by Susan Sass
Stepping closer and dropping to her knees, Aya reached out and trailed her finger tips across Faith’s newly nude pussy lips. Again Faith shivered as the electric sensation shot through her. Aya looked into Faith’s eyes, “Properly maintained, there is no place on a woman’s body so smooth, so soft to touch, or so attractive to the eye. Our Master will be pleased.” Aya’s cool fingers continued their feather light touches, just stroking the outside, never penetrating or spreading the folds. Faith stood motionless, looking down at Aya kneeling before her. Aya glanced up and murmured, “And such a pretty pussy you were hiding from us.”
Faith repeated the words, her voice trembled in response to the touches. “Pretty, Ma’am?”
Aya was close enough for Faith to feel the warmth of her breath, “Yes, just perfect.” Then she leaned in and gave Faith a soft kiss directly on her bare fragrant skin, her tongue darting out and sliding smoothly the length of her cleft, “Perfect and delectable,” her hand smooth and warm caressed the curve of Faith’s ass, pulling her closer. Faith shuddered and swayed as her legs buckled for an instant. Aya chuckled and then stood up abruptly, “We are wasting time. Come along, little slave, let’s bathe together and then we will dress up in our costumes.”
Again Faith found herself distracted and clumsy, her hands fumbling, dropping bottles and sponges, mumbling sorry over and over and repeating her Mistress’s commands almost parrot like. It was like her whole body was on overload, and feeling her Mistress’s body under her hands, her Mistress’s hands on her body, the sensation of the water flowing over her naked labia; all these things conspired to fog her Mind. To her surprise, Aya seemed unsurprised and unusually patient.
Faith was surprised when Aya pushed her into a chair and quickly French braided her wet hair up into a crown around her head. Aya laughed, “You are in no state to serve me now, little slave. Your Mind is a muddle. You just sit still.” Next Aya pulled her own waist length black hair into a high ponytail that stood tall and then fell down her back. Next Aya pulled on a black thong, a pair of thigh high black shiny boots and a matching corset that had a bewildering number of straps and buckles. The half cups of the corset only lifted and offered Aya’s proud breasts up. Last Aya attached two matching black floggers to straps at her hips and the tails swayed and danced around her thighs as she strode across the room, the heels of the boots making sharp staccato bangs on the hardwood floor. Aya winked at Faith and raised her arms and did a very brief Flamenco Dance, her breasts quivering and the floggers swirling. Aya’s voice was amused, “Dress up can be fun. It’s been a while since I have had a chance to wear something other than a jumpsuit.” Her eyes lit up, “Now your turn, little slave.”
Faith’s Mind was calming, her heart slowing, and her breathing slowing. She blinked when Aya opened a box and pulled out what looked like a huge tangle of golden chains and bells. The jingle was instant and obvious. Aya snapped her fingers and pointed at the floor, “Stand up, little slave.” Eyeing the chains curiously, Faith moved to obey. Aya’s voice continued light and jovial, “Little slave, I keep remembering the wonderful sound of the bells made when you finally surrendered to being my pony.” Faith felt a cold shiver run down her spine as she remembered that day, the pain, the exhaustion, the humiliation, and then the hole. She hadn’t thought about that day for a while and she wondered how she could have forgotten. She wondered where her rebellion had gone, why she did not just reach out and smash this woman who had done that thing to her, but just as quickly she felt a wave of fear, fear of the hole and to her surprise fear of displeasing Aya, fear of failure. More than anything she feared not obeying, not for fear of punishment, but for fear of the look of disappointment in those penetrating black eyes.
Faith was so lost in her thoughts that she did not notice at first what Aya was putting on her body. Cool lengths of golden chain were being locked around her neck, wrists, waist and ankles. More chains were stretched from the neck to the bracelets long enough facilitate free movement and swing and sparkle in the lights. A belt had dozens of lengths of chain that hung down, a thin veil of a skirt that swung and slid across her skin, hiding nothing. And everywhere there were bells, hundreds of little tiny bells that jingled at the smallest of gestures or steps. Last Aya attached a cluster of tiny bells to the tip of each nipple, the clamps pinching and sending fresh pangs of lust to Faith’s very core. Aya gripped her shoulders and gave her a little shake and s at the chorus of jingling bells. Last a heavier golden chain was fastened to her collar.
Aya looked at a clock and nodded in satisfaction. “Good exactly on time. Come along, little slave, the party is about to start.”
Chapter 14
Taking the chain leash Aya led Faith out of her room and down the hall. Pausing she knocked on a door and Faith recognized the Master’s voice calling for them to enter. The thought that in her head she had called him Master made her stumble and fight the leash for an instant. A tiny wailing voice in her heart screamed in frantic terror, ‘no, not now, not now!’ Aya paused and looked at her curiously. Her voice was cool and compelling, “Little slave, do not fight me now.”
Faith’s eyes were a little wild and her voice shook with panic, “What are you going to do to me?” She wondered at the tone of her voice, weak, almost childlike, “I’m afraid,” and to her complete amazement, she tried to wrap her arms around Aya, to hold onto her.
Aya’s voice was a sharp icy crack, “Stop that this instant. I don’t have any fucking time for this. No one is going to do anything to you. You are attending as only a spectator, a spectator and a pretty decoration to sit at our Master’s feet, nothing more. Now behave yourself this instant.”
At that instant the door opened and Faith found herself shrinking to hide behind Aya, peering out at the man that everyone called Master. Again she was struck by how he did not appear to be the monster that occupied her fears. His emerald green eyes looked at her like he could see clear through into her heart. He raised a brow and while still looking at her, spoke to Aya, “What has frightened our newest acquisition so?” He s a soft easy smile, “Have you been telling her frightening stories about my terrible appetites?”
Aya’s lips twitched and she gracefully sank to her knees, giving Faith’s leash a peremptory jerk forcing the girl down as well, gripping the back of her neck pushing her face lower and lower until her forehead was on the floor, hissing at her to assume the lowest form of obeisance and remain there. “Master, this one is still completely swayed by her fears and emotions. The mere sound of your voice had her whimpering and trying to flee. She may be a bit of a handful at the spectacle tonight.”
JD laughed a long low chuckle, “Good, it will add a bit of a challenge to my evening. She looks lovely. The bells are a sweet touch. I look forward to perhaps playing some lovely music tonight.”
Aya stood and handed the leash to JD, “I turn her over to your care. She knows all the positions but may need to be prompted when to assume them. She may be a bit distracted; she has been teetering on the edge of surrender for too long. I will see you at the Plaza.” Faith felt another wave of terror as Aya’s heels clicked as she walked away and she pressed her forehead a little more firmly to the floor, too afraid to move. She was trembling so hard that the bells were ringing steadily.
When a warm hand touched her shoulder she flinched violently and made a tiny involuntary whimper. His voice was soft, almost too quiet to hear, “Look at me.” His hand slid down to lift her face up and she found herself blinking and trying to look into his eyes, but each time their gaze met she would flinch and her eyes would slide away. He had knelt down on one knee to be closer and she could smell him, clean, warm, and male. His hand stayed under her chin, gentle cradling. “Why are you so frightened?” His voice was soft, deep, and seemed to vibrate through her.
A sharper shiver made the bells speak louder. Faith’s mouth opened and closed but no words came out and he tipped his head to one side. His thumb came up and gently caressed her lower lip. Finally she gulped
and stammered, “Um… um… don’t… don’t know.” Then she tensed, clenched her eyes shut and said the word, “Ma… Ma… Master,” forcing the word out. Faith could not remember if she had actually said the word out loud in his presence before, but she knew that this was the first time she meant it. It felt like something inside her was tearing loose, her heart breaking, and a small tear slipped free and ran down her cheek.
JD leaned close and gently kissed the tear away from her face, and Faith involuntarily shied away from the warmth of his lips, trying to turn her face away but his hold on her chin tightened. He looked into her face for a few moments more and then stood, pulling her up to stand. He attached the leash to his belt. “Follow along behind me, girl. Pay attention to where I go. If I stop, you should kneel at my feet.” His strides were long and fast as he walked to the golf cart and he pointed at the back seat. The leash barely was long enough and Faith found herself needing to lean forward when he stepped into the driver’s seat and began to drive down the path toward the plaza.
The tropical sun had sunk below the horizon and the colors of the sunset were rapidly fading. Bright spot lights lit up the center of the plaza, illuminating the form a nude man hanging by his wrists from a tripod in the center of the plaza. He was blindfolded and had a gag in his mouth. He was so still that for an instant Faith wondered if he was alive. But she had to scramble to keep up with JD as he moved to sit in his wide stone seat. A sharp twitch of the leash reminded Faith and she sank to her knees at his feet. The brilliant lights left the rest of the plaza in shadows but Faith could see that there were lots of others gathered but the it was remarkably quiet. There was an aura of waiting and Faith realized that they had been waiting for the Master.
When JD spoke his voice carried through the warm evening air. “This is not a trial. There will be no evidence or witnesses. This man has already been judged guilty. He has disobeyed direct orders, he has put a slave in danger, and he has betrayed his loyalty to me.” JD cleared his throat and spoke in a softer tone, “In many ways, I have failed in my duty to keep you safe. I did not see this man’s danger to you. By trusting him I put all of you at risk. Let his fate stand as a promise to my slaves that this will not happen again. Let his fate stand as a warning to all other free workers that their loyalty and obedience to me is not an option, it is an absolute requirement.”
There was a small stir of movement among the spectators and then Faith saw Aya stand forth. The regal Asian woman was wearing a mask now, a smooth leather disguise that reached from forehead to her upper lip. She carried in her hand a long black single tailed whip, and when she swung it, the pop was gunshot loud. The man’s shriek was muffled by the gag but Faith could still hear it clearly, and she could hear that he was struggling to speak but the words were incomprehensible. Over and over the whip whistled through the air and slashed into the man’s skin. Each time he would scream. Faith could no longer keep her eyes open. But there was still the sound and with each crack of the whip and each garbled cry of agony she would flinch and cringe. When the sounds stopped she peeked out between her lashes and gagged and turned away. His body was slick and red with blood.
JD stood again and spoke over the weak moans still coming from the man. “Overseer James, no longer are you a free man. I have renounced our contract. The evidence of your crimes is now in the hands of your new owner. She is much less forgiving than me.” There was an audible buzz among the watchers as a woman and two large men came up onto the plaza from out of the shadows. One of the men carried a small brazier of hot coals with a metal rod sticking out of it. Faith could not help but stare curiously at these strangers. The woman was older, maybe in her sixties and the two men were massive and more than a little scary looking. One actually had a patch over one eye.
The woman bowed toward her Master, “Master JD, I am sorry I could not arrive earlier but your communication to me was very short notice. Is this the one?” When JD nodded, she looked at the limp bloody form, “Well he does seem a little worse for wear, but the price was right and he may serve as some sort of diversion for a while.” She snapped her fingers at the man with the patch over his eye and he walked over to the whipped man and set down the basin of glowing coals. As the other man held him still, he pulled out a cherry red branding iron and without any ceremony pressed it to the flesh of the man. An inhuman squall of agony rose up and then fell silent as the man under the hot iron fell unconscious. There were cries of horror across the plaza as several slaves could not contain their shock and Faith burst into sobs and curled up into a small ball on the stone floor of the plaza, covering her face with her hands. Neither of the men seemed to pay any attention to either the man’s scream or the people watching. As soon as they were done, the one with the eye patch threw his bloody limp form over his shoulder and walked out of the plaza toward the boat docks.
JD was frowning, clearly disturbed by the sight. His voice was censuring, “You could have waited to do that.”
The woman laughed and retorted, “Perhaps, but I thought it Might be enlightening to your property to learn how other slaves are kept.”
JD stood and took a step toward the woman, his anger clear on his face. The chain attaching him to Faith forgotten until he came up short and jerked the girl a few inches across the stone, her bells jingling incongruously. The single massive man that remained with the strange woman stepped up menacingly and Aya appeared by JD’s side just as quickly, the mask gone from her face, her eyes narrow and menacing. For a few seconds everything was still, but then the woman laughed, a soft disarming sound, “Perhaps I have offended. Please accept my apologies. You will understand if we do not stay. It is late and I have pressing matters.” Turning on her heel she walked from the plaza, her goon at her heels.
Chapter 15
The atmosphere in the plaza was subdued, Aya’s posture was stiff and her words of direction were sharp as the tripod was removed and the blood washed away from the rock surface of the plaza. Someone started some Jimmy Buffet music playing through the speaker system. It was a rollicking bouncy tune, and right on cue, Leeane and Ramona wheeled up a covered table to the center of the plaza and with a big flourish pulled the cloth off from their creation. Layla was revealed in all her glory, almost completely covered in confections and whipped cream, she lay not completely on her back but curled seductively on her side, a wide excited smile lighting up her face. Ramona and Leeane looked around the plaza, confused at the complete lack of reaction to their masterpiece.
JD stood up and began to clap loudly and then giving a quick jerk on the leash holding Faith, he moved closer, a wide smile on his face. “What do we have here?” Then speaking to Layla directly he spoke loudly enough to carry around the plaza, “My goodness you do look delicious. Is this all for me?”
Completely oblivious to the previous events, Layla nodded and grinned even wider. Her voice was breathless, “I am a yummy girl. Eat me up.”
JD chuckled and picked up a petit fours and dipped it in a bowl of chocolate and took a bite and nodded in approval, and pressed the remainder to Layla’s lips. Turning to the spectators he called, “There is no way I will be able to eat all this, come along, I need some help here.” His voice was jovial, “Come eat, our yummy girl is waiting for us to free her from her delicious predicament.” Aya stepped up, picking up a piece of fruit and slid it between her lips. Marc urged up a group from the spectators, speaking quickly in a low voice. Soon everyone was standing around the girl eating, their eyes a little shocked.
Layla looked at the unusually quiet people and blurted out in a confused voice, “Don’t I taste good?”
Marc burst out laughing and nodded vigorously, “You taste delicious, sister, absolutely divine.” Then he picked up a piece of cake, frosting and whipped cream and playfully flicked it right into Aya’s grim face, “Don’t you think so, Mistress?” For a second Aya’s eyes bulged dangerously and then JD roared in laughter. He picked up a big handful of confections and threw it hard right into Marc’ fac
e. Almost instantly the whole sober tableau dissolved into a wild food fight. At first Leeane and Ramona were shocked at the way things had turned out but soon they were in the Middle of it. Layla was sitting up on the table, picking up pieces and throwing them at everyone, wildly giggling. Faith found herself struggling to keep up with her Master as he dodged and fought with the best of them, and when Marc snuck up behind her and smeared a chocolate covered hand across her face. she picked up the bowl of brandy flavored caramel and tipped it over the head of the nearest player, not even noticing who it was.
Soon everyone was covered in sticky sweet creams and crumbs and most of the ammunition was gone. Marc leaned over and ran an appreciative tongue across Layla’s skin and spoke again in a low sexy voice, “Yes, you are definitely yummy,” and the tone changed again.
Faith watched with wide eyes as Aya gently pulled off their Master’s sticky clothing and begin to lick off the sweets from his skin, and then nearly everyone began to good naturedly help ‘clean’ off the people around them. Everyone seemed to move comfortably from one to the next, embracing, kissing, licking, the laughter turning to soft gentle sounds of caring and pleasure. When she felt someone close behind her, gently licking off some sticky place between her shoulder blades she felt a soft shiver of excitement and turned to find Ramona smiling softly and licking off her lips. Faith blinked and leaned down and playfully licked off a tempting clump of whipped cream that was slowly sliding down Ramona’s belly.