Blaze of Fury

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by Storm Savage

  What does a woman do when there is no way out of an abusive situation? She hires a man with enough power to kill—a man proven to show no mercy.

  Ice has been favored by the Shasta realm—a gap between mortal and immortal worlds where human spirits join those of their ordained animal spirit to become shifters. Those chosen receive one name, which embraces the nature of their soul. He…is a stone-cold killer, but only in the name of justice.

  After twenty-two years of hell, Sasha finally escapes the people that have tormented her for over two decades. Her freedom came with a high price—the loss of her oldest daughter. Now the sharks are circling again. This time she’ll do whatever it takes to save the only family she has left.

  Ice is surprised when he meets the woman who secretly contacted him to kill not one—but three men! She does not look like a killer. When she offers him the little money she has, he refuses. This is a job he will do for free.

  Can a man who put his heart on ice decades ago and a woman who lost the ability to trust find love on common ground? Or will they go their separate ways once the deed is done?

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Blaze of Fury

  Copyright © 2013 Storm Savage

  ISBN: 978-1-77111-483-7

  Cover art by Martine Jardin

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by eXtasy Books

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  Smashwords Edition

  Blaze of Fury

  Perfect Strangers 1


  Storm Savage

  To the downtrodden…never lose hope.

  For Austin and Crocket…who gave me their light in my darkest days. You came to me after my first breakdown and stayed until I rose from the ashes of my past like a phoenix. I still feel your presence and because of your sweet, perfect love I have been able to move forward.

  Until we meet again, my sweetest friends…I will write and feel your spirits lighting my way.

  Chapter One

  He was nothing like she’d expected. His voice on the phone had been soft and sexy—mysteriously alluring. Standing here now, peeking around a cluster of trees, she gazed at the man standing on a remote area of the Crescent City beach. He’d instructed her to meet him here at exactly sunset, and if she didn’t show that she would not have a second chance.

  Her heart beat faster as she quickly retraced her thoughts, wondering if she could actually go through with this daring plan, wondering if he’d accept the little cash she’d been able to scrape together. This was the riskiest thing she’d ever attempted. Not that my life has been full of adventure. She inwardly mused. Well, not the good type anyway.

  Never in her farthest thoughts did she imagine herself here—now—staring at him. He looks like a god! She sighed.

  She thought he would have at least come fully dressed, yet there he stood, stoic-like, bared to the waist with long black hair draped past his massive shoulders and down his back. His darkly tanned skin added to the feral aura he cast. Though he had his back to her, she assumed the front view would be no less impressive.

  Sucking in a deep breath, she nervously straightened her shirt then walked into the open. As if he’d heard her very first step, his head turned sharply in her direction. She stopped, momentarily stunned by his sharp senses and the penetrating stare from those black eyes. Her breath caught in her chest as the intense stare swallowed the distance between them.

  Walk, just walk, one step at a time, you can do this. She forced her feet to move. He on the other hand stood motionless and just stared with those haunting eyes. For a split second she wondered what ghosts from his past had created such a savage appearance.

  His gaze slid over her like a hungry animal sizing up its prey as she approached. Every nerve in her body sparked to life. She prayed he couldn’t see her legs trembling. The closer she drew to him the more intense his aura became. He stood tall, very tall and powerful-looking over her five-foot-five frame. He must be almost seven foot! She swallowed hard. Her throat went dry.

  “I’m Sasha,” she murmured while hesitantly offering her hand.

  He said nothing. Didn’t take her hand in greeting. Just stood like a tower of raw sexual prowess in silent splendor—all the while taking her heart in his hands with those blazing eyes. She felt him bare her soul and she wanted to run. This man was clearly not one to mess with. Suddenly afraid, she turned to go.

  “I-I’m sorry…this was a mistake…I should go.”

  “Why?” he asked in a voice so naturally commanding it forced her to stop in her tracks.

  Slowly she turned back toward him. She couldn’t help but look him over. The long black strands of hair framed a face so handsome, expressive, and full of rage and passion that she could barely catch her next breath. Her gaze moved over the shimmering locks of thick hair hanging several inches down his muscular chest—a chest any woman would long to run her hands over. She imagined it felt as hard as it looked.

  She let her visual trek dip lower to the amazing rippling abs. His dark skin and midnight hair, dampened by the ocean mist, glistened in the last streaks of light from the setting sun. She secretly gasped as her eyes returned to his face. A flawlessly straight masculine nose set between high cheekbones and above naturally pouted, sensual lips combined with those killer eyes—this man redefined the meaning of animal magnetism.

  How can one man possess a body and face so utterly perfect, yet send chills of fear and lust over me at the same time?

  “Because you look…” She hesitated while twisting the hem of her shirt. “Uh…scary.”

  “Good.” His deep throaty voice resonated around her. Laced with ferocity and sensual sway at the same time, it was soft, sexual and made her shiver with mixed emotion. “I am,” he added.

  She concluded that a man such as him never needed to raise his voice above a whisper to strike fear into anyone—he was just that imposing. The desire to touch him became just as overwhelming as the urge to run. Never had a man stirred her in so many different directions at once.

  “I’ve never done anything like this before,” she murmured, lowering her eyes.

  “Not here,” he growled. “Follow me.” He stalked off in the opposite direction.

  For a moment she didn’t move, unsure of what to do. Should I follow him or turn around and run home? He didn’t look back but kept walking along the water’s edge. She tilted her head just a little, watching—gawking at the nice ass and long muscular legs deliciously poured into threadbare skintight jeans. Stiff gusts coming in off the waves tossed his hair wildly behind him as he moved. A host of ideas whipped through her mind. What would it feel like to grab his firm waist and wrap myself around that magnificent body? She shook her head. Get a grip! He’s not some stud from a romance novel…this man is a stone cold killer!

  Before he got too far away, she broke into a jog and
followed him. Her decision to involve herself with him was dangerous but she’d come this far and now having seen him, she felt compelled to follow through. If any man could help her, it would be him.

  He stopped short of the tree line that led them off the coast but he didn’t turn around. “So…you made your decision.”


  “Come on then. I have transportation not far away.”

  She gulped for air, never expecting to get into a vehicle with him, let alone at night. Clutching her purse tightly, she trotted along behind him as he picked up the pace. They made their way through dark woods. A full July moon inched into the night sky and could be seen above the tall redwoods. The weather was still fairly mild on the north Pacific coast so she hadn’t brought a jacket, only her handbag and the clothes on her body.

  After following him for what seemed like a good distance, she caught sight of something shiny up ahead. Slivers of moonlight cutting through the mighty treetops glinted off the chrome of an impressive motorcycle. So this is the transportation, she thought with some trepidation. Then she remembered her previous notion of wrapping her arms around his waist. A shiver of strange excitement raced over her, as if she was about to jump on a thrill ride without knowing where or if it would end.

  “You’re in better shape than most,” he said upon coming to a halt at the bike. “Most people are panting for breath by the time we get this far. Some don’t even make it.”

  She stared up at him with furrowed brows. “Was this a test?”

  He shrugged with open indifference. “Call it what you want. I figure if they have the balls to keep up then they won’t back out once the deal is made.”

  “Well you’ll have to excuse me, but I don’t have any balls.”

  He almost smiled but quickly took it back. His gaze swept over her—undressed her—and suddenly she felt naked.

  “No…you certainly don’t. But you’re not lacking.”

  She arched one brow but didn’t offer a verbal response. She didn’t want him to know his subtle compliment sent a flurry of flutters to her stomach. Though his physical charisma had drawn a powerful reaction from her, she wasn’t about to let him know that the ache between her thighs was not from running.

  Men were her enemy at the moment. Despite his unexpected visceral magnetism, she would not allow her raging hormones to interfere with her goal. Moreover, he was intimidating as hell and she’d learned long ago not to trust men, especially those with power. Once this job was done, she’d have her reward. I’ll just have to control my lust until then.

  “Get on.” His demand left no room for argument so she slung her bag across her chest, climbed on behind him and situated her butt on the leather seat.

  “Where are we going?”

  He didn’t reply. Instead he started the engine and kicked the bike into gear. They rumbled along a dirt path until reaching the highway, then he opened the throttle and the bike took off like a shot down the dark stretch of road. She grabbed his waist and held tight. This was the first time she’d ridden a motorcycle, so the sudden shift from a cozy rumble to a full out growl left her stomach back on the highway somewhere.

  His skin felt good to touch, firm and sleek like fine leather stretched over a hard machine. He was a hard-body without a doubt, and she didn’t mind at all that his hair blew in her face as they flew down the road. He smelled amazing—a heady blend of fresh wood and leather with a hint of spice. Can this man get any more appealing? She gasped at the thought of what those tattered jeans concealed. Mercy! Her imagination began running amok while snuggled against his bare back. Stop it! She silently chided herself. He’s just a man.

  About fifteen minutes later, he guided the bike onto a back road at a slower pace. She relaxed her grip at his waist just a bit and peeked around his shoulder to see they were heading into a denser cluster of woods. By now she had no idea of her location and realized that her fate was in the hands of this daunting male.

  He pulled into a campsite and parked. A tent? He lives in a tent? Where was he raised? In the boondocks? Fear threatened to engulf her but she choked it back. Here I am in the middle of nowhere with a man reputed to show no mercy, who not only looks like a savage but obviously lives like one too. She slid off the passenger seat, rubbed her mildly sore inner thighs and swore they were still vibrating. For the first time she took a good look at his bike and found it quite impressive. Gleaming black metal and plenty of chrome, accessorized with leather saddlebags and black leather fringe dangling from the handles.

  Night had fallen. Beams of light from a full moon danced off his shiny black hair. He appeared as magnificent and powerful as the motorcycle he rode.

  “I like your bike,” she said in attempt to ease the tension.

  “First time, huh?” His eyes stared into her in a most disconcerting manner.

  She nodded. “How could you tell?”

  He swept one large hand over his six-pack abs. “I think you left a fingernail or two in my gut.”

  “Sorry,” she said in soft response, though she was not sorry at all.

  A mischievous glimmer shone in his eyes but he refrained from speaking on it. “We’ll spend the night here while I explain to you how I work. Are you hungry?”

  “A little,” she replied with a light shrug.

  She followed him to the fire pit and watched as he grabbed two chairs with one hand and wrapped long slender incredibly masculine fingers around both at the same time. He plopped them down, unfolded each one then motioned for her to sit. After handing her a can of soda, he proceeded to build a fire. His huge biceps flexed in the moonlight—all his muscles moved like poetry as he worked on preparing a meal.

  They ate in silence. His skills at camping impressed her. The fish he’d cooked over the flames was tender and delicious. She devoured it with ease then ate the roasted potato. Once finished, he tossed their paper plates into the fire then chugged bottled water.

  “I’d think a man like you would be drinking beer,” she said, then immediately wished she hadn’t. She watched his face for any indication that she’d insulted him.

  “Alcohol is for the weak.” He shot her a fiery glance.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Do you drink?”


  “Why not?”

  His question took her off guard. She fumbled for an answer. “I-I don’t know. Never saw the need I guess.”

  “Good.” He wiped his mouth with the back of one hand. “A lot of women in your position might be inclined that way.”

  “I was tempted but didn’t want to give them reason to think they were right.”

  He gave an approving nod. “You have inner strength. You’ll need it.”

  “I made it this far…no turning back now.” She hoped her words sounded more confident than she felt.

  Balancing his weight on one bent elbow, he leaned back on the grass. Again, his eyes met and held hers in a spellbinding stare. “What’s your story, Sasha? How did you find me?”

  “Before I tell you, may I ask your name?”

  “Is it necessary?”

  “I guess not.” She sighed. “I don’t imagine manners count for much in an arrangement such as this.”

  An openly intrigued expression flitted through his eyes and a slight grin touched his lips. “No they don’t. But since you asked, my name is Ice and no, I am not Native American. So there, I saved you a question.”

  She smiled at his reply and found him even more fascinating with each passing moment. “Just Ice? No last name?”

  He shrugged. “Don’t need one.”

  “Oh.” Sasha wrinkled her brow.

  “Now tell me, how did you find me?”

  “I can’t tell you that,” she stated.

  He raised one brow. “Why?”

  “I was told not to. I don’t break promises.”

  “You do realize that I could kill you and nobody would ever know what happened, don’t you?”

  “Yes. But if you
’re threatening me, I still won’t give up my contact.”

  “I’m impressed.” He paused and stared straight through her. “Did your source give you a code word?”

  Sasha reached into her jeans pocket and pulled out a scrap of paper with the words crazy diamonds written on it then handed it to him. “They said you might ask for it to verify that I’ve been screened by your connections.”

  He studied her face in open scrutiny for a few minutes before unfolding the paper. “Yes, they gave you accurate information. The code matches your profile. It changes for each case so you don’t need to remember it.” He tossed the scrap into the fire. “Now, what’s your story? Who is it that you want me to take out?”

  She breathed a sigh of relief that the initial phase had been passed. “I want you to take out three men.”

  “Three?” He arched both brows this time. “You better have one hell of a good story and some serious cash.”

  Chapter Two

  “I’ll tell you my story but I get the feeling I may not have brought enough cash.” Sasha laid a manila envelope in front of him.

  Ice glanced at it but didn’t pick it up. “You have piqued my curiosity. Nobody has ever hired me to take out three targets. Go ahead and tell me what has driven you to this point.”

  “I was married for twenty-two years to a family that hated me but wouldn’t let me go until my kids were grown.”

  “A family?”

  “Yes. I didn’t know when I agreed to marry him that the entire family was part of the deal. They only wanted the kids. Took them nineteen years but they eventually succeeded in turning my oldest daughter, Leah against me. My other daughter sided with me.”

  “What about your husband?”

  “I left him four years ago. I tried to leave twice before. The first time he stalked me then threatened to take custody of the girls. I gave in and went back home. His parents have money and power. I didn’t stand a chance. By the time I got enough strength to leave again, Leah was already lost, she idolized my ex’s father and his word became law to her. But my youngest, Sienna was not in a good place. She had a nervous breakdown from everything that had happened. I backed down and stayed again to see her through.”


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