A Dominant Fallen (A Dominant Series Book 2)

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A Dominant Fallen (A Dominant Series Book 2) Page 2

by Black, Lena

  Gabrielle Hyde, ex to Damian Hunt, CEO of Hunt Industries Inc., gets cozy with Walker McQueen, her up-and-coming artist boyfriend.

  They haven’t tried to confirm it, and I have yet to deny it. I don’t like them fabricating stories to make a buck, but it’s best to have it out there, considering Dante is likely to keep an eye on me to ensure my end of our deal is held up.

  It’s a mundane Monday morning. I’m sitting in my office, gawking at the ceiling and wondering what he’s doing. I think this has been the worst part about the breakup, avoiding him at work, knowing he’s right above me all day, the overwhelming urge to run up and see him. I want desperately to be in his arms, loving him, but I can’t. I made a promise to myself to do whatever’s necessary to protect him, and it’s a promise I don’t intend on breaking.

  Suddenly, my cellphone goes off, startling me out of my thoughts. I check the screen. It’s Maya. It strikes me as odd because she never calls while I’m at work. I pick up and place the phone against my ear cautiously.

  “Hello?” I answer warily.

  “Gabrielle…” she replies in a weak voice.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, concerned by her tone and use of my full name.

  “It’s Dad.”

  “What? What’s Dad?”

  “He…He.” I hear her whimper, and then my mom comes on the phone.

  “Ellie, darling, your father…he’s gone.”

  “What do you mean gone? Where?”

  “Darling…your father died this morning,” she whispers, tears wrenching her words.

  I can’t comprehend what she just said. I’m not sure I heard her correctly. How could he be dead? I saw him last night. He was fine.

  “No…No, you’re lying…Please, tell me you’re lying,” I beseechingly whisper.

  “I wish I were,” she cries.

  “I…He…” I sputter and burst into a steady flow of tears. I leap out of my chair with the phone firmly planted to my ear and grab my bag out of my desk. I rush out of my office, slamming the door behind me, and head for Chase’s office toward the front. When I get there, he’s in the middle of a call. He must sense me because he glances up from the mess on his desk and tilts his head to the side when he spots the anguish on my face. I stare at him from red, puffy eyes, shaking my head back and forth, fighting the urge to scream and freak out.

  “I’ll call you back. Something came up,” he says into the phone and hangs it up.

  “Ellie, what’s the matter?” he asks with a creased brow and alarmed golden eyes.

  “My dad...” I cry, holding the phone up to him. “Mom,” I murmur, and even with my mumbled, broken speech, he seems to understand instantly. He jumps up, snatching his blazer off the back of his chair, and strides over to me.

  “Come on. I’m taking you to your mom.” He takes the phone from me and places it against his ear. “Elizabeth? Yes, we’re on our way. Where are you, doll…? Okay. We’ll be there in less than an hour. Bye.”

  He hangs up the phone and shoves it in my purse. He wraps an arm about my shoulder and guides me out. We make it to reception, where Kat eyes me enquiringly.

  “Ellie, are you okay?”

  “Family emergency,” Chase answers her. “Inform Olivia we’re leaving and take messages for us. I’ll be back tomorrow.”

  “Sure, of course,” she responds with concern written across her face. I nod faintly, tears soaking my cheeks, and head into the waiting elevator. When the doors shut, Chase whips out his phone and swiftly punches in a few numbers. He smashes it to his head and waits.

  “Who…are you…calling?” I brokenly inquire.

  “Hunt,” he replies simply.

  “No. Don’t,” I plead.

  “Quiet. I’m not going to tell him about you, though I probably should. The guy has a right to know why you left him, the right to make up his own mind about it.”

  “Please, don’t.”

  “I won’t. Trust me.” He squeezes his strong arm about my shoulder, giving me a reassuring smile, and I nuzzle my heavy head into his side. “Yes. Hello. My name is Chase Cahill. I’m calling to speak with Mr. Hunt regarding personal matters. Let him know he’ll want to take this call. It’s urgent…Thank you. Yes, I’ll hold.”

  He taps his foot and lets out a long sigh, decompressing from the strain of the situation. He perks up.

  “Yeah, it’s me. Listen.” The doors open, and we walk out. “Hold one second…Gabrielle, could you give me a moment. I’ll meet you at the front doors.”

  I stare nervously up at him, and he gives me a look as if he’s not to be questioned. I turn to walk away, slowly, so I can still hear what he’s saying. Once he turns away from me, I creep back toward him.

  “I’m guessing this morning…I wanted to inform you of your business associate and Gabrielle’s absence at work…I think they have enough on their plates…Not good…I don’t think that would be wise…Yeah, I will…You’re welcome…I swear I will. Bye.”

  He hangs up and turns back.

  “I asked you to wait by the doors, kid… Come on. Let’s get you to your parents’ house,” he says, throwing his arm about my shoulder and guiding us out the doors.

  It’s been a week since my father passed from a massive heart attack in his sleep. I thought the previous months had been the worst, but I was wrong, dead wrong.

  I haven’t been to work all week. I’ve stayed up in Marin County at my parents’ home, helping take care of the many details to planning a funeral. I’ve cried so much, I’m unable to shed a single, measly tear during my father’s service. All the while, scanning the enormous, cram packed church for Hunt, but he isn’t here, and I feel a sense of relief and disappointment.

  I worry about Dante and his looming threat on Damian’s life. I’ve contemplated telling him about that awful night, but I decide not to, because he would insist I come back to him, putting himself in even more danger of Dante’s promise.

  After the service, we head back to the manor, along with an endless parade of funeral parishioners. The first floor is packed with mourners, friends, family, business associates, but the one face I wish were here next to me, isn’t.

  I head upstairs to my room, escaping the non-stop flow of overly sympathetic guests and settle onto my bed. I’m enjoying my moment of solitude, thinking about the last time I was in this room with Hunt, when someone peeks their head into the room. I spot the jet-black hair. It’s Jules come to check on me. Her glittering amethyst eyes find me on the bed, and she smiles a sympathetic smile.

  “She’s in here,” she calls to someone, and a second later, my mom walks through the door with Chase trailing not far behind.

  “Why are you up here? Why aren’t you downstairs with everyone else?” Mom asks with puffy hazel eyes and a red face. But, even in mourning, she’s absolutely gorgeous.

  “I can’t be down there right now. Please, don’t make me.”

  Suddenly, a shrieking cry comes from downstairs, echoing down the hall. We jump up, rushing out the door to find Maya at the top of the stairs with seething anger in her large blue doll eyes and on her blotchy face, a manila folder clutched tightly in hand.

  “Do you want to explain this?” she cries, tossing it onto the floor in front of my mother. I bend over, collecting the scattered papers, and pick them up. I glance at my mom. The look of horror on her face is alarming. She’s paralyzed by it.

  “Well?” Maya asks insistently.

  She remains silent, staring at her with terror in her wide eyes. I open up the folder and inside I find our birth certificates and a few letters.

  “Mom, what is this?” I inquire, confused.

  “Where did you find that?” Lizzy asks in a shaky whisper.

  “In Dad’s office…Now, would you care to explain this?!” Maya shouts.

  “I think we should find somewhere private to discuss this…”

  “Discuss what?” I interrupt.

  “I think here is fine,” Maya insists.

s…paperwork indicating…”

  “Mom, tell us!” Maya barks.

  “Marshall wasn’t your biological father! Caleb is!” she blurts, thrusting her hand over her mouth too late, devastated by the accidental slip.

  I stand there, stunned, unable to move, to breathe.

  “What did you just say?” I ask, unsure I really heard what she said. She turns to me with pain and tears in her eyes.

  “I’m so sorry…We…”

  I scream at the top of my lungs. I don’t know what else to do. It’s too much. I can’t take this. I spin around, desperately running back to my room.

  “Ellie,” Chase calls, rushing after me.

  I don’t stop.

  I slam my bedroom door behind me and throw myself onto the bed, screaming into my pillow. I feel the stinging tears build in my chest up to my throat, burning until they break free, and I cry. A great sense of loss and betrayal leaves me empty as if I’ve lost him all over again, a man I thought I knew.

  There is a light tapping on my door, and an instant later, Chase slinks through. I watch him slowly walk toward the bed, cautious not to make any quick movements as if I were a rabid animal. He gradually lowers onto the bed and scoops my head up onto his lap, running his fingers through my hair.

  “I’m so sorry, Ellie.”

  I cry harder.

  “I can’t believe they lied to me. I’m so…angry. I’m angry they didn’t tell me. I’m angry it came out like this. I’m angry he’s gone, and I can’t tell him how furious I am. But, I’m most angry at myself for being angry at him…I’m a horrible person.”

  He scoops me up, cradling the upper half of my body in his caring arms, and attempts to console me. “No. No, you’re not. You’re wonderful.”

  “No. I’m not,” I brokenly murmur from his chest.

  “Gabrielle, you’re incredible…I love you.”

  My crying ceases at the gentle, intimate tone of his voice. I’ve heard Chase tell me he loves me a million times, but this was different, this is how he expressed his feelings when we were together. I stare up at him, bemused and dazed, and he gazes right back with soft topaz eyes.


  He places the tip of his finger softly on my lips, tracing it along the plumpness of the bottom one.

  “This is the worst time to tell you, I know. But, I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I can’t…I love you, Gabrielle, madly.”

  I don’t know what to say. I can only stare up into those amber eyes as they beam down at me with love and admiration. I’m befuddled and a little curious. Hunt and Maya were right. He does love me.

  How could I not see it?

  “Chase, I love you too, but…”

  “Shhh. Don’t say anything.”

  He leans in, creeping ever closer to my lips. I’m freaking out. I’m so confused. I don’t want him to get the wrong idea, but at the same time, I want this. I’m inviting it. Perhaps it’s the overwhelming grief or loneliness, but I open my mouth slightly, welcoming him onto my eager lips.

  His mouth grazes mine and I whimper, grasping onto his thick, shaggy auburn hair, twisting it in my fingers. I shut my eyes as his mouth takes mine in a flurry of soft nibbles and caressing licks. He pulls me into him, groaning as he ravages my mouth, sinking his warm tongue inside.

  Suddenly, Hunt floods my mind, and I begin to panic. I push myself away as tears reappear in my eyes, and my breathing becomes stressed.

  “I can’t…I’m sorry. I…”

  I have to get out of here. This is too much, too fast. I can’t be here anymore. I need to process this. I need to be alone. I need to escape.

  I leap up, ripping myself out of his arms, and bolt. I throw open the door, brushing past Maya, Julie, and my mom, watching me, stunned. I escape down the stairs and through the house toward the front door. I grab my purse off the foyer table, and I’m out.

  I make it to Scarlett, the silver Ferrari F12 Hunt gave me when we were together, which I tried to send back after the breakup, but it was parked outside my building the next morning and the keys were left at the front desk. I clamber inside and slam the door shut behind me.

  I yell. I yell loud and long, until I choke on it. I slide the key into the ignition as Chase and everyone else comes rushing out to find me.

  “Ellie, stop!” he cries, scrambling down the veranda stairs toward me. “Wait!”

  I press the start button on the steering wheel, bringing Scar to roaring life, and take off. I speed down the driveway, glancing back to watch his distressed face disappear in my rearview mirror. When I make it to the end, I stop, wondering what the fuck I’m doing.

  “Where the hell am I going?” I ask myself aloud.

  Then it hits me. I know exactly where I could go to hide from everyone and everything. I turn on my iPod, selecting Night Flowers’, ‘Bound’, hoping to distract myself. I put the pedal to the metal and speed down the open highway toward my hideaway, taking a deep calming breath.

  Chapter Three

  Ugly Truths

  I’m walking back into the bedroom, freshly showered and naked as a jaybird, towel-drying my long, honey-hued hair, when I spot this tall, dark figure striding out. I freeze with fear until I notice the dense mess of chocolate hair and realize it’s Hunt.

  “Damian?” I whisper, disbelieving he’s really, truly here. It has to be a dream or a hallucination. I’ve gone mad with sorrow and loneliness.

  He halts in the doorway and places his hands on the frame, leaning his weight on it as if he can’t stand on his own. He straightens and spins around, finding me with those intense pools of green that pierce my soul. I’m stunned and gawking in confusion at the Adonis before me.

  Fuck, he’s gorgeous. However, he appears a bit pale, rundown even.

  He’s wearing a knee-length wool coat, a razor-sharp black suit, and a silver tie, looking as dashing as ever. Suddenly, I realize I’ve been standing here butt ass naked, and I rush back into the bathroom, grabbing my robe. I cautiously walk out; afraid I’ll find it was my mind playing tricks on me, a cruel joke. But, when I come back out, he’s still there, staring at me with an astonished look.

  “Gabrielle,” he murmurs with a gasp.

  Oh, my name, caressed by his tongue.

  I want to run up to him and fall into his arms, but I know that wouldn’t be wise…Then, I glimpse into those dazzling emerald eyes, and I’m lost.

  Fuck it.

  “Damian!” I cry, bolting across the room and leaping into his longing arms, which he tightly enfolds about me. Our eager mouths collide in a mind-altering, body-awakening kiss. His tongue aggressively claims my mouth, and his lips take mine with a rough passion I return, clutching onto the lush, chocolate strands.

  I am alive. I feel alive for the first time since…I left. Then, as suddenly as the overwhelming joy came on, it vanishes as I remember why I had to make the hardest decision of my life, why I had to leave.

  What if Dante’s watching us and saw Damian coming to me? What if Damian just ruined everything I worked so hard to do, to protect? All these months of sacrifice thrown down the drain for a few moments of happiness.

  I rip my hands from his mane and begin slapping his chest and arms.

  “What the hell are you doing here, Damian? You’re going to ruin everything,” I growl through my clenched lips and shove hard at his chest, jolting him. He snatches my wrists and peers at me, affronted. It’s splashed across his face, furrowing his brow.

  “For your information, I own this place,” he replies with calm and collected tone. “So, I believe the question at hand would be…what are you doing here?”

  “You said I could use it if I needed to. Well, I needed to…You aren’t upset, are you?” I ask with an annoyed tone.

  “I’m furious,” he responds with a much darker yet eerily calm voice.

  Oh, shit…Wait. Why am I scared? What is he going to do, punish me?

  “Why are you furious? You gave me permission,” I state, taking a few s
teps back and crossing my arms under my chest, accidentally heaving them up. He notices and licks his lips, scanning my curves, but snaps out of it swiftly.

  “I’m furious that you lied to me, Gabrielle.”

  “Lied to you about what?”

  “Why did you leave me, Gabrielle?” he inquires with a stern tone, taking a large stride toward me.

  “I told you…” I answer, stepping back.

  “Are you really going to lie to me again? Do I need to take you over my knee?”

  “You wouldn’t dare!” I exclaim, thrusting my hands on my hips.

  “Wouldn’t I?” he asks with a cocked brow and a don’t-test-me expression. “You seem to forget the office debacle. Do you really question my ability to do so or think us not being together would change that?”

  “Yes, actually, I did. And, no, I haven’t forgotten the incident in your office. How could I forget?” I murmur under my breath.

  “Then you know I mean it…Now, you have one more chance to be honest, but if you aren’t, I will take you over my knee and wallop you until you are. We are in the perfect place for me to punish you properly. Do not test my patience.”

  Fuck. Does he know? How would he…Chase.

  My body deflates from its tense state, arms falling to my sides, and I ask in a defeated tone, “You know, don’t you?”

  “Answer me, Gabrielle. You have to the count of three before I come over there and teach you a lesson.”

  “Yeah, like you wouldn’t love to get your hands on my ass!” I bark at him.

  “One…” He counts off, holding a finger up.

  “Fine! Dante threatened to kill you if I didn’t leave after he fucking attacked and attempted to rape me!”

  “He did what?!” he roars, thrusting his hands into his hair, pacing back and forth in quick succession.

  “I’m going to fucking kill him! I’m going to fucking strangle him until the life drains from his eyes and I filch the last breath from his fucking body! He’s dead!”


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