Accidental Surprises

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Accidental Surprises Page 105

by Tia Wylder

  The driver was waiting by the back doors of the limo. As he pulled one open, Derek gestured for me to crawl inside first. Once inside, I couldn’t help but gasp again. It was the most beautiful car I’d ever seen – the panels on the side were inlaid with ebony, ivory, and mother-of-pearl. The seats were a plush navy velvet, and sure enough, there was an ice bucket with champagne on a small tray that also held two delicate flutes, strawberries covered in chocolate, and a small bowl of what looked like caviar.

  “I was hungry,” Derek settled across from me. He gave me a guilty smile. “I hope you don’t mind the spread.”

  I blushed.

  “Champagne?” Derek asked.

  “Yes, please.”

  Derek twisted the cork out of the bottle with practiced ease and handed me a flute filled nearly to the brim with golden, fizzing liquid. We clinked glasses, and I tilted mine to my throat. The limo was such a smooth ride that I barely felt like I was moving.

  I watched as Derek loaded a small plate with caviar and small crepes from a heated dish. He laughed and shook his head.

  “What is it?”

  “You’ll think this is ridiculous,” Derek said. “But when I was a kid, I hated caviar. I hadn’t even tried it – but someone told me it was fish poop, and I didn’t even want to taste it after that.”

  I giggled. “And now you love it?”

  Derek laughed. For a moment, he almost looked embarrassed.

  “Yeah,” he said. “I tried it finally when I was maybe fifteen…and oh my god, then it was my favorite food. But I was too embarrassed to tell Dad and Damien – they’d spent years making fun of me and calling me a pussy because I wouldn’t eat it. So I kept it on the sly. Dad finally figured it out when I had a case of Siberian caviar delivered to the office on dry ice.”

  I burst out laughing. “That’s hysterical,” I reached for a strawberry and nibbled the tip, savoring the rich chocolate as it melted in my mouth.

  Derek nodded. “Yeah,” he shook his head. “Damien still won’t let me forget about it, so let’s just keep this a secret, okay?”

  I blushed. That’s not the only secret I’m keeping, I thought as I watched Derek swallow his champagne.

  We weren’t in the limo for long – talking and laughing with Derek made the time pass by more quickly than ever. When the limo stopped, I gasped.

  “Oh my gosh,” I shielded my eyes from the glare of the sun and looking around. “Are we in Europe?”

  Derek laughed. “No, but I can see why you’d think that. This place is like a castle.”

  It wasn’t an exaggeration. The huge stone building towered over Derek and me as the limo driver let us out of the back. It was the most beautiful home I’d ever seen, with flagstone and lots of stained glass window details.

  “The ceremony is out back,” He offered me his arm. After a second, I accepted.

  “Thanks for taking me,” I said in a hushed voice as we walked towards the elaborate set-up of chairs under a silken canopy. “This is really nice.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t know anyone here,” Derek said. “And trust me, weddings aren’t the place to hang out with the bride or the groom. I know Kenny’s fiancée, she probably invited five hundred people.”

  “Oh, wow,” I swallowed hard and tried not to look surprised.

  Derek nodded. “Yeah.”

  The chairs were filling up quickly, and Derek guided me to two empty seats in the back. As the ceremony began, I was on the edge of my chair as I stared at the lavish gowns and flowers surrounding me. The bride looked beautiful – like a supermodel – and her bridesmaids were equally lovely. The groom was movie-star handsome, with a killer smile.

  When the ceremony was over, Derek guided me over to the bar for cocktail hour. I noticed many people smiling and waving at Derek, but no one came up and said hello.

  “Why isn’t anyone talking to you?” I asked, sipping on my gin fizz.

  Derek shrugged. “I have a feeling it’s because of Empire Mesa,” he shook his head. “It sounds bitter, but I think they’re jealous.”

  “Well, your dad’s company is doing really well,” I bit my lip. “I’m sorry if it means you lost your friends, though.”

  “It’s fine,” he shrugged. His expression was dark and stormy. “I’ve always cared too much about work and not enough about my personal life,” he added. “But enough of that. What about you? What do you want to do?”

  “You mean when I grow up?” I joked.

  Derek didn’t laugh. “This is a really important time of your life, Emma,” he said. “I know it sounds cliché, but you’ve really got to plan for the future. You’re smart – you’ll go far if you want to.”

  I nodded. He’s so serious! I thought. It wasn’t difficult to imagine Derek at the office – probably buried in a pile of paperwork, creasing his forehead. Derek already had the beginnings of creases and crow’s feet, but they only added to his handsome looks.

  “I know,” I said, even though my future was literally the last thing I wanted to be talking about with Derek. “I’m thinking, but I’m not sure.”

  “Well, you mentioned the Serenity Corps, right?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, but some of my friends don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  Derek shrugged. “I think you could get much valuable experience, but I’m not sure how a potential employer would see it. They might think you weren’t serious about jumping into the workforce right away after college.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “Frankly, I’m not sure I am serious about getting a job.” I bit my lip. “This’ll sound so immature, but I’m not exactly in a rush to sit behind a desk for the rest of my life.”

  “Trust me, I know how it feels,” he threw his head back and laughed. “That’s why it’s so important for you to find something you’ll enjoy doing. Or, something you won’t hate,” he amended.

  From inside the castle, music began to play. Derek took my hand.

  “Enough talking about business,” he said. “Come on, let’s dance a little bit.”

  I blushed and nodded. “That sounds wonderful,” I admitted.

  Derek and I danced most of the evening. The food was delicious – gourmet Italian, as the bride’s family was from Sicily – and I had so much cannoli and tiramisu at the end of the night that I felt like I couldn’t eat for a week. It was one of the most fun nights I’d ever had. And the setting was gorgeous. Even though it wasn’t my wedding, I felt like a princess twirling around in Derek’s arms.

  It was so perfect, I never wanted it to end.

  “Hey, come with me,” He pulled me away from the dance floor and outside. The evening air was crisp and chill. I shivered. When Derek saw, he took off his jacket and draped it over my shoulders. It smelled like spicy, musky cologne and I sighed happily.

  Derek took my hand and led me up a steep stone spiral staircase. When we made it to the top balcony, I gasped.

  “This is so beautiful.”

  From where we stood, I could see all the castle ground. They were immaculately groomed and beautiful. Derek took my hand and pointed towards the horizon.


  Just as I looked up, brightly colored fireworks filled the sky. Red and blue and green swirls exploded in front of my vision.

  “It’s beautiful,” I cooed.

  Derek wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close. I sighed with contentment as I nestled against his body. Being with him didn’t give me the heart-thumping adrenaline rush of being with Damien, but it was nice and pleasant. Safe, really. Now that I’d gotten to know him a little better, I wasn’t worried about Derek hurting me.

  Derek slid his fingers under my chin and tilted my head back. We stared into each other’s eyes for a moment before he pressed his lips to mine. I purred into his mouth and stretched on the tips of my toes, eager for more.

  Derek gently guided me backward. The sounds of fireworks exploding filled my ears as my body began responding to Derek’s touch in a sensual, wonderful way
. I felt my back meet the stone wall as I wrapped my arms around Derek’s neck and slid my tongue into his mouth. Derek groaned. He nibbled on my lower lip and ran his hands down my body. Goosebumps sprang out over my flesh, even though I wasn’t cold.

  When Derek’s hands reached my waist, he hesitated for a moment. I reached between our bodies and took his hand, guiding it between my legs.

  “It’s okay,” I whispered in Derek’s ear. “I want you.”

  Derek pushed my skirt up with urgency. He kissed me passionately, twisting his face against mine to find the best angle as his tongue explored my mouth. I melted in his arms – his tender passion was so different than Damien but no less welcome.

  When I felt Derek’s fingers stroking the crotch of my panties, I moaned and shifted my body, spreading my legs to allow him greater access. His gentle touch made me feel fiery and aroused. Lust flowed through my body like golden wine, and I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the stone as Derek’s fingers slipped inside my panties and began gently rubbing my clit.

  “God,” I moaned softly. “Take me, Derek. Make me yours.”

  I fumbled with Derek’s belt and trousers, yanking them down his narrow hips. His hard cock pressed against my thigh and I shivered as I thought about how it would feel when he slid inside of me for the very first time.

  Derek pulled his wallet out of his pocket and grabbed a foil packet, ripping it open with shaking hands. Of course, he has a condom, I realized. Not because he’s a Lothario like Damien…just because he’s careful.

  I kissed Derek passionately and pulled him close, spreading my legs even wider until my thighs were aching from the strain. Derek pushed my panties to the side and steadied himself with a hand on my hip as he slid inside. Delicious sensations exploded in my lower belly, and I moaned loudly. Derek pressed his mouth to mine and kissed me deeply. He bit my lip, and I shivered in his arms. For a moment, he stayed locked inside of me. Then he reached down and grabbed my thighs, pulling them around his waist. As Derek began to make love to me, I closed my eyes and tilted my head back. Pleasure filled my body, and soon I was panting and squirming, pressing my body against Derek’s in a desperate hope for sweet release.

  Derek groaned into my neck. He kissed and bit at the delicate skin. The fireworks were still exploding overhead – they matched the explosive, stimulating sensations in my body. We moved together like a perfect, graceful machine and I tightened my grip around Derek’s neck as his cock plunged deep inside of me, again and again.

  “God, Emma,” Derek grunted in my ear. I shivered at the sensation of his voice against my hot earlobe. “I’m gonna come.”

  I closed my eyes and pressed my body against Derek’s, rubbing my clit against his pubic bone as he thrust deeply inside of me. With a shudder, I felt my own orgasm wash over me like a powerful tidal wave. I gasped and moaned and screamed, biting my lip as I surrendered to the delicious sensation that crashed over me over and over.

  Derek plunged deep inside of me, gripping my hips and straining. I could tell that he was close – he arched his back and grunted, throwing his head back. I kissed him deeply, savoring the salty taste of sweat on his lips. When Derek came, I felt his cock pulse and twitch inside of me.

  Derek kissed me gently, then kissed my forehead. He lowered me to the ground, and I reached between my legs to adjust my soaked panties. My heart was thudding in my chest – I couldn’t believe that I’d just slept with Derek!

  Derek smiled at me and pulled me into a tender hug. He held me close and kissed the top of my head.

  “That was amazing,” Derek pulled away and leaned down to kiss me once again, chastely, on the lips.

  I smiled. “It was,” I said in a shaky voice.

  The fireworks were slowing to a finale, and Derek and I watched as the sky was filled with magical, colorful explosions.

  “Wow, this is beautiful.”

  Derek kissed my cheek, “You’re beautiful.”

  I flushed. I couldn’t believe it – how were Derek and Damien so different, yet equally intoxicating in their own way? Derek had set this whole thing up like a fairy tale. I never expected to be making love on the roof of a castle, with exquisite, costly fireworks in the background and a belly full of tiramisu. But Derek had shown me something completely unexpected – that making gentle, passionate love could be just as thrilling and satisfying as explosive, fiery sex.

  With a nervous giggle, I couldn’t help but wonder: what was going to happen between me and the Wilson twins?

  Chapter Five

  The day after the wedding, I was sitting in the kitchen at home with Mom and Jack.

  “So, that must have been fun, sweetie,” Mom said. “Did you have a good time?”

  “It was beautiful,” I sighed happily at the memory of the wonderful castle. “I had no idea places like that existed on Long Island!”

  Mom nodded. “I always wanted to get married there, but the wait list was so long,” she said. “I’m glad you got the chance to go.”

  “Me, too,” I said softly. “It was so nice of Derek to invite me.”

  Jack smiled. “Emma, I’m glad you and the boys are finally getting along – I know they’re difficult.”

  I laughed, hoping I wouldn’t blush. “Yeah,” I said. “Derek is really nice.”

  The front door swung open, then slammed shut. Seconds later, Damien strode into the kitchen. He was wearing a white t-shirt that clung to his muscular chest and dark jeans that made his tan really pop. Wow, I thought as I tried to tear my eyes away from Damien. He’s even hotter when he’s not wearing a suit!

  “Hey, fam,” Damien said with his signature smirk. He sauntered over to the fridge and pulled it open, reaching for a beer. “Emma,” he added. “Busy today?”

  Mom smiled. “I don’t think so, are you, honey?”

  I flushed. “I have some schoolwork, but that’s all.”

  Damien swaggered back to the table and sat down, propping his elbow up on the shiny wooden surface.

  “Damien, your brother took Emma to a wedding last night, isn’t that nice? She had such a good time,” Mom said, beaming happily.

  A dark look crossed Damien’s face, and he rolled his eyes. “Kenny’s wedding, you mean? That guy was such a jerk.”

  “Well, he’s done very well for himself,” Jack said archly. Jack reached for the morning paper and unfolded it crisply. “You could stand to learn a thing or two from your brother.”

  Damien rolled his eyes. “Whatever,” he said. “Emma, I have a surprise for you. Get dressed.”

  I looked down and flushed. “Um, for what?”

  “If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise,” Damien said smugly. “But bring sunscreen, and wear something you’ll be comfortable with.”

  “Damien, up to your old tricks,” Mom said, but she said it kindly. “Emma, isn’t that nice? You really are getting close to the boys.”

  Damien snorted. “About time I made acquaintance with my dear little sister,” he said, yawning and drinking his beer.

  My cheeks burned bright red as I got to my feet. “Stepsister,” I mumbled under my breath.

  Damien grinned at me. “We’re all family, who cares about labels,” he replied, smirking at me.

  Oh my god, why does he automatically know how to push all my buttons, I wondered as I left the kitchen and climbed up the stairs. Just being around Damien made my palms sweat and my heart race. And where is he taking me?

  I shivered with pleasure as I imagined being alone with Damien again, having passionate, intense sex until I was too tired to move. Was that what he was thinking, too?

  Once I was in my room, I went into the adjacent bathroom and brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, and washed my face. I put on a light touch of natural make-up – just blush and a little eyebrow gel with lip balm – and then got dressed in my favorite sundress. I took a bottle of sunscreen from the counter and slipped it into my purse.

  A thrill of excitement ran through me as I skipped down th
e stairs. With Damien, I had no idea what he was thinking. He was the exact opposite of open, friendly Derek.

  I had to admit, it made him so intriguing. I wanted to know everything about Damien.

  “I’m ready,” I said, once I was back in the kitchen.

  Damien got to his feet. He polished off the last of his beer, then tossed the can into the recycling.

  “I’ll have Emma back later,” Damien told my mother, smirking. “She should still be in one piece.”


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