Arak's Love: A World Beyond Book 2

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Arak's Love: A World Beyond Book 2 Page 19

by Michelle Howard

  The smile stretching Arlo’s face showed his pleasure. “Maybe this one will break unlike the other.”

  “The other,” Sylvie couldn’t help saying when she really wanted to flee from the room in terror.

  His smile blossomed into a chuckle. “Faruk, my friend. You haven’t shown them the vid log.”

  Color drained from the Jutak team lead’s face. Arlo went to the communicator behind him and fiddled with the buttons. A large holo screen appeared mid-air. The image displayed Faye as she lay strapped to a table with a Marenian in dark clothing standing over her. Sylvie bit her lip in dismay. Faye’s face was swollen but the man continued his torture and questions. Her painful screams after failing to answer raised the hair on Sylvie’s arms. Faruk winced and glanced away.

  “You’re a menace!” Sylvie turned from the screen and pressed closer to Arak’s back.

  Arlo snarled and took a step in their direction.

  “Enough!” A voice shouted.

  Another Marenian entered behind Arlo dressed in a black shirt that struggled to contain his bulging muscles and black cargo pants with boots. Around his hip he wore a laser blaster. Black hair lay in neat waves about his shoulders and dark brows frowned beneath his distinctive horns.

  “What are they doing here?” The newcomer demanded.

  Fear flashed across Arlo’s features before his lips peeled back in a harsh expression. He pointed at Faruk. “The Jutak punan brought them.”

  Faruk cleared his throat, shoulders straight. He still wore his black uniform, every inch the elite soldier. “The Earth female saw me. I had to get rid of her but he arrived at her place when I was leaving.”

  “You’re a fool. Torkel Alonson is not a man to trifle with. He believes strongly in never leaving a man behind.” The new Marenian appeared to be in charge.

  “It’s perfect bait to draw him in.” Faruk defended, gray eyes blazing.

  “It’s perfect bait to get killed. There’s a crazy Jutak team in their Unit that does Alonson’s bidding without question. Those bastards are a killing machine. Mark my words, he’ll send them here for this one and we’re all going to regret it.”

  Faruk snorted. “He wouldn’t bother using Team Three for this. He’ll come himself.”

  “We should kill them,” Arlo interrupted. He pointed at Faruk. “And this one, too.”

  “Don’t speak, Arlo. You should have known better. We don’t need the Jutaks on us this closely.”

  The muscles in Arak’s back tensed. “Lothar, I presume.”

  The Marenian laughed. “Thank you, but no. I doubt he would appreciate the comparison.”

  Arlo sneered. “Niko is Lothar’s son. Lothar trusts him to run his business in his stead when necessary.”

  “Quiet,” Niko snapped, his anger palpable.

  “Father?” Sylvie felt like a parrot. “Evil shouldn’t be allowed to birth more evil.”

  Arlo pulled out his weapon and aimed in Sylvie’s direction. Arak crouched and his claws sprung free but the second Marenian moved too quickly. He reached around Arak and grabbed Sylvie. A laser fired and Arak roared behind her.

  Niko slammed Sylvie against the wall, his hand about her throat. Every inch of her quaked confronted by his rage. With his face close to hers, Sylvie had the inane thought that a brutal killer shouldn’t have such long eyelashes. His golden brown eyes reflected the meager light from overhead.

  “Get away from her!” Arak yelled.

  Niko’s head lowered until his mouth brushed her ear. The touch of his curved horn along her temple had Sylvie shaking uncontrollably. She ground her teeth together in determination and lifted her chin, glaring back at the one who held her. “I’m fine, Arak!”

  “Tell my brother to watch his back better,” Niko whispered, his words so low Sylvie almost missed them. The bindings about her wrists loosened and she jerked in surprise but the fingers around her neck clenched.

  “Don’t,” he murmured, running a thumb along at her wrists. “In a few minutes this will all be over for you.”

  Breath stuttering, Sylvie managed to lift her gaze to meet his. He winked, the gesture at odds with the cruel slant of his mouth and released her. Keeping her hands tight about the slack leather, Sylvie fell. Her knees hit the stone floor hard.

  “Get rid of them,” Niko ordered Faruk. “Arlo, come.”

  After one last glare at them, Arlo followed Niko.

  The door shut behind their menacing presence. Faruk raised his laser, gray eyes lit with regret. Faye’s recorded screams added a disturbing background beat to the moment.

  Sylvie crawled across the floor and huddled beside Arak. He helped her to her feet. A thin rivulet of blue ran from a gash on his temple. Arak nuzzled his chin over the top of her hair, the touch soothing her.

  “For what its worth,” Faruk started. “I am sorry, Arak.”

  Arak snorted. “I’m sure you’ll sleep fine as you have been. Faye liked you, Faruk.”

  The next moments passed in a blur. Faruk fired and Arak’s body collapsed. Sylvie screamed dropping to her knees. Her hands ran over his chest, torso, searching for the wound. Wet liquid met her fingers.

  Faruk raised the weapon again but this time aimed for Sylvie. “I’m sorry.”

  Blunt fingers tugged at her pants then bumped Sylvie’s hand. The hard metal of a laser slid into her grip. She immediately snatched it up, the bindings from her wrists falling to the floor. Pointing at Faruk, Sylvie declared. “You betrayed everyone.”

  Fear took a backseat compared to her rage. She wanted to rant and scream. Sylvie blocked her anger. Sweat dotted her forehead. Her hand shook on the laser blaster but she kept her aim at his midsection. No way to miss.

  “Are you really going to shoot, Earthling?” A smile accompanied Faruk’s soft question.

  Sylvie shivered, one hand pressed to the wound on Arak’s stomach. Blue liquid flowed over her fingers, his blood pumping out with every minute wasted. She sniffed, pushing back her fear and snarled. “You shot Arak.”

  At least the accusation seemed to bother him. Pain darkened Faruk’s gaze as it shifted to Arak’s prone figure. “I didn’t want it to come to this.”

  She released a watery chuckle. Worry and misery curled through her. “What did you expect? You betrayed friends. Your team.”

  Whatever regret she thought she’d witnessed in his familiar gray eyes faded. “I’m committed to this until the end. I have to finish.”

  His fingers twitched on the laser in his hand and Sylvie pressed the button she hoped represented the trigger. Pain burned a path across her temple and Faruk screamed as he fell to the ground. The door crashed in and black clad men yelled around her. Jutaks. Arak’s true friends. Moisture streamed down her face, red drops hitting Arak’s shirt.

  “It’s alright now. Lower your weapon, we have him.” Warm fingers circled her own.

  Torkel. His deep voice calmed her scattered nerves. The unit leaders hand closed around her wrist with a firm touch and eased the weapon away. Sylvie slumped back on her heels, eyeing the activity in the room as the armed men swarmed. She turned to Arak, one hand still pressed to the wound on his side.

  His eyes were closed, face pale lacking the animation and grin she’d become used to seeing.

  “Arak,” she choked, unable to speak further.

  Torkel pushed back the black hood on his head and smiled as he signaled Rydak over. “You’re bleeding, Sylvie.”

  She didn’t care. Sylvie pressed both hands to Arak’s chest and mumbled. “Have to help him.”

  “Arak is fine,” Torkel said, darting a look at Rydak.

  How could he be? His blood covered her hands.

  The blond team leader went to one knee beside them and removed a leather glove to lay his bare hand on Arak’s brow. His grey gaze met Torkel’s then nodded. “Fighting. Still with us.”

  Sylvie sniffed, the breath shuddering from her body. She had to tell them. “Faruk. Faruk shot him.”

  “We know.” Rydak lif
ted his hand to slide the black leather glove back on.

  Faye’s scream shattered the organized chaos. Everyone jerked to face the holo vid. Torkel rose to his feet slowly. All of the men looked on in stunned horror as Faye was struck. Bones snapped ruthlessly while questions were yelled in her face. Torkel paled, staggering over to the communicator. There was no doubting what was on screen.

  Torkel began hitting buttons but Faye’s screams ripped out in a macabre symphony. Finally Torkel smashed his fists over and over on the panel until the image winked out, leaving silence in its wake.

  Rydak came over and dragged the snarling Torkel back. “We have to go, Torkel.”

  Bane picked Arak up, carrying him as if he were a child. The weight seemed inconsequential for him and Sylvie had a moment to be grateful for his strength.

  “We need to leave.” Rydak spoke, coming to guide Sylvie out with a light touch. Torkel stumbled behind. The men snapped out of their daze and hustled out of the room, Sylvie between them. She wanted to go home. Back to Enotia.

  Chapter 22

  Sylvie listened as Dr. Maku explained everything to her.

  “We had to keep him sedated. Argoran genetics are a mine field. In his case we are always more careful because Arak is only half-Argoran. Some injuries he can heal on his own and others require assistance. Unfortunately, in his state he often attacks medical techs.”

  Garis chuckled. “He’s been the same as a youth.”

  Maku agreed. “We’ve become adapt at treating Arak. He should be coming out of it soon.”

  Sylvie stared at the narrow hospital bed with its clear contoured top. The bluish gas inside dissipated and the lid retracted into the sides, leaving behind a sheet covered Arak.

  “He’s awake now,” Dr. Maku said needlessly. “We’ll give you a few moments. Don’t be surprised if he’s still drowsy.”

  Garis and the doctor left but Sylvie only had eyes for the man who made her heart beat. His lids lifted and she choked at the sight of blue eyes warming when their gazes met.

  “Sylvie,” he murmured.

  She hesitated, then launched herself onto the bed and hugged him as she cried. Nothing was as sweet as the solid feel of his arms around her. Sylvie sniffed and swallowed. Arak murmured calming words to her. When she pushed back her tears, Sylvie leaned into him, nose to his neck and inhaled the same way he did her every time they were together.

  His hold clenched tighter. “My sweet Sylvie.”


  “How did you find us?” Arak shifted on the bed, his wounds tight.

  Torkel leaned forward, elbows braced on his knees in the small chair provided. “Vee contacted us. He caught wind of a Jutak being held along with a female.”

  “Did anyone catch Arlo?” Letting the slaver escape, knowing he’d had a part in Sylvie’s nightmare stung.

  “No. We did arrest several guards but many of them are small time criminals who served time in their past. None of them have revealed knowledge about Lothar’s operation and we probably won’t get any from them.”

  Arak shifted again and popped the claw on his forefinger to clip the stitches in his chest one by one. Torkel’s chuckle had him flushing. “Doesn’t matter how many times I tell Dr. Maku I heal too fast to keep these in long, they refuse to remove them.”

  His Unit Leader rose to his feet. “Might have had something to do with the hole in your chest earlier. He didn’t want to use the neutralizer and close you too fast in case he had to go back in. The laser blast seared the edge of your heart. If you didn’t have scary healing abilities you’d be dead. I’ll let you rest. Sylvie is waiting to come back in.”

  Torkel headed for the door but Arak stopped him. “Torkel. Thank you.”

  He received a firm nod and Torkel turned to leave, holding the door open for Sylvie. She bounced through the opening and stopped at the side of his bed. Arak wished she’d come closer. Close enough for him to grab.

  “One of us has to stop getting hurt,” Sylvie declared.

  His lips twitched.

  “It can’t be good to build a relationship if we’re constantly blown up or getting shot at.” She started to pace by his side from the bed to the door and back again.

  Arak remained silent.

  “I love you. I don’t want to ever see you in danger again.” She paced by his bed once more.

  A grin tugged at Arak’s lips as he listened to Sylvie rant. He didn’t think she realized what she’d revealed in her concern.

  She loved him.

  “I know your job is dangerous. As a soldier there’s risk involved but I didn’t think I had to see it up close.” She continued and spun around. When she caught his smile, her blue eyes shot daggers at him and narrowed.

  Arak couldn’t help it. He opened his arms and waited until she dove onto the bed. “You love me?”

  “Is that all you heard?” she asked, voice incredulous.

  Arak laughed, running his hand down her back, soothing her before she got worked up again. It wasn’t like he didn’t know. “I love you, too.”

  She stiffened but he’d expected it and tightened his arms. “No, don’t move. Let me enjoy holding you, Sylvie. I didn’t think I’d get another chance to.”

  Seeing Faruk point a laser in her face had strained every bit of his training. Then to watch her panic at being held prisoner again. Ghostly feelings reached through his chest, dug deep and wrapped around his heart. The delicate squeeze left his heart swollen with his love for this woman. Predictably, having Sylvie’s curves pressed against him caused his shaft to thicken. Ignoring the weakness in his arms, Arak pulled her over him.

  “Arak!” He loved hearing her call his name. Even in annoyance.

  Faruk deserved a slower death than the one he’d received.

  “I almost lost you. Twice. I need to feel you as close as possible.”


  Blonde waves spilled about her shoulders. Arak drove his fingers through the thick strands.

  “I was so scared,” Sylvie confessed.

  His other hand drifted down her back. The rounded globes of her rear fit his palms perfectly.

  “You don’t have to be scared any more. I’m fine. All better.”

  “We probably shouldn’t do this.” Her eyes widened as he dipped a finger below her crease to find her moist and ready. “You were shot.”

  Arak growled low and deep before using her hair to bring her close. “Self-healing. Dr. Maku. I’m fine.”

  His mouth crashed over hers, tongue swirling as his finger slid in and out.

  Sylvie gave in and decided to trust his word. A broken gasp ripped from her as she tore her mouth away. “Arak, please. I need you”

  Her core ached to be filled. Only by him. Arak. He nipped at her neck. The scrape of his teeth sent liquid heat pooling between her thighs. His fingers stilled inside, their gazes clashed. Sylvie had a moment to feel embarrassed at her body’s natural reaction then a wicked smile spread slowly across Arak’s face.

  “Fuck, yes.” He breathed and pulled his hand from between her legs with a twist.

  Right in front of Sylvie, he slid his two middle fingers into his mouth and sucked them clean. She trembled in response.

  “I’m going to cherish you, Sylvie,” he declared and rolled over her until her back hit the mattress.

  With his hands planted by her shoulders, Arak adjusted his hips and probed her center with the thick crest of his manhood.

  One small stroke at a time he stretched her. Sylvie moaned and hitched her hips higher, trying to force him deep and fast. His palm cupped her belly and pushed her gently back to the bed.

  “Mine. My pace. And right now I want you slow and easy.”

  Sylvie clenched on him and arched in pleasure. A grimace twisted his lips but he kept the pace of his hips in a steady rhythm that drove her mad.

  “Are you going to come?”

  She nodded, unable to speak as lightning sharp zings crested up her spine.

  “Tell me. I w
ant to hear you, remember?” His tongue traced an invisible path across her shoulders and up the hollow of her throat

  Sylvie whimpered. How could he expect her to talk?

  “Sylvie,” his voice snapped out forcibly and he came to a grinding halt, ending the delicious sensations.

  “Nooo!” She gripped his rear, tugging in an effort to renew the lazy glide of his shaft.

  “Tell me what I want to hear.”

  His voice had softened. Sylvie opened her eyes to face him. Savage relief glinted back.

  “I want you, Arak. I’m gonna come. Now please.”

  “Only me?” he taunted and gave a slow thrust.

  Sylvie choked, legs tightening at his waist. “Only you, Arak. There’s only you.”

  He snarled and his hips pistoned. Gone was the slow glide as he hammered into her. Each back and forth surge rolling through her like a storm. Sweat beaded on his brow and dropped on her. The wet trailed coursed over her chest, landing on the sensitive tip of a distended nipple. Her climax roared through her as Sylvie screamed and fell back onto the bed. Above her, Arak closed his eyes, mouth locked, neck straining.

  Teeth flashed right before he leaned forward and buried them in her neck. What should have been pain sent a surge through her loins and Sylvie came again. His rough groan followed the wet splashes of his release inside of her.


  Release was sweet. Arak groaned, his thrusts slowing to a steady flex of his hips until he came to a gasping halt. Their bodies quivered together. Sweat slicked the skin of her belly as he rolled to the side, keeping her with him.

  “Sylvie,” he whispered. His hands stroked down her stomach, ending at her hidden curls and the gentle touch sent another shudder through her.

  She crooked her arm around his, holding him close to her. His hand continued to stroke where he could reach. She twitched beneath his touch but remained still. Neither willing to break the moment.

  “You bit me.”

  Arak pressed his mouth to her shoulder, a smile curving his lips.


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