A Dominant Fallen (A Dominant Series Book 2)

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A Dominant Fallen (A Dominant Series Book 2) Page 18

by Black, Lena

  “No,” he answers simply, walking over to me and kissing me chastely. “Remember, Banks is downstairs. If you need him to come up, you can press one on any of the touchscreens and he will be up here before you know it.”

  “Why isn’t he driving you?”

  “I don’t want you left alone, and Maya probably won’t be back until around dinner time. If you feel lonely or unsafe, call Jules or Sloan. Understood?”

  “Yeah,” I mumble.

  “Yeah?” he repeats, with a strict tone, and when I glance up, he has a straight look on his face. I know this stare. It’s chilling.

  “Yes, Mr. Hunt.”

  “Good girl,” he commends, caressing my cheek. He turns and walks out, calling back to me, “I won’t be too long.”

  I spend the next few hours, unpacking, showering, and aimlessly wandering the huge home, ending at Hunt’s study door. I place my hand on the knob and attempt to open it, but it’s locked tight. I wonder what he’s hiding in there. I go back to roaming, but the nagging feeling gnawing at me won’t let my mind think about anything else. I want to know what he’s hiding from me.

  I go into our bathroom, grabbing two bobby pins from a drawer and straightening them out. I head back for his office, break-in tools in hand. I learned to jimmy locks from Chase because I would always forget my keys and lock myself out. I have become less forgetful, but the trick still comes in handy.

  What are you doing? If he knew you were doing this, he would be furious with you…Mind your own business…This shows a complete lack of trust in him. How do you think that will make him feel? How did you like it when he did that to you…? Exactly. It’s not as if he hasn’t done this to me, and I have a right to know if I’m in any kind of danger. So, shut up!

  I argue with myself, attempting to weigh out my options, but curiosity wins. I slip the makeshift break-in tools into the slot and begin the process of jiggling and twisting until I hear the sound of the lock releasing, clicking open. I place my hand on the knob once more and turn it, swinging the door wide open.

  The room is eerily quiet, almost forbidding. I feel a ping of regret in my stomach, but I push forward, desperate to know the truth. I walk over to his desk and look about it, studying the contents laid out atop it. There’s nothing that would concern me, so I move onto the drawers. I go through them, rummaging the paperwork and avoiding anything that isn’t of importance. I find nothing that would tell me what I want to know.

  Then I notice the last drawer at the bottom has a lock on it. I go to open it, but it is sealed shut. I take the pins and get ready to stick them in when I hear a noise. I pause for a moment then call out, “Hello…? Maya…Liam?”

  I wait for a reply, but there’s silence. I listen for another noise and when I don’t hear anything, I go back to the task at hand.

  “What are you doing?” A deep, angry voice asks, startling me out of my concentration. I shriek and jump up, backing away from the desk. Hunt stands there with a look in his eyes that causes me to tremble with fear.

  “I…I…” I can’t get out anything else.

  “Gabrielle, what were you doing to my desk? How did you get in here?”

  “I…” I’m speechless, terrified out of my mind. He stands there, glaring at me in a way that makes me want to curl up and cower from him. He doesn’t say a word. He watches me this way for an eternity, staring me down.

  He starts to walk over to me with heavy, menacing steps, and when he reaches me, grabs the pins out of my hand.

  “Sit down,” he orders, pointing at his chair.

  I hesitate. “What are you…?”

  “Sit. I won’t say it again.”

  I jump into the chair and place my hands in my lap, tilting my head down in shame. I hear movement and then, in a surprising twist, a box is placed in my lap. It’s a tad bigger than a shoebox.

  I gaze up at him, sitting on the desk right in front of me, intimidating me. “I want you to remember that you asked for this. You want to know, so here.”

  I lift the lid of the box and pullout a stack of journals and an envelope. I look at the bottom and notice a shiny trinket. I place the stack on the desk and the box on the floor, picking the jewelry out. It’s a locket. It’s my locket. I haven’t seen this in years, since before college.

  I look up at Damian with a bewildered look on my face. He nods his head toward the pile of journals and I pick one up, opening it to a bookmarked page. I skim the contents until I spy my name! I flip to the back of the front cover and find Dante’s name engraved in gold letters. I glance back at the page mentioning me and spot the date, June 16th, 2004.

  “Hunt, what is this?”

  He doesn’t say anything. He picks up the large yellow envelope and tosses a large pile of pictures and articles on the desk. I anxiously sift through them. They’re all of me, from high school onward, with family, friends, Nicholas. Then, I spot some that pilfer the warmth right out of my body, of me sleeping in Damian’s bed. But, this is not at The Artemis, this is his room at the Montgomery’s old house in the city. I’m only fifteen, maybe sixteen years old.

  I pick one up of me lying on my back, sound asleep, with one leg bent over the covers. A large male hand is running up the inner part of my thigh, creeping a little too close to…I shiver and a wave of nausea washes over me.

  “I found this at his place. Apparently, he’s been stalking you for years. He must’ve come across you while you were staying over one night.”

  “Damian, this is…”

  “I know. I was going to tell you the other night, but the break-in put that plan on hold. I didn’t think you could handle another blow after that. Then, I decided I would tell you this weekend at my parents’ place.” I glance up at him with a befuddled expression plastered on my face.

  “When did you find all this?”

  “I went to his apartment, not long after he disappeared, and found this hidden in his closet.”

  “You’ve known all this time and didn’t say anything?”

  “Yes,” he replies simply, but something shifts in him, and I see the darkness in his eyes. “Now, there’s a little matter of your breaking and entering. Your lack of trust and sneaky behavior is quite the disappointment, Gabrielle.”

  “But, you…” He shoots me a glare that causes me to shrink in my chair. My heart is pounding in my chest, and my rosy flesh warms under his penetrating gaze.

  “We will discuss this further, later.”

  I feel a sense of relief flood over me, but it is short-lived when he orders, “I want you to stand up, walk to the center of the room, and kneel on the floor with your rear resting on the heels of your feet.”

  I swallow the lump in my throat. “What are you going to do to me?”

  “I’m going to punish you, Gabrielle…Now do as you were told.”

  I slowly rise from my chair, with my wide eyes glued to his, and walk over to the center of the room, kneeling as I was commanded. The stress knot in my stomach twists and turns until it burns. My breathing is shallow and quick.

  I hear his heavy footsteps on the hardwood floor behind me, approaching at a leisurely pace. The panic rises in my throat as I feel him coming near, his overwhelming presence eclipsing everything else. He saunters past me, to the hat rack by the door, shrugging off his black jacket and placing it on a hook. He ambles back over, circling about my kneeling form like a wolf would its prey, until he stands before me, thighs inches from my hanging face.

  “Look at me, Gabrielle.” My head slowly tilts up, and he’s staring down at me with a cool gaze, lips in a tight, straight line. “Why am I doing this, Gabrielle?”

  You get some weird kick out of it? Or just enjoy torturing me.

  “To punish me.”

  “Why am I punishing you, Gabrielle?”

  “Because I was a bad girl, I broke into your private space.”

  “What else, Gabrielle? What else did you do?

  “I didn’t trust you.”

  “Good girl,” he
commends. “Now, remove my pants.”

  I freeze, staring at him with a confused look on my face. “I thought…”

  “You aren’t to think, Gabrielle. You are to do as I tell you, nothing more.” My trembling fingers clumsily unclasp his belt and pull down the fly, allowing his trousers to fall around his ankles. “You know what to do next.”

  He gestures toward his underwear-clad package, bulging from his overt arousal. I slide my fingers into the waistband and yank them down, causing his hefty length to fall out and land on my face. I go in to grab it, opening my mouth for his entry, but, instead, he firmly grasps it in his palm and traces the plump head across my lips. I open them again, ready for him, but he moves away before I can.

  What the fuck?

  “No, no…You are to keep your hands and mouth to yourself.”

  “Ok,” I reply, but you can hear the hurt and confusion in my voice.

  “Ok…? Is that any way to address your Dom?” he inquires, dissatisfied with my lackluster response.

  “Yes, Mr. Hunt.” I correct myself, perking up my voice.

  “That’s my girl,” he praises, slightly cold in tone.

  He continues to run the hard tip of his cock across my face, occasionally teasing it over my lips. I lick them and taste the sweetness of his cum on my tongue. It only heightens my need to ravage his cock.

  He holds the head in front of my lips. “Kiss it,” he orders.

  I whimper as everything in me clenches and shakes. I tenderly place my lips on the very tip, desperate for more, but I do as instructed.

  A devilish grin sweeps across his mouth, and he takes a large step backwards, still grasping himself in his hand. My hand reaches out momentarily, but I lie it back in my lap, clamping it tightly with the other in an attempt to follow orders. He begins to sluggishly stroke, working from the base to the head and back again.

  He’s teasing me! He’s actually fucking teasing me! He knows how much I hate being denied, and he’s using it against me! Bastard!

  My eyes grow large, and my mouth drops open, gaping with astonishment at this sexual, virile creature taking pleasure in himself. I’m thrilled, upset, aroused, and confused. It’s like I’m a kid on Christmas morning, except my parents just told me I couldn’t open any of the presents.

  He continues to taunt me, playing with the thing I want more than anything. I find myself becoming frustrated, biting on my lip just to control myself. I told you. The voice in my head gloats. Who the hell asked you?

  He lets out a slow, seductive chortle, seeing right through me and my need, getting amusement out of my aching frustration. He goes at his thick shaft, giving himself pleasure, taking pleasure in my torment, while I watch helplessly. His breathing picks up, and his mouth goes slack as he builds himself up.

  My heart is hysterically thumping and my skin tingles with desire. My thighs are soaked in my arousal. The overwhelming need to grab at him and take what’s mine tingles through me, but I know my attempts would be foiled, and my punishment would be far worse.

  “Stand up and take off your panties,” he orders in a husky tone, stressed and breathy from his exertion.

  My eyes shoot up to his, with a mixture of excitement and shock. I jump up and remove my lace panties from under my dress. “Hand them to me.”

  I give them over without hesitation. He palms them, still going at that glorious cock.

  “I want you to walk over to my desk, bend over, and lift your skirt for me.” I turn around and stand at his desk, bending over it and revealing my bare ass to him. “Spread your legs for me, Gabrielle. Let me see that supple ass and delectable cunt.”

  I open my legs and wait, anticipating that moment when he finally gives himself to me. But, he never comes. I turn my head to see what’s happening and find him releasing hard into my underwear.

  Kinky bastard.

  He pulls up his pants, fastens his belt, and walks over to me at the desk, leaning over me with his hand next to mine. “What have you learned, Gabrielle?”

  Never to trust you with my panties.

  “To trust you,” I pant. I’m fucking panting like a dog.

  “Good girl…Now, go take a cold shower.” He tosses my panties on the desk in front of me and walks out of the room, never saying another word.

  I’m rinsing myself off, going over what just occurred and how I feel about it. I know it was wrong of me to snoop through his things, but I also had a right to know this was happening. However, he had his reasons for keeping this from me. I don’t know how to react to the information I’ve just learned as an array of thoughts and emotions clutter my head.

  I want to know more about it, but I want to apologize for my actions first, and I know just how to do it. I turn off the water and grab a towel, wrapping it around me as I walk out of the bathroom. I head to his office and discover him sitting with his back to the door, facing the floor to ceiling view of West San Fran. He’s on the phone, but it doesn’t sound private. I hesitate for a moment.

  Maybe I shouldn’t…the hell with it!

  I walk into his study, tossing my towel on my way to his desk. I stride around it, walking directly in front of him and drop to my knees. He watches me with curious eyes, listening to the person on the other end.

  “Yeah,” he replies, “that sounds good.”

  I gaze up at him lustfully and place my hands on his knees, squeezing and running them up his muscular thighs to his fly. I nimbly rip it open, thrusting my hand inside and grasping him in my palm. A rush comes over me when I find he’s already hard.

  His eyes become heavy, shutting as he rolls his head back.

  “Sure,” he continues his conversation, “I think we can arrange that, but it will take us some time.”

  I pull his thick, lengthy dick out and attack it, licking and kissing it, sucking and stroking it. He lets out a long breath, placing his hand on the back of my head and grasping my hair.

  “I’ll give you the details…Monday.” I’m affecting him and it drives my need to please further. “Yeah, talk to you, then.”

  He hangs up the phone and sets his other hand on the back of my neck, moaning when I take him deep. He yanks on my hair, hauling me off him and staring me in the eyes. He thrusts his hands under my arms and lifts me up onto his lap with my legs dangling over both armrests. He shifts under me, aligning himself with my tight opening, and I drop onto him, planting my hands behind me on his thighs for balance. He fills me up and I feel relief wash over me in thick waves.

  With his large hands about my waist, he sets our pace, savagely bucking and bouncing me onto him. My head flies back as he takes me hard, fucking me like never before. It’s primal and messy and oh-so-good.

  “Oh, fuck,” he calls out, grabbing me tightly and rising, kicking the chair out of his way as he turns around to lie me on his desk. Finally, fulfilling my fantasy, he fucks me ruthlessly on his desk while my ass hangs over the edge. He clasps onto my knees, lifting and spreading me open for him.

  “Ah,” I moan out, arcing my back and raising my hips. I’m climbing higher, tensing around his cock as it relentlessly pulverizes me, pumping into me over and over, again and again, never stopping, never slowing. That’s all I can take. I coil tight before erupting around him, screaming out his name and clawing desperately at him. He follows, releasing my legs and collapsing on me.

  “Oh, thank god,” he breathes into my ear while I spasm under him.

  “So,” I say breathlessly, with my grinning face buried in his hair, “I’ll take this as you accepting my apology.”

  He chuckles loudly, lifting his head up to look into my eyes.

  “Yes, your apology is most definitely accepted.” He places his hands on the sides of my face and plants his firm lips on mine, kissing me until I’m spinning.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Never Say Lie

  After we get dressed, Hunt in only sweatpants and me in my white silk robe, we head down to the kitchen to prep dinner. Hunt gathers the ingredients wh
ile I begin chopping veggies and seasoning the meat.

  “How are you feeling?” he asks, placing spices on the island.

  “What do you mean?” I pause and look at him.

  “About your punishment?” he clarifies.

  “Oh,” I mutter, continuing with my chopping. “I don’t enjoy being deprived of you, but that’s why it’s punishment.”

  “Yes, this is true…Do you understand why I chose that form of discipline?”

  “Is it because I receive pleasure from spankings?”

  “Yes, partially, but punishment comes in all forms, Gabrielle, not just physical.”

  “I’m starting to understand that,” I reply, stopping my task at hand and staring up at him

  “I knew that it was the one form of punishment that would drive my point home.” He walks over to the glass-front fridge and grabs the meat, placing it on the counter. He grabs the seasonings and starts adding the spices.

  “But…” I trail off, unsure if I should say anything.

  “What, Elle?” He glances at me inquisitively, with genuine concern in his eyes.

  “But, how can you expect me to trust you fully, if you keep things from me? That’s deceitful and untrustworthy.”

  He places the salt down on the counter and leans in. “Gabrielle, do you trust that I know what’s best for you? Do you trust I can handle anything that gets in our path, or that I would never put you in harm’s way?”

  “That’s not the point, Damian,” I sigh out. “Yes, I trust you can protect me. Yes, I trust you can handle things. Yes, I trust you will never let harm come to me. However, I don’t think you should keep secrets from me. If you want my full trust, you must give me complete honesty. Simple.”

  “Gabrielle…” He gives me a look, as if he wants to tell me everything, but I can see him struggling with himself.

  “Don’t ‘Gabrielle’ me.” I thrust my hands on my hips. “How can you expect honesty from me, when you can’t do the same for me?”

  “I want your trust more than anything, angel. You know that.” The pain in his brilliant emerald eyes makes my heart break. He’s so conflicted. He wants to please me so much, but his need to protect me from the world keeps him from truly opening up to me.


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