Wrath (Seven Deadlies MC)

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Wrath (Seven Deadlies MC) Page 14

by Kaitlyn Ewald

  His beard touched her first, igniting all of her nerve endings, sending her mind over the edge.

  She felt his breath against her pussy, warming her from the inside out.

  Never had Rayna ever experienced such blatant need for another person, never had she imagined that she’d even like anything like this after what she’d been through.

  But, Fury was a game changer.

  He was a storm chaser.

  Fuck it, Fury was the storm.

  As his tongue slipped into her quivering cunt, she gasped his name, and bucked her hips against his mouth.

  Falling, I’m falling…

  Blinding colors erupted behind her closed eyelids as Fury’s tongue circled her clit with expert precision. His skilled hands were cupped around the underside of her thighs, gripping her tightly.

  “You taste so damn sweet, baby,” He whispered as he continued to lick her.

  She whimpered, melting, floating, utterly fluid.

  Rayna’s heart was pounding wildly in her chest, her lips were parted just enough for his name slip past, and her hands were ripping the sheets to sheds.

  Just when that tension in her belly threatened to snap like an old rubber band, just when she was sure Fury’s loving couldn’t get any better, he sank two fingers into her pussy.

  Rayna cried out, her moans filling the air between them, his name a half-hearted prayer that she knew wouldn’t save her soul from eternal damnation.

  How can you escape damnation when you're in bed with the devil?

  “Fuck, baby, I can’t wait to be inside you,” Fury said as his fingers rubbed against her g-spot.

  Rayna’s mouth fell open as tingles started at her knees and worked their way upwards, leaving trails of fire in their wake.

  She was coming, coming undone, tearing apart at the seams as Fury worked her over.

  “God, you’re so fuckin’ beautiful when you come,” Fury rasped against her skin as he licked her even still.

  Rayna was sure she’d be embarrassed by the time she was done, but all she could do was open her eyes and watch Fury watch her as she slowly made her way back down to earth.

  With a shuddering breath she waited for Fury to speak, to say something, to inevitably crush her- but he remained silent- as he lifted her up and into his arms.

  Switching places with her, he sat on the edge of the bed with her in his lap and kissed her mouth.

  Rayna felt his hard cock beneath her, twitching against her throbbing pussy.

  Fury was breathing hard as he kissed her, tipped her head back and thrust his tongue in her mouth, mimicking everything he wanted to do to her sweet, tight, cunt.

  He tasted like freedom and he felt like home, and Rayna knew he was just getting started with her.

  He proved her right when he suddenly stood and laid her out on the bed and nestled himself between her spread thighs.

  Rayna accepted him, her body aching for more, for Fury, for everything he was willing to give her.

  “I brought condoms, but the decision is up to you,” He said softly as he looked into her eyes.

  Rayna shook her head as she cupped his cheeks in her hands.

  “No condom, just us.”

  Fury groaned and pressed his mouth harder against hers-

  “I can’t wait anymore, I have to-,”

  “Take me, Fury, I need you to.”

  Fury didn’t hesitate- he slipped one hand beneath her back and lifted her against him, aligning their bodies completely.

  Fury’s gaze didn’t leave hers as he thrust into her slowly, giving her body time to accommodate him.

  Rayna hadn’t been exaggerating; his dick was huge, bigger than any she’d taken, and she appreciated the fact that he was giving her body time to adjust.

  Fury dropped his face into the crook of her and took a deep, shaky breath.

  “You feel so good.”

  Rayna wrapped her arms around his neck and the movement sent pleasure rocketing through her.

  “So do you.”

  He smiled at her and she knew that she’d always remember the way they fit together.

  She captured his mouth in a fiery kiss, lifted her hips slightly, flicked her tongue against his.

  “Fuck me, Fury.”

  His eyes were dark as pitch as he looked down into her eyes.

  “Don’t hold back, Rayna.”

  His words awoke something inside of her, something primal; Rayna realized that now, he was giving her all the control.

  This strong, raging, savage of a man was giving little Rayna Claire control…

  Rayna took it without hesitation.

  Wrapping her legs around his waist, she kissed him as if only he could ease the ache inside of her.

  Fury bucked into her, hard, showing no mercy as he did exactly as she asked- he took her.

  Rayna held on tight as he fucked her right into the mattress, and with every stroke of his cock, she fell a little more in love with him.

  He was a tornado, he was a tsunami, he was a fucking whirlpool threatening to drown her.

  Rayna would gladly let him sink her ship, if it meant she’d never have to let go of him.

  “Rayna, you feel so good…”

  His words were clipped, followed by the sound of his labored breathing.

  They were both covered in a thin sheen of sweat as they clung to one another, bound by a hell of a lot more than just their quivering limbs.

  Rayna wanted to tell him that she loved him, that she loved the way he owned her body, but the words wouldn’t make it past her lips.

  Fury folded her body like a piece of origami; he was like an artist, using her own emotions and her flesh to paint a picture even Rayna found captivating.

  “Tell me who’s fucking you,” He demanded roughly.

  He pressed her hands into the mattress and Rayna held on tighter.

  “Fury,” She gasped.

  He arched his hips and fucked her deeper, hitting every pleasure point possible.

  Rayna cried out, the sound echoing off of the beige walls around them.

  “Say my name, baby.”

  “Ryder,” She breathed.

  And just like that, the tension in her belly exploded and Rayna was seeing stars.

  Fury grunted a curse, his grip on her bruising, his movements quick and jerky as he whispered sweet nothings into her ear.

  “You’re so beautiful…”

  “I love the way you feel against me…”

  “I can’t let go, I won’t let go…”

  Everything she needed to hear came out of his mouth- everything except the three words her heart longed for, but didn’t expect.

  Rayna couldn't speak yet, her body was too busy trying to piece itself back together after Fury practically plucked her to pieces.

  “That was fuckin’ amazing,” Fury told her as he rolled onto his side, bringing her with him.

  Rayna cuddled into his chest, pressed her palms against the hardness there.

  “Yeah, it was.”

  “Did I hurt you?”

  His words surprised her, so she reached up and kissed his chin.

  “No, baby. You didn’t hurt me.”

  “Good, I never want to hurt you.”

  Rayna blinked, still wrapped up in her post-coital bliss.

  “You didn’t. I loved it,” She admitted.

  When Fury pulled back and tried to look at her face, she hid against his chest.

  “Don’t hide from me, Rayna. You never have to hide from me. I’m fuckin’ ecstatic about what we just did,” He said with a grin.

  Rayna finally looked up into his handsome face, awed by how much one man could make her feel.

  “Oh, you are?”

  He slammed one of her palms against his chest, right over his heart.

  “Yeah, baby. I never thought this thing would beat for anything ever again, and then you showed up and sure as shit proved me wrong.”

  She was speechless- she hadn’t expected that.

  “I have a proposition for you.”

  “What’s that?”

  “What do you say,” She paused as she straddled his hips, “We go for round two?”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Fury watched Rayna wash her face, her blue eyes fixed on her own reflection.

  His brain was still replaying all of the sexy things she'd let him do to her body. He hadn't expected her to become such a wildcat, begging for him to fuck her. He also hasn't expected her to tell him no condoms, but he couldn't deny the fact that it made him happy that she'd decided against them.

  Fury liked the idea of connecting with Rayna in a way he hadn't connected with any other woman. He'd never fucked without wrapping his shit up first, but with Rayna he didn't mind it.

  In fact, the idea of seeing her barefoot and pregnant with his baby had his cock hard all over again, and he couldn't help but turn towards her, a smile on his face.

  She’s beautiful…

  “We’ve gotta head out in an hour, baby. Dawson is waiting for us.”

  She glanced at me and nodded her blonde head, her lips pursed.

  “What’s wrong? You look worried.”

  “I’m not so sure I'm ready to give up being Rayna Claire. I went through a lot to keep my name alive,” She said.

  He knew she meant she’d gone through a lot to keep herself alive, but he didn't say that.

  He understood what she meant.

  What if Fury woke up one day and had to change his name? The name he’d earned, the one he’d spent his whole life living up to?

  What if he’d gone through what she had and then was told to give up the only thing he had left, his name, to remember his former self?

  “You don't have to go through this, Rayna. We can just tell Ox you changed your mind and that you ain’t ready-”

  She waved a hand dismissively in his direction, her red nails glinting in the sunlight.

  “I’ll get over it.”

  Fury rose to his feet, moving to lean against the doorjamb as she applied some mascara.

  “You don’t have to get over it. We can turn around and forget about all of this,” He said.

  She opened her mouth to no doubt argue with him but was interrupted by his phone ringing.

  Fury swore when he saw it was Ox’s name scrolling across the screen.


  “Where are you?”

  Ox’s panicked voice came though loud and clear and Fury hurried to make sure Rayna couldn’t hear him before he replied.

  “Hotel room.”

  “Get the fuck out of there, and come home. Dawson just called me, man. The Blazin’ Eagles found out we have Rayna, and they’re headed your way!”

  Fury swore and ran a hand through his hair.

  “How did Dawson find that out?”

  “They visited him first man, I don’t know who the mole is! Either way, get your asses out of there. Limit and Prettyboy are riding out to meet you halfway,” Ox said angrily.

  Fury began to shove things into both of their bags as Rayna stumbled out of the bathroom.

  Fury hung up and shoved his phone into his pocket.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “I need you to get your shit together, Rayna. The Blazin’ Eagles found out I’ve got you out here and that we’re alone! We don’t have time to talk about it, baby.”

  Fury sighed with relief when she did as he told her without any argument, her skinny body moving like a rocket as she shoved things into her bag as she hurried to catch up with him.

  As soon as they had their room cleared, Fury opened the door only to be met with the sight of five bikes lined up at the front of the parking lot- and he was willing to bet he knew exactly who the fuck they belonged to.

  They’re here already?

  “Shit! Fuck, fuck, fuck! Rayna, on the count of three, we’re gonna run to my bike. Sling your bag over your shoulder, okay? We’ll worry about it later.”

  “What about your bag?”

  “You’re gonna have to wear mine too, at least until we catch up to Limit and Prettyboy. Ox said they’re meeting us halfway in case those bastards catch up with us.”

  Fury knew they would catch up to them; it was just a matter of when.

  Fury watched her throw her bag over her shoulder and reach for his.

  He gave it to her eagerly before he took her hand into his.

  “On the count of three, okay?”

  She looked so worried that he had to kiss her.

  Her mouth melted against his and he inhaled sharply as he pulled away.


  She nodded.


  Fury looked back at the parking lot, making sure the coast was clear- they had the last room available, and had therefore parked around the side of the building, but he didn’t want to take any chances.

  When he saw the parking lot was still clear of any bodies, he tightened his hold on her hand, and took a deep breath.


  They ran for his bike, a large black beast of a machine that glittered in the sunlight as they fled towards it.

  Fury was on it first, and Rayna had her thighs wrapped around the back of his in less than a second.

  Fury’s fingers brought his bike to life as he watched the front doors of the main office, trying not to draw attention to them, but there was no way they wouldn’t hear his bike.

  It was modified, loud as fuck, and easily recognizable.

  “Baby, I need you to hold on, and don’t you dare let go, alright?”

  Rayna slid on his helmet and he waited for her to respond before he gripped his handles in a death hold.

  “Okay, Ryder.”

  Her confidence in him gave him the determination he needed to speed out of there like a bat out of hell, with the wind whipping his hair into his eyes.

  He didn’t hear the growling of any engines behind them, not yet, but he knew they’d come- he just hoped his bike could take Rayna and himself far away before the Blazin' Eagles got enough.

  Rayna’s arms were wrapped tightly around his waist, and he tried to remind himself that she came first- always- and that even if he ate the fucking pavement, she had to be safe.

  Rayna Claire wouldn’t survive another round with the Blazin’ Eagles, he knew that, and he wouldn’t wish that shit on his worst enemy.

  His bike ate up the pavement beneath them, swallowing mile after mile before Fury finally heard the distinct grumble of bikes behind them.

  A glance in his mirrors told him that the Blazin’Eagles were coming up on them, and they were coming up fast.

  He tried not to panic, because it was only the seven of them on the long winding road that led out of Myrtle Beach and closer to Seven Deadlies's territory, but time seemed to slow to a fucking crawl the closer he got to the halfway point.

  Hopefully Limit and Prettyboy were already there, because if they weren’t, there was a good fucking chance Fury was about to die in the name of love.

  Love, of all fucking things.

  Two bikes came up from the rear, and he recognized the two men stalking them- Tide and

  Crow were riding parallel to them, and he could see they were packin’.

  He opened his mouth to yell at Rayna to duck, because there was no way for him to avoid them or their firepower, but she surprised the fuck out of him when she pulled his own gun from his waist band and aimed it at Tide first.

  She fired two quick shots and then Tide was eating asphalt, his entire body flying ass over head.

  Fury tried to keep his bike as steady as he could as she fired off three more shots that hurled Crow into the guardrail, covering the ground in fresh road kill.

  Jesus fucking Christ, she’s perfect.

  Fury could feel her erratic breathing against his back, but she didn’t complain.

  In fact, he was awed when she leaned back on his bike, using the seat as leverage, so she could turn around and see behind her.

  He lifted his arms
a little as she wrapped her legs fully around his waist to anchor her further so she could turn completely in the opposite direction.

  Fury could see her in his mirrors, a road warrior who was willing to slay any man for him.

  Her blonde hair created a halo around her head as she leveled that fucking gun and took aim; two more Blazin’ Eagles were working their way towards them, but Fury caught sight of Limit and Prettyboy waiting just around the bend.

  Rayna didn’t lower his gun though, no, she kept that fucker raised and ready.

  Prettyboy and Limit joined him, with Prettyboy to his left and Limit to his right.

  He heard the distinct sound of gunfire and he could tell it wasn't coming from Rayna- the bullets were making a solid pinging! sound as they met the metal of their bikes.

  Rayna jolted against his back and he heard her cry of pain before she screamed so loud they could all hear her over the noise of their bikes.

  Her battle cry was followed by the sound of her emptying the rest of the magazine, her arm jerking from the kickback each time she fired.

  The sounds of his bullets hitting their targets were followed by the distinct screeching of tires and a loud crash before Rayna curled up against his back.

  She just killed three fucking men without blinking.

  She just saved all of us...

  Fury got so caught up in the fact that she’d just singlehandedly saved him and his brothers, that he forgot about the other two members of the Blazin’ Eagles still on their tails.

  Limit gestured for him to take the lead, so he did, and as he moved faster Rayna’s grip on him tightened considerably.

  She was shaking against him, but he chalked it up the massive adrenaline rush she had to be having. He knew getting shot at while riding at eighty miles an hour around a winding road was making him feel like he’d just survived a nuclear bomb.

  Fury could only imagine what she was feeling.

  Fury realized there was only one thing he could do now, and that was to lead the only two members of the Blazin; Eagles left alive directly into their territory.

  The only way to stay alive was to keep going, but there was still one thing nagging at the back of his mind…

  Who was the fucking mole?

  Chapter Sixteen


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