Accidental Surprises

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Accidental Surprises Page 5

by Tia Wylder

  “Leaving the responsibility to me, I see.” Theresa scolded her lightly while peeking in the bags. She looked up quickly. Tears glistened in the corners of her eyes. “Oh my gosh! Thank you both so much.” She finished quietly under her breath, “You have no idea how excited I am that it isn’t another one of those noisy games.”

  “We’ll get out of your hair.” Hayley stood up and gave Theresa a smile. “Take care of yourself.”

  Theresa dabbed her eyes and shook Deckland’s hand. “Thank you.” Her voice wavered with gratitude.

  “My pleasure.” Deckland was touched by her reaction. No one had ever been that grateful for something he had done before. Well, not something he had done outside of the bedroom at least.

  Hayley motioned for him to follow her back outside. “Well? What did you think?”

  “What do you mean what did I think? We were barely there.”

  “You don’t always have to stick around for the whole show to know you changed someone’s life for the better. Didn’t you see their faces? They didn’t even know what you got them. They were just so happy to be thought of at all.” She stopped him before he could get in the car. “Deckland, those kids will never forget what you just did. You gave them a happy memory. Don’t sell yourself short.”

  “Thank you.” He felt a tightness in his chest as she looked up at him with those innocent eyes.

  “For what?” Hayley tilted her head to the side.

  “For seeing something better in me.”

  Deckland’s breath caught in his throat as she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. The smell of her hair enveloped him in soft warmth. For the first time in his life, he had some hesitancy before folding his arms around her. Her frame was small. She felt so fragile that he thought he might break her if he squeezed her too tightly. Deckland closed his eyes and held her close. It was as if something inside of him had been craving human connection. When she pulled away, he let go reluctantly.

  “Come on, I’ll take you home.” Clearing his throat, he opened the car door for her. His face felt hot. She was starting to get under his skin, and he didn’t like the feeling of losing control.

  Chapter 8: Picture Perfect

  “So, how was your second date?” Charlotte’s cheeks were flushed from the wine she was sipping. Her fingers tapped a large manila envelope that was resting on her lap. “Oh, by the way, it’s time to have your car’s oil changed. Why don’t you let me have the keys? I’ll make sure Jim gets it taken care of.”

  Deckland tossed her the keys and poured himself some bourbon. The crystal decanter clinked as he set it back down. “About the same as the first. Maybe we should start over. Pick someone a little easier.” He rubbed his arms where the bags of clothing had dug into him.

  His mother’s lips frowned. “No son of mine is going to quit. You’ve already put in the effort, and besides, it’s a little late for that.” She slid the envelope across the narrow table between them.

  Peeling back the flap, Deckland peered inside. Glossy pictures gazed back at him. “What is this?” Pictures of Hayley shopping with him fell out into his hand. Images of them delivering the bags to Saint Catherine’s had sticky notes on them with tomorrow’s date listed in blocky handwriting he didn’t recognize. “You had us followed?”

  “I’m just doing what is best for us. You needed some good publicity.”

  “Mom, you can’t just do something like that. The press will have a field day with this. They’re going to eat her alive.” He could see it now: stolen snapshots and outrageous headlines.

  “That’s what I’m planning on.” Charlotte held up her glass and clinked it against his. Her fingers quickly pocketed his keys.

  “Let me have my keys back. I need to go make sure she’s okay.” He glared at his mother. Hayley hadn’t grown up dealing with paparazzi. She wouldn’t be prepared for something like this.

  Charlotte tutted at him. “She’s fine. It won’t be hitting the newsstands until tomorrow morning. You can have your keys back then. Besides, it’ll look better if you go to save her after the reporters have already flocked to her house. It’ll just be extra media coverage of your latest love affair.” She smiled, pleased with herself. “Mother has really thought this through. Trust me.” She winked at him over the rim of her wine glass.

  “Just let me do this my way.” He ground his teeth together.

  “Deckland, I’ve let you do things your way for the past twenty-five years. That is what got us into this mess in the first place. If you were capable of being a responsible young man, then maybe I would have a little more faith in your abilities. As it is right now, it’s clear that you need my help. Just a minute ago you wanted to give up and try for an easier girl! Don’t forget, it isn’t just your inheritance you’re working towards. If Charlie or Landon are named the heir, then I won’t see a penny of that money.” She stood up and straightened his collar, pouting. “Let mother help you.”

  Deckland averted his eyes and downed his drink in one gulp. “I want my keys back first thing in the morning.”

  “Of course, dear.”

  “And I’m taking these with me.” He scooped up the pictures and stomped off to his room.

  Anxious knots wormed their way through his stomach. He wanted to text Hayley to make sure she was okay, but as much as he hated to admit it, his mother was right. It would look better if he showed up to whisk her away from danger. It might be just the thing to tip her towards a more physical relationship, too. No doubt she had probably romanticized the idea of relationships to an almost unattainable degree. That was only going to make his job that much harder.

  The truth was he had wanted to switch to another girl because Hayley was getting to him. She made him…feel things. All of his past relationships had just been about sex. He hadn’t had to worry about getting too attached emotionally. It was simple and clean. There was never any confusion. Now, he was on the edge of unfamiliar territory. Part of him felt like he was on the verge of losing himself. The protectiveness he felt towards her teetered on jealousy.

  Deckland sat down on his bed and fanned the pictures out in front of him. Skimming over the pictures, he saw something he hadn’t noticed when he was with her today. His heart jumped. The photographer had caught a picture of her looking at him when he was carrying the bags into Saint Catherine’s. It was the most adoring look he had ever seen a woman give him. It wasn’t one of the star-struck, lustful stares he was used to. She wasn’t staring at his ass or trying to seduce him. It was just a heartwarming glance that had managed to be captured in a candid moment when she thought no one was looking. If not for the picture, he wouldn’t have even noticed it. He moved on to the next image of her hugging him when they were leaving. He almost didn’t recognize himself. A gentle, surprised smile caressed his face as he breathed her in. It was a softer side to his typical hardened playboy nature. Deckland traced his fingers along a closeup of her face. Happiness radiated from her. Maybe he wasn’t doing as poor of a job as he thought.

  Just looking at her made his heart flutter. Deckland chuckled to himself. The bourbon must have gone to his head. It was the only explanation for the giddiness he was feeling. He let the alcohol sweep him away as he fell asleep looking at Hayley’s picture.

  Chapter 9: Headlines

  Hayley stretched as she woke up. Morning sunlight spread its fingers through her curtains. Her blonde hair was pulled up in a messy ponytail. Hayley’s phone vibrated on her nightstand. “Hey, Mom.” She managed to say the words through a yawn.

  “Are you still coming over today?” Patsy Reams always seemed cheerful. She had been looking forward to seeing her daughter.

  “I’m getting dressed right now, actually.” Digging through the pile of clean clothes in her desk chair, Hayley found her holey jeans and wiggled them over her hips.

  “I was thinking we could get some marigolds, and maybe some petunias. What do you think?”

  “That’s a lot of colors.” Hayley pictured the
bright gold and purple flowers side by side in her mind.

  Her mother sighed over the phone. “Not everyone is as afraid of color as you are, Haybale.”

  “I’m not afraid of it. I just like more muted colors.”

  “We’re getting marigolds and petunias. Oh, make sure you bring back my casserole dish, too. Love you!”

  Hayley’s phone beeped in her ear. Who else besides her mother would be calling her this early. “Love you, too!” Hayley quickly switched to the other line. “Hello?”

  An earsplitting squeal erupted from the other side. “Why didn’t you tell me?!”

  Hayley pulled back the phone to read the name on the screen. “Chelsea? Tell you what?”

  “Oh, don’t be that way! I thought we were best friends.”

  Hayley could hear Chelsea pouting through the phone. “Just because we’re friends doesn’t mean I can read your mind. At least give me a hint.”

  “Seriously?! I’m talking about Deckland Freaking Kyle. It’s all over the news.”

  “What’s all over the news?”

  Chelsea cleared her throat, obviously reading something out loud. “Has Deckland Kyle finally been caught? Pictures of the elusive bachelor with a young woman have surfaced. The pair were seen outside of Saint Catherine’s Home for Children. When interviewed, Theresa Lamb—orphanage coordinator—stated that the two had volunteered at the orphanage on multiple occasions. Kyle made a sizeable donation of clothes to Saint Catherine’s. Since this is the first time Kyle has been spotted volunteering and making charitable donations, one has to wonder if this is all the work of his new love interest, Hayley Reams. Has this playboy finally settled down? Only time will tell.”

  Hayley’s face was red as she listened. Her cheeks pulsed with each beat of her heart. How had this happened?! The last thing she wanted was to be put under a microscope. “Chelsea, where did you get that?”

  “It’s all over the tabloids and the morning paper. I can’t believe you haven’t seen it yet.”

  “Well, I just woke up. Hang on. Chelsea, I have to go.” There was a knock on her front door.

  “You owe me details!” Chelsea managed to scream before Hayley hung up on her.

  “Just a second!” Hayley scrounged around her room for a t-shirt before she went to the door.

  When she opened the front door, a series of flashes went off in her face. Hayley gasped in shock and threw her arms over her head to protect her eyes. Between the flashes, she could make out the shapes of microphones and tape recorders being thrust at her. Men and women pushed and shoved one another trying to get their questions heard.

  “How long have you been dating Deckland Kyle?”

  “Where did you meet?”

  “What are your views on politics? Do you agree with Senator Charles Kyle Sr.’s stance on abortion?”

  “Where do you buy your clothes?”

  Hayley’s knees locked. Her brain seemed to slow down. The questions were coming too quickly for her to process them. She stood there in the doorway gaping at them as flash after flash blinded her. Suddenly, a man with a trench coat pulled up around his face shoved his way through the flock of reporters. Before Hayley could stop him, he was pushing his way through the door. She tried to cry out and block his way, but he was too strong. Hayley reached for the lamp on her living room table and hoisted it above her head.

  The man slammed the door shut behind him and let the coat fall away from his face. He held up his hands to block her attack. “Hayley! It’s me! It’s okay. It’s me.” Deckland’s bright blue eyes gazed at her pleadingly.

  “Deckland?! Oh, thank goodness! I thought you were one of them.” Her shoulders fell as she recognized him. The fear in her eyes melted.

  Taking the lamp from her, Deckland pulled her into a tight embrace. “You’re okay. I’ve got you.”

  Hayley felt his lips press against the top of her head. She froze for a second as her heart tried to remember how to beat. She buried her face in his chest. The sweet smell of his cologne was calming. “How did this happen?! I was so scared.”

  Rubbing the length of her back, he held her tighter. “There must have been a reporter or some paparazzi following us yesterday. I should have paid more attention. I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault. How could you have known?” Hayley pulled back from him and bit her lip. “What are we going to do now? They’ll never let us out of here.”

  “Lucky for you, I’ve been dodging reporters since I could walk. Come on. We can go out the back.” He grabbed her hand and started towards the back of her apartment. He took in the room. It was woodsy and clean. It seemed very down to earth which suited her personality.

  “There isn’t a back door.”


  “There’s only one exit.” Her eyes looked back to hover over the door.

  Deckland’s eyes narrowed as he thought of another way for them to escape. “How about windows?”

  “There’s one in the bedroom.” She pointed down the hall. Following her lead, he walked into her bedroom. The blankets were still wrinkled where she had slept under them. She quickly rushed over to the chair with her laundry in it and tried to hide it behind her back. “Sorry. I wasn’t really expecting company.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” He unlocked the window and popped the screen out. He slipped easily outside. Holding up a finger to his lips, he motioned for her to follow.

  “I don’t know about this.” Hayley tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. Flyaway hairs had worked their way out of her ponytail while she slept.

  “Trust me.” He whispered back to her and held out his hand.

  Hayley straddled the windowsill and let him pull her outside. Deckland grasped her hand firmly and pulled her towards a street on the other side of her apartment complex. Jim was waiting in the driver’s seat of a black car. Deckland opened the back door of the car for her to slip inside.

  As she was climbing in, one of the reporters spotted them. “There she goes!”

  “Who’s with her? Is it Deckland?!”

  “Miss Reams!” The photographers and reporters began to race towards them.

  Deckland shoved her into the car and jumped in after her. Jim floored the gas pedal, and they lurched forward. Peering out of the tinted back window, Hayley watched as one by one the reporters gave up the chase. She let out a sigh of relief. Her heart was still pounding.

  “I’ve never done that before.” Hayley felt a rush as her adrenaline kicked in.

  “Done what before?” Deckland was gazing out of the back window, too.

  “Climbed out of a window. Holy cow.”

  Chuckling, Deckland put his hand on her hair and roughed it up. “Stick with me, and that won’t be your only first.” He winked at her and turned back to face the front.

  Hayley felt her cheeks burning. What other firsts did he have in mind? She instinctively clutched her legs together as she straightened her hair out. “Where are we going?”

  “I think it would be best if you stayed at my house for a bit until all of this blows over. You’ll be safe there.”

  “Your house?!” Images from the night of the masquerade flooded her mind. It was so big!

  “It’s only right. I got you into this mess. Let me help you out of it.” His eyes skimmed across her shirt. There were a couple of things he would like to help her out of.

  “Are you sure that’s okay? I can stay with my mom or with Chelsea.” Hayley’s eyes widened. “Mom!”

  “You’ll be safe with me. What’s wrong?” Deckland watched as she quickly jerked out her phone and made a call.

  “Hey, Mom? I don’t think I’m going to be able to make it today.” She sounded genuinely upset. Deckland listened to her half of the conversation. “I’m okay. Something just came up. I’ll make it up to you. I promise. Love you, too.”

  After she hung up, Deckland felt sadness settle inside of him. “It seems like you’re really close to your mom.”

y smiled and nodded. “She means everything to me. We were supposed to go pick out some flowers for her new flowerbed today, but now all of this is happening. I just feel bad canceling on her.” Hayley sighed and fidgeted with the fraying strings on the knees of her jeans. “She gave up so much for me. I just want her to know I appreciate it, you know?”

  Deckland smirked to himself. “Jim, change of plans. Take us to Dana’s instead of going home.”

  “What’s Dana’s?” Hayley tilted her head to the side.

  “You’ll see.”

  Chapter 10: The Art of Subversion

  The black car pulled up in an alley behind a large brick building. Hayley climbed out of the back and hovered close to Deckland. He laughed at her skittishness and rapped his knuckles on a red door. A woman with long, dark hair poked her head outside. A grin split across her lips revealing a glittering white smile. “Decky! It’s been awhile.” She pursed her lips and blew him a kiss.

  Hayley stiffened beside him. Deckland quickly draped his arm around her waist to reassure her. “Dana, this is Hayley. Do you think you could help us out?”

  Recognition lit up her face. “So, the rumors were true. Come in! Come in. You know, I never thought I would see the day when someone finally tied you down.”

  Hayley huddled close to him and didn’t try to move his arm from around her. “What is this place?”

  She looked around in awe. Rows of wigs and flashy dresses hung on stiff hangers. Large heels posed on top of shelves. Fake eyelashes of different, vibrant colors lined a table. Hayley had never seen anything like it. In a corner, black leather outfits were chained and zipped to the wall. She couldn’t look away.

  “Daniel, darling, where did you put the—” A man holding a red evening gown stepped out from behind a rack of clothing. “Oh, hello.”


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