smaller animal to ride.

  Dax handed a pair of mittens to Nyx.

  “Have you ever ridden a horse this big before?” Nyx asked as she tugged on the gloves.


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