Accidental Surprises

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Accidental Surprises Page 10

by Tia Wylder

  Deckland slid his hand down her bare stomach to her jeans and unzipped them. Hayley lifted herself off of the chair so he could jerk them down. He trailed kisses up her thigh to where her legs met. He gently kissed over the top of her panties. Hayley wrapped her hands through his hair. He started to pull her panties to the side, but she stopped him.

  “Not yet. Just stay on top, please.” It was hard to tell him no, but she wanted the first time she felt any part of him without a layer of clothing between them to be on their wedding night.

  He looked up at her with hungry eyes, but he didn’t push the issue. He could feel her wetness through the fabric. He wanted her now. Deckland gently rolled his fingers across the crotch of her underwear. She moaned and gasped.

  “I want you to do something for me.” He reached up to pinch her nipple as he spoke.

  “Wh-what?” Hayley had never wanted to break her promise so badly before.

  “Touch yourself.”

  “What?!” Her cheeks flushed bright red.

  “If you won’t let me touch you, then I want you to touch yourself. You can leave your panties on, but I want to see you do it.”

  She bit her lip uncertainly. “I’ve never done that in front of someone before. It’s kind of embarrassing.”

  “Here, I’ll do it, too.”

  Deckland slipped his hand under his waistband and tugged himself out of his boxers. Hayley stared as she watched him play with himself. She had never seen that part of a man in real life before. Slowly, she slid her hand down and caressed herself. Unconsciously, she matched his speed. He was gazing at her with lust in his eyes. Tomorrow, he would have her properly, but if this was all he could get right now, he would take it.

  He watched her face as she got closer. The expression she made drove him crazy. Her chest started rising and falling faster and faster. He could see it was almost time. She was almost there. As she let out a soft, high-pitched moan of completion, Deckland let himself go.

  Chapter 16: Only Forward

  Hayley peeked out of the curtains of the room she had learned to call her own at Kyle Manor. Clouds darkened the sky, but so far, no rain had fallen. The caterers had already arrived and were setting up downstairs. They had decided to have the wedding in the garden. Hayley was barricaded in her room to keep the decorations a surprise. A light knock pulled her out of her thoughts.

  “Come in.”

  “Hey, Haybale.” Hayley’s mother crept inside. She had a large white box tied up with a satin ribbon.

  “Mom!” She rushed over and hugged her mom tightly.

  “How are you doing?”

  “Nervous. Excited. Sick to my stomach.”

  Patsy Reams tucked a strand of hair behind her daughter’s ear. “So just the norm then?”

  “What’s in the box?”

  “Ah!” Patsy lifted the box and laid it down on the bed. “This is your wedding dress.”

  Hayley’s hands trembled as she reached out to pull the satin ribbon away. Gently lifting the lid, she closed her eyes. “I can’t look. How is it?”

  “It’s beautiful.”

  Taking a deep breath, Hayley opened her eyes. She lifted the dress out of the box. A light, lace neckline and butterfly sleeves topped the dress. The dress itself was a slender cut that draped itself down to the floor. It was perfect.

  “Mom, will you help me?”

  “Of course.”

  Patsy helped her daughter slip the dress over her head. She pulled Hayley’s straight, blonde hair out of the neckline and straightened the fabric. A small tear slid down her cheek. She tried to blink it away before Hayley saw it.

  “Mom, what’s wrong.”

  “Nothing! Nothing. It’s just…it feels like yesterday I was helping you get dressed for your first day of school. Now, here you are a beautiful young woman. After today, you won’t be my little girl anymore.”

  “Oh Mom, of course I will. I’ll always be your little girl. I’ll still help you plant flowers that will die when you forget to water them. I’ll still watch sappy movies with you and ask you for advice. I’m not going anywhere. You’re not losing me, you’re just gaining some more family. That’s all.” Hayley pulled her mom into a hug.

  “Ugh, I told myself I wouldn’t cry.” Patsy hugged her daughter then pulled away and tried to shove the sadness in her heart down. “This day is about you. I’ll be fine. Come on, we need to get your hair ready.”

  “I love you, Mom.” Hayley held her mother’s hands. They were the hands that still had the callouses from years of hard work and long hours. They were the hands that had loved her and forgiven her through every mistake.

  “I love you, too.” Patsy squeezed her and pulled her over to a chair in front of a mirror.

  Mrs. Kyle poked her head inside the room. “How’s it coming?” She gasped as she saw Hayley. “Oh my! You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” Hayley looked down at her bare feet poking out from under the dress.

  “There’s something I wanted to ask you.” Charlotte pulled a small jewelry box out from behind her back.

  “What is it?” Hayley looked at her reflection in the mirror.

  Charlotte stepped closer and opened the box. “I wore this when I married Deckland’s father. I was wondering if maybe you would like to borrow it today.”

  Inside the box was a jeweled hair comb with white flowers and diamonds that sparkled in the light. Hayley smiled at her sweetly, “I would be honored.”

  “May I?” Charlotte lifted the hair piece up. Hayley nodded and held still as Deckland’s mother pinned it in her hair. “It suits you.”

  “It really does look beautiful with your dress.”

  “We’re almost ready for the bride. Can I have the family downstairs, please?” The wedding planner tapped her clipboard from the hallway.

  “Ready?” Patsy took a deep breath and looked at her daughter one more time.

  Hayley stood up and slipped her shoes on. “There’s something I need to do before we start. Do you know where Mr. Kyle is?”

  “He was in his study sipping a little whiskey when I left him.” Charlotte tidied her hair in the mirror.

  “Okay, you guys go ahead. I’ll be there in a minute.”

  Hayley watched as her mother and soon-to-be mother-in-law gracefully went downstairs. She was still having a hard time believing all of this was really happening. Her finger grazed along the stone in her engagement ring. The prongs pricked her finger to remind her it was real. Lifting up the hem of her dress, Hayley walked nervously towards Charles Kyle Sr.’s study.

  She took a moment to gather her courage before she knocked. His voice called deeply from the other side of the door, “Come in.”

  “Mr. Kyle?”

  “Hayley, what are you doing here?” He looked genuinely surprised to see her. “Is everything okay?”

  Taking a deep breath, she focused on the man in front of her. “I was hoping I could talk to you for a moment. Would that be okay?”

  Mr. Kyle put down his whiskey glass. “Certainly. What can I do for you? You’re not having cold feet, are you? Did Deckland do something?”

  “No! No, it’s nothing like that. It’s just…I never knew my father growing up. Your wedding is supposed to be a special day, and part of that is having your father walk you down the aisle. I was wondering, if it wouldn’t be too much, would you consider walking me down the aisle?”

  He raised his eyebrows a little in shock. “I’m a little surprised you asked me.”

  “You can say no if you think it’s inappropriate, or—” Hayley tried to backpedal, afraid she had offended him in some way or asked too much of him.

  Mr. Kyle held up his hand to interrupt her. “Hayley, I’m very touched that you would think of me for this job. Of course, I’ll walk you down the aisle. It would be my pleasure.”

  “Thank you, so much!” Hayley smiled in relief.

  “You know, you have really made an important impact on my family.”

I don’t know about that…”

  “Don’t be modest. Deckland has never acted more grown-up in his life. You managed to rein him in, and that is no small feat. You also seem to have softened my wife. Charlotte can be quite a handful herself. Though, between you and I, Deckland didn’t get all of his stubbornness from his mother. I was quite the maverick in my day, too.”


  He laughed heartily. “Yes. You’d never guess it now though. It was my first wife that calmed me down—Charlie’s mother. When Deckland asked me about his grandmother’s ring, I saw myself in him. He had the same look I had when I asked Charlie’s mother to marry me. From today forward, you will be a Kyle. With that comes a large responsibility. You will be part of this family just like Deckland is. Don’t ever be afraid to come to Charlotte or me if you need anything, okay? Marriage is not an easy thing. Hell, I’m on my third one.”

  “Thank you, sir. That means a lot to me.”

  “You’re very welcome. Don’t forget.”

  “I won’t.” Hayley quickly reassured him.

  He checked his watch. “Looks like it is about time. Are you ready?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Charles Kyle Sr. offered her his arm and led her towards the back door that opened out towards the garden. A string orchestra was playing sweetly by an arch made of wooden vines. White flowers and sprigs of green decorated it. Overhead, the clouds hid the sun. Candles in glittering, glass holders were strung up in the trees. Lights twinkled in the shrubbery. White chairs were positioned in rows on either side of a green aisle. White petals lined the aisle. The guests stood as she emerged from the house. On her side of the aisle, most of the chairs were filled with the kids from Saint Catherine’s. Hayley gave a small but happy wave to them. Deckland’s side was full of businessmen and beautiful women showing too much cleavage. Some of the women glared at her full of jealousy as she passed. Straight ahead of her was Deckland.

  Even through all the splendor and glamour, Hayley only had eyes for him. Her heart guided her feet. Her path was clear: forward only. Forward to her new life. Forward to her husband. Forward to the future they would share together. Hayley’s heart sang along with the music and the soft sounds of birds singing nearby. It was the happiest moment of her life.

  Mr. Kyle took her hand off of his arm and placed her hand in Deckland’s. He leaned in and whispered in his son’s ear as he patted the young man on the back. “You better take care of her. She’s a better woman than you deserve.”

  Deckland nodded and turned his attention back to Hayley. His heart was pounding in his chest. This was it. He was finally doing it. For the first time, he wasn’t worried about all the women he would never be with once he was married. He was only focused on how happy he was to be here with her. Deckland finally understood why people settled down.

  The preacher positioned himself in the center behind them. Facing the crowd, he started to speak. “Today, we are gathered to join these two people in holy matrimony. If anyone has any reason these two should not be joined, please speak now or forever hold your piece.” There was a pause. A low mumble came from some of the women in Deckland’s section, but no one stood up. The priest continued. “The two of them have written their vows. I would like to take this time to let them speak from their hearts. Deckland, why don’t we start with you?”

  “Hayley, before you, I was lost. I didn’t know how lost I was until you found me. Since we met, everything seems brighter and more potent. You have shown me how to care for others, you have brought down my walls, and most importantly you have taught me what it feels like to be in love with someone. From this day forward, I vow to cherish you and to protect you. I’m yours.” Deckland slipped a wedding band on her finger. Hayley felt as if she were about to cry.

  “Hayley?” The priest turned to her.

  “Deckland, you accepted me for what I was and didn’t try to change me. You love me for me, and that is the best gift anyone could ever ask for. I don’t care if you go broke tomorrow. I’ll be here for you. I have fallen in love not with your looks or your money. I have fallen for your spirit, and that is something you will never lose. As time goes by, I hope that we will continue to share firsts and eventually lasts with one another. You make me feel safe. I trust you more than anyone I’ve ever known before. I love you.” Hayley put a matching wedding band on his left hand. She was trying not to cry, but she was so happy it was hard to contain her emotions.

  Raising his hands, the priest looked at both of them. “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride.”

  Deckland smirked and hooked his arm around Hayley. In a sweeping motion, he pulled her to him and dipped her backward before kissing her. Hayley wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back passionately. In that moment, they were the only two people who existed. After a loving kiss, he pulled her back upright and winked at her. “Congratulations, Mrs. Kyle.”

  Chapter 17: Into the Night

  Hayley was still reeling from the kiss. Everything seemed like it was in slow motion. Suddenly, she was aware of a mixture of ‘ooo’s and ‘ew’s from the children in her section. Her cheeks flushed. The rest of the guests chuckled at the innocent reactions from the kids. Deckland held her hand in his and led her down the aisle towards the house.

  “I have a surprise for you.”

  “Huh?” Hayley felt her heart beat faster.

  He held the door open for her. Inside, the main room had been quickly and efficiently decorated in charming white and green tones accented with an earthy brown. The banner from the orphanage hung carefully above the cake. The cake itself was an artistic masterpiece, elaborately decorated in swirling designs and delicate chocolate curls. Hayley held her breath. Twinkling lights lined the edges of the tables and twirled their way up the banister. The lights echoed the ones from the garden shrubbery outside.

  “You got the banner from the kids.” Hayley was touched that he had thought of including that as well.

  “I had Jim get it from Theresa. I wanted your day to be perfect.”

  “I have a surprise for you, too.”

  Deckland smirked and raised one eyebrow. “Oh really. What would that be?”


  “What? Can’t I be looking forward to my first night with my wife?”

  Hayley hid her face in her hands. “That’s not what I meant!”

  “I see. Looks like I have two things to look forward to then. So, when do I get my surprise?”

  “Later. When we are alone.”

  “See, this make me think what the surprise is…” His voice trailed off.

  “Shhh!” Hayley hushed him as she heard the kids and the rest of the guests coming inside. Her wedding was not the place to have kids learn about the birds and the bees.

  “Oh, there she is! My little girl.” Patsy squealed and rushed over to hug Hayley. Her mascara was smeared ever so slightly underneath her eyes.

  “Hey, Mom.”

  Deckland nodded at his new mother-in-law. “Mrs. Reams.”

  “Oh, please. Call me Mom now.”

  “I’m afraid that position is already filled.” Charlotte twirled over to them. A good-natured smile decorated her lips. “Congratulations you two.”

  “Thank you, for everything.” Hayley hugged Charlotte tightly.

  “It was mostly Deckland’s handiwork. He didn’t want to put you under any more stress, so he took care of it on his own. Well, with a little help from your mother and I.” Deckland’s mother grabbed a flute of champagne from a tray being carried around the room.

  Deckland leaned over to whisper in Hayley’s ear. “I think there are quite a few people who would appreciate it if we would cut the cake.” He nodded his head towards the children being rounded up by Theresa.

  Hayley laughed. “I think you’re right.”

  “Everyone, can you please gather around? The happy couple would like to cut the cake now.” Charlotte tapped her wedding ring aga
inst the glass flute in her hand.

  Excited whispers buzzed through the group of children. Deckland led Hayley to the table supporting their wedding cake. He could feel her shaking next to him. Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he kissed her temple. The shaking stopped. The way her body relaxed under his reassuring touch made him feel empowered.

  Hayley picked up the engraved silver knife sitting beside the table. She looked up at Deckland uncertainly. He smiled and placed his hand over hers to steady her. Camera flashes blinded them momentarily. Gently, but purposefully they guided the knife through each tier on the cake. Deckland slipped the knife under the first slice and placed it on a small plate for Hayley.

  Deckland passed the knife off to a server to continue passing out the cake. He smiled broadly at his new wife. “I promise, I won’t smash it into your face.”

  “How kind of you.” She rolled her eyes playfully. Deckland lifted a small fork and tried to feed her a bite of cake. Hayley opened her mouth. The moist cake rested lightly on her tongue. It was like eating a delicate layer of cloud coated in icing. She closed her eyes happily.

  “Is it that good?”

  “Mhmmm!” She nodded enthusiastically.

  “Hang on. Hold still.” Hayley looked up at him curiously. Pulling out a silk handkerchief, he dabbed the icing from the corner of her mouth.

  Music started playing inside as the musicians repositioned themselves. Champagne flowed freely. Happiness and jealous glares waltzed around the newlyweds. Deckland led her around the dancefloor. His strong embrace reminded her of the first night they had met. It seemed fitting that they would have their first dance as a married couple in the same place they had met. Giggling, Hayley pulled away from him for a second to grab a glass of champagne. The cold liquid bubbled down her throat. She finally felt able to let herself go.


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