Loving A Hero

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Loving A Hero Page 5

by Cheryl Yeko

  Sadness engulfed her.

  All the moments Maggie had missed out of because Shelly had gotten herself pregnant by a man she couldn't even remember.

  Tears filled her vision, and she tried unsuccessfully to blink them away, as two tracked down her face. She quickly turned her head toward the window, hoping neither of them had noticed her distress.

  Shelly wished Stan could be the man for her. Impossible. The pain of walking into that restaurant, only to find him with another woman, cut deep. Even though she hadn't yet claimed him as hers, and they'd never discussed being exclusive, it didn't make the hurt any easier to deal with.

  Maybe being here is a mistake. How could she protect her heart when she was in such close quarters with him? Seeing him every day, meeting his family, sharing his life. Then having to go back to being without him again. She'd barely gotten over the pain of losing him the first time, how could she go through it again?

  His voice now subdued, Stan said, "How about I fire up some cartoons in the living room for you while your mama and I start dinner?"

  "Okay," her daughter answered, rushing past her.

  "No running," Shelly scolded without heat.

  Stan's footsteps sounded across the carpet, coming to a stop in front of her. Swallowing down her emotions, she kept her gaze on the floor.

  "Hey." He slid one finger gently down her cheek. "Why the tears?"

  "I'm not crying," she denied, refusing to acknowledge the dampness on her face. "I have something in my eye."

  Placing the same finger, now wet with her tear, under her chin, he tilted her face up to his. "Both of them?"

  Staring into his eyes, filled with concern for her, made it difficult to think when all she wanted to do was be held in his arms.

  A tendril of desire slid through her.

  Stan's eyes darkened.

  Her gaze dropped to his mouth, longing for him to kiss her. All the reasons not to be with him blew away like dust in the wind.

  Shelly wanted him to scoop her up and carry her to his bed where she could finally have her fantasies fulfilled. To know what it'd be like to have this sexy, intense man make love to her. Have all that virile male attention directed totally at her.

  "Shelly," he said huskily, tugging her against him to stare down at her like he wanted to eat her up.

  "Mr. Cooper," Maggie yelled from down the hall. "Can you get SpongeBob?"

  “Now I understand the nickname," Stan said the following evening as he gazed fondly at Maggie in the rear-view mirror. The quiet little girl he'd first met had blossomed into a precocious child who rarely stopped talking or asking questions. It was cute. His family was going to love her.

  "She spoke her first word at two, and it took off from there." Shelly's laugh was light and airy, and her entire essence brimmed with love when she talked about Maggie. "Once she gets to know you though, watch out."

  He grinned. "What, no off-switch?"

  "Not even remotely."

  Stan doubted Shelly tried very hard to shut her up. It appeared to him she encouraged Maggie's cute chatter. It was the same bond his sister had with her girls.

  "So," Shelly said nervously, "you have two older sisters, Sandy and Colleen. Sandy’s single, and owns her own restaurant. Colleen’s husband is Mark, and they have twin daughters Maggie's age, Alexa and Nicole. Your parents divorced when you were a kid, and your father, Raymond, raised you and your sisters alone. He remarried when you were a senior in high school, to a really nice woman named Carol. Does that cover it?"

  He patted her knee. "That's it. You'll do fine, stop worrying."


  "Yeah," he assured her. His sisters would love her, and he knew they'd be playing matchmaker big-time the minute they set eyes on her and Maggie. He'd never brought a woman home before.

  For the first time, he wondered what it'd be like to have a couple rug-rats of his own running around. As much as he loved his nieces, having his own kids wasn't something he'd ever contemplated before.

  His gaze swung back to Shelly. With the right woman? His body tightened, even as his heart thudded hard at the thought of her pregnant with his child.

  Shit. When had he become so serious about her? The moment she walked into that restaurant and dumped me. That's when he realized how much she meant to him. If he hadn't been such an idiot, he'd have known right away she was special.

  Given her tears the night before, she was still hurt by his actions, and he had a lot of ground to make up. He'd screwed up big-time. Stan wanted a chance at a relationship with her, and her sweetheart of a daughter. He had to convince her to give him another chance.

  And find the freak terrorizing her.

  A feeling of protectiveness toward them flooded his system. His grip on the steering wheel tightened, the pressure pulling at the stitches in his arm. The thought of how close this prick had gotten to Maggie enraged him.

  "Are you okay?" Shelly asked, eying him with concern.

  Forcing his fingers to relax, he gave her a smile and lied, rubbing his chest. "Indigestion from the breakfast sausage."

  Digging into her purse she handed him a couple Tums, grinning sheepishly. "I have a fondness for spicy food, so I keep a pack around for emergencies."

  "Spicy food, huh? Maybe we can go out some night for Mexican food and margaritas."

  She nibbled on her bottom lip, studying him with wary eyes. "Like a date?"

  Turning down his father's street, he slowed the car, needing to finally get his apology out.

  "Exactly like a date." He flicked another glance in the rear-view mirror to make sure Maggie was occupied. "Shelly." Meeting her gaze, he reached over and tucked a dark curl behind her ear. "I was a total idiot before and would really like the chance to make it up to you."

  She blew out a sigh. "I-I don't know."

  "At least let me explain. You'll see it wasn't what it looked like." Pulling into the driveway, he shut off the ignition and shifted to face her. "Please, babe, give me another chance."

  Maggie, having unbelted herself again, popped her head between them. "What did you do to make Mommy mad, Mr. Cooper?" Without waiting for his answer, she turned to her mother. "I think you should forgive him, Mama.” Without taking a breath, she climbed into the front seat and plopped down on Shelly's lap. "He's a nice man."

  Maggie gave him a huge smile, amusing him to no end. He grinned back.

  "Maggie," Shelly said indulgently, "how many times have I told you not to unbuckle yourself?”

  “Sorry, Mama.”

  “And don't climb over the seat."

  "Sorry.” She batted her eyelashes. “Can we go meet the girls now? Can we?"

  "You bet," Stan said, brushing his hand over the top of her head.

  Exiting the car, he hurried to the other side to help them out. As they headed up the sidewalk, his sister Sandy flung open the door to greet them. "Hey, Stanley. I thought you'd never get out of the car."

  Chuckling, he gave his sister a one-armed hug, rubbing his knuckles across the top of her head. "Hey, short stuff. Are Colleen and the girls here yet?"

  When they stepped into the foyer, answering his question, his nieces came flying around the corner, followed by his sister.

  "'Bout time you got here, little brother." Colleen punched him in the arm. "Carol's almost got dinner ready." She smiled at Shelly, while Maggie nearly vibrated with curiosity at her side. "You must be Shelly. Welcome to the zoo."

  "Thank you. It's nice to meet you both."

  Colleen's gaze dropped to Maggie, tucked shyly behind her mother's leg. "And you must be Maggie."

  Maggie didn't say anything, only nodded, moving a bit further behind Shelly and sticking her thumb into her mouth.

  Grinning broadly, the older by ten minutes twin said, "I'm Alexa. I have Barbie Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Do you wanna play?"

  The words were no sooner out of her mouth, than Nicole piped in with a scoffing, "Forget that. I have Wonder Woman, and she can kick Belle's butt.

  "Cannot," Alexa said, scowling.

  "Uh-huh," Nicole returned, hand on her hips.

  Colleen grinned, then quickly forced a frown. "Girls, no fighting."

  Maggie stepped out from behind her mother's leg. "You have Wonder Woman? I have Super Girl." She glanced at Shelly. "Can we bring her over next time, Mama?"

  "Sure, baby." Shelly glanced at him, lips curved in amusement.

  Stan couldn't have stopped himself from touching her in that moment if his life depended on it. He cupped her face and stared into her beautiful eyes. "I could run back to the house and get it."

  "Really?" Maggie squealed.

  "That's not necessary," Shelly said, her gaze locked with his, her voice slightly husky.

  From the corner of his eye he could see his sisters watching them with interest. He didn't care. "It's not a problem. It'll take me less than ten minutes."

  Nicole clapped her hands excitedly. "That'd be awesome. Belle doesn't stand a chance!"

  "Does too," Alexa returned, as Colleen shooed all three toward the playroom.

  Nicole grabbed Maggie's hand and tugged her along as they disappeared down the hall.

  "Come on, Shelly," Sandy said. "We'll introduce you to the rest of the family while Stanley runs back for the doll."

  "Um, okay," Shelly said, sounding every bit as shy as her daughter had only moments earlier.

  Damn sweet.

  That’s the moment Stan knew he was lost to this woman. Stick a fork in him, head-over-heels in love with her. And he planned on moving heaven and earth to win her back.

  And by his sisters' soft laughter as they tugged Shelly down the hall, they knew it too.

  Shelly had to admit she was really enjoying herself. Stan’s family was amazing. His sisters teased him mercilessly throughout the evening, and Stan teased them back with just as much gusto. It was freaking hysterical. And she’d had to wipe tears of laughter from her eyes on more than one occasion.

  The children were getting along fabulously, and Carol was about the sweetest woman Shelly had ever met. Stan’s father, who reminded her a lot of Stan, watched his family with obvious pride and affection.

  How many nights had she lain in her room at the orphanage, dreaming of having a home like this? A family who loved each other unconditionally, the way Stan’s family did.

  “Your turn,” Dennis, Sandy’s boyfriend, said, nudging her foot under the table.

  “Oh, sorry,” Shelly responded, glancing down at her cards. Lost in her thoughts, she’d missed what Sandy had said. “What’s trump again?” She reached up to cover a yawn, still full from a fabulous dinner.

  Colleen’s husband, Mark, and Shelly’s partner in a game of Euchre, grinned and tossed down his cards. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m ready for that nightcap Carol promised us.”

  Stan, who’d been watching them play, pushed back his chair to stand “Sounds good to me.”

  Sandy complained laughingly, “Hey, we we’re winning here.”

  Stan grinned as he came around to pull out Shelly’s chair. “Next time, sis. It’s getting late, and we should head out soon.”

  Carol walked over to them. “Nice timing. Drinks are ready.”

  Everyone followed her into the rec room, except the girls, who were snuggled down on the couch watching a Disney movie.

  “Mmm,” Colleen exclaimed, rushing over to grab a glass. “I call dibs on the Old Fashioned.”

  Grinning at his wife’s antics, Mark chose a Manhattan.

  Shelly worked in a night club, so she recognized all the different concoctions. “Impressive.”

  Carol beamed. “Thanks. First come, first served.”

  Stan snatched up a Baily’s Irish Cream for her, and the knowledge that he’d remembered her favorite evening cocktail sent a rush of warmth through her. He grabbed an Irish Coffee for himself.

  “Thank you,” she murmured, as he handed her the decorative glass, letting her hands linger on his a little longer than necessary in the handover.

  His eyes darkened, and he looked like he wanted to kiss her. Her blood heated, wanting him to . . .

  Sandy and Dennis came over, and the moment was lost. “Cheers,” Sandy said, holding up her drink of choice, which Shelly had pegged as an Amaretto Coffee.

  Shelly took a sip of her drink, trying to get her emotions back under control as the liquor warmed her belly.

  “So, how long are you in town for,” Dennis asked, sipping from his Hot Toddy.

  Stan’s family knew of her troubles, and why she was staying with him, but Sandy’s boyfriend hadn’t been informed.

  An awkward moment of silence followed while she tried to decide how to respond.

  Stan curved a supporting arm around her shoulders. “Shelly’s having troubles with a stalker, and until we get the bastard, she’s staying with me.”

  Simple and to the point. Shelly sent him a smile of thanks. She really did like this guy.

  “Wow. Sorry, I didn’t know. Shit.” The poor guy’s face turned bright red.

  Sandy slid her arm through Dennis’s and lifted up on her toes to kiss his cheek. “It’s okay, honey. It’s not a secret or anything.”

  Colleen walked up to them. “When Stan gets a hold of this dickhead, he’s going to kick his ass for messing with our girl.”

  Shelly’s heart warmed, at the way his family treated her as one of their own.

  “You got that right,” Stan agreed, lifting his glass to toast with Colleen.

  Everyone laughed, and the awkward moment slid away as Carol, Raymond, and Mark joined them.

  Chapter Six

  "I really had a nice time last night, Stan," Shelly said the following morning as she prepared breakfast. “Sandy’s boyfriend seemed nice. So, you’d never met him before?”

  “Nope. She told me she was dating some guy named Dennis, but this is the first time she brought him to meet the family.”

  “Things must be getting serious.” She grinned at him. “I’ll see what information I can dig up. Your sisters want to get together for a girls’ night."

  He quirked a brow. "Just you girls, uh?"

  “Yep.” She turned back to the stove and flipped the blueberry pancake. “Colleen’s setting it up. I guess Maggie and your nieces are going to spend the night at your folks’.”

  Shelly nibbled her bottom lip. When he looked at her like that it did all kinds of funny things to her belly, and other parts of her anatomy.

  He's not for me, she reminded herself. She couldn’t risk losing her heart to a man who would never love her like she needed.

  "I'm starting at your sister's restaurant today and need to head out right after breakfast."

  “You should take some time to settle in first."

  She moved the pancakes to a platter and shut off the stove. "No. I have bills to pay. This isn't a vacation, remember."

  Thinking of how close her stalker got to Maggie sent a shiver through her.

  Stan stepped up behind her and gently turned her around to face him. "Listen, I know this is hard. You have to believe that I won't let anything happen to you or Maggie."

  Shelly's body was all too aware of him standing so close. If she moved forward the tiniest bit she could have all that maleness pressed against her. "It still doesn't make it any easier. This man turned my life upside down and I don't understand why."

  Shelly gave into temptation and wrapped her arms around his middle, laying her head on his solid chest. She scolded herself for being weak, even as she burrowed closer.

  He gave her a comforting squeeze, and her nerves calmed. A satisfied sigh slipped past her lips. Stan was a true Southern gentleman, and he smelled really good. Every feminine part of her responded to him. Her nipples beaded and poked into his chest as a hot flush covered her skin.

  Stan inhaled sharply, his arms tightening around her. Lowering his head, he tipped her face up. The desire she read in his eyes made her question all the reasons why she’d decided to keep him at
arms’ length.

  It can just be about sex. Even as the thought skittered across her mind, she shoved it away. She wasn't that girl any longer. The needy one who slept around. So desperate for any kindness, of feeling as if she belonged and someone cared about her, she'd willingly believed the lies men told to get in her pants.

  Stan's eyes narrowed. "What?"

  "Nothing." She slid sideways, forcing him to drop his arms. "Your sister will be here to pick me up in an hour. We're dropping Maggie off at your dads on the way to the restaurant."

  As she reached for the platter of pancakes, Stan caught her hand. He held it firmly, yet gently, running his thumb across her inner wrist where her pulse beat rapidly under his touch. "Please, Shelly. Trust me."

  She swallowed down her desire, feeling the urge to cry. At one time she'd trusted Stan more than she'd ever trusted anyone. Had even entertained the idea she might love him. The sexual tension between them had been intense, and she had been close to sleeping with him. Before their fight. Before she found him with another woman.

  "I'm sorry, I—I can't. Not like that anyway." She tugged her hand free. "I trust you to keep us safe. I do.” She shook her head. “I can't trust you with my heart, Stan. Not again."

  He pressed a hand against her cheek. "Nothing happened that night."

  "You kissed her." Hurt laced her tone.

  Stan shook his head, his expression serious. “She kissed me.” His thumb caressed the side of her face as his eyes pleaded with her. "All I could think about was you—”

  She pulled away, spinning toward the door. "It doesn't matter now." Pausing at the threshold, she glanced back to find him watching her with a look of determination.

  Excitement fluttered through her, a tiny part of her happy at his persistence.

  God, I'm so pathetic.

  As though reading her conflicting emotions, his tense posture eased. A slow smile curved his lips. "I'm not giving up on us, Shelly. Just so we’re clear on that."

  Fortunately for her, Maggie chose that moment to run into the room. "Hi, Mama. Hi, Mr. Cooper. I'm hungry." She clung to Shelly's leg, staring up at her with a beautiful smile.


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