Bowles, Jan - Claimed for the Master's Pleasure [Guilty Pleasures 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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Bowles, Jan - Claimed for the Master's Pleasure [Guilty Pleasures 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 5

by Jan Bowles

  Jake shook his head, feeling the massive smile spread across his lips. Instead of thinking with his cock, he needed to think with his brain. Fuck, he was rusty as hell.

  Here goes.

  With a featherlight touch he let his fingers drift down her bare arm before coming to rest on her slender wrist. He circled the delicate bone structure with his fingers, smoothing his thumb over her bracelet, and the source of all this speculation. He’d almost forgotten what soft, feminine skin felt like. Tiny tremors pulsed beneath his fingertips, and he could see her breathing had accelerated. So, Lia was not immune to his touch.

  “It seems we have a lot in common, Lia.” He kept his voice low and commanding, waiting for her response.

  “We do?”

  His fingers drifted across her bracelet again. “This bracelet tells me a lot about you.”

  “It does?”

  “Yes. I know what the charms signify, and the ones around your neck and ankle say the same thing to me.”

  “They do? What do the charms tell you about me, Jake? I need to know so there can be no ambiguity.”

  “They tell me you’re into D/s relationships. Tell me I’m wrong, Lia. Tell me your breasts are heaving and your breathing is out of control for some other reason.”

  “I can’t. You know I can’t.”

  Lia stared mesmerized at his fingers wrapped around her wrist and purposefully touching her bracelet. Her beautiful, cherry-pink lips lifted into a smile as she turned to look at him. Her green eyes sparkled from the lights all around them. She was so beautiful.

  Jake noticed she didn’t pull her hand away. Instead, she placed her other hand on his. Her womanly breasts rose and fell even more rapidly now. He’d guessed right. She was into the D/s scene as much as he had been. For the first time since Hannah’s death he needed a woman more than anything else in the world, but he had to be careful not to rush things. As a young man he’d always enjoyed the chase. He leaned in and whispered in her ear. “You are a woman of many surprises, Lia.”

  She took a deep breath and closed her eyes before looking at him once more. “Tell me about your wife, Jake. What happened to her?”

  He figured Lia wanted to cool things down a little. As soon as she spoke his mood darkened. The lightness of heart he’d briefly felt evaporated like the first dew of dawn. Jake pulled his hand away as though scalded by burning liquid. “I don’t talk of her,” he answered gruffly. “Not to anyone.”

  Lia placed her hand on his arm. Her slender fingers delicately caressed his skin through the white linen of his shirt. That simple gesture calmed the inner turmoil surging through his veins.

  “Talk to me, Jake. I of all people understand how you feel.” Her softly spoken words soothed him even more. He figured she’d been through something similar with her fiancé. If only he could trust her enough to confide in her.

  He took a long, slow, deep breath. “I find it very difficult to talk about her.”

  “Emotion is good, Jake, it shows that we’re alive, but keeping it all bottled up will only destroy you in the end. I tried doing the same thing when Joe died. Believe me, it doesn’t work.”

  Jake had to agree. The last three years had been hell on earth, holding everything in check. He took Lia’s hand in his, and pressed it gently to his lips as he looked into her eyes. “You smell so good, Lia. You remind me of her in so many ways,” he confessed, wanting to have things open between them.

  “Is that why you asked me to dinner?” There wasn’t a hint of disappointment in her voice.

  “I honestly don’t know. Partly, I guess. I just wanted to be with you. Get to know you better.”

  He rubbed his fingers over his face, and eased them into the tight muscles of his neck. “Hannah died suddenly. I found her when I returned home from the casino one day. She’d collapsed on the kitchen floor. She was motionless. She must have been dead for several hours because she was cold to my touch. Since she was only thirty-two, the coroner insisted on an autopsy. This showed she had an undiagnosed heart defect, which had probably been there since birth. Her death just couldn’t have been foreseen. Hannah could have died at any time.” Jake grimaced. “I still feel so fucking guilty. I should have been there for her.” He knew his eyes were glassy, but he didn’t care.

  Lia squeezed his hand for comfort. “It’s not your fault, Jake. Look at me. Listen to what I’m telling you. It’s not your fault. It’s just one of those shitty things in life that nobody could predict. Feeling guilty even though you’ve got nothing to feel guilty about is all part of the grieving process. I felt exactly the same way when Joe died. I kept asking myself over and over. Was there anything I could have done to save him? I kept blaming myself even though I knew deep down that it wasn’t my fault. That’s why it’s best to talk these things through with a sympathetic listener. I’m sure you already feel better just by sharing your thoughts with me.”

  Jake smiled, his lightness of heart returning. “For the last three years I’ve worked so hard, I haven’t even allowed myself time to think, let alone grieve. I’ve been busy building the Arabian Nights into the finest casino in Vegas. I’ve succeeded, but I need more, Lia.”

  He took a deep breath, enjoying her closeness and the emotional connection and empathy they now shared. “Shall we make a move? I’d like to show you the casino. Perhaps play a little.”

  Lia nodded, her lashes closing slowly over her gorgeous green eyes. This clearly submissive characteristic turned him on even more. “Sounds good, Jake. But I wouldn’t know how to bet in a casino, so I’ll just watch.”

  Jake stood and shrugged on his jacket. “Come, there’s so much I want to show you before this wonderful evening has to end.” He held out his hand, noting with a certain amount of satisfaction that she readily took it. For the first time in three years he felt whole again. He felt like he had a second chance at life. Maybe even a new beginning. Whatever the outcome of the evening, he would always be grateful for their meeting, however difficult the circumstances. He knew now he would do everything in his power to reduce her father’s debts. If it were in his ability to make them disappear entirely, then he would find a way.

  The casino was already in full swing as he led the way across the floor to the craps tables. The designers had done a fantastic job, fully implementing his ideas for an intimate venue. The lighting was low, and subdued, and between the tables he’d created space to sit and talk. With all the extra alcoves and small enclosures around the tables it meant having more staff to keep an eye on things. It cost more to run per square foot than the average casino. But what the hell, Arabian Nights Casino was a runaway success. It made lots of money for him and his shareholders, and that was the bottom line.

  There was a group of about ten people around the large, waist-high table. The shooter threw the dice onto the table to yells and shouts. They rolled, coming to a complete stop on the green baize surface. “Craps was your father’s favorite game, Lia. He liked all the interaction.”

  Chapter Nine

  “Bring me luck, Lia.” Jake held the dice out for her again, and she blew once more into his hand. He smiled into her eyes and then, without breaking eye contact, cupped the dice in his fist and then blew on them himself. When he turned and threw them onto the table, a cheer went up.

  “Did you win?” she asked eagerly. “It sounds as though you did.” She was having fun, and it felt good. Jake was on a winning streak.

  “I just can’t seem to lose with you here, Lia.” He grinned. The night had taken on a surreal quality. Jake was such a charmer. She knew he wanted to take her to bed, and fuck her senseless. Every time he looked at her, his eyes told the same story. They burned with a passion she’d only ever seen with Joe. Her pussy simply ached for him.

  It had come as a huge surprise, finding out that Jake and Hannah had been into the same scene as Joe and herself. This morning, when she’d been unceremoniously dragged to his office by a couple of his gorillas, she hadn’t thought for a moment that they woul
d have anything in common. Her initial impression of Jake Benetti was not a good one. He was just another seedy Vegas club owner, out to make a quick buck. Yet, after being in his company for only a few hours, she already felt totally at ease with the man.

  The dealer pushed his winnings toward him. “Congratulations, Mr. Benetti. You win again.”

  Jake smiled and scooped up the sizeable stack of chips.

  A quiver of excitement washed over Lia, as Jake turned to her and slipped his hand possessively around her waist. The way he squeezed her flesh left her in no doubt about his intentions. As he began guiding her from the casino, he asked, “Enjoying yourself, Lia?”

  “Jake, you bet. The casino is so exciting, especially when people win.” Her perception of casinos was becoming more positive, rather than the wholly negative one her mother had drilled into her as a child. Arabian Nights was far more sophisticated than she could ever have imagined, and it was fun, too. You remember having fun, don’t you, Lia?

  Jake held up the thick stack of chips before squeezing them into her hand. “For you, pretty lady. I couldn’t have won without you.”

  “Oh, no, Jake, I couldn’t. How much is here?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. About fifty thousand bucks, I guess.”

  “Fifty thousand…bu…” She was shocked. The words just wouldn’t come.

  A broad grin spread across his lips as he stared intently at her mouth. Then he raised his cool blue eyes to hers, turning her legs to jelly. “I think we should take things further, Lia.”

  “Yes, Jake, but where?”

  “My penthouse suite, of course.” He leaned in and whispered against her ear. “I want you.”

  Her whole body spiraled out of control. Her pussy throbbed, tightening into a coil of anticipation. She knew her panties were soaked through with her feminine juices. It had been nearly a year since her fiancé had died. Joe would always have a place in her heart, but it was time to move on. At this moment in time she needed a real, flesh-and-blood man. Jake Benetti was that man. She would always treasure the memories she and Joe had shared, but tonight she needed something more.

  Then she remembered the million dollars she owed.

  “This has to be a one-off, Jake. Right now both of us have sexual urges that need to be satisfied. Once this is over, we go our separate ways. Neither of us can forget the debt I still owe you. It’s such a large amount of money.”

  Jake brushed the back of his hand down her cheek, and tucked a few stray hairs behind her ear. It was such a gentle gesture. He then pressed a finger to her lips. “Shh, just forget about the money, for now, princess. Let’s just enjoy the moment. Here and now, you and me.”

  He made it sound so simple, but Lia was realistic. In the morning when the cold light of day appeared, she was well aware a million dollars would be a lot less easy to dismiss.

  Jake punched a four-figure code into a door marked PRIVATE CASINO STAFF ONLY. He guided her down a long corridor until they came to an elevator. “This is for my personal use only. My suite is on the fiftieth floor.” Jake swiped a passkey and the doors obediently opened. “After you, Lia.” He ushered her inside.

  Lia pressed her back against the wall as the elevator started its speedy ascent. She could barely stand, her breathing was so out of control. Jake stood opposite, his eyes burning into hers with an intensity she liked, she needed. Without touching her, he consumed her from head to toe, devouring every inch of her sensitized body with his cool blue gaze.

  Mesmerized by his presence, she just stared back, unable to move, unable to deny her attraction. A silent gasp left her lips as he shrugged the jacket from his broad shoulders, and began undoing his tie and the top two buttons of his shirt. He’d just pulled the tie from his neck when the elevator came to a jerky halt as it reached its ultimate destination. The doors swished open.

  “No escape now, Lia. You’re mine.”

  Without taking her eyes from his, Lia backed slowly out of the elevator and into his apartment. Every step she took, Jake made one toward her until his warm, masculine body pressed her firmly up against the far wall. Undiluted adrenaline flowed through her, making her breasts heave with excitement. She was acutely aware her breath was ragged.

  “Jake, I…we need to…”

  He took her purse and the stack of chips from her trembling hand and tossed them across the room, along with his jacket. “Lia, I’ve got three years of catching up to do. Do you understand?”


  “I’ll ask you again. Do you understand? Because from this point on, there’s no going back.”

  “Yes, Jake, I understand.”

  Jake tenderly smoothed his hand around her neck, raising her chin, caressing the BDSM emblem that adorned her necklace. With his lips almost touching hers, his dark lashes swept closed, and caressed against his cheek. “I’ve been wanting to do this since Moose and Juno first brought you to my office.” Then he pressed his mouth firmly against hers, forcing his tongue between her lips, parting them, possessing her completely. He was branding her his. His fingers grasped around the neckline of her dress, and in one movement he ripped it apart. The design of the skimpy black cocktail dress dictated she didn’t wear a bra, and her breasts were immediately exposed, bouncing freely in front of him.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  It thrilled her that she had the power to excite a man like Jake Benetti. He wanted her. Oh yes, he wanted her. This powerful man made her feel like a desirable woman.

  Her body arched automatically toward him as he swooped down and drew a nipple into his mouth. She felt it harden between his teeth. Lia fisted her hands into his hair in response. “Bite my nipples, Jake. I need the pain. I find it exquisite.”

  Jake cupped her breasts, squeezing them together before using his tongue to trail a bridge of saliva between her aroused peaks. Lia jolted involuntarily as his teeth dug into the sensitive flesh. “Yes, like that. Just like that.” She knew her nipples would be swollen and purple from his abuse, but fuck it, it turned her on.

  Like a man possessed he roughly lifted the hem of her dress, yanking it above her waist. His fingers reached beneath the elastic of her panties. A whimper of delight left her lips as he hooked them with his thumbs, and tore the flimsy lace from her trembling body. “Yes, Jake, yes. That’s it, you’re in charge. I like it when you’re rough.” She wanted him to take her hard and fast. She needed it.

  Chapter Ten

  She loved the way he feverishly sucked her nipples, nipping them, teasing them, biting them with his teeth, building the anticipation in her mind, until he finally fucked her. An insatiable sexual moan spilled from her lips as he pressed his fingers to her cunt. Lia flexed her hips, encouraging him to explore her wanton pussy further.

  His fingers glided across her aching clitoris and she heard his sharp intake of breath. “Just as I’d hoped. You’re pierced, princess.” Jake pushed his little finger through the gold hoop, before tugging it, stimulating her clit further, reigniting long-forgotten sexual excitement. Pleasure and pain burned with undiluted intensity. The endorphins in her brain popped and fizzed as his masculine presence overwhelmed her. “Mmm, you’re so wet, Lia. It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?”

  “Yes,” she answered breathlessly. “I didn’t think I needed sex, but I want you so badly, Jake.”

  “Shh, princess. I’ll take care of you.”

  With shaking hands, Lia began undoing the buttons of his shirt one by one. Jake grew impatient. Pulling the white linen from his pants, he ripped it wide open. The buttons pinged and popped like small projectiles shooting across the room. She heard them impacting the polished marble floor of his apartment. Quickly he shrugged the shirt from his shoulders. She licked her lips. Jake had the most achingly beautiful body she’d ever seen, so well defined and muscular. She couldn’t resist drifting her fingers over his washboard stomach, feeling every contour and ridge. His skin felt warm to the touch and so very hard. As an aerobics instructor she knew this guy was
no stranger to the gym. She guessed the hotel had all the facilities he needed to keep his body in perfect condition.

  “Let’s lose the dress,” he murmured assuredly, spinning her around and pulling the already ripped garment down to her ankles. It lay on the floor in tatters. “Step out of it, princess.” She did as he ordered.

  She stood completely naked, in front of a man she’d met for the first time less than fourteen hours ago. How fucking crazy was that? With her back still to him, she heard the unmistakable metal-on-metal sound of a zipper. “Brace your hands on the marble pillar.” The black stone felt cool to the touch as she held out her arms in a locked position. Using his legs, she felt her own legs being pushed wide apart. Her heart beat into overdrive as he smoothed his hands down her naked flesh. “Fuck, you have the most beautiful body I’ve ever seen.” She felt him authoritatively grab hold of her hips as though he owned her. It was wonderful feeling his cock press against her from behind.

  Lia provocatively wiggled her bare butt, desperate to consummate their union, but Jake stood his ground. One hand cupped her breast, torturing her aroused nipple. The other slipped around her waist, gently fingering her clitoral piercing.

  “Christ, you feel good, Lia.” She felt his hot breath on her neck as he massaged her nipple between his finger and thumb, the exact same way he massaged her engorged clit.

  A tight moan of frustration left her lips. She wanted him inside her, filling her with his prick, but she knew better than to tell a Dom what to do. She knew he wanted her to beg. It was in his blood. He needed her complete submission.

  “Jake, I need you.” A gasp left her lips as he gently bit her neck, a sign of his dominance over her, making her arch back against him. His skin felt warm and incredibly hard, and it made her want him even more.

  “I can’t hear you, princess.” His rich, deep voice controlled her. “What did you say?” he teased.

  “Please, Jake, please, fuck me. I know you want to.” Knowing exactly what a Dom demanded from his sub, she raised the stakes. “I’m begging you, Jake, please.”


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