Toxic New Year: The Day That Wouldn't End: The Day That Wouldn't End (Alex Desephano Series Book 4)

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Toxic New Year: The Day That Wouldn't End: The Day That Wouldn't End (Alex Desephano Series Book 4) Page 23

by Judith Lucci

  Louis was silent for a moment. “I think the same. So, what else do you all think is going on,” he asked.

  The three men turned their heads at the sound of Alex’s voice. “Hello everyone, did you leave me any wine,” she asked coyly.

  The three men turned their heads and saw Alex at the French door leading to the veranda. Louis rose from his seat and kissed her on both cheeks.

  “Of course we did, Alex. Let me get you a glass,” Shooter offered as he headed toward the crystal wine glasses and the chilled Rhone wine.

  Stark was speechless as he looked at Alex. His heart skipped a couple of beats. She was beautiful in a blue denim shirt and long tapered jeans. Her blue eyes twinkled with delight and her reddish-blonde hair was partially covered with a straw hat to keep the sun off her delicate, porcelain skin. She was so lovely Jacob could hardly speak. Yes, perhaps he was in love with her. But I can’t be. Helen has only been dead for a few months.

  Shooter kissed Alex on the cheek as he handed her the wine glass. “Do you have any photos to show us?”

  Alex smiled happily. “I do! I have beautiful pics of the mountains, flowers, and even a few cows and sheep. Monsieur even took me to an old village with thatched-roofed cottages and a farmers market that had beautiful flowers and handcrafts.” She turned to Louis, gazed at him and said, “Thank you so much for inviting me here. I think it is the most beautiful place I have ever seen in my life.”

  Louis smiled with delight. “You are welcome my dear, In fact, I am happy that you like it because one day soon it will be your home, if you decide to live here”

  Alex was speechless. ‘I ... I don’t know what to say. What do you mean ‘soon’? What are you telling me? I want to be here with you and I want this to be your home,” she stuttered, her heart beating rapidly.

  Louis put his arm around her and said, “Now, don’t worry. I am glad you love it. I’ll be here with you. Don’t worry,” he promised as he kissed her on the cheek.

  Shooter changed the subject and said, “You should have seen Jake painting his house today and cleaning his gutters. He’s pretty good at house painting.” He nodded at Alex and added, “You could hire Jacob as your handy man when the estate is yours.”

  Alex turned to Jacob and smiled brightly, her heart pounding at the thought of Jake working around the house. “I’m sure Jacob can do pretty much anything he wants, just like you, Shooter. I’ll check it out tomorrow. Haley and I are going biking together, and we’ll stop by and check it out.”

  Jacob’s heart warmed at the thought of Alex and Haley spending time together. “Perhaps I’ll come along, if Louis will let me have the day off. I can ride a bike too. Would that be OK?”

  Louis could swear his daughter’s eyes turned bluer and her smile grew more radiant as she nodded her head. “That would be great, Jacob. Haley will love it.” And I will too.

  Mrs. A. interrupted them from the French door and said, “Cook said dinner will be served in an hour, if that is OK with all of you.”

  Louis nodded and said, “That’s perfect. Come and join us for a glass of wine, Mrs. A. It’s chilled and quite good.”

  Mrs. A. declined citing work, but promised to join them for dinner as she disappeared back into her office.

  Alex stood and excused herself as she needed to freshen up for dinner, and Jacob left to pick up his family.

  Louis and Shooter sat on the terrace quietly discussing the burglar situation. Finally, Louis said, “I think there’s going to be a romance between Alex and Stark. Has he said anything to you, Shooter?”

  If Shooter was surprised at Louis’s observations, he didn’t show it. “Nope. I encouraged him this afternoon, but he said his wife had just died and he wasn’t ready for a date yet, much less a relationship. I’m as surprised as you.”

  “Sometimes we don’t know our hearts,” Louis mused quietly.

  Shooter gave Louis a half smile as he combed his hair with his hand. “Well, I think you’re pretty sweet on Jacob’s mother-in-law,” Shooter said boldly.

  Louis just smiled and said nothing, and Shooter felt very alone.

  Chapter 64

  Alex rifled through her closet looking for the perfect dress to wear to dinner. She was light hearted and happy, thinking of her biking trip tomorrow with Jake and Haley. After some searching, she selected a free flowing, white caftan with gold embroidery around the neckline, a simple cross on a gold chain, and gold sandals. She quickly showered in her large marble shower, dried her long hair and wound it into a simple chignon, added gold earrings and several gold bangle bracelets, and moved to the vanity to apply her make-up.

  The sound of her cell phone startled her from her dreams of Jacob Stark. Alex answered her phone, and was pleased to hear Monique’s voice.

  “Alex, how are you? You sound happy.” Monique said, her voice so clear and crisp that it sounded as though she was just in the next room.

  Alex was warmed by the sound and could envision the dark haired beauty, sitting at her desk in the psychiatric hospital. Alex loved Monique. They had such a close friendship and had been through so much together. Alex laughed and said, “Yes, I am, and I’m absolutely in love with France.”

  “Wonderful. It’s going well with your dad?” Monique inquired.

  Alex loved the light and musical sound of Monique’s voice, and her heart flooded with joy. “Yes, he’s just wonderful to me. He is such a nice man. I am so sorry you and Jack didn’t get to meet him before he left NOLA.”

  Monique sighed and said, “Me too, but we can meet him later. When do you think you’ll return?”

  Alex was silent for a moment and then said, “I don’t really know. I am having such a wonderful adventure. I’m taking photography classes, learning French, taking a French cooking class, and traveling all around and being treated like a Queen.”

  “Wow, I’m envious. I need that,” Monique said wistfully. “It sounds wonderful.”

  Alex smiled. “Yes, you do. We all do. We need to take time out to care for ourselves, you especially Monique.”

  Monique laughed. “You’re funny. That is exactly what I’d say to you. Funny isn’t it, how our roles get reversed. How are things at the farm? Are your grandparents missing you?”

  ”Yes, they are. I talked to my grandparents earlier today, and they are doing great. I told them I’ll probably stay another month.”

  “Wow,” Monique exclaimed, sounding surprised. “You are having a great time. We do miss you here, too.”

  “Yes, I know. I miss you as well.” Alex was quiet for a moment. “I am kind of at a turning point in my life, I think,” Alex’s added, her voice hesitant.

  “How is that,” Monique asked. Alex could detect the surprise in Monique’s voice.

  “I don’t know for sure. Not sure I want to be at the hospital anymore. I am really not sure where I should be at all. A part of me wants to return to Virginia to be closer to my grandparents, a big part of me wants to stay in NOLA, and another part of me loves it here in France.”

  Monique cleared her throat. “Well, that’s a dilemma. I know Robert has offered to go to Virginia with you.”

  Alex was silent. Did she hear a placating tone in Monique’s voice?

  “Are you there, Alex?” Or did we get disconnected?” Monique sounded unsure.

  “No, I’m here. I am just trying to figure out what I want to do.” There was a pause as Alex contemplated whether to reveal her true feelings on the subject. “To be honest, Monique, I am not sure Robert figures into my future,” Alex finally confessed, her voice low.

  “Oh, um, well, I am a little surprised to hear that,” Monique said sharply. “I know you have been uncertain about your feelings for him, but I didn’t know he wasn’t a part of your future. What has happened?”

  Alex was silent again, attempting to gather her thoughts. “Nothing really, at least nothing yet,” she finally said. “I have met a man I’m interested in. He brings back the old memories I used to have for Robert, you know
, the excitement and anticipation, the wanting to care and comfort him. That kind of stuff.”

  “I see, and I think the word is romance,” Monique added as she waited for more. “Who is this guy?”

  “He’s retired military and he works for my father. There’s nothing between us, Monique, but I really wish there was. There’s just something about him ….” Alex’s voice faltered. “I am really drawn to him, attracted to him. You know what I mean, right,” she stammered. “I’ve been attracted to him since the first time I saw him.”

  Monique smiled to herself. “Of course I do. I hope he’s the one. I want only the very best for you, you know that. And so does Jack,” Monique assured her.

  “I know. I just feel kind of guilty. I’ve always known Robert wants more of a relationship than I do. I just hate to hurt him because he is such a wonderful friend,” Alex said apologetically.

  Monique thought for a moment. “It will be hard for him, but let’s wait and see how all of this turns out,” she cautioned and changed the subject. “When does Louis return to New York?”

  “No idea. I’m honestly not sure he plans to. He may just live here in France. His assistant is with him, and he Skypes with his office every few days. He seems in no hurry to return. As a matter of fact, we’re going to Turin tomorrow for a few days.”

  Monique laughed. “That’s great. Turin is pretty neat, great art and architecture. Who knows, you may see the Shroud of Turin.”

  “You never know,” Alex joked as she heard the grandfather clock strike seven on the floor below her. “Hey, I gotta run. I’ll be late for dinner and Louis is having company, so I need to play hostess. Talk soon?”

  “Of course, Alex. One more thing, though. We’ve had two new, actually three, victims of the St. Germaine killings in the last few days. Jack is up to his eyeballs in that stuff again. The guy is just a psychopath.”

  Alex shook her head. “He really is. Any leads?”

  “Not that I know of. The first one was at St. Louis cemetery and the second one was at St. Louis as well.”

  “What,” Alex exclaimed. “He’s killing them in the graveyards?”

  “Seems that way. He hung the woman upside down from the shoulders of an angel statue on top of a crypt. How evil and morose is that? “

  Alex shivered. “An angel? Isn’t there some sort of sick symbolism going on there?”

  “I’m sure there is. On the bright side however, Jack’s doing great. He’s risen to the call to arms to catch the St. Germaine killer. It has yanked him out of his depression and self-pity.”

  Alex laughed, “Not a moment too soon for you, I bet.”

  “Yeah, you got that right. We’ll talk soon, I promise,” Monique assured.

  “Sounds wonderful. Love you, Monique.”

  “Back at ‘cha, Alex,” Monique added as she clicked off.

  Alex picked up her evening bag just as she heard a light knock on her door. She opened it and smiled brightly at her father.

  “I’m on my way down. I’m not late am I,” she asked in a worried voice.

  Louis shook his head and said, “Not at all, my dear, I just wanted to take a moment and let you know we’ve hired a couple of security men to hang around for a few weeks. There have been a number of break-ins up here, or so the gendarmes reported to me a few hours ago.”

  Alex looked worried. “Oh, so did the police come here?”

  Louis placed his arm protectively around Alex’s shoulders. “Oh no, I heard it on the news, so I called them. Don’t worry, it’ll be OK.” He gave her an approving look and said, “You look lovely, Alex.

  Alex kissed him on his cheek, picked up her evening shawl, and walked arm and arm with her father down the lovely, curved stairway.

  Chapter 65

  Jack Francoise’s mind was racing but nothing was computing. “What the hell is going on? What is St. Germaine up to now? He must be trying to catch up for the last six months or something?” He stopped a moment to take a breath. “Three murders in three days? That’s a whole new record.” he sputtered, peering over his glasses at Detective Vern Bridges, NOPD Chief Ted Stevens, and his deputy commissioner, Jason Alexander.

  With a grim face Chief Stevens asked, “Is there anything new? Anything different about these new cases?”

  Vern spoke. “No, not really. We’re waiting to hear from the medical examiner, so we don’t have anything official; but if you ask me, these attacks appear more vicious. The cuts in the neck look deeper and wider, at least in the first body we found. It looks as though the necks were slashed. In the earlier cases, the cuts were more precise, more methodical.”

  Jason nodded in agreement. “I eyeballed the crime photos and I think the perp was enraged. In the killings last fall, these cuts were more defined, methodical, and symmetrical. These new injuries suggest a greater viciousness to the attack.”

  “Great,” Jack said sarcastically as Detective Bridges handed him a cell phone. Jack studied the pictures on the phone carefully, flipping back and forth, and said, “I think you’re right. These do look like slash marks. Are we looking at a copycat?” The thought of two St. Germaine killers was more than Jack wanted to tackle.

  “Nah. It’s the same dude. They were killed somewhere else and brought to the cemetery for exsanguination, just like before. Everything else is exactly the same. We’ll have to see what Dr. Jeanfrau says, but I’m even willing to bet it’s the same knife,” Vern surmised.

  Jack nodded. ”Perhaps, but the wounds on the new victims are much more vicious ... like the perp is losing control.”

  Chief Stevens asked, “What about hanging the first body, the woman, upside down, suspended from an Angel’s wings?” “There has to be some meaning behind that,” he continued, distaste in his voice. “Do you think the fact that it was near the Glapion crypt and Voodoo Priestess Marie Laveau is important?”

  “Yeah, for sure,” Jack answered. “The second body in Cemetery Number 3 was similar. The victim was upside down, suspended from wires that St. Germaine had strung across two crypts. He had one leg kicked out and it looked like the hands were dancing.”

  Jason scratched his head and said, “I don’t get it. What is that about?”

  Jack shook his head and laughed. “He was hanging on the grave of Danny Barker, don’t you see?”

  Jason was confused. “Nope, I don’t see. I am missing something. Who is Danny Barker?”

  Jack laughed and gave him a reproachful look. “You don’t know your jazz, Jason. The victim was dancing on the grave of Danny Barker, the famous jazz musician.”

  “That’s pretty sick,” Jason said.

  Vern Bridges listened intently. “What do you all think the posing of these bodies means, what’s he trying to tell us,” Vern asked.

  Ted Stevens responded in a frustrated voice, “Hell, I don’t know. That he’s smart, from New Orleans, that he’s evil. Stuff like that, I guess. Likes to make it a slow, painful death. He also likes to parade and showcase his kills. He’s a showman.”

  Jack nodded. “Yeah, I think there’s some of that. He’s always posed the bodies to shock us. Remember the Senator and his aide, and the two kids. Remember how shocked we were.”

  Jason shook his head, his voice disgusted. “The guy is a lunatic, a disgusting monster.”

  Jack nodded in agreement. “No argument there, but we need a forensic psychiatrist to help us interpret all this stuff. Let me check with Monique and see whose best around here.” He turned to the Chief and said, “Ted, I may bring someone in from somewhere else as well. We’ll get all the big brains on it. That OK with you?”

  Ted nodded. “Yeah, I got the Mayor on my tail and I’m sure he’ll want to see you, Jack,” Chief Stevens teased, his eyes twinkling. The animosity between Commander Francoise and the Mayor of New Orleans was legendary. Jack considered the man incompetent and stupid, and had told him so.

  Red started creeping up Jack’s neck. “Nope, not going. Tell him I’m still on sick leave and can’t walk.”r />
  Ted stared at him, smiling, but said nothing.

  “Screw him, Ted, I’m a sick man. My blood pressure cannot handle him.” Jack quickly reverted to his pity pot.

  “He saw you on TV yesterday, Jack, and commented on how well you looked,” Ted continued to tease. Ted loved to watch Jack react to his nemesis, Mayor Devries.

  Jack shook his head and repeated, “Not going. Now, Vern, who are these people. The newest victims?”

  Vern pulled his note book out of his pocket. “The woman lived in the Quarter, an old family home. She taught at St. Augustine High School. Her neighbors said they thought she’d been out walking her dog, a poodle, when someone took her. They found the dog on the front porch this morning, whimpering.”

  Jack shook his head. “Damn, did she live alone?”

  “No,” Vern said, shaking his head, “she had a husband, but he works for one of the oil companies and spends half his time in Houston. He was out of town, but came home last night.”

  Chief Stevens asked, “How about the male vic? Do we know who he is?”

  Jason shook his head. “No. Not yet. Interestingly enough, he didn’t have any fingerprints. It looked like they were burned off by chemicals, or at least that’s what Dr. Jeanfreau said. We’re running his face through facial recognition, but no hits yet. Should know soon, though.”

  “No fingerprints? Humph. What’s that about? Were his hands scarred,” Jack asked, curious.

  “Nah, didn’t look to be. People who don’t want their fingerprints can remove them by sanding them or using a pumice stone to change them.” Vern saw the look of disgust on Jack’s face and continued, “Sometimes, they have skin transplanted from their feet onto their fingers.”

  “Ouch, that must hurt,” Jason commented.

  “Yeah, you really gotta want to get rid of your fingerprints ‘cuz all of this sounds like real pain to me,” Vern added.


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