Everything for Her

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Everything for Her Page 10

by Alexa Riley

  Just then, Paige comes strolling into the kitchen. She looks between us, not saying a word, before going over to the fridge and pulling out a Red Bull.

  “Morning,” I say, more chirpily then I mean to. “You remember Oz?”

  “Dessert guy,” she says, looking at the pastries. I silently motion for Oz to offer her one.

  “I brought breakfast if you’re hungry,” he finally says, making me smile.

  “She’s always hungry,” I inform him, because she is, and also I want him to know things about Paige. For them to be friendly.

  “Thanks.” She grabs some chocolate-looking thing before shoving it into her mouth. “I’m going to get ready for work,” she says around it.

  “Oz is taking me into the office. You can ride with us.”

  “It’s three blocks,” she reminds me, clearly not wanting the ride.

  “I guess that’s true.” I look up at Oz. It would be silly to have him drop me off when we’re so close.

  “Let me take you, baby. I want to say goodbye before I head to the airport.”

  “Give that man a freaking key if he’s going to be banging on this door at five in the morning!” Paige yells from down the hallway before I hear her door shut.

  “I like the sound of that.” He leans in again, going for my neck. I’m beginning to think that’s a weak spot for me. I melt every time.

  “It’s too soon to give you a key.” My words hold no power as I let him devour my neck. “Right?”

  “You’re the only one here setting a pace, sweet Mallory.” He kisses right below my ear and pulls back once again.

  “So, boyfriend and girlfriend?” The question seems so juvenile, but for some reason, I want some kind of label before he leaves town. He said we’re exclusive, but I want to know what to call him.

  “You’re mine.” The way he says it seems so final, and a thrill runs through me. “And I’m yours.”

  “You always say the sweetest things.” I look down at my lap, trying to hide my warm cheeks.

  “Only to you.” His hand comes under my chin, lifting it so my eyes meet his again. “You going to let me take you to work and give me a goodbye?”

  I lick my lips and nod, and he kisses me yet again.

  Chapter Eleven


  * * *

  Oz and I sit and enjoy our breakfast for a few more minutes until it’s time for us to go. I’m secretly glad he came over so early because it meant we got to spend as much time together as we could before he left. Getting to know each other a little more. He told me stories about him and his mother. She seems to be the only other person he really talks about. It’s sweet and I find it rather endearing.

  When we get in the back of the limo, I sit on his lap like the other times before. I like that he wants me close, but it’s going to make being apart from him for a few days even harder.

  “When are you coming back?” I ask as he kisses my neck.

  “Saturday. If all goes to plan.” He releases a huff, and I can tell he doesn’t want to go. Whether it’s because of me or the aggravation of work, I’m unsure. Either way, I can tell he doesn’t want to go as much as I don’t want him to.

  He looks up at me with his sapphires, and I get lost in them. The bright navy blues make me fall for him a little more every day. I stroke his trimmed beard and look into his eyes as we ride the three blocks to work.

  “Next time, you should come with me,” he says, running his big hands down my back.

  I kiss him, letting my tongue slip past his lips. He holds me closer to him, deepening it and taking control. But all too soon the limo stops.

  He presses his forehead to mine, and I sit there, taking in his scent one last time before he’s gone.

  “It’s a few days. We’ll be fine. Right?”

  Oz laughs as he pulls back, but he shakes his head. “I’ll be fine when I have you in my arms again. Don’t make plans Saturday. I want you all to myself.” He runs his finger down my cheek to my chin, where he lightly grips it. “Deal?”

  “Deal,” I quickly agree. I want nothing more than to have a whole day with Oz, getting to know him even more.

  “Now get to work before I make you late, baby. Saying goodbye is hard enough for me.”

  One more quick kiss and he’s opening the door and helping me out.

  “Promise me you’ll keep your phone on you at all times while I’m gone. I’ll go crazy if I can’t get in touch with you,” he says, pulling me in for a hug.

  “I promise.” I squeeze him back, before looking up to his blues, longing to get back in that limo with him.

  I finally pull back and walk toward the building. I turn and look back one last time before entering. He’s still there, watching me go in, and I can’t help but think we are both a little head over heels in this.

  It’s only for a couple of days. We’ll be fine. That’s what I keep telling myself over and over as I wave goodbye and go into Osbourne Corp. It’s Wednesday morning. I can make it to Saturday. A little distance might do us some good.

  Before I enter the elevator, my phone buzzes, and I take it out of my bag to see a text.

  Oz: I’ll email you today, in case you can’t keep checking your phone at your desk.

  I scan my pass at the elevator, sending back a bunch of kisses to Oz. I smile at how silly we are being, but life is short, so why not?

  I’ve come to realize that things in life aren’t guaranteed, and I’ve had to work for all that I’ve gotten. But what’s the point if there’s no one to share it with? I’ve got Paige, who is like a sister to me. But having someone like Oz is different. Everything could be gone tomorrow, so I want to live in the moment and enjoy what I’ve got. And if that means letting myself fall for a guy I hardly know, then so be it. We’ll get to know each other as time goes on. And along the way, I want to have fun together.

  I’m confident and sure of myself as I make my way to my desk and get ready for the day.

  Not long after I arrive, Skyler comes in.

  “Good morning,” I offer as she passes by my desk to her own, but she makes a sound like a grunt.

  Thinking maybe she’s having a bad morning, I go back to my stack of paperwork and get started. After about fifteen minutes, I hear Eric at his desk. Late again, as usual. He says hello over his cubicle wall, and Skyler says, “Good morning,” to him over the top of my head. What the hell? She doesn’t even like Eric. “Morning,” I say, and go back to what I was doing. Maybe she needed a few minutes to wake up.

  I hear a ping on my computer and look up to see a new email.

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Testing...

  Hey, baby

  Just seeing if this works okay. I’m at the airport waiting on the tarmac to take off, but I’ll have in-flight Wi-Fi all the way to London. I hope your day goes well and you have something tasty for lunch. Can you do me a favor and eat in the cafeteria again today? I know you mentioned the food isn’t great, but I worry about you when I’m not there. If you don’t want to go down there, I can have something delivered to your desk again. Be as safe as possible while you’re out of my arm’s reach. I’d go crazy thinking something might happen to you while I’m away. I’ll send you another email this afternoon once we are in flight and I’ve taken care of some business.

  PS I left a package for you with your doorman. I thought since I stole your shirt, I’d give you one of mine to sleep in while I’m away.

  Love, Oz

  Giddy excitement runs through me while reading his email, and then gigantic butterflies as I see how he signs it. Love. He can’t mean he loves me. Right? It’s only been a few days. You can’t be in love with someone that fast. Maybe he means it like a term of endearment. You know, when you call someone “love.” Like a pet name. Tha
t’s got to be what he meant.

  As I look at it for far too long, I finally decide to shake it off. Live in the moment, right? Isn’t that what I was telling myself to do?

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: RE: Testing

  Hello to you! I like the email address. Did you come up with that?

  Glad you made it to the airport safe. Now I need you to make it safe to London, and then safely back to me.

  I’ll grab something in the cafeteria today if it will make you happy.

  I’ve never been to London. Are you going to bring me back a surprise?

  xoxo, Mallory

  I read over my email and debate changing the end of it to “love,” but then hit Send. I’m sure I’ll get another one from him at some point today, so I get back to work.

  After about an hour of correcting Eric’s forms, I gather them up to hand off to Skyler. Walking around the wall that divides our cubicle, I hope she’s in a better mood.

  “Here’s the next round,” I say, holding them out.

  “Put them on the table.”

  She doesn’t look up from her desk as she says it. She barely even acknowledges me. I put them down, but think maybe I should try again to engage her. We’ve only worked together a few days, but this isn’t like her.

  “Cute shoes. Those must be so hard to walk in all day,” I say, looking at her black platform stilettos.

  “Yeah,” is all she says, still not looking up at me.

  “I went over Eric’s forms twice so they should be fine.” I try again but all she does is nod.

  I decide to go all in and be direct. Maybe something else is bothering her, but I think it’s directed at me.

  “Is everything okay, Skyler?”

  She turns around in her chair and gives me a cold look. “Everything is perfectly fine, Mallory. I’m doing my job. You know, the one I fought to get. The job that I turned down the White House for. Meanwhile, I’m shacked up with the two of you.” She looks past me, and I turn a little to see Eric standing behind me with a stack of papers. “Looks like I’m the only one here that did it on merit.”

  With that, she turns back to her desk and ignores the both of us. I’m stunned and don’t know what to say. So instead of causing an argument at work, I go over to Eric and take his paperwork from him and bring it to my desk.

  Maybe she thinks I’m not pulling my weight around here. But I’ve been busting my ass as much as she has. I’ve even found ways to make things faster and more efficient. I worked hard to get to where I am today.

  I keep my head down and work for the next three hours, nonstop.

  When I hear a ping on my computer, I look up to see an email from Oz, and also see that it’s time for lunch. I decide to read my email before I go downstairs and grab some lunch and bring it back to my desk. There’s plenty to do still, and I don’t want to be seen as the one bringing the team down.

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Missing you

  I’m missing you already. How am I supposed to go almost four days without you?

  Of course I’ll bring you something back. What would you like? Name it and it’s yours. I’d love to take you all over the world. You tell me when you want to go, and I’ll make it happen.

  Thank you for eating at work today. Knowing you’re safe makes me rest easy. Hope you’re having a good day, baby.

  Oh, and you inspired the email address. Thought maybe I should have one for you.

  LOVE, Oz

  The goofy grin on my face grows as I read his email a couple of times. I’m wondering if he wants me to sign “love,” too, based on the all-caps. I’m still bummed about the incident with Skyler, but I try to brush it off while I email him back.

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: RE: Missing you

  I miss you, too, Oz. I could use one of your hugs right now.

  Heading to lunch, so I’ll be quick. I’d love some chocolate. I hear they have some good stuff over there.

  XOXO, Mallory

  Heading down to the cafeteria, I walk through the doors and see that it’s been rearranged. There’s now a fresh salad bar in the middle, and two guys over to the side making deli sandwiches. There’s a menu up offering soups to go with, and I’m instantly in a better mood. Food does that to me. Maybe I was hungry this morning and taking things too seriously.

  I get a half sandwich, salad and soup to go, and head up to my desk. When I get there, Skyler and Eric are gone, but I get back to work. I use the quiet time to finish all my reports, then go over to Skyler’s desk, grabbing the ones she’s completed, thinking I’ll get a jump start on those, too.

  I’m zoned out when my email pings and I look up at my computer and see an hour has gone by. Before I can read it, I hear Skyler come back to her desk, and then walk over to mine.

  “Hey, did you grab those files off my desk?” she asks, looking anywhere but at me.

  “Yes. They’re finished.” I point to a stack right beside her and wait to see if she offers anything else.

  She looks at them, and then looks at me with a bit of surprise on her face. “Thanks. I thought I might have to stay late to complete them.”

  “No problem. Just trying to get ahead on things so we don’t have to put in any extra late nights this week. The workload should be distributed equally,” I say, shrugging my shoulder.

  She looks down at her shoes and then up at me. “Sorry about snapping this morning.”

  A weight I didn’t know was there is lifted at her words. I can’t stand when someone is mad at me. “It’s okay. We all have our moments.”

  “Yeah. Thanks again,” she says before walking back to her desk.

  Turning around, I click on Oz’s email and open it up.

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Don’t make me turn this plane around

  Is everything okay, baby? What’s wrong? I’ll bring you a plane full of chocolate if it makes you happy. How was your lunch? Anything good today?

  I miss your lips.

  LOVE, Oz

  The bold on “love” makes me giggle. At this point, he’s being silly, and I like playful Oz. I respond to his email quickly. I’ve got work to do, and I need to get to it.

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: RE: Don’t make me turn this plane around

  Everything is fine. No need to panic. I’m okay now. I needed to grab some food, I guess. And amazing news, the cafeteria was redone and they had an awesome menu today. Totally glad I ate here!

  A plane full of chocolate can’t be as sweet as you. I miss your lips, too.

  I’ve got to get to work so I don’t have to stay late. I texted Paige earlier and told her I want a movie night in, so you’ll be happy to know I’ll have my phone next to me all night! I’ll be all yours then!

  XOXO, Mallory

  I make my sign-off bold to let him know I saw his. I’m excited as I send the email and get back to work. It’s amazing how much I’ve grown to care for him in such a short amount of time to the point of seeing the L word and not freaking out. That in itself should probably freak me out. Oh well, I’m living in the moment!

  Chapter Twelve


  * * *

  “I think your boss is following us.” I look over my shoulder to see captain america about half a block behind us.

  “Ignore him,” Paige huffs, clearly annoyed. But she grabs her ponytail, pulling her hair down and giving it a little fluff. The action catches me off guard. When we’d met in the lobby of the building to head home, they were once again bickering. She still looked pissed at him, but he had this happy smirk on his face as if he liked her sniping at him.

  “He’s hard to ignore.” I
look over my shoulder again. Yep, still there. Maybe he’s going the same way we are. “I think he likes you,” I add, making her look over at me. She gives me a no-go look, which only piques my interest. Men liking Paige isn’t new. She’s pretty and plays it down for the most part.

  I think men are drawn to her because she’s a challenge on top of everything. She doesn’t flock to men or get all gooey-eyed. Not even over famous hot people when I show her pictures.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea to date someone you work with, but he’s—”

  “Stop right there. Just because you’re on this love train of dating doesn’t mean I want to hop on. Besides, he’s...” She looks over her shoulder this time, and I follow suit. He gives her a wink, making her flip him the bird. “Too perfect,” she finally finishes.

  “You can’t flip your boss off! You’ll get fired!” I gape at her.

  “He isn’t going to do shit.”

  It’s clear Paige is going to do whatever she wants, so I go back to talking about the guy and not her job. “Too perfect, Paige? I mean, really? How can a man be too perfect?” I ask, even though I’d been having the same thoughts about Oz. He always seems to say and do all the right things. It’s like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  “This is it.” She points to a little restaurant that says Big Bob’s on the sign outside. It has probably seen better days. She’s told me it has some of the best burgers within walking distance. She pushes inside, and I follow her. The place is slammed, but Paige manages to find us a place at the bar.

  “What can I get you ladies?” an older man with thinning hair and dark brown eyes asks from behind the counter. He’s in a white apron that looks like it needs a good washing.

  “Two ultimate doubles with onion rings.” She looks over at me, then behind her. I follow her eyes to see Captain standing outside the restaurant, leaning up against a pole. This is freaking weird. “To go?” she asks, and I nod.


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