Auctioned to the Protective Dom [The Spectrum Auctions 4] (Siren Classic)
Page 13
Peyton shook her head, and spreading her arms wide looked at Rissa as if to say, see what I mean? She tapped the side of her temple, murmuring, “Loco, I tell you.”
“I heard that. Call yourself my friend. I am not loco. Tell her, Rissa, or I’ll be forced to do this.”
Peyton shrieked when a handful of noodles landed in her impressive cleavage, and Rissa put her hand over her mouth to stop the giggles from escaping.
“Oh, Laura Douglas, you just wait till you’ve had that baby and I can get you back for that. I’ll tell Slade.”
“You wouldn’t dare. I tell Pedro you bought me junk food, so there.” Laura stuck her tongue out at Peyton, who blew a raspberry at her in return, and all three of the women dissolved into fits of laughter.
Once Rissa could breathe again, she wiped her eyes.
“Oh, good lord, I haven’t laughed like that in a long time. Are you two always so much fun?” The minute she asked that she wanted to take the words back, but Laura reached across the table and squeezed her hand.
“You only ever see us when we’re in full protocol at the club. Trust me, we have plenty of fun, and I think it’s safe to say that Peyton and I are both brats.”
Peyton grinned and nodded.
“Oh definitively. We have to wind those Doms up. Otherwise there wouldn’t be any ‘fun-ishments.’” She mimed quotation marks around that word, and Laura sighed.
“Damn it I’ve almost forgotten what they’re like. Slade is so damn careful and overprotective, my pussy will dry up from lack of use I tell you.” She rubbed her belly again and smiled at Rissa.
“Oh, don’t look so shocked. You’ve seen Slade, right? That man is sex on legs gorgeous and these damn hormones are making me extra horny, but will he as much as get me off? Oh no. Ever since we had the second false alarm, he treats me as though I’m made of spun glass.”
Rissa felt her cheeks heat at that frank talk, and decided to concentrate on eating.
“Laura, I swear those hormones have taken away your filter completely. You’ve embarrassed poor Rissa now. After all she is referring to being Jonas’s sub as dog sitting. And I’m pretty sure Jonas is not into pet play.” Peyton laughed, and Rissa wanted to just slide under the table.
“Now, who’s embarrassing her?” Laura patted Rissa’s forearm, and then spoiled the sympathy act by bursting into laughter.
“Mind you, I’m dying to find out, and spoilsport Peyton here will not tell me, even though she’s been in between a Pedro, Jonas sandwich, the lucky cow. Jonas is hung, right? He has to be being that tall, and his feet are huge.”
Peyton choked on the sip of wine she’d just taken, and despite the embarrassment heating her cheeks and the big, hot poker of jealousy burning her guts, Rissa had to look up and smile. Especially when she saw Laura bat her eyelids and mime a halo over her head.
Rissa had forgotten that Peyton knew Jonas intimately, and seeing the confident Peyton’s cheekbones stain in a light flush made Rissa feel better.
“Laura, really, enough. Besides I was…erm,” she glanced at Rissa and mouthed a silent Sorry. “I was too out of it, to notice who was doing what. I told you this a thousand times, and having this conversation in front of Jonas’s girl is hardly appropriate. She’s not used to us… yet.” She smiled at her when she said that, and Laura waved a hand through the air in dismissive fashion.
“Well she’ll have to get used us double time, quick, because whatever she calls being Jonas’s she’s his now.”
Peyton nodded and Rissa had to set the record straight.
“I’m not his. I mean this is just…We’re not serious or anything.” Rissa slammed her mouth shut when both women looked at her as though she’d grown three heads and had started talking in Chinese all of sudden.
“Not his, you say? Then pray tell, little Rissa what you are doing here?” Laura leaned forward as much as her big belly would let her. When Peyton followed suit and they both stared at her eyebrows raised, Rissa knew what a microbe under scrutiny must feel like.
She was saved from having to answer them by Brutus’s pathetic little yip outside the door and plaintive scratching. It was most unlike him, in fact, and turning around she yanked the door open. Rather than rush in and try and jump at her, he sniffed her feet, and padded off to his cage. Had it not been for the fact that he gulped down some water, Rissa would have been more than mildly worried.
“He really is too cute.” Laura’s observation brought Rissa’s attention back to her. “I so wish Slade would let me have a dog, but with the baby coming, now is not the right time. He has a point I suppose.”
“Dogs are a big responsibility,” the vet nurse in Rissa felt obliged to point that out.
“Oh, I know they are, but a woman can dream. Anyhow, back to you and Jonas. You might not want to tell me how many inches that man is packing.” She paused when Peyton hissed her name. “What? Can’t blame me for trying, but I’m only pulling your leg, Rissa. I do want to know what makes you say you’re not his though? That’s just poppycock.” Looking at Peyton for confirmation she continued. “Tell her Peyton.”
“Oh, I’ll do better than that. He’s away right now, and I bet you he’ll come back with a collar for you.”
Rissa’s heart gave a far too suspicious lurch at those words. To have such an obvious sign of belonging to him…but he wouldn’t, so she shook her head.
“He will,” Peyton insisted. “If he doesn’t, I’ll eat my hat.”
Laura grinned, and shoveled some more noodles into her mouth. The words she spoke next came out muffled as a result.
“One problem with this, Peyton. You don’t own a hat. Neither do I, come to think of. Still, I’m helpful, and I could always buy you one to eat, not that you will need it.” Laura giggled, and then fixed her expressive eyes on Rissa.
“She’s right. That man has been mooning after you for ages. You’re crazy if you think he’s going to let you go and not collar you.” She rolled her eyes when Rissa opened her mouth to deny that. “Seriously, why else would he have you living here? And put our Sirs on alert to look out for you. That is after all the only reason why my Lord and Master has let me come out with Peyton, and I intend to shamelessly exploit that to my advantage. And besides, you’re one of us now, and we subbies got to stick together.”
Rissa blinked back tears at the sincerity she sensed behind those words, and Peyton groaned.
“Oh, for goodness sakes, now look what you’ve done, Laura.” Peyton’s recoil was almost comical, which was no doubt her intention. “Don’t you dare start crying on me. Jeez, it’s catching. Laura bursts into tears over anything, and even Scarlett almost lost it at the club last night. Come to think of it, she does not seem herself. Mike is fussing over her almost as much as Slade is fussing over Laura here, and…no?”
Peyton’s mouth dropped open and all three of them looked down on Laura’s visibly moving belly.
Laura stopped her absent minded rubbing of whichever one of her baby’s body parts was giving her grief right now, and looked as shocked as Peyton. After the strange phone call Rissa herself had had and her subsequent promise to Mike, she squirmed on her seat. That theory would certainly make sense.
“You don’t think Mike got her up the duff, do you?” Peyton laughed, and Laura shrugged her shoulders.
“Well, the way those two can’t seem to keep their hands off other, that would be a logical conclusion, but I can’t say Scarlett has ever struck me as the maternal type.”
“Me neither,” Peyton said. “Oh my god, can you imagine though? That would be something else, and she won’t be able to hide it for long with those cat suits she wears. You wait till I tell Pedro, we’ll—”
“I really don’t think we should speculate about that, let alone spread gossip about Mistress Scarlett.” Rissa interrupted Peyton. The other woman’s eyes grew wide, as those words came out far more forceful than Rissa had meant them to. In for a penny, in for pound, however, so she carried on. “I mean she is
my employer and she co-owns the club, apart from the fact that she’s…well a Domme, so we really shouldn’t…”
“You know something.” Laura almost screeched the words and if a heavily pregnant woman could bounce, she would have done. She certainly wriggled on that chair, and Rissa shook her head.
“Oh, yes, you do. And you’ve clearly been instructed not to say anything. Oh, the mystery deepens, but don’t worry. I shan’t say a word, and neither will Peyton. I fear our Sirs would not appreciate hearing that particular gossip either.”
Peyton pulled a face and stuck her bottom lip out.
“Great, from crazy baby mama to the voice of reason. I swear you give me whiplash with your mood swings, Laura.” She did her best to sound annoyed, but the big grin splitting her face called a lie to that. “So, cake anyone?”
Laura did bounce then.
“Finally, I thought you’d never offer.”
It set the tone for the rest of the afternoon, and by the time Peyton and Laura left, Rissa’s stomach muscles hurt from laughing so much. While she still thought them crazy for their conviction that Jonas was intent on collaring her, she eagerly agreed to meet up for a shopping trip the next day. Those two were fun, and for the first time in a long while, Rissa felt truly happy and at peace.
Chapter Thirteen
Jonas slammed the hotel door shut behind him, kicked off his shoes, yanked his tie off, and rested his head against the cool wood. If he had to sit through any more boring projections he’d scream. He didn’t want to fucking be here. If it wasn’t for his nightly phone calls with Rissa, he’d do more than just imagine his area boss tied and gagged with the hugest butt plug known to men shoved up his pompous ass.
Maybe he should branch out on his own. Lord knows most of his clients would come with him, but there was security in working for this large and well established firm of financial advisers, and there wasn’t just him to consider now.
His dark mood lifted thinking of Rissa, and grabbing a tumbler of Whisky, he pulled out his phone, made himself comfortable on the bed, and swiped the screen to bring up her face. He was an hour earlier than their allotted time, but dammit, he needed to see her sweet face and hear her voice. Besides, he’d have to small talk at that corporate dinner later, and if he didn’t get his daily dose of Rissa first, he’d never survive that.
A flustered-looking Rissa appeared on the screen of his phone after several rings, and Jonas grinned.
“Hi baby girl. As much as I appreciate you all hot and bothered, what have you been doing? And who do I have to kill?”
Much to his delight, Rissa stuck his tongue out at him, and then colored the most delightful crimson, when he raised his eyebrow at her in mock annoyance.
“Is that any way to greet your Daddy?”
Rissa looked chastised for all of one nanosecond, and then grinned at him.
“Well, if Daddy phones me up out of the blue, and then asks inane questions, that’s the greeting he gets, so there.”
Jonas threw his head back and laughed, and Rissa smiled at him, her breathing returning to a more normal pattern.
“On a serious note, are you all right? I wasn’t expecting your phone call yet, and I was at the bottom of the garden picking up after Brutus when I heard my phone ring. Talking of which, I ought to go and wash my hands.”
Before Jonas could stop her she’d put the phone down, giving him the perfect view of an empty wine bottle and several empty plastic containers. He could hear her talking to Brutus, and then she was back, a slight frown between her brows.
“Sorry, I’m back now. How was your day?”
“Not nearly as interesting as yours seems to have been. Have you had guests?” Jonas asked, and her frown deepened.
“How could you possibly know….Oh, yeah, I hadn’t got round to tidying up yet. Peyton and Laura came for lunch, which kinda turned into dinner, and …you don’t mind, do you? I’ll have this all cleared up in a jiffy. I was just—”
“Relax, and breathe, little one. You can spend your day any which way you see fit and I couldn’t care less about the state of my kitchen, as long as you’ve had fun. You had fun, right?”
The tight knot of anxiety in his gut loosened when Rissa smiled.
“Oh, I did. Those two are impossible, you know.”
Jonas nodded in agreement.
“It has taken you this long to figure that out, baby girl? I told you there was a lot of fun to be had in the lifestyle, with the right Dom and sub combination.”
Rissa sobered and dropped her gaze.
“Yes, you did, and I’m sorry for doubting you, Daddy.”
Jonas barely suppressed an irritated sigh.
“Not that again.” Rissa’s eyes widened when he inadvertently firmed his voice. “I’m going to instill a new rule. Every time you say sorry, when you have no reason to, you’ll earn yourself a punishment of my choice.”
Rissa blanched, even as her increased breathing and the way she wriggled gave her away.
“Sorry, Daddy, I don’t mean—”
Jonas held up two fingers to the screen and she bit her lips and stopped talking.
“That’s two you’ve already earned. Carry on and things will get interesting when I return.” Rissa opened her mouth as though she wanted to protest, but one look at Jonas still holding up those fingers seemed to change her mind for her. He grinned at the flash of defiance he glimpsed in her expressive eyes, before she lowered her gaze again.
“Aren’t you going to ask me why I’m phoning so early?” he asked. Rissa threw him a considering look that made him grow hard, when she shrugged her shoulders and flung her hair back.
“I would, but I have no wish to incur further punishment so I thought I’d wait until you tell me.”
Jonas narrowed his eyes and suppressed a grin.
“Watch it, girl. I like a certain amount of sass, not insolence.”
“Sor… I mean why are you ringing so early, Daddy?”
Jonas laughed out loud at her almost slip.
“Good recovery there, baby. Let’s just say I’ve had a godawful day, and I wish you were here right now.”
Rissa reached out to touch the screen, as though she was tracing his image on her phone, and Jonas swallowed a groan at the longing on his girl’s face.
“I wish I was there, too. I don’t suppose I could come and see you.”
His dick jerked under the restraining hand he’d put on that body part and Rissa popped open several buttons on her blouse, until the top of her breasts were exposed.
“I would be able to take care of Daddy then,” she whispered, and Jonas swallowed hard, as she shrugged out of her blouse completely. With an impish grin, she pulled back so that he could see her better. Skirt pulled up around her waist, she spread her legs wide while she ran her hands slowly over her breasts, tweaking the small nipples until they stood proud.
“Fuck, baby, that’s it. Show me how much you’re missing me.”
Jonas freed his by now rock-hard cock and took himself in hand with firm strokes of his own hand, while he was enjoying his girl’s free peep show. When they had first started this game, she had been so shy it was almost painful to watch, but she’d grown in confidence in the last few days. No doubt aided by his refusal to allow her to come. She must be desperate for release by now.
“You can do better than that. Tell me how much you want my cock, and what filthy things my little girl wants me to do to her when I’m back. Bring that phone closer to your cunt, too. I want to see how wet this is making my girl.”
He smirked when she fumbled with the phone, and almost dropped it before her pink pussy lips came into view.
“Spread wider for me, and slide your finger through that wetness I can see. Tell me what that feels like, baby.”
“Oh god.” The fervent plea meant he stroked himself faster, his eyes riveted to the screen, where Rissa was following his orders to the letter.
“Words, baby, use them.”
ing that sounded suspiciously like a swear word came through all muffled, before he heard her breathless reply.
“I’m wet and tingly, and my pussy muscles are clenching, as they search for your cock. I need to be filled, to have you stretch me, take me, make me come…oh… please.”
Jonas closed his eyes for a second as pleasure surged through him, hearing her say that, and he fisted his cock harder.
“That’s my girl. I’m stroking myself, imagining those sweet pink lips stretched around my cock, as your greedy little cunt swallows my dick. Let me see you fuck yourself, girl. Use your fingers, imagine they’re mine. I’m right there, licking your clit, sliding my fingers through your wetness, eating you out. You’re clenching for me, gushing. That’s it, baby. Give me your honey.”
Sweat trickled into Jonas’s eyes, obscuring his view, as Rissa’s fingers grew frantic. The wet sounds of her pussy as she thrust her fingers in and out, alternating those movements with circling her clit, joined the slaps of his hand on his peen, as he, too, was fast hurtling toward his peak.
“Talk to me, baby, and remember our rules. How badly do you want to come right now?”
A strangled groan was his response, and Rissa dutifully pulled her slick fingers away. It gave him an unhindered view of her pussy. Delightfully wet and puffy, it filled his screen, the inner lips so much darker then the surrounding tissue, with her engorged clit peeking out of its hood, just begging to be touched.
Cursing under his breath, he let his orgasm build, and as his balls drew up, and his cock pulsed under his hand, he knew he wanted her with him at this moment.
“Come with me baby, now. Don’t use your hands, just come for me. I know you can do it….argh fuck.”
Jets of pearly white cum ejected over the shirt he was still wearing, while Rissa’s thighs flexed and her pussy clenched in rhythmic waves as she used her pelvic floor to push her over the edge. With his last conscious thought for a while, before he gave himself up to the overwhelming physical relief to be found in orgasming, he noticed that his girl made almost as much of a mess as he did.