by Susan Sass
I held up my hand, forestalling any further apology, "This isn't the time or place. Lets go home and we'll discuss it there." Erin nodded then turned back as we all headed back towards the van together.
When we reached the van we all quickly piled in and headed home. The trip back was a far more solemn affair than going had been. It was dead quiet the whole way, not even the radio was on, and that suited my mood just fine.
As I pulled into the driveway the girls grabbed their bags and started to climb out. Before anyone had gotten out I cleared my throat, "House meeting in 10." The all murmured understanding, then hopped out and went inside.
I just sat in the van for a minute, thinking about how quickly this outing had gone down hill. It occurred to me that Erin probably expected to be punished, but none of it had been her fault. The blame lay solely on me. I should have kept Bree with me until I had a better read on her. I had expected the brattiness, but going ballistic and running off on her own? That was definitely a miscalculation on my part.
Sighing. I stepped out of the van and headed towards the house. Once inside I went directly to the couch room and hopped over the back, landing directly in the middle. Leanne was the first out. She walked around behind me and without a word started massaging my neck and shoulders. My head rolled back lazily and my eyes closed. I realized then that I had a pounding headache, and the massage was definitely helping. I kept my eyes closed and tried to unwind a little before having to address the issues of the day. Soon enough I heard several sets of feet come into the room and find seats on the large couch. As soon as everyone was settled, I opened my eyes and sat up.
"Before I begin I think it's important to say that no one is in trouble. Everything that happened today was my fault. I made a poor judgment call, and the fallout was pretty dramatic. The reason I called this meeting is to ask you all to do me a favor. If something is happening with you that puts you on edge or if you're just uncomfortable with a situation, let me know so i can handle it before everything explodes. Anything from family problems to issues in the house. I can't read minds, so you have to communicate with me. Can everyone do that?"
I looked each girl in the eye until they nodded. "OK. That's it then. Meeting adjourned. Bree, please come with me, I'd like to talk to you."
I stood up and jumped over the back of the couch, then gave Leanne a grateful smile and headed to my room. Once inside, I went over to my bed and plopped down on the side, leaning back across the middle and throwing my hands above my head. After a few long moments of waiting, Bree entered, standing just inside the door. "Close it and come here." I said. Bree hesitantly closed the door then walk over and stood awkwardly at the edge of my bed. I motioned to my side, "Have a seat."
Bree stiffly sat down on the edge, looking uncomfortable. "Relax," I said, "You aren't in trouble."
"I don't believe you," she said, tone matching her posture, "I think you're mad at me."
"I didn't say I was exceptionally pleased with the way you handled yourself, I said you aren't in trouble. There is a distinct difference."
Bree didn't budge, "I still think you plan on trying to punish me,"
Exasperated to the point of childishness, I reached up and grabbed her bra strap then yanked back hard, pulling her down with an undignified squawk. I held onto it as she briefly struggled to sit back up, then gave up and crossed her arms with a harrumph of displeasure.
"To start, I don't try anything. I do. As a follow on I have no intention of punishing you at the moment, but you are treading on seriously thin ice, so watch yourself. Now tell me what happened today."
She absently brushed hair out of her face, "I'm sure your little pets told you already, and what they didn't tell you you were there for."
"I didn't ask that, and I don't mean the events. I want to know why you freaked out and ran off."
She shrugged again, "Because she told me I couldn't have something and she couldn't stop me from leaving. No one can stop me, or at least no one will. I always do what I want and people let me get away with it."
"Hmm," I said thoughtfully, "Let me guess. Most of the time the things you want to do are against the rules? Smoking, drinking, sneaking out, that sort of thing?"
"Well, yeah. I mean those are all the fun things to do."
"And you've never gotten in trouble for any of it, have you?"
"Nope," Brees reply was curt.
"I see... do you wish you had?"
Bree turned her head away from me. "My dad would never do anything to punish me. Even if he wasn't been too busy to notice me most of the time, I'm his little princess and can do no wrong." Her voice dripped with contempt.
"And your mom?"
"She died when I was really young. Like 4 or 5. That's when dad started to stay at work late. He couldn't stand coming home and not seeing her, so he just stayed at work. Some nights he didn't even come home."
"He left you home alone?"
"No. He used to hire live in nannies back when I was young. They didn't usually last very long." Her voice was quiet.
"So your dad is a pretty successful guy?"
Kat laughed bitterly, "You could say that. He bought me a Porsche for my 16th birthday, then I crashed it a week later. You know what he did?" I shook my head, "He bought me a new one!" Her voice full of frustration. "No matter what I did, he always said it must have been his fault. He never once held me responsible for my own actions. Not once!"
Finally understanding her attitude, I nodded and stood up. "You know what your problem sounds like to me?"
"What?" she asked, her voice sullen.
"It sounds like you grew up without a strong guiding influence in your life. You know what I'm going to do about it?"
"I'm going to fix that, starting right now." I reached down and grabbed her by the wrists and pulled her up to her feet. "Your actions today were totally unacceptable. I gave you a very short list of rules and you successfully broke most of them in a stunningly short amount of time. As punishment I'm taking away your phone and internet privileges . To update your portion of the site or respond to email, I or one of the other girls will be in the room with you. No exceptions"
Bree's expression was stunned, "You can't do that!"
"I pay for the phone and internet, so as a matter of fact, I can, and I just did."
Bree tilted her head up haughtily, "Yeah? I'll just go buy my own phone."
I stepped up to within inches of her face and towered over her. "If I even suspect you're trying to get around your punishment, I'll blister your ass. And don't think I won't know." I gestured to the cameras in the room, "I've got a thousand people ready to tattle on you to see you get spanked at any given moment."
Bree blanched, then rebounded angrily, "Well then fuck you, asshole!" Then she pushed me backwards violently and moved to walk past me to the door, but my hand snaked out and grabbed her firmly by the wrist, spinning her back towards me. "That was a mistake," I said quietly.
"Let go of me!" Bree's demands started immediately, her free hand trying to pry her wrist from my grip.
"Not likely, young lady," I said, stepping towards my bed and sitting down. "You are in need of a serious attitude adjustment." With that I pulled her roughly over my lap, hooking one arm around her waist to hold her in place. "You've had this coming a long time."
Bree continued to struggle and demanded that I let her go as I adjusted my grip and brought my hand down repeatedly on the seat of her tight jeans. Her ass jumped in response to the stinging swats, breaking her tirade of demands with an occasional, "OW!"
There was no warm up, I started with full armed swings, the powerful impacts quickly making my palm hurt over the protective cover of her jeans. The impacts were definitely having an effect on her as well, but I could tell she wasn't compliant enough to easily have her jeans pulled down, and I doubted she would be by the time my hand wore out. I also doubted I could get to my drawer of paddles and have her just climb back over my knee willi
Thinking quickly, I stopped spanking for a moment and leaned back, then reached down and unlatched my belt, then pulled the long strap of leather out of my pant loops. Still holding Bree in place, I managed to wrap the buckle and the majority of the leather around my hand leaving about a foot swinging free. I'd only given a few belt spankings before, and most of those and been light enjoyable affairs.
Raising my hand high in the air, I brought the thin strip of leather down hard across the lower part of both her cheeks, resulting in an instant shriek. Slightly surprised at its effectiveness over jeans, I reigned my swing in a tad, only coming up to shoulder height. The resounding crack still made her squeal loudly. Satisfied with that response, I started bringing the belt down in a steady rhythm, making her dance across my lap, her legs kicking the bed loudly. Soon Bree reached back to cover up her helpless backside and I grabbed her wrist, turning it palm upwards.
"Let me make this perfectly clear now, you are never to reach back, do you understand?" Not waiting for an answer, I brought the belt down across her palm hard a dozen times.
"Ow ow ow!," she squeaked, "OK, I won't."
"That's another thing," I said, releasing her hand, "You are going to start referring to me with some respect, got it?" I punctuated the question with a barrage of hard swings, making her buck her hips wildly.
"Owie! Yes"
"Yes, what?" I asked with a sharp sJoeyk.
""OW! Yes, Daddy." she said, squealing.
My eyebrows raised in surprise. It wasn't what I was expecting, but for the kind of discipline I had in mind, it was suitable, so I started to scold her, "Your actions today were totally inexcusable. They got you in more danger than I care to think about." I ended each sentence with a couple hard licks, "If I hadn't showed up do you realize what could have happened to you?" The belt was a blur in my hand as I landed blow after blow on her defenseless ass.
"Yes, I do! OW! I'm sorry, Daddy. I won't do it again, I promise!"
I snorted, "On top of that I tried to let you off easy and you threw it in my face. I. WILL. NOT. TOLERATE. DISRESPECT." I emphasized each word with a full armed swing of the thin belt, landing each blow exactly on the center of her sit spot on both cheeks. "DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND?" again swinging hard on each word.
Bree buried her hands into the comforter on my bed, her knuckles white, "Yes, Daddy," she gasped.
"Good," I said with another swing. "Now stand up," I said, pulling the belt off of my hand.
As soon as I released her she scrambled to her feet, her hands flying back to comfort her burning ass.
"Hands behind your head," I snapped. Bree jumped to obey, her hands teleporting upwards and clasping behind her head. I grabbed her by the waist of her jeans and pulled her in front of me. Bree started to dance uncomfortably as I unsnapped and unzipped her jeans, but she didn't pull away.
"Daddy, no! Please? I'll be good, I promise."
I ignored her and pulled her pants down to her knees, revealing a lacy black thong. Reaching out, I snagged the front and pulled it out, "What is this?" I asked, looking up at her.
Bree blushed and looked away, "Those are my panties, Daddy."
"No," I said sternly, "These are big girl panties, and as long as you are acting like a little girl, you will wear little girl panties." Snapping the thin string back into place I returned my attention to her jeans, pulling them down to her ankles and having her step out of them, one leg at a time. When those were off I reached up and grabbed her thong to pull it off as well, but as soon as my hands gripped the stringy waist band Bree's hands shot out and grabbed me."
"Please don't, Daddy. Not on my bare bottom." she begged. I fixed her with an angry stare and she immediately moved her hands back behind her head and turned her deeply blushing face away.
I yanked her panties down and had her step out of them. "Spread your legs," I ordered her. Without hesitation Bree stepped her legs apart to shoulder width, exposing her pussy to me for the first time. Her clit was swollen up and her lips were already glistening, so something about this whole situation was turning her on. Maybe just the fact that someone was finally taking control from her was enough to get her excited?
Her pubic hair was short and well trimmed. "Little girls don't have hair down here. You'll shave it tonight and tomorrow morning I'll inspect you to make sure you've done a satisfactory job. If you haven't then you will be punished." Not waiting for an answer I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her over my lap again, wrapping the belt around my hand before continuing. Her ass was already on the redder side of pink, so at least I knew the belt was fairly effective over pants.
I resumed the spanking and picked up my scolding where I left off. "Do you understand why you're being punished?"
Bree struggled to get the words out as my belt continued the process of painting her backside a deep shade of red. "Yes, OW, Daddy. Because I, OUCH, disobeyed you."
"And?" I asked with a hard sJoeyk.
"And because I disrespected you," she rushed out, "I'm so sorry, Daddy, it won't happen again." I could hear the tears start to form in her voice.
"It's good that you understand. Now, I've been making up rules as I went along, so lets make those concrete." I stopped spanking for a moment. "Based on your behavior today, you have gotten older, but without someone to supervise you, you never grew up. So from now on you are going to be treated like a little girl. Got it?" I asked with a sharp slap to her tender bottom.
"Yes, Daddy," she said breathlessly.
"I'm sure you're wondering what that entails. First off, in the morning I have to approve your outfit, down the the panties. Understand?" She agreed as my belt bit angrily into her ass. "Another thing is that little girls don't swear. If I or anyone else hears you swear for any reason, you're going over my knee. Clear?" She agreed even before my belt sJoeyked home.
"Also little girls never go out alone. All the other girls can come and go as they please as long as they clear it with me, but you are restricted to the house unless you have an escort. If I find out you've gone farther than our yard or mailbox by yourself, I'll make this seem like a pleasant little chat by comparison." I brought my belt down hard a couple of times as a preview, making her dance around and promise not to leave by herself.
"Most importantly, you are going to sit down after this and make a list of all the bad things you can remember that you have done, and every day I am going to punish you for one of them accordingly. It might not always be a spanking, but you will be punished in some manner befitting the infraction. Do you have any objections?" I ended with a hard series of swings.
"Owwie! No, Daddy. I'll be a good girl, I promise. Please, no more?"
I reached down and grabbed a hand full of her hair, pulling back so I could see her face. She had tears rolling freely down her cheeks already. "Good girl," I said, then ended with a dozen or so hard swings of the belt, pulling more tears from her eyes and making her promise to behave. "Now stand up." As she moved off my lap I stood and moved towards my bathroom. "Follow me," I said curtly.
I walked to my bathroom sink and grabbed a bar of soap and a wash cloth. Turning on the faucet, I quickly lathered up the cloth, "In addition to a spanking every time you swear, you are going to have your dirty little mouth washed out with soap." I turned off the water and set the soap down, then turned to Bree, who was standing in an uncharacteristically demur fashion. "Open wide," I said, hovering the cloth inches from her mouth.
Reluctantly, she opened her mouth and I reached forward with the soapy cloth in hand. I pushed it into her mouth, running it down the length of her tongue far enough to make her gag slightly, then made sure to thoroughly scrub the rest of it. I moved the cloth around, getting the insides of her cheeks, both sides of her teeth, even under her tongue. Bree's mouth twisted in disgust, her nose wrinkling and her hands fluttering uselessly at her sides.
Finishing with one more run down her tongue, I pulled the cloth out. "Don't you dare spit yet," I said in a warning voice, th
en grabbed her by the hand and pulled her towards the toilet and bent her over it. My hand started raining down swat after fiery swat onto her already sore, deeply red bottom. Bree tried to move her ass out of the way by shaking her hips slightly, so I put my hip against her and held her still with my free hand. She protested through her closed mouth, but didn't try anything else to get away from her very deserved punishment. For a full minute I spanked her ass hard and fast, quickly taking the color from dark red to what could officially be called crimson.
Satisfied with my work, I stood her up and marched her to the sink. Turning on the water, I said, "Rinse." Bree ducked her head down, swishing water through her mouth and gargling for the better part of a minute before I turned off the water and led her back to my bedroom. As we neared my bed I stopped her and had her face me.