The Fire in Her Eyes [In Her Eyes 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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The Fire in Her Eyes [In Her Eyes 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 8

by K. R. Haynes

  She also looked so gorgeous to him, nestled amongst the black satin sheets on his bed. She absolutely stole his breath away at the vision she created for him. Her complexion seemed so pale compared to the darkness of the bed linen. Her wild, coppery-red curls seemed brighter next to the colour too. Reaching out, Mick snagged a stray curl between his fingertips. It always surprised him to find her hair was silky smooth when it looked so wild and untamed like the woman belonging to them was. A smiled tugged at his lips as he wondered if her pussy had the same shade of coppery-red curls shielding it from his view, or would he find her bare and glistening and all but begging for his touch. Both options appealed to him and he couldn’t wait until the day he found out which one it was. One thing he knew for sure, no matter if she was bare or not down there, he wouldn’t be disappointed that’s for sure.

  Leaving Mary J sleeping soundly in his bed, Mick slipped out of the room as quietly as he entered it and made his way to the couch. Stretching his long muscular frame out on the damn thing that seemed too small for his size, he threw an arm over his eyes and sighed heavily. Here’s hoping he could manage at least a few restful hours of sleep before Mary J woke up. He was going to need all the strength he could muster to keep his hands off of her. Not that he wanted to keep himself from touching her. He couldn’t wait for the day where he could caress her skin with his own. A groan escaped his lips at the images that thought alone created in his mind. Turning on to his side and throwing the blanket resting on the back of the couch over him, Mick closed his eyes and willed himself to sleep and prayed that Mary J didn’t find him in the morning sporting his usual morning wood.

  Chapter Nine

  Rolling over in a bed that wasn’t hers, Mary J was reluctant to leave it even when she knew it was well past her time to get up. The mere thought of stepping foot inside the pub again sent chills racing down her spine. So if she didn’t get up, she didn’t have to go in, right? Plus, the memory of what happened last night was still fresh in her mind. She didn’t want to think about what may or may not have happened if that punk had had a change of heart and decided to slit her throat just for the hell of it. It was bad enough that she had to attend to the wound on her neck, let alone think about what could have happened to her.

  Shaking her head slightly, she swung her feet onto the floor and shuffled her way into the bathroom. She cursed quietly to herself when she realised she didn’t have a clean pair of clothes to change into. Going back into the bedroom, Mary J rummaged around in the same drawer Mick had pulled the T-shirt she had worn to bed out of and found another old band T-shirt that was in fairly good nick to wear.

  Grabbing his T-shirt and her jeans that Mick had folded and placed on a chair near the bathroom doorway, Mary J dumped both items of clothing onto the bathroom countertop. Turning the shower on to heat up, she then stripped down to her birthday suit before stepping underneath the warm water.

  Her senses soon went into overdrive when she opened up the bottle of shampoo. The scent of the shampoo reminded her of the way Mick always smelled to her, fresh-cut pine mixed with a hint of sandalwood, and on Mick there was always a dash of his own unique masculine aroma lingering in the air around him too. His scent made her want to run her tongue over every available inch of his body, just so she could lick her fill of him.

  Groaning at that vivid image, Mary J made quick work of washing the blood from her tangled mane and scrubbing herself clean to remove all traces of last night’s events from her. After borrowing Mick’s razor to shave her legs and underarms, she quickly rinsed off before turning the taps off and stepping out of the shower. Using the spare towel in the bathroom to dry off, she moved over to the basin and wiped the mirror down with her hand and stared back at the reflection it showed her.

  Was that really her she could see staring back at her in the mirror?

  God, if it was her, she looked damn awful. Her skin was pasty white and there was a dark purple bruise forming on her forehead where she hit her head on the bar countertop. Her hair was a tangled matted mess of riotous curls that would take hours of patience to sort out. And her eyes, they had lost some of the glow she normally saw in them. In her opinion she looked like damaged goods and totally lost, all at the same time.

  She hastily turned away from the mirror before she broke down from seeing how she really looked to the world, or worse threw something at it to shatter the image completely. That was not her reflection she could see. The mirror had to be lying. It may have been some form of a representation of her, but it wasn’t the real Mary J Sinclair. The real her had fight and life in her, and she felt things like normal human beings felt. Right now though, the only things she felt were fear and loneliness, plus this unwelcome coldness deep into her bones that she couldn’t seem to shake loose.

  With a deep sigh she dressed quickly in the clothes she had brought in with her, forgoing panties as she didn’t have a clean pair to wear. Once she was dressed, she snatched up the wide-tooth comb from the countertop that Mick probably used for himself and headed back into the bedroom. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, she began the arduous task of detangling her unruly curls. She was so lost in thought and at the task in hand that she hadn’t heard Mick walk into the bedroom bearing coffee for her. It wasn’t until the rich coffee-bean flavour invaded her senses that she stopped what she was doing and briefly looked up at him.

  Taking the cup from his outstretched hand, Mary J sipped at her coffee quietly for a few brief moments before lifting her gaze back up at him. She was a little startled to find him staring back at her. Resting the cup of coffee on her knee, she continued to let her eyes linger on him, unsure what to say to him. All her thoughts were a jumbled mess today, much like her tangled mane that she had been trying to straighten out. Her wild curls were still unruly and she had been at it for at least half an hour without much success.

  Feeling the sting of new tears in her eyes at her own failure to tame her hair, a wave of embarrassment washed over her at the thought of crying in front of Mick. God, what was wrong with her today? She wasn’t normally this out of sorts.

  “Nothing’s wrong with you, sugar.”

  “Oh crap, you heard what I thought?”

  Mick shook his head at her while chuckling softly. “No, sweetness, you spoke your thoughts out loud.”

  “I did?”

  “You did.”

  Crap. Now she did want to die of embarrassment. He heard her. Oh god. Mary J glanced up at Mick dumbfounded when she heard him ask her if he could tackle her hair for her while she sipped at the coffee he made for her. “Umm, sure I guess if you want to.”

  “I want to,” he told her. Mary J handed over the comb of his she had borrowed and waited for Mick to settle down on the bed beside her.

  She turned her back slightly to him when he told her to, to give him better access to her hair. It gave her a little thrill at doing something Mick had asked her to do. With one of his hands pressing lightly on her head to hold it in place, he gently began to comb out her tangled mane. His patience and his gentle touch astounded her. He had her so relaxed that her eyes were closed shut. Her head fell back slightly, but not enough for it to cause any discomfort to the gash on her neck.

  His soft strokes and the light tugs on the ends of her hair as he continued to comb out her tangled mane had her moaning softly at the feel of it. When he ran the comb through the ends of her hair again, with a slightly harder tug, not only did she moan again but Mary J could feel her pussy tingling to life. She could feel the wetness growing between her thighs from the impact of having Mick tug and comb her hair out. If things continued down this path, she might come just from having him detangle her curls, and that was so not happening.

  “Mick, I…I think you should stop now, sweetie.” Christ, was that her breathless voice she could hear?

  She couldn’t believe he had the audacity then to chuckle in her ear at hearing her pleading voice. Damn him. He then tortured her some more, by leaning forward so his warm breath
danced across the skin on her neck, causing her to shiver against him. Hearing the deep rumble of his voice had more moisture seeping from her now throbbing pussy. Oh god, there was no possible way she could survive him finishing off combing her hair out without coming on the spot for him. He had to stop or she would totally embarrass herself in front of him by having an orgasm. And he hadn’t even touched her intimately yet. God help when he did though. She was sure she would go off like the Fourth of July fireworks when he finally did touch her intimately.

  “Nope, I’m not done yet, sugar.”

  “Oh, but I think you are,” she retorted back to him and tried to move away from him. But he promptly counteracted that move of hers by gripping her hair in his hands, forcing her to stay put.

  “Uh-uh, Mary J. Did I say you could go anywhere?”

  “No, but—”

  “Then get that cute little behind of yours back here and let me finish what I’ve started.”

  “But Mick, you don’t understand.”

  “Oh, I understand perfectly. Now get your butt back here, I won’t ask you again.”

  “Fine,” she said tersely to him and then muttered “jerk” underneath her breath. She glared back over her shoulder at him while rubbing her now stinging backside. Seeing his sly grin had heat and anger rising swiftly within her. Mick obviously sensed her battle and swatted her backside once again with the damn comb, causing a squeal to slip past her lips. It took everything she had in her to not react to the way the heat from his swat turned into something more pleasurable. Moisture dripped rapidly from her core, all because he flicked the comb on her backside and stared at her with that unwavering dominance that glowed in his eyes. Mary J tried valiantly not to move around as the friction caused by her denim jeans rubbing against her bare clit was almost unbearable. She was practically shaking for release by the time he had finished detangling her hair.

  “All done, sugar, you can get up now.”

  Get up? How in the world was she meant to get up on legs that trembled so badly because she needed to come? Plus, there was no way in the world she wanted to walk around with the dampness between her thighs that he created. She nearly jumped at the feel of his warm breath tickling her neck when he asked her if there was something else she needed from him. Oh god, yes! Having him go down on the most aching part of her body was something she really needed him to do right this very minute.

  “Mary J?”

  Her voice shook with desire when she answered him. She cursed herself for not being strong enough to control her cravings for him to take her in that uninhibited way she longed for him to do. “W–what?”

  “Do you need something else, sugar?”

  “You know damn well I do, so why ask me and torture me further by doing so?” she grunted back to him.

  “Because I want to hear you say the words, Mary J. So say them to me now, sugar, and I may be persuaded into assisting with your need.”

  Mary J shook her head at him then. There was no way she could tell Mick that she ached to have him slip his tongue through her damp folds of her sex. That was way too embarrassing to disclose to him and it certainly wasn’t something she would ever say out loud to him that’s for sure.

  “Fine, suit yourself.” He then got up to leave the room. He was just going to leave her here like this, overheated and on edge? No damn way.

  Drawing in a deep breath to shore up a little courage, she hastily blurted out to him. “No, Mick, wait, just wait a goddamn minute will you.” He stopped and turned back to her and stared straight at her not saying a single word. After a few seconds of silence, Mick slowly crossed his arms over the width of his chest and raised an eyebrow up at her in a silent command for her to speak and speak now. “All right, I’ll say the damn words to you,” she huffed to him. His lips curved up slightly at hearing the heat in her voice. He really was going to be the death of her. “I want you to go down on me. There I said the damn words to you, are you happy now?”

  He shook his head at her and then said, “Nope.”

  “What do you mean ‘nope’?”

  “I want to hear you tell me in explicit detail exactly what you want me to do to you, sugar, and I want you to tell me now. Or else I’m walking out that door.”


  “You have five seconds to spit it out to me, Mary J, of what you want me to do to you, otherwise I’m walking away.”

  “Okay, okay I want you to eat my pussy. There, fine, I said it, now what?”

  “Better. But I think you need a little practice at telling me what you need me to do to you. However that can wait for another day, right now I want you to lose the pants and lie back down on the bed like a good little girl while I have my second breakfast.”

  Mary J couldn’t help but groan out loud at hearing his wicked words. Slowly she shimmered out of her jeans and lay back down on the bed. Mick grabbed her ankles and pulled her forward until her feet touched the ground and the back of her knees rested against the edge of the mattress. He placed a hand on either side of her knees and spread her legs wide open. Heat bloomed on her skin and to her face at the feel of his eyes zeroing in on her pussy. She was going to die of embarrassment for sure.


  “Shh, sweetness, and let me look my fill first.” His gaze caught hers as he looked up from between her splayed legs. Mary J could see the desire burning hotly in his unusual silver-grey orbs. Breathe, she told herself, breathe and enjoy this moment with him as it could be her one and only chance to be with the man that tormented her dreams and her body in the most desirable way possible. Mick Huon was that man and now he was two seconds away from going down on her. “Oh hell, Mick!” she whimpered at the first brush of his tongue against her sensitive folds. “I don’t think I can last long, sweetie.” She sighed deeply at the feel of his warm breath skipping over her damp folds of her sex.

  “Yes, you will, sugar, I promise you that.”

  * * * *

  Mick found himself in heaven and yet he hadn’t even died. Breathing in the scent of her arousal made his cock hard within seconds of drawing in that sweet, spicy scent of hers. He had never been more grateful to be wearing sweatpants instead of his usual jeans than he was right now. The last thing he needed was the bite of the metal zipper against his hardening shaft, taking away his focus on devouring Mary J’s pussy for the first time. His lips tingled with need along with his cock that was now well and truly at full mast.

  Leaning further in, he rubbed his nose into her moist core drawing more of her scent into him. God he bet she tasted as good as she smelled. Not wanting to wait another minute longer to find out, Mick flicked his tongue out and swiped at the moisture beading on her bare folds. His fingers played with little tuft of coppery-red curls on top of her mound. She was half and half and he couldn’t be any happier if he tried.

  He could hear her moaning as his tongue swiped through her bare pussy lips. He held her labia open with his thumbs, giving him full access to the delicacy that was her cunt. Resting the palms of both hands onto her hips to hold her steady, Mick rubbed his tongue over her clit before drawing the hardened little nubbin into his mouth. He tugged lightly on it, eliciting another glorious moan from her. She was trembling beneath him in need and he knew it wouldn’t take much to send her over, but he wanted more. So much more that he eased up on what he was doing to her and gave her a few moments to come back down, much to her own frustration if her growly mewl was anything to go by.

  Once Mick knew Mary J was ready for more of his teasing touch, he took great delight in revving her body back up again. His lips kissed, nipped, and sucked their way up her inner thighs while he slipped a finger into her tight cunt entrance. She would have bolted off the bed at the feel of his fingertip entering her pussy if he hadn’t had a tight grip on her hips. Her cunt was damn tight around his finger. Christ, how long had it been for her since she last had sex, because damn it would be a snug fit when he worked the full length of his cock into her that’s for
sure. He’d have to go slow when he finally took her, but that wouldn’t be today. This moment was purely only for her and the pleasure he could wring out of her tantalising body.

  Mick knew when he first saw Mary J that morning that she was still suffering from the effects of the attack that happened last night and he wanted to give her something that would help ease her mind and make her feel a whole lot better, so she could forget for at least a little while the events that occurred last night. Wriggling his finger further into the heat of her core, he then slid it slowly back out only to shove it back in. In and out he worked his thick digit into her tight, wet channel to gradually build up the wild passion he had stirred within her moments before. He brought her right to the edge again only to stop his ministrations. Mick couldn’t hold back the sly smirk from curving at his lips when he heard Mary J’s growl of frustration.

  Deciding it was time to let her come, he thrust two fingers into her core this time and scissored them. He wrapped his lips around her clit and sucked hard on it. When he felt her trembling uncontrollably beneath him, he released her clit long enough to order her to come for him. And it was the most amazing sight he had ever witnessed. Mary J was simply breathtaking as she let the orgasm he gave her roll throughout her writhing frame. Her eyes were squeezed shut and her skin flushed with passion.

  His eyes tracked a trickle of sweat running down from her navel to the top of her mound from where the T-shirt she wore of his had rode up from her moving about as she climaxed. He couldn’t resist licking his lips at the sight of it, and then lowered his head and swiped the clear droplet away with his tongue.


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