The Crush: A Hotwife Novel

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The Crush: A Hotwife Novel Page 1

by Lexi Archer



  What's A Hotwife?

  Part 1: After Graduation

  1: Invitation

  2: Dragged Out

  3: Party

  4: Interrupted

  5: Dibs

  Part 2: College

  6: Fast Forward

  7: Dorm Date

  8: Group Work

  9: Obsession

  10: Arguments

  11: The Future

  12: Big Question

  Part 3: Obsession Revealed

  13: New Year

  14: New Old Fantasy

  15: Showing Off

  16: Back Home

  17: Social Creeping

  Part 4: Full Circle

  18: Play a Little Game

  19: Dangerous Game

  20: Reaction

  21: Game Night

  22: Sneaking

  23: Revenge

  More from Lexi Archer

  Keep Reading!

  Bonus Novel! Ten Year Reunion

  1: The Invite

  2: A New Fantasy

  3: Old Memories

  4: Modeling

  5: Homecoming

  6: The Reunion

  7: Old Flame

  8: Forbidden Dance

  9: Ground Rules

  10: New Memories

  11: Into the Woods

  12: Jealous Desire

  13: Rationalizations

  14: Lunch Date

  15: Waiting Game

  16: Forbidden Fantasy Fulfilled

  Epilogue: Again?

  More from Lexi

  The Crush

  Lexi Archer

  Copyright 2016 Lexi Archer


  Individuals pictured on the cover are models and used for illustrative purposes only.

  First digital edition electronically published by Lexi Archer, March 2016

  Let your fantasies come true with Lexi Archer…

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  What's A Hotwife?

  What is a hotwife? It's more of a lifestyle than a term. Put simply, it's a committed couple who has decided to let the woman stray, usually while the husband watches her straying!

  The term is "hotwife," but really it's much broader than that! Married, engaged, or just dating, the only constant is a committed couple who decides to change the traditional rules of that commitment to allow for a little extracurricular fun!

  There are two things that separates the hotwife from cheating or cuckolding: love and respect. The hotwife couple puts their relationship first. The excitement comes from watching the sexiest woman in the world get it on with another guy in the most intimate and personal live porn performance that's possible for two people committed to one another mind, body, and soul!

  My stories are for the couples who are thinking of opening up their relationships. For the men who fantasize about their wives with other men but could never put that feeling into words. For the ladies who think it would be so hot if their fella watched them with another man. For anyone who's ever had an interest in opening their relationship for a little sharing!

  These fantasies are for you. These stories are yours. I hope you enjoy them!

  Part 1: After Graduation

  Part 1: After Graduation

  1: Invitation

  "Hey man, you going to the party tonight?" Dan asked.

  I turned and was about to make my usual excuses, but I was beat to the punch by Mark. "Are you kidding? Of course he's not going to the party tonight. You ask him the same question every week, and every week he makes an excuse so he can go off and play that dorky game with his other friends who are more important than us!"

  I turned to Mark and rolled my eyes. "Come on man. That's not fair!"

  "Well we’re your friends too, aren't we?" Dan asked.

  "You guys are," I said. "It's just that…"

  "I've been playing this game with these guys for years! We don't have much more time! I wouldn't want to let them down!" Mark said in a high falsetto voice that I took to be a poor imitation of my own. Those certainly sounded like excuses I’d made in the past. "Did you ever stop to think that maybe you don't have much more time with us either?"

  "He has a point man," Dan said. "This is the last summer before we go off to college, and if you don't go to one of these parties with us now you're going to have to forever hold your peace. Hell, we’re not even in school anymore! It’s not like you have anything to worry about."

  I slammed my locker shut. He did have a point. It was one of the weird idiosyncrasies of the swim season that it extended a little beyond when school was out. In years past it felt weird going back to the school locker rooms a couple of times after school let out. Now that all of us were graduated though, let's just say it felt just a little weird that I was walking down the hallowed halls of a school that I now called my alma mater. It was weird walking down the halls when I'd already walked down the aisle with my graduation gown on.

  "I suppose you guys have a point…"

  "We do have a point man!" Mark said. "And besides, you already graduated. What are they going to do to you if you get caught at one of these parties? It's not like they're going to take valedictorian away from you now. That ship has already sailed, or walked across the stage. You're the one who's good with the words."

  I grinned and shook my head. One convenient excuse had always been that I was working for the top spot in our class, and that meant I couldn't get in any sort of trouble. I definitely wanted to stay in the good graces of everyone in the school administration.

  Of course that didn't mean anything now. I was graduated. I already got my 4.0 grade point average. I already had a full ride academic scholarship to state that I’d been shooting for ever since I started school.

  And besides, now that I thought about it there wasn't a single party I could recall over the past four years that I'd been in school that had been broken up by the cops. And now that I was looking back on it with 50-50 hindsight I realized that I probably could've stood to take a couple of risks, go out and party with some of the guys on the team. I was suddenly feeling like maybe I’d missed an opportunity.

  Keeping my nose clean wasn't the only reason I was reluctant to go out to those parties. No, the main reason was I didn't want to disappoint my other friends. The guys who sat around the table with me slaying monsters and orcs and goblins every weekend. Staying up late into the night eating pizza and having a good time. It was a world the guys on the swim team just didn't understand. It was a hell of a lot of fun, and I was glad that I got into it back in middle school before I started falling in with a different crowd when I got involved with sports and high school.

  Of course that also led to awkward tensions when the guys on the team asked me to go to the sort of parties that the guys around the gaming table just didn’t get invited to. I had a foot in two very different worlds and they both pulled at me even though, to be perfectly honest, I was thinking how much fun it would be to hit a real party for a change rather than rolling a d20 to hit a monster.

  Yeah, it was going to be an awkward conversation telling the guys that I was doing something else tonight. One that I wasn't looking forward to. Particularly with Kyle who’d been my best friend for as far back as I could remember. I wasn't sure how much longer that was going to last though, considering he wasn't planning on going to the same school as me.

  Yeah, everything was changing.

  I turned to Dan and grinne
d. Held up my hand for a high five. "You guys are on! I’m going out to a party tonight!"

  Dan and Mark erupted into whoops of delight that drew the attention of a couple of other guys in the locker room.

  "Sean's partying with us tonight!" Dan yelled out at the top of his lungs.

  There was an immediate reaction. Everyone in the room knew I was reluctant to go out to parties. That I was worried about getting caught and potentially finding my scholarship revoked, or my 4.0 GPA destroyed. From the way they reacted to the announcement that I was actually going out to have some fun you’d think I'd just announced the second coming of Jesus himself. It felt pretty damn good. Yeah, I suddenly felt glad that I decided to give them what they'd been bothering me to do for so many years.

  That high lasted right until I pulled into my driveway. Right until I saw Kyle's car sitting there already waiting for me. I shook my head and let out a curse that probably would've earned me a slap from my mom if she was around to hear it. She was still kind of old-fashioned like that.

  Yeah, having all the guys on the team getting excited that I was going out to a party was one thing, but telling my best friend that I wasn't going to make it to game night was another thing entirely. That would be breaking a tradition that had been going on for even longer than my four year tradition of turning down invites to team parties.

  I got out and Kyle was already waiting for me. He had a huge grin on his face, but I noticed it falter as soon as I stepped out of the car. Damn it. The look on my face must be too damn obvious.

  "What's wrong man?" Kyle asked. "You look like somebody died!"

  I shook my head. In a way he was right. Something was dying with this conversation we were about to have, but it was a tradition going back for about six or seven years now we were mourning and not a person. And so it felt weird that I felt almost the same about killing game night as I would if I found out that a loved one had died.

  Still, it was happening. I wasn't backing down. There was nothing for it but to rip off the bandage and get it over with.

  "I'm not going to game night," I said.

  "Damn it. What's wrong? Did somebody really die? I'm sorry man, I didn't know your grandma was sick…"

  I held up a hand. "It's not that. I was invited to a party by the guys on the team, and I figured this is gonna be one of my last opportunities to do it so…"

  Immediately Kyle's eyes narrowed. Immediately he looked more than pissed off. "You're abandoning us for those jocks?"

  I also found myself getting just a little upset. A little annoyed at Kyle's binary view of the world. A view that seemed more informed by ancient 1980s comedies than by how things actually worked in the real world.

  "Hey, they're nice guys," I said.

  Kyle rolled his eyes. "Yeah! They're so nice to us!"

  I shrugged. "Maybe if you actually made an effort to get to know people outside of our gaming group…"

  If I thought he looked pissed off before, well that was nothing compared to the look that passed across his face when I said that. I immediately closed my mouth, my eyes going wide. I didn't mean to say that.

  Sure I thought it from time to time. I used to be the same as Kyle, but my time on the team and playing various sports had taught me that most of those guys were pretty cool. I considered most of them to be my friends, even if I did keep a weekend slot open for my old group of friends. Hell, these days I spent more time with my sports buddies than I did with the gaming group. More than anything getting out there and getting involved in things had taught me that it was just a matter of getting to know people, and that maybe Kyle's view of how the world worked in school wasn't exactly correct.

  "Fuck you man," he said. "I knew it was only a matter of time before you went over to the dark side, I just didn't think it would happen during our last summer!"

  "What are you talking about? You're the one who's sitting here shouting at me!"

  "Well you're the one who's abandoning me!"

  Those words hung in the air for a moment. Abandoning him. And I suppose that from his point of view that's what it felt like. I suddenly felt like an asshole. Sure he was mad, but I suppose he had a right to feel the way he was feeling. After all, wasn't I the one who decided to break a long-standing social engagement going back for years so I could hang out with other friends? Wasn’t I the one who decided to do that at the last minute?

  Yeah, suddenly I felt like a real asshole. And suddenly I started casting about, looking for a way to make it up to him. And then it struck me. A genius idea. An idea that would allow us to keep our Friday night social engagement while also allowing me to go to the party.

  "Why don't you come with me?"

  Kyle blinked. "What?"

  "Come with me! It'll be a good time! You get to hang out with the guys and you’ll see they’re not all that bad after all!"

  Kyle looked down. He seemed to be considering it, which I figured was a good sign. It was definitely more than I expected, given his somewhat black-and-white view of the way the social world worked in school. And then he looked back up and that look wasn't pleasant.

  "And abandon all the other guys?"

  I shrugged. "Aren't you the one who was just complaining a couple of days ago about how Doug is always ruining the game by meta-gaming?"

  His eyes narrowed again. If anything he looked more pissed off thinking about that than he was about the idea of me going off and joining the guys at a party. "Yeah, that fucker. I can't believe he pulled that move last weekend… There's no way his character would know what he supposedly knew! I’m so sick and fucking tired of his characters having the fucking monster manual memorized…"

  I shrugged and reached out and slapped him on the shoulder. "See! Sounds like you weren’t looking forward to game night all that much to begin with. So why not come out with me and have a good time at a different sort of party?"

  Kyle looked down. The universal sign that he was thinking something over. That he was seriously considering my offer. Finally he looked up and grinned. It was an uncertain grin, to be sure, but it was a hell of a lot better than the angry look I'd been getting a few moments ago.

  "Yeah! Fuck that guy! Maybe we should go out and have some fun at a party instead. It might be a nice change of pace!"

  I smacked him on the shoulder again. “That's my guy! Who knows, there's definitely going to be more girls at this thing than we ever see at game night!"

  Truer words had never been spoken. There was only one girl who ever came to game night. Her name was Ashley and she was a couple of years younger than us. Young enough that she went from barely legal straight into not exactly legal according to state laws. I'd looked it up after our creepy Dungeon Master, all of twenty years old and a college dropout, a real winner there, decided to start putting the moves on her.

  That was one disgusting interplay I could look forward to not dealing with tonight, let me tell you. I was just counting down the days until her older brother figured out exactly what was going on, though that would require him being home from college for the summer since he was about the same age as said dropout but actually making something of his life.

  Yeah, it would be nice to go to a party even if game night was always a little bit of fun and a little bit of a cautionary tale about what could happen if you thought video games were more important than school. And having Kyle along for the ride would be a lot of fun too.

  "So do you think she'll be there?" Kyle asked.

  "Who?" I asked, as though there was any doubt in my mind as to exactly who he was talking about. "She" could only be referring to Madison Thomas, the green-eyed goddess of our grade whose face and body had launched a thousand boners, if not more. She was the object of obsession for just about every guy in school, even if she was completely off-limits to most of those guys precisely because of her goddess status. She'd been the subject of more than a few ridiculous arguments between Kyle and me about who had dibs. Ridiculous considering neither one of us had a chance in
hell of getting close to her, let alone going on a date with her.

  That didn't stop Kyle from getting pissed off whenever I talked about how hot she was though. As though he had some right to have the hots for her more than any other guy just because he'd been in the same class as her back in sixth grade when she first moved to our school. Yeah, fat chance I was going to step aside just because he had some overdeveloped sense of borderline-creepy possessiveness even though he hadn’t said more than five words to her in the past seven years.

  Not that it mattered anyways. It's not like either one of us were ever going to get close enough to ask her on a date. It's not like she was going to be there tonight either, for that matter. Swim team parties were a pretty popular destination, or so I’d heard though it never occurred to me to doubt that until now when I realized I heard about their popularity from other guys on the team, but the goddess was on a level all her own that was far above even swim parties.

  "You know who I'm talking about you asshole," Kyle said. "And if she is there then you don't get her! Remember, I saw her first!"

  I did what I always did in these scenarios. I just shook my head and rolled my eyes. Laughed as though he'd just told the world's funniest joke. That never failed to get an annoyed reaction out of him.

  "Whatever man," I said. "You can’t call dibs on a girl you're too afraid to talk to! It's kind of a moot point anyways. I'm pretty sure Madison doesn't go to swim team parties. Different social circles and all that."

  Way different social circles. Not that Kyle would know about the subtle nuances of the “popular” crowd, as he liked to call them. They were a monolithic block of assholes as far as he was concerned.

  "Oh," Kyle said, suddenly deflating. I almost felt bad for him. Almost. I figured that a little bit of a deflating was the most he deserved for all the bullshit he'd put me through over the years considering his imaginary relationship with Madison Thomas.

  "I've never seen you talking to her," he muttered, but he didn't say anything else as we went inside to get ready for what was going to be the first real party of Kyle’s school career, I’d been to a couple of more subdued affairs even if I hadn’t been to the wild parties Dan and Dan were always going on about, just as it was coming to an end. Talk about a fun night!


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