Treasure My Heart

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Treasure My Heart Page 11

by Altonya Washington

  Minka arched, hungry and aching for what little he’d give. “No fair,” she gasped.

  “Maybe not, but I have a feeling that you won’t turn it down.”

  “Damn you,” she moaned.

  Oliver’s chuckle rose softly as he gave her more of his finger.


  “Give me what I want?” He pushed the finger home slow and deep, grunting his pleasure at the moisture coating his skin. He smiled against her cheek as she whimpered when he fully withdrew the finger.

  “Give me what I want?” He renewed the taunt.

  The man’s restraint was supernatural, Minka thought. She felt as though she were losing her mind, while he remained cool, ruthless in the seductive torment he was subjecting her to.

  “Give me what I want?”

  The words murmured next to her ear were followed by a wet suckle to the lobe. She dissolved. “Yes, all right, yes, just please, Oliver.” She reached down to squeeze his wrist insistently.

  Oliver didn’t seem fully satisfied by Minka’s answer. Taking her lobe between his perfect teeth, he clenched the satiny dark flesh just enough to grab her attention. “When people give me their word, I expect them to keep it.” He pulled back just slightly to look at her. “Understood?”

  “Yes.” She nodded quickly and laughed blissfully when he rewarded her with a slow fingering that consisted of only a few thrusts.

  “Look at me.”

  She obliged without hesitation.

  “Do you understand me, Minka?”

  “Yes, Oliver.” The reply held traces of impatience. She was fully committed to the answer, but her ability to maintain eye contact was challenged when he resumed touching her.

  Minka was fully prepared and ready to receive her release through the act, but Oliver was in the mood for something far more beneficial to them both. Her eyes flew open when she felt him leave her. She was on the verge of crying his name when she saw that he was stripping out of his shirt.

  Greedily, she absorbed the sight of him framed in the moonlight once the garment left his back. He moved, scooping her close in an impressive show of strength as he lifted her to place his shirt beneath her. Her clothes were tossed over one of the beach chairs. Once more, he eased back to study her wearing only a strapless bra and the panties he’d fondled her through. A press from his thumb to the heart shaped bow at the center of the lingerie released the front clasp to free her breasts.

  Minka arched in an instant as one nipple was beautifully ravaged by his tongue and perfect teeth. The other endured a seductive assault between his thumb and forefinger. She discovered her hands were too weak even to reach up and get lost in the gorgeous gleam of his curls. She only wanted to absorb what he gave her.

  Excessive foreplay however wasn’t Oliver’s only intention for their time together. Minka felt him leave her a third time, and her mouth went dry when she saw his hands at the waistband of his jeans. She squirmed, rattled by anticipation as he deliberately unbuttoned the fly to gradually reveal the burgundy-and-black-plaid boxers beneath. Eagerly, she reached to touch him, but he brushed aside her hand. He tugged a condom from his back pocket, and Minka watched a couple more packets tumble next to their makeshift pallet in the sand. Her lashes fluttered as a throb stabbed her in anticipation.

  Protection secured, Oliver scooped Minka close again, repositioning her on the shirt. He spread her wide to accommodate him and took her in one seamless move that filled and stretched her. The sensation was so exquisite, Minka felt orgasmic after only a few of the long, thick strokes he plied her with.

  Softly, he chanted her name, and Minka could feel her moisture building in tandem with the rhythm his impressive erection set inside her body. Her cries were unabashed without thought given to any passersby. The ocean’s roar was such that it provided effective cover while the moon doused them beneath its hazy light.

  It was a perfect setting, made more perfect by the act fulfilling them both. Minka’s cries entwined with Oliver’s moans. Minka discovered Oliver not only had remarkable restraint, but stamina, as well. She lost track of how long he kept her there on the beach. She wouldn’t have cared if it were for an eternity.

  * * *

  “Did you plan this, Oliver?” Minka asked later when they were cuddled together on one of the oversized beach chairs.

  “You mean, tonight, or Miami in general?”

  “I mean both.”

  “Well, let’s see...” Oliver kept his gaze hooded as it fixed on some distant point along the starry horizon. “Tonight was definitely planned. I saw you talking to that idiot Gunther Dubose, and I asked Austin to get rid of him while I met with my team.”

  “Hmph.” Minka turned her face into Oliver’s chest and gave into a brief giggle. “You’ll be pleased to know that Austin took those orders very seriously.”

  “He’s a good guy.” Oliver propped his chin to the top of Minka’s head. “As for Miami in general...that wasn’t exactly planned.”

  “Really?” She fixed him with a playfully doubting look.

  Oliver toyed with the cuff of his shirt, which Minka was wearing since he’d taken her out of the sand to hold her in the chair.

  “I knew I wanted to sleep with you since that morning I saw you leaving Vectra’s. I only solidified my plan during the Frisco meeting about Austin’s project.”

  “Ha! I’m impressed by your confidence.”

  “Don’t be. It hasn’t all gone according to plan, remember?”

  “Ah, yes...those curiosities of yours.”

  Oliver didn’t seem amused by the teasing current to her words. “I know you think I’m full of it, Minka—I don’t blame you. Given my track record, any woman in her right mind would take me for a joke if I suddenly came spouting anything that even hinted at longevity.”

  “You know, the thing about curiosity is that it has a tendency to fade once it’s been satisfied.”

  “That’s true.”

  The silence that fell following his agreement made Minka feel unsettled.

  “So what happens when your curiosity is satisfied?”

  “Ah, Minka.” Oliver cupped her cheek then smoothed the back of his hand across her jaw. “I don’t think you’re ready to know what happens.”

  “Yuck—that bad, huh?”

  “It’s not bad at all.” Oliver laughed. “I just don’t think you’re ready to hear anything I have to say on the subject of ‘us beyond Miami.’”

  “What if I was ready to hear it?”

  “I don’t really see my curiosity about you ever being satisfied.” He tugged aside the opening of his shirt to appraise her bare form beneath it. “If the time ever came that it was, it wouldn’t matter, considering the fact that being curious about you is just the thing that drew me to you. Who you are, how incredible you are to look at, how incredible you feel when I’m inside you—”


  “Shh...” He whispered, brushing his thumb across her mouth. “You wanted my answer. I’m giving it to you.”

  “You’re embarrassing me.”

  “’re just not used to hearing a man tell you that you’ve shut him down, that you’ve halted everything he thought he knew and was content knowing. The way your mind works...” He nuzzled his face into the top of her head. “It fascinates me, and I haven’t even had the chance to ask you half the damn things I want to know. I’m sure my main reason for wanting to ask you anything is because I can’t get enough of the way you give me your full attention when you speak. The way your eyes scan my face, like I’m the most interesting person you know.”

  She gave him an acquiescing smile. “I was raised to believe a good business person gives undivided attention.”

  A scant grimace marred his features. “Guess that’s why it irks me to see you talkin
g with guys I know are using business matters as a way to talk you into bed.”

  Her laughter carried on the night breeze. “I don’t think most men have sex on their minds when they approach me.”

  “That’s because you tend to believe the best in people.”

  “Well, that’s good. Otherwise I wouldn’t be sitting here in your lap.”

  “I would’ve gotten you here. May’ve taken a while, but I was motivated.”

  “Ah, yes.” Again, she threw back her head. “Curiosity.”

  Oliver nodded as though his memory had been refreshed, and he resumed drawing back his shirt from her body. “Curiosity...the thing that drew me to you. All the rest, though...” He eased a hand inside the shirt to cup, fondle and squeeze her breast. He molested the tip using the pad of his index finger, until she moaned.

  “All the rest, Minka, is what’s got me hooked with no hope for rescue. It’s what’s got me in love with you, Minka.”

  Minka didn’t know if her moan was in reaction to his manipulation of her nipple, the kiss he gave or the words he’d spoken.

  Chapter 11

  Voices along the shore cut short the intimacy Oliver and Minka had enjoyed along the deserted strip of beach. Just as well, for Minka felt so dumbfounded by Oliver’s confession she could barely speak.

  She was of little use when he dressed her. Minka felt as though she had to hold on to him for support as they made the hike back to Austin’s place. Her legs felt like running water.

  In love... The man didn’t waste time. Not falling in love—he was in full-blown love. She couldn’t have affected him that much already; there was no way. She couldn’t believe Oliver Bauer had tumbled that far so fast.

  If he were any other man, she may have thought his motivation related to money, but he had no clue who she really was, of that she was sure. He truly believed he love with her.

  And was she ready to lie to herself and say she didn’t feel the same?

  The question had hit Minka while she and Oliver took the steps up to Austin’s veranda. Hadn’t she been falling steadily beneath the grips of her attraction for him? An attraction that was both physically and emotionally charged?

  They’d returned to the veranda, but Oliver didn’t lead them back through the party. Minka was relieved—mingling and networking were out of the question then. Silence had settled between them until Oliver escorted her back to her car. She had to assure him more than once that she’d be okay before he let her go. He didn’t follow her home.

  Now, a new morning had dawned, and Minka stood in the kitchen of Vectra’s condo wondering what would happen next.

  She watched the coffeepot dispensing fragrant splashes of French roast into the glass carafe and wondered if there was still such a thing as love at first sight. She believed it existed. Her grandparents had been proof of that—proof that had lasted over fifty years.

  It had been a happy fifty years, at least the years she’d been old enough to remember. It was nothing for Bryant and Zena Gerald to meet for steamy kisses in the middle of the day. Minka had often witnessed such displays of affection.

  Did Oliver really feel that way about her? She had seen sincerity in his eyes when he’d professed it.

  Common sense and her own experiences in the game of love told her that there were no guarantees. In the end, it was all about one’s willingness to take a chance and to risk heartbreak for all the possibilities love boasted. Would Oliver Bauer break her heart or would he treasure it? How long would she wait before she was ready to find out?

  Minka forced her attention to the coffee, but its preparation wasn’t nearly enough to keep her mind off Oliver. The phone rang, and she considered the interruption a vast improvement.

  She smiled at the name that showed up and put the phone on speaker. “Hey, Mr. Walt.”

  “Hello, and when are you bringing your little butt back out West?”

  Minka laughed. “Mr. Walt, I’m fine, I’m heading back home after our main event. Were you just calling to check on me?”

  “Somethin’ about our last conversation stuck with me.”

  “Any details?” Minka absently stirred her coffee.

  “It’s about the hotel where the two calls came from.”

  “You found a room?”

  “Not exactly, but I did a little digging to find out what else Salinas had besides hotels where deadbeats could make prank phone calls.”


  “It’s the headquarters for Spring Holdings.”

  “I see.” Minka stopped stirring her coffee. “ I supposed to go ‘oooh’ or something?”

  “Ha! You’re Z’s grandkid, all right! Same kind of sass!” Walt laughed heartily. “Spring Holdings is a subsidiary of BGI.”

  “Gerald Industries? Are you sure?”

  “Triple-checked it. You think it means anything?”

  “Don’t know.” Minka set down her mug while considering. “It’s, um...” She gave a phony sigh of relief. “Is there anything else exciting in Salinas?” She laughed when Walt did.

  “I’ll let you know, that is, if you want me to keep digging.”

  “I don’t know, Mr. Walt, I mean, I don’t want you to keep spinning your wheels on this. Keeping tabs on my phone should be enough, don’t you think?”

  “I’ll keep those calls on my radar, but you come see me when you get back, you hear?”

  “I will. Thanks, Mr. Walt.” Minka waited until Walter disconnected and then softly repeated. “Salinas...”

  * * *

  Oliver couldn’t help but laugh when his father mimicked him over the phone line. Oscar Bauer had just told his son that it was time to leave paradise and come back to the real world.

  “So it sounds like everything’s going pretty well out there.”

  “Thank the crew. They’re really on their game, Dad.”

  “Good to hear, but I know you deserve much of the credit. You’re makin’ the company more and more your own.”

  “Well, I’m not in the driver’s seat. And I don’t want to be yet.” Oliver tacked on the added sentiment the way he usually did when his father hinted of passing the reins over to him.

  “Your time’s coming sooner than you think, kid.”

  “Dad...” Oliver switched his phone to his other ear while shifting uncomfortably behind the wheel of the SUV he’d parked at the business park site. “You’d tell me if everything wasn’t all right, wouldn’t you?”

  “Come on, kid, you know I’ve been looking at retirement property. Did you think that was just for a weekend getaway?”

  “I’m just not in a hurry to see you go, is all. Besides, the clients all love you.”

  “Hmph, nice try, but they love you too. All those fresh ideas and unrelenting energy—they’re just trying to make me still feel needed.”

  “Whatever you say, Dad.” It was Oliver’s turn to chuckle.

  “Whatever, huh? So that means I can expect you Monday afternoon?”

  “So you really need me to be there.”

  “I really do. This is a client I should’ve introduced you to long ago. She and her husband weren’t just clients—they were great friends to your mother and me.”

  The mention of Rose Bauer shifted Oliver’s attention completely. “How were you, Dad? Before you found her—before you found Mom?”

  “Well...” Oscar sounded surprised by the question, but in an easy way. “Hell, kid, you know what it’s like. You have your pick, same as I did...women see the gloss, and you can do no wrong. Then there’re ones who come along and see the rough edges and they accept them, and you think one of them could be the one.” He sighed.

  “Then there comes the one who not only sees and accepts the tarnished edges, but you find yourself wan
ting her to know all the dark and dingy parts of you that she doesn’t see. Next thing you know, you’re revealing things about yourself that you’d never tell another living soul. And she either thinks you’re crazy or just feeding her a load of bunk to get her out of her clothes.”

  Oliver winced, wondering if he’d been so transparent to Minka.

  “I probably confessed things about myself and the way I felt about Rose way before she was ready to hear them.” Oscar shared once his soft laughter had trailed to silence.

  “You wanted her to know you, though,” Oscar continued. “You’re impatient to hear yourself saying the words to her, because you need her to know what she’s getting into—the kind of man she’s got pursuing her heart. The kind of man who would give his life to save hers.”

  “You’re a lucky man to have known love like that, Dad.”

  “Nothing lucky about it. I was a blessed man. I pray for both my kids to be blessed that way.”

  “I hope so too,” Oliver confessed.

  “ that’s where this conversation stems from.” A smile came through clear in Oscar’s words. “Anything I should know?”

  “Not really... I’m still at the ‘she thinks I’m crazy’ stage.” Oliver tapped his fingers morosely against the steering wheel.

  The admission sent Oscar bursting into laughter. “Now, Oli, have you gone and scared some poor girl out of her mind with talk of love?”

  “I think I may have, Dad, and even I know it’s way too soon. Last thing in the world I want is to scare her, but I had to tell her how I felt.”

  “I gotta say this is strange talk comin’ from the likes of you, Oli.”

  “Ha! You’re tellin’ me? I don’t know if I’m comin’ or goin’, Dad. Feels like the man I know and guy...are playin’ tug of war.”

  “Well, well... What the hell is going on out there?”

  “I’m in love, Dad.” Oliver nodded once, decisively. “In love. Not lust—I know what lust feels like, and this isn’t just that.”


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