Accidental Surprises

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Accidental Surprises Page 3

by Tia Wylder

  Hayley shook her head. “Nope. I choose this. Come on, you’ll have fun. Jim, you can come, too.”

  The driver turned to look at his employer questioningly. Deckland gave in. “Might as well. If I’m spending my day here, you might as well suffer with me.”

  “Don’t go into it like that. You might even have fun. Just give it a chance.” Hayley took one of his hands in hers.

  Something about the sincerity in her voice made him pause. “Okay. I’ll make you a deal. I’ll do this with you today, but next time we do something I want.” As he finished his sentence, he pulled her hand to his chest.

  Hayley stuttered, “Th-that sounds fair.” She could feel his heartbeat pounding steadily in his chest. Did he know that he was making her own heart race?”

  A satisfied smirk curled across his face. “Let’s go then.” He got out of the car and walked around to open her door for her. “Please allow me.” If she wanted a gentleman, he could play the part.

  “Thank you.” Hayley missed Jim rolling his eyes. Deckland quickly nudged him in the ribs.

  Saint Catherine’s Home for Children was a brick building with a few cracked windows. A faded green, metal door loomed before them. Hayley opened the door as if she were coming home. A few little girls giggled and ran towards the back door. The hall was full of finger paintings and coloring book pages with colors breaking out of the boundaries of lines.

  A woman with glasses in white, plastic frames perched on her nose poked her head out. “Hayley! The kids are out back. They may have started without you. Who are your friends?” She had a kind smile, but her eyes seemed to watch the two men like a hawk.

  “This is Deckland, and this is Jim. They are going to help me out today. I can vouch for them.”

  “Okay, just make sure they get put on the roster next time.” She stepped back into her office after looked Jim up and down. Jim flashed her a smile, but she just cleared her throat and tucked herself into the corner where her desk was crammed.

  Hayley led them to the back door. “Come on, we’re running late.” She pushed open the door to show a small fenced in yard.

  “Late for what?” Deckland started to follow her outside when a balloon hit him square on the chest and exploded in a splash of water.

  “For the water balloon fight!” Hayley dodged another balloon that was chucked at them. It landed harmlessly on the grass. She scooped it up and pretended like she was going to throw it at the kids. At the last second, she spun around and drenched Deckland with it.

  “Oh, you’re going to get it now.” He grabbed a balloon from a nearby tub. Hayley screamed playfully and ran into the fray of balloons being flung across the yard by the kids. Deckland tried to follow her, armed with a green balloon, but the kids turned on him.

  “He’s trying to get Hayley! Get him!” One of the girls yelled over the noise.

  A wall of balloons rained down on him. “That’s not fair! You have an army!” He tried to dodge as many as he could. Catching a glimpse of Hayley, he chucked his balloon at her.

  She screamed and laughed as it burst on her. Falling to the ground, she coughed, pretending to die. “Remember me!” Her arm fell to the side, and her tongue lolled to one side.

  “We will avenge you!” A little boy yelled out. The last few remaining water balloons were hurled at Deckland.

  “Okay, kids. Time to get cleaned up.” The woman from the office held open the door and started ushering them in.

  One final balloon pelted Deckland on the back of the head. “Ouch!” He whirled around.

  A little girl with pigtails pointed at Jim. Jim pointed at the girl. Deckland shook his head and glared at his driver. The woman raised her eyebrows. “You too, Suzie.”

  “Yes, Mother Theresa.” The girl darted inside.

  The woman looked at Jim and shook her head, “It’s just Theresa. You know kids.” She laughed nervously and ducked back inside.

  Deckland walked over to where Hayley was laughing uncontrollably on the ground. “You could have at least warned me.” He held out his hand for her to take.

  “It was more fun this way.”

  “You’ve got twigs in your hair.” He reached over to pull a few sticks and blades of grass out of her hair. Not many girls he knew would roll around on the grass on a first date. Well, at least not by themselves.

  “Oh, thanks. I’ll just…” She pointed to the door, blushing.

  Hayley made her way inside to the bathroom. The girls’ bathroom had several sinks and mirrors lined up. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her reflection startled her. The makeup Chelsea had piled on her was still smeared on her face. She took a few brown paper towels and wetted them. Hayley scrubbed her face until the foundation was all gone. It felt like her face could breathe again. Her skin was pink from scrubbing so hard. She picked the twigs and grass out of her straight, blonde hair.

  Her sneakers squeaked on the tiles as she walked back out into the hall. Deckland had waited patiently for her. He was staring at her. “What?” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

  Deckland tried not to stare at her, but she was even more beautiful now—if that was possible. It was very rare for him to see a woman without makeup on. He felt like he was being shown what was behind the curtain. The natural look suited her. Her green eyes seemed brighter. Her damp shirt clung to her body. He was used to getting girls wet, but not this way. The fabric hugged her curves. He had to resist slipping his hand under the hem to touch her skin. Deckland reminded himself there were kids around. Plus, he was playing the long game here.

  He realized he hadn’t answered her yet. “Nothing, you just look beautiful.”

  She rolled her eyes like she didn’t believe him. “Come on, we’ve still got some time.”

  “Time for what?”

  “To be with the kids. Besides, this is the best part of the day.”

  “Any what time is that?”

  “Snack time!” Hayley led him into a small cafeteria where the kids were already munching on prepackaged crackers.

  “Hayley! Come sit by me. It’s my birthday.” The little girl with pigtails waved her hand in the air and patted an empty seat beside her.

  “How old are you today, Suzie?” Hayley sat down beside her. Deckland managed to find a seat across from them.


  “Five! That’s a pretty big one. Let’s see if I have something good enough for a birthday that special on me.” She fished in her pockets and pulled out two ribbons. “How about this?”

  Suzie nodded excitedly and touched the pink satin. “They’re perfect!”

  “Would you like me to tie them in for you?” The girl nodded again. Hayley smiled and tied each ribbon around one of her pigtails. Once she was done, she turned the girl to face Deckland. “What do you think?”

  “Amazing.” He had never met a woman like Hayley before. The kindness she showed to the kids and her willingness to give up her time for them were fascinating to him. He saw that light in her, and he wanted to capture it, to make it his. This would be unlike any conquest he’d had before.

  “Where is Jim, anyway?” Hayley looked around but didn’t see him.

  “I saw him flirting with Mother Theresa.” Suzie swung her legs under the table and continued munching on her crackers.

  “Flirting? How do you know what flirting is? I don’t think I learned that until I was at least seven. Are you sure you’re only five?” Hayley squinted at the girl playfully.

  Suzie nodded and giggled. “They were in her office. I saw her twirling her hair, and he was smiling funny.”

  “Don’t worry, that’s just his normal smile.” Deckland joked with her.

  Theresa poked her head in the room. “Finish up your snacks, and then off to your chores.” The kids groaned. Some ate more slowly to try and get out of doing their cleaning duties. Jim slipped into the room behind her and stood near Deckland and Hayley.

  Hayley waved goodbye to everyone and gave Suzie a quick hug before le
aving. Deckland whispered to her, “They have chores?”

  “It’s age based. On weekends, they help out with cleaning. During school days, they have to do their homework, so chores are saved for days like today.”

  “I see.” He did not sound impressed with the idea.

  “Did you not do chores when you were younger to help out around the house?”

  Jim snickered and tried to turn it into a cough to hide it. Deckland shot him a look. “No, I didn’t. We always had maids and such to take care of things. Why don’t they just get a maid?”

  “Because maids cost money, and besides, it teaches them good skills for when they get older.” Hayley’s response was curt. It was clear he had never had to really work for anything in his life.

  “I see.” He still didn’t sound convinced. “So, what now?”

  “Now, I go home and take a shower. I have to work this evening.”

  “Where do you work?” He wasn’t used to dating women who worked either. Most of them just sponged off of their daddies or had already inherited their fortunes.

  Hayley pulled another stray piece of grass out of her hair. “I work at a bakery called With Sugar on Top.”

  How fitting. Even her work was sweet. “I’ll have to try it sometime. So, are you free tomorrow?”

  “Tomorrow? I took an extra shift tomorrow at work.”

  “How about the next day?”

  “I should be free then. It’s my day off. Why?”

  “Because you owe me a second date, and this time, we get to do what I want.”

  Chapter 6: Mother Knows Best

  Deckland’s footsteps echoed across the tiled floor at his family’s estate. His clothes were still damp from the water balloon fight at the orphanage. They had dropped Hayley off at Chelsea Monroe’s house so that she could get her car. He was curious about where a woman like Hayley lived. A person’s home tended to speak volumes about them. “For instance, our home is all about presentation, but inside it rings hollow.” His thoughts were interrupted by the click of his mother’s heels.

  “So, how did it go? Tell me all about it.” She started to hug him then stopped herself. “Why are you wet?”

  “We had a water balloon fight.”

  “Well, I suppose that can be erotic and playful in its own way.”

  “At an orphanage.”

  Charlotte’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “At a what?”

  “It’s a home for kids that don’t have families.”

  “Yes, Deckland. I know what an orphanage is. What were you doing there?”

  “I told her we could go anywhere and do anything, and that is what she picked.” He ruffled the back of his hair.

  Charlotte’s eyes glittered in the light. “Really? Does she go to this orphanage often?”

  “Seems like it. All the kids knew her name. I think she volunteers there a lot.”

  “She volunteers, huh? I think we can use this to our advantage.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Nothing, dear. Just leave it to me. Was there anything else of note?”

  Going over the events of the date, Deckland smiled. “She made me come to the door to get her.” Most women leapt at the sight of him. They didn’t care about his manners one way or the other as long as they were satisfied by the end of the night.

  A look of amusement settled on Charlotte’s face. “She sounds like a girl your father would approve of. Looks like you chose a good one for our little plan. Keep me posted.” She hurriedly clicked away—no doubt running off to put the next phase of her scheme into play.

  Deckland shook his head and rolled his eyes. He was used to his mother coming up with ways to get him into his father’s good graces. Over the years, he had learned to just roll with it. It was easier that way. It wasn’t like he didn’t want his father’s approval. He just hadn’t put much stock in going the extra mile until his inheritance came into question.

  Not stable. That was the label his father had pinned to his chest. It was a little harsh, but he had earned it with sloppy late nights and a scandal with the other senator’s daughter. She was the one getting married, but the affair had landed heavily on Deckland’s head. Charles Kyle Sr. had almost skinned him alive for that one. Of course, he was mostly concerned with the damage his youngest son was doing to the family’s reputation. That, and he didn’t want to have to face his colleague with reelection coming up.

  That was why his mother had come up with her plan to get him back in his father’s good side. Settle down. Get married. Have a kid. It was the best way to show he had calmed down and was ready to take on responsibility. A family of his own. The ultimate stability.

  Deckland pulled out his phone and sent Hayley a text. “Had a great time. Looking forward to seeing you again.” It wasn’t all pretending. He was looking forward to seeing her again. Looking forward to showing her the benefits that both he and money had to offer. Looking forward to corrupting that light inside of her, making her his. Before she knew it, Hayley Reams would be putty in his hands.

  Chapter 7: Testing the Limits

  Hayley shifted her weight nervously as she peeked out the window of her apartment. Deckland was supposed to be picking her up today for their second date. Her eyes skimmed the living room. Soft creams and dark browns mellowed the room in natural colors. It was soothing for her. Light blue pillows offered a pop of color, but for the most part, her place was muted. No reds or bright pinks reared their heads. It was timeless and unassuming.

  A car pulled up to outside. Hayley pried the blinds apart to see. Deckland’s frosted blonde hair emerged from a red, hot rod. His dress shirt was crisp. She looked down at her own casual, light grey dress. He hadn’t told her what they were doing—pay back for what she had done on their first date. What if she wasn’t dressed up enough? She should have known better. It was too late to change now. Deckland knocked on her door. The sudden rapping made her jump.

  Hayley slung her purse over her shoulder and opened the door. “Hi.” She offered him a shy smile and pulled the door shut behind her.

  Deckland frowned a little. He had been hoping to get a glimpse inside her apartment. Not wanting to let his disappointment show, he looped her arm through his and escorted her to his car. “What do you think?”

  She squinted at the tinted windows. “Did you stash Jim in the trunk?”

  “No.” He chuckled. “I thought I would drive today.”

  He was clearly waiting for her to compliment his car. “It’s very…bright.” The flashy paint job made her uneasy. It felt like everyone was looking at them even though the street was empty aside from a few cars parked at random intervals.

  Deckland smiled as if unsure if he should take that as a compliment or not. “Thanks.” He opened the door for her before climbing into the driver’s seat.

  Black leather hugged them. The radio displayed a large touchscreen panel. Hayley looked down at her knees and pulled her dress down to cover them better. “I hope I’m dressed okay.”

  “You’re perfect.” He flashed a bright, white smile at her. It made her heart skip a beat. “Let’s make a bet.”

  “A bet?” Hayley had a hard time looking away from his pale blue eyes.

  Deckland nodded. “I bet that I can make you scream.” He leaned in closer to her. She could almost feel the warmth of his breath. Make her scream? How could he do that? She subconsciously squeezed her knees tighter together. “If you win, I’ll volunteer with you at the orphanage again.”

  “And if you win?” Her words were almost a whisper.

  “Then you give me a kiss.”

  Hayley’s cheeks flushed. She was about to object, but before the word could come out, Deckland floored it. The car streaked down the street. The speed caught her off guard, and a startled scream left her lips. He slowed down and stopped at a traffic light that had just changed to red. Hayley was still struggling to catch her breath. Deckland’s hand brushed along her cheek. He grasped her chin and gazed into her eyes.
/>   A mischievous smirk played along the corner of his mouth. “I think I’ll wait for my prize. When I kiss you, it will be because of something bigger than just a bet.” He let go of her chin. The light turned green, and they started to drive again at a reasonable pace.

  Hayley blinked a few times trying to process what had just happened. When. He had said when he kissed her, not if. Her heart was racing. She had wanted him to do it, and that frightened her even more than his driving. She chewed on her bottom lip and sat on her hands. She needed to calm down. It wasn’t ladylike to get this worked up on a second date.

  Deckland smiled to himself. From the corner of his eye, he could see her chest rising and falling rapidly. He could probably take her now, but the longer he waited, the sweeter it would be. The more she trusted him, the more fulfilling his corruption would be. Deckland intended to savor every moment of this.

  The red sports car stopped in front of a tall department store. Windows glinted in the sunlight. “Here we are.”


  Deckland pulled out a black credit card. “Anything you want. Everything you want.” He wagged his eyebrows at her and climbed out of the car. “And don’t even think about touching that door handle.” He pointed at her as if daring her to disobey.

  Hayley waited patiently for him to open her door. It was sweet that he was making an extra effort to be a gentleman. There was still a prominent boyish streak in him, but she found it charming…captivating…mesmerizing. Her whole life she had stayed inside the lines. Deckland was everywhere except confined. Lavish parties and fast cars. He was her opposite, and it was intoxicating. Everything about him screamed dangerous and sexy. She needed to be on her guard.

  “Is it always this empty?” The store was vacant except for a few attendants who were smiling and whispering.

  “Oh, I made a sizable donation. The place is ours for the next few hours.” He caught himself checking out one of the attendants and averted his eyes. Old habits die hard. He switched his attention to Hayley. “So, where do you want to start?”


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