Moments Lost and Found

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Moments Lost and Found Page 14

by Olivia Jake

  “You’re right.” He admitted.

  “I know.” Sam said, and then added, “And if you ever want to sleep with someone else, have the courtesy to just end it with me first.”

  “Samantha, I don’t want to be with anyone else. More than that, I could never hurt you like that.” He said with sincerity.

  “I hope not.” She really had never been in this situation. The thought of him being with anyone else made her sick to her stomach.

  Laurent got up, undressed, and turned off the light before crawling into bed with Sam. He pulled her into his arms and they lay there spooning for a bit before he said, “where did that laughter come from tonight? Did you find something about the evening funny?” he was stroking her body as she answered.

  Sam chuckled, “I have no idea. The situation was just so ridiculous. I don’t know why I started laughing like that.” They lay there a little longer then she asked, “you really had a relationship with that girl?” His hand stopped rubbing her.

  Laurent exhaled audibly, “Like I said, it was just sex. She was, uh, very persistent, and, do you really want to hear this?”

  “Yeah, actually, I want to understand how you could be with me and with someone like her.”

  “Merde. You really can be trying at times, Samantha.” He took a deep breath and said, “it was uh, convenient.”

  Sam laughed, “Convenient?”

  He couldn’t help but chuckle, “you said you wanted an explanation. That’s what it was. She came on to me. I wasn’t involved with anyone at the time. She was, um, willing. She was there.”

  Sam shook her head, “Ok, I think I’ve heard enough.”

  “Samantha, what I have with you, what we have together… compared with what I did with Stacy, it’s not even in the same universe.” Sam turned to face him.

  “That’s all I needed to hear.” She said and then kissed him. “But next time, please tell me. Please don’t assume you know how I’ll react.”

  “I will, Cheri. I am sorry about tonight.” He stroked her cheek and then said, “I don’t want anyone else. I don’t think about anyone but you. I can’t imagine ever being with anyone but you.”

  “Good.” She said softly before he showed her just how much he meant what he said.


  The situation at the awards show unnerved Sam. She believed Laurent’s explanation, and she believed that he wouldn’t be unfaithful to her. There were never any red flags like mysterious late night meetings or unexplained absences. But Sam wondered if it was her inexperience in relationships that made her so naïve, so trusting of his word. He was French, after all. They were famous for their mistresses. But she didn’t want to be one of those women who spent half their time handwringing about their man. Sam always thought those women seemed desperate and pathetic. She also assumed that they had put all their eggs into one basket: their relationship. Sam already had concerns that Laurent was too big a part of everything in her life, personal and professional.

  But the nauseating feeling she had when she saw him with Stacy made Sam realize just how much she had invested, emotionally, with Laurent. Not that she didn’t already have a taste of what losing him would feel like. Those three weeks they spent apart after the paparazzi outed them, Sam had never felt so alone, so empty, ever. Before Laurent, she had always been comfortable and happy in her solitude. But those few weeks proved to her that, without him in her life, she felt like a shell of who she was. And she hated herself for feeling that way. The problem was, she had no idea what the solution was. She knew that professionally, she had to diversify, and she was on track to do just that. But it was the emotional heartache that she worried about. For someone who had always anticipated every possible move, she knew that she couldn’t plan how their relationship would go. Hell, if it had been up to her planning, she’d never have been in a relationship with him in the first place.

  The problem was, she had never before been as happy as she was. She hated to admit that it was because of him, but it was. Laurent was becoming her best friend. In addition to everything else that he was to her: major client, lover, damn him if he didn’t somehow corner every market of hers. Was she becoming one of those women she so despised? Was she putting all her eggs in one basket? She knew the easiest thing to do was to pull away. It would hurt at first, but it would keep her safe. But for the first time, she realized she didn’t want to pull away. She had never before felt what she did for him, with anyone else. She was close to other people, she had a few friends, but what she had with Laurent went so much deeper. How would she deal with it if he cheated on her? She would leave him, of course. But planning for that possibility was a sure torpedo to what they had. And, it may never come to be.

  The only thing she could do was to treat their relationship like she would treat an account. Do everything to make it the best it could be. She knew well enough that in her business, sometimes, the best work didn’t get chosen. So, if she weren’t enough for him, if he were to actually stray, then Sam would know that it wasn’t because she wasn’t enough. Some men, some people, were just never satisfied with what they had, they always had to see if the grass were greener. With all his ambition, she could understand if that was part of his makeup, but that didn’t seem like the Laurent she had come to know. Then again, she also knew that it hadn’t even been a year that they had been together. Could they really know each other completely?

  They had been through a lot together, and it seemed like every time they passed one hurdle, they came across another. Perhaps that’s what kept things interesting. Or, perhaps that was all part of the process of getting to know each other. Of feeling each other out and seeing how they’d each react in different situations. Maybe that’s how people knew if their relationship would work. If they could get through the tough times, then maybe they would make it. Sam felt like in the time they had been together they already were presented with a variety of situations. Some brought on by outside forces, and others stirred up by each of their own insecurities, pasts or issues. But, as she reflected, she felt confident that through all the scenarios so far, they weathered them and learned from them. For as much as they had been through, Sam was realizing that it really does take a long, long time to truly know someone, to truly let one’s guard down, and to truly be in sync. Especially the older they got. And especially for two people who were as headstrong as they both were.

  Sam finally heard from TimeCap that the last round of presentations and meetings would be made to their new CEO at their corporate headquarters in New York. Sam had no idea that they were even looking at a new CEO as all their dealings thus far had been with the President, the head of marketing and everyone else under the sun. Great, she thought, one more person to add into the mix. He or she will probably send them back to square one.

  Sam tried to do some research as to who the new CEO was, but she couldn’t find any information online. She and Mark were close enough, and both fed up enough with the process so far that she called him to see if he knew anything.

  “So, am I going to be seeing you in New York?” Sam asked when he picked up the phone.

  “Hi, Sam.” She could hear the smile in his voice.

  “Hi, Mark. How are you?” she asked with sincerity.

  “Good. Sick of this bullshit with TimeCap. Jesus, how long have they been yanking both of our chains?”

  “Yeah, I know, it’s been a couple months now, at least.”

  He chuckled, “Only feels like longer.” She laughed too.

  “So, do you know anything about this new CEO?” she asked.

  “God, Sam, I swear I wonder if you’re sometimes reading my mind. Honestly, I was going to call you and ask the same thing! I didn’t even know they were looking for a new CEO.”

  “If it makes you feel any better, Mark, neither did I. So I wonder if all this work that we’ve both been doing has just been one huge circle jerk. Cause if this guy or gal is the final say, and we haven’t been presenting to them, what’s to
say they’re going to like anything that the others have been dicking around with for all this time?”

  “No kidding. And no, I can’t find anything about the new head. It’s got to be a big deal if they’re keeping it this under wraps.”

  “Yeah, I know. I don’t have a good feeling about it. Or maybe it’s just that this whole process has been so f-d up.”

  “No, I’m with you, something’s weird, but it’s still a huge account. Golden handcuffs.”

  “Exactly. So will you have time to let me take you out for your birthday while we’re in New York?”

  “You remembered” Sam said almost sadly. She hadn’t talked about the trip yet with Laurent, but she assumed, hoped, he’d be there with her. She was hoping they could make it a work / pleasure trip.

  “You’re kidding me, right? Of course I remembered. When have I ever not remembered your birthday, Sam?” Mark sounded hurt.

  “Never, Mark. But if you’re good at counting, then that means you know how old I’m going to be. Us women want you men to both remember and forget.” She heard him chuckle.

  “I see. You women always make it easy on us guys.” Sam laughed. Then Mark asked again, “so, will you have any free time while you’re there?” he was being persistent. And Sam felt badly, but she knew that if she were there with Laurent, he wouldn’t want to share his time with her with another man.

  “Honestly, Mark, I don’t know. I haven’t made my travel plans yet, but I’m guessing it’ll be a pretty jam packed trip, so maybe we just celebrate when we get back?” She knew what she sounded like.

  “So, that’s code for: you’re going to be there with Laurent and he’s going to want you to spend all your free time with him?”

  “Wow. That transparent, eh?

  “Nah, I just know you, Sam.” God, Sam hated hearing him sound so sad. He tried to recover quickly though, “So, what day are you presenting? Do you know yet?”

  “Naturally, on my birthday, Friday the 26th. You?”

  “Um, same?” he said. “morning or afternoon?” this was getting weird.

  “I’m in the afternoon, you?”

  “Morning.” Was all he said.

  “Maybe I’ll see you in the lobby. God, Mark, this has wrong written all over it. It’s like they want us to see each other.”

  “Yeah, no kidding. Why don’t they just put us in gladiator costumes and send us into an arena.” He said.

  “Seriously. I wonder if this is going to be one of those sick corporate tests where they have hidden cameras to see how we regard each other as we pass in the hallway.”

  “Honestly, Sam, the way this whole thing has gone, I wouldn’t be surprised in the least.”

  “I kinda hope you get it.” Sam said, half serious. She knew something was off about this entire process, but the carrot had been dangled and she couldn’t help but reach for it.

  She heard him chuckle and then say, “Yeah, I should be so lucky. Ok, Sam, see you in New York.”

  “Bye, Mark.”

  Once again, Sam hated that she was afraid to broach a subject with Laurent. She worried that he’d be mad for two reasons. One, that he may have to change whatever plans he might have already made for her birthday, and two, that her birthday would have to be shared with work, in New York. But there was nothing she could do. It was the culmination of months’ worth of work and the client dictated where and when the final meeting would be. It was unfortunate it fell on her birthday, in New York, but c’est la vie.

  It was two weeks exactly before the meeting in New York when Sam and Mark had been notified. It just so happened that it was a Friday night and Sam would be spending it, like usual, with Laurent. She figured it was the perfect time to discuss it.

  She got to his house and they made small talk, catching each other up on their respective weeks and the like. When they finally sat down to dinner, Sam broached the subject, “So, Laurent, honey,” she started and he broke out into a huge grin. He started shaking his head and laughing. “What? What’s so funny?” Sam asked, somewhat indignant.

  “Samantha, you know I say this with love, Cheri. You are quite possibly the worst poker player, ever.” His grin was infectious. She couldn’t help but smile.

  “Merde.” She said as she rolled her eyes.

  “So, you obviously have something you want to ask me, something you want me to go along with, honey.” He winked. It sounded so funny in his French accent when he said ‘honey’, that alone made her laugh.

  Then she collected herself. She knew that mention of TimeCap and work wasn’t going to go over well, but, the bandaid had to be ripped off.

  “We finally heard back from TimeCap. It seems they have a new CEO who will be choosing the agency, finally.” Sam paused and took a sip of wine. “And, they have set the meeting for Friday, the 26th.” She waited for any reaction. So far, none. “In New York.”

  Laurent slowly nodded, “I see.”

  Sam tried to quickly add, “I was hoping you would come with me, and that we could make a long weekend out of it.”

  “Hmmm, let me see. Friday, April 26th. That rings a bell. Hmmm, I have something planned for that day, but I can’t quite seem to remember it right now.” Then he stared at her, “Samantha, does that date have any significance for you? Is it perhaps a day that you should be honoring some way other than working?” he spoke to her like she was a little child.

  “Laurent, I had no choice in the matter. They told me, they did not ask. And they’re the client.” She tried to explain, “I know it’s my… it’s supposed to be a special day, but we can just celebrate that night, and that weekend.”

  “Samantha, it’s your birthday. Your 40th birthday”

  Before he could continue she shouted “Hey!” teasingly.

  “So, if you want to spend it in a meeting with a potential new client who’s been jerking you around for the last however many months it’s been, then that’s your prerogative.”

  “Will you come with me?” she asked softly.

  He reached across the table for her hand, which she put into his, “Samantha, do you have any question in your mind that I wouldn’t?” She shook her head no. “Good. I hope not.” He lifted her hand to kiss it and then said, “I have something special planned. I want us both to remember that day. I’ll just change things around a little. It’ll be fine. We’ll make it a special day, and a special weekend, no matter where we are, ok Cheri?”

  Sam nodded and smiled, so relieved that he was ok with it all. “I will make all the arrangements. I know just the place we will stay. It will be perfect.” Sam had worried for nothing. He was being so wonderful. She was actually now looking forward to the trip and her birthday.


  Sam decided to try to make good on her promise of getting together with Alex Marché more often. She knew that they were both busy women and if one of them didn’t make the first move, they’d never go out. Plus, Sam really did want to try to diversify in all areas of her life. She knew what she had with Laurent was good, great really, but it still scared her to have so much invested with him. Even though she wanted to spend all her free time with him, she knew she shouldn’t. So she reached out to Alex suggesting drinks.

  Alex had mentioned that she had a shoot in West Hollywood, so Sam suggested a small hotel bar nearby that was comfortable and known to be good people watching. Celebrities often stayed there, and it was a good place for those in the industry to grab drinks. It had a nice lounge and felt more like a living room than a bar.

  Sam got there first and, spying a cluster of three overstuffed chairs around a small coffee table, she snagged one of them. She surveyed the room and saw a few recognizable faces. The atmosphere was understated elegance, and most of the people there were those who had money but didn’t go for flashy. Just as she was about to pull out her phone to text Alex, she looked up and saw James Willen, the director. He was dressed more casually than when she first met him at the premiere, this time wearing jeans, a long sleeve dark g
rey Tshirt and a black leather jacket, with black motorcycle type boots. He was ruggedly handsome and Sam felt guilty for a brief moment as she appreciated his good looks. She was about to introduce herself, assuming he’d never remember her, but he came right over to her with a smile,

  “It’s Sam, right?”

  Sam was shocked he remembered, “Yes, wow, good memory, James! Good to see you!”

  “You too, Sam. Are you meeting someone or can I join you?”

  “Yes and yes. I’m having drinks with a friend, but her shoot’s running late, so please, sit, I’d love the company.” And as she said it, she realized, it was true. She had enjoyed talking with him at the premiere.

  “Great, because my meeting literally just cancelled on me as I walked in.” James shrugged as he sat opposite her, rolling his eyes, “Actors” was all he needed to say and Alex smiled and nodded. He continued, “I guess he didn’t want the part that badly.”

  “So are you working on a new project, or is this for The Greater Good?”

  “Actually, there wasn’t really a part, per se. Our agent represents both of us and wanted us to meet.” He rolled his eyes, “You know, that way he’ll get twice the commission pushing just one project if we end up doing something together down the road.” Sam nodded. Just then, the waitress came up to take their order. Sam could see she wasn’t the only woman who found him attractive. Then again, the waitress was probably an out-of-work actor and saw potential beyond his looks.

  Sam and James chatted surprisingly easily about his series and the industry. Sam was careful not to ask too much as she didn’t want it to seem like she was pressing him for information. She was, after all, only tangentially in the entertainment world. She just did the advertising for it. She wasn’t a true entertainment insider in her mind, compared to someone like James, even though everything she worked on was related to the industry.


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