Everything for Her

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Everything for Her Page 13

by Alexa Riley

  Maybe he’s really busy today. He’s working, like I should be doing and not checking my phone every five minutes and evaluating this relationship like it’s a math problem I can solve.

  “Sale at Nordstrom,” Skyler says, popping her head up over the cubicle wall and taking me by surprise. “Like, big.” She spreads her arms wide, indicating how big the sale is. “Only two blocks that way.” She points over her shoulder.

  “We’re skipping lunch, I take it?”

  “It’s worth it. Plus, the place we’re going after work has small plates, so we can load up to make up for skipping lunch.”

  “Now that’s some math I can get with,” I say, making her laugh as I lock my computer screen. But not before refreshing my in-box one more time. I clearly have no self-control when it comes to Oz. “I do need some new clothes to keep up around here,” I add, grabbing my purse from the bottom drawer of my desk and slipping my phone in it.

  “I know. The women around here have the nicest stuff. And my freaking girlfriend and I are different sizes, so we can’t even share clothes.”

  We make our way down the hall toward the elevator.

  “I understand. My roommate is tiny. I’m not squeezing into anything of hers. I’m happy we wear the same shoe size.”

  “At least you have that,” Skyler says, hitting the button for the elevator. “You wearing that tonight?” She nods at my outfit. I’m wearing simple black pants and a white silk blouse that has a big bow at the neck.

  “Actually, I’ve got this cute purple-and-silver dress I’m going to wear tonight. I’ll change into it before we head out, but I’ll wear these shoes.”

  I lift one of my heels. They’re a deep purple, but the heels are covered in diamonds. Paige got them over a year ago, but they’re basically mine now. I’m obsessed with them and always try to find clothes that match them. Now that I’m thinking about it, I bet a purple bra with matching underwear with them would be crazy hot. I’ll be looking for that for sure at Nordstrom. Maybe I could take a picture in the dressing room and send it to Oz. Maybe that would get me a text back.

  “Those are hot,” she agrees, looking at them.

  The elevator dings on the lobby floor, and we both exit.

  “How about you? What are you wearing?”

  “Mallory?” I hear Paige yell across the lobby, cutting Skyler off before she can answer me. We both turn to look at her as she hurriedly walks over to us.

  “Where are you going?” she asks when she’s finally standing in front of me.

  “Nordstrom. They’re having a sale. I would’ve invited you, but you said you had lunch, like, an hour ago.”

  She shifts a little on her feet before looking over her shoulder. I follow her line of sight to see Captain staring at all of us.

  “Does he follow you everywhere?” I would think this Captain guy is creepy if I didn’t know he was the head of security here. And the fact that Paige is kind of crushing on him.

  “We’re sort of teamed up,” she says dismissively, clearly not wanting to talk about him. “But you can’t go. I need to talk to you.” She almost seems a little out of breath and rushed.

  “It’s cool. Do what you need to do. I can head out on my own,” Skyler says.

  “Sorry. Next time,” I offer, disappointed that I’m ditching her, but it’s clear Paige needs to talk.

  “Don’t hate me when I come back with a bag full of goodies that only cost me half the price,” she teases before doing a mock salute and heading out the door.

  “Over there?” I point to a bench in one of the corners in the giant lobby.

  She nods, and I follow her over and sit down with her.

  “What’s up? You’re kind of freaking me out.”

  “I think we should get a pet.”

  “You think we should get a pet,” I repeat, making sure I heard her right.

  “Maybe a dog.”

  “Maybe a dog,” I repeat again, unable to stop myself, because this isn’t adding up.

  “Stop that.”

  “What? I’m making sure I’m hearing you right. You know, the person who said they’d never get an animal because they’re a pain in the ass.”

  “Maybe you’re right. Never mind.” She stands up. “Glad we got that worked out.”

  She walks off, leaving me sitting on the bench. What the hell was that? “You coming?” she says when she reaches the elevators.

  I stand up, pulling my badge out and flashing it to the front desk. They probably know who I am by now, but I’m still pretty new.

  “You’re acting weird,” I tell her as we wait for the elevator to arrive.

  “We meeting in the lobby to go out for drinks?” she asks, ignoring my comment.

  “No. Come to my floor. We have a nice bathroom, and I want to change and touch up my makeup.”

  “Sounds good.”

  The elevator dings, and we both get on. I hit the floor for the cafeteria since I have some time to eat now. I might as well get a little something.

  “I’ll be at your desk a little after five,” Paige says as she gets off on her floor. I shake my head at her. She’s acting like a weirdo. Maybe this crush is messing with her head or something. I can relate.

  When I get to the cafeteria, I get a salad and take a seat at one of the tables.

  “Did you hear there’s some big meeting on Monday? I wonder what’s going on. We hardly ever have those. Wonder if the big boss will be there,” I hear a girl from a table behind me say with a dreamy sigh in her voice. Wondering what she’s talking about, I pull out my phone and check my work emails.

  In my in-box is indeed an email about a meeting that everyone is required to attend. It’s going to be on the first floor early Monday morning.

  “He never comes to any of the meetings. I’ve maybe seen him around four times in the year I’ve worked here. He stays holed up in his office. I hear he’s a giant asshole, which I’m guessing is true because the times I did see him, he was pissed off, so...”

  I shrug off her words. I’ve been here a week, so I should be in the clear if there’s any backlash about anything in the last-minute meeting.

  “Even when he’s all pissed off, he’s still crazy hot. I hear he’s single.” The women continue chatting. “Maybe if he got laid he wouldn’t be such an asshole.”

  “I think he is single, because he’s always on his own at big events. I check online for him sometimes, but all the red carpet shots are solo. Either that, or he has that secretary of his with him who guards his door like a pit bull. Maybe he’s sticking it to her.” They both laugh, and I roll my eyes at the cliché gossip.

  “I think she’s married though.”

  “Like that ever stops them.” They both laugh again.

  I take a few more bites of my lunch before picking up my tray and dumping it. I head to my desk, but when I get back, I see neither Skyler nor Eric have returned.

  I decide to jump right back into my reports, still a little sad about not hearing from Oz today. It’s like it’s put a damper on my day.

  Twenty minutes later, Skyler comes strolling in with three bags in her hands.

  “Everything cool with your friend?” she asks.

  “Yeah. She was having a weird moment.” I eye her bags.

  “Three shirts, two pairs of pants and a pair of shoes.”

  “Damn, you made out.”

  “Yeah, but the shoes are for my girl.”

  “She still coming tonight?” I ask, wanting to meet her. Skyler brings her up all the time, and every time she talks about her, her face lights up. I wonder if I look like that when I talk to Paige about Oz.

  “Yep. She’s meeting me in the lobby.”

  “Nice. Paige is going to meet me up here so I can change first.”

  “Your man coming tonight?” She smiles, but her tone seems a little wary.

  “Nope, he’s out of town. But I did invite an old college professor who’s new to the city, too, but I’m not sure if he’s going to make it.”

  “This professor a man?” She raises her eyebrows as she asks, making me think back to Paige’s reaction about it, too.

  “Yes, why is that weird? Paige acted like it was weird, too.”

  “Just curious,” she says, putting her bags next to her desk. Now I’m second-guessing myself. It’s not like I have a crush on Joel. In fact, he wrote me a crazy good letter of recommendation when I applied for internships. If anything I’m thankful.

  “I got you a cookie.” I pick it up from my desk and hand it over the partition. “Thought you might be hungry after all that shopping. It’s an I’m-sorry-for-the-last-minute-ditch cookie, but maybe not after seeing your bags. I’m not sure I should give it to you.”

  She snatches it out of my hand.

  “I forgive you.” She unwraps it from the napkin and takes a giant bite out of it. “Let’s bust these reports out so we can get out of here.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  * * *

  Leaning over the sink, I put on a heavy shadow and an extra layer of mascara.

  “Will you stop that?” I say, looking at Paige in the mirror. She’s pacing the bathroom and it’s making me nervous. “What’s wrong?”

  She stops and looks over at me, shaking her head. “Nothing. Just ready to go.”

  “I’ll be done in a second. Pump your brakes.” I wink at her in the mirror. She hates when I say that. “Is this about Captain America?”

  “No. Maybe. Sort of.” She goes back to pacing, and I smile.

  Pulling out the pins in my hair, I let my brown locks fall to my shoulders. They’re a bit wavy from being up all day, but I think it gives me a sexy look. That makes me think of Oz and of how I didn’t hear from him today. He’s probably super busy with work, and I’m sure I’ll hear from him tonight.

  I watch as Paige comes over and stands beside me while I pack my makeup bag.

  “Hey. I love you. You know that, right?”

  Looking up, I see there’s a worry in her eyes.

  “Yeah. I love you, too, Paige. Is everything okay? You were weird today in the lobby, and now you’re off.”

  She smiles as she lets out a deep breath. “I’m good. You’re the best friend I’ve ever had, and I want to make sure you know it. Life is short, right?”

  I let out a little laugh, thinking I’ve been telling myself the same thing all week. “Yep. I completely agree.” I reach out and wrap her up in a hug. We’re like sisters, and sometimes you need a hug from your sister.

  “Now,” I say, pulling back from her, “let’s go have a drink and shake some tail feathers.”

  “Okay,” she says, and it sounds like there’s still a bit of sadness to her tone.

  Personally I think she’s all twisted up about her man and needs to let it go. Live in the moment and enjoy herself. That’s what I plan on doing. And tomorrow, when Oz gets back to town, I’m going to spend the day showing him how much I missed him.

  We head out of the building and around the corner to Marie’s Yacht Club. A lot of people from work come here to catch a drink before they head home. When we walk in, I spot Skyler at a table in the back with a group of people around her. Paige and I make our way over, and I introduce her to the people I know, along with being introduced to the ones I don’t. There are about fifteen to twenty people total, milling around in the back, so Paige and I head to the bar to grab a drink.

  “A lot of people came,” Paige says as she looks around the place.

  “Yeah, it should be fun this way,” I say, grabbing our beers and passing her one. “Let’s order some food. I’m starving.”

  “You’re in charge,” she says, and follows my lead.

  * * *

  We spend a couple of hours at the bar, ordering food and hanging out. I have a few beers and then switch to Jameson, wanting something a bit stronger.

  “You sure you should be drinking so much?” Paige asks me after I finish my whiskey.

  “I wanted to get a good buzz before we go dancing.” I shrug like it’s no big deal. It usually takes me a few drinks before I can get on the dance floor. Paige sips her beer and leans back in her chair.

  “I think it’s time to bust some moves,” Skyler’s partner, Jamie, says. She stands up, shaking her hips, and we all laugh.

  I get up to follow her and Skyler, but Paige grabs my arm on the way out.

  “I’m not feeling so well, Mal. Can we go home?” There’s concern in her eyes, and I take a step toward her.

  As I do, I see Captain America out of the corner of my eye. He’s standing outside the bar, like he’s been waiting for us to leave.

  “You’re in luck. Your man is outside, and I’m sure he’d love nothing more than to take you home.”

  “Hey, Mallory, I thought I’d miss you.” Just then, I turn around to see Joel approach us.

  “Hey!” I say, overly excited. I know I’ve had a few too many drinks by how happy I’m sounding. Whenever I drink too much, I get goofy.

  Walking over to him, I reach out and give him a high five. I laugh because it’s a silly thing to do, but I’m genuinely happy he came out.

  “You guys ready?” I hear Skyler say, standing with Jamie.

  I laugh, looking around and thinking this needs to get sorted out.

  “Captain America. Paige isn’t feeling so good. Can you walk her home?” I yell to him as he enters the bar, getting his attention. I turn to Joel and smile at him. “We’re going dancing next door. You in?”

  He says yes, and both Skyler and Jamie hoot with excitement. He walks with them, and I take a step in that direction, but again, Paige grabs my arm.

  “Mal. Come home with me. Let’s call it a night.”

  I lean in, whispering, but I’m sure it’s way too loud after all my drinks, so Captain America hears everything. “Let him take you home. I bet he’d let you rock that body of his.”

  She rolls her eyes and tries to pull me with her. Suddenly, I’m irritated that she’s trying to keep me from having fun.

  “Stop it, Paige. I’m going to dance for a bit, and then head home. I’ll call you when I leave.”

  At my words she drops my arms and squares her shoulders. “Fine. I’ll go with you.”

  When she takes a step in my direction, I hold my hand up. “No, I think I’m good on my own tonight.”

  I’m pissed off as I walk away, wondering why she keeps trying to make me go home. I’m a grown woman blowing off some steam after a hard day at work. Jesus, it’s not like I’m kicking a puppy.

  When I walk around the corner, I see Skyler, Jamie and Joel up ahead and I take long steps to catch up with them. Once we’re at the entrance of the club, I shake off the aggravation from a second ago. I like being happy Mallory when I’m buzzed, and I don’t want to let her weird mood spoil tonight. My first week of work rocked, and I want to let my hair down. Whenever we went out in college, we always cut the nights short, more focused on school than anything.

  As soon as we’re inside, Skyler pulls me onto the dance floor while Jamie and Joel shove their way to the bar to grab us drinks. The DJ has got the bass thumping, and I’m all kinds of wonderful. Skyler and I are silly as we dance, doing the robot and laughing.

  I’m sweating by the time Joel and Jamie get back from the bar with our drinks. He hands me another whiskey and a bottle of water, and I thankfully chug both, the whiskey burning my throat, but warming up my body, and the cold water probably a good idea at this point.

  After both of my drinks are drained, I’m back to dancing, and this time Joel dances, too. S
kyler and Jamie are dancing with us, so it’s more like a group dance than us coupling up. I’m laughing and having a good time, really happy to shake off the blues from today. Not only with Paige now, but my funk about Oz being quiet for so long. I’m going to head home tonight and take some dirty pictures for him. He’ll love getting them in the morning.

  Suddenly, the music turns from fun and bouncy to a slow, sexual beat.

  I look over and see Skyler and Jamie wrapped around each other as the crowd moves in closer. Joel reaches for me, and I laugh it off, but as bodies move on the dance floor I’m pushed into him.

  He grips my waist and moves against me. I take his hand off me and put a little space between us but keep dancing. He grabs my hips again pulling me into him. I’m about to tell him I’ve had enough dancing, when there’s a break in the crowd and a fist comes flying.

  The music keeps playing, and I watch in shock as Oz leans down and punches Joel in the face again. It takes me half a second to react.

  “Oz!” I shout over the music, and he turns to look at me. His dark waves are all awry and he’s breathing hard. He’s dressed in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, and he looks like he’s sweating. Jesus, did he run all the way from London?

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see Joel sit up and I reach out to help him up. Oz moves to step in between us and I give him a death stare. He freezes, and Joel stands, putting his hand to his face. I think there’s blood running down his chin, and I’m so angry at Oz I could spit nails.

  I look over to see Skyler and Jamie, both with their mouths open. Then Jamie smiles and leans over to yell, “Your boyfriend is so hot!”


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