Mortal Magick

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Mortal Magick Page 5

by Patty Taylor

  “I’m afraid I dinna’ even know yer name,” he said, his brogue helping to sooth her.

  “My name’s Keara McMasters.” Taking a few deep breaths, she struggled to capture her composure before she gazed back at his handsome face. “I think the shock of everything finally hit me.”

  Her legs wavering, the Highlander grabbed her arm. His thick eyebrows raised as his gaze met hers. She straightened, latching on to his broad arms.

  “I know this is going to sound crazy, but can I ask you something?”

  “Aye.” His mouth set with an irresistible boyish grin.

  “Was that a mermaid and a selkie that just rescued you and Colin?” She watched his expression, waiting for him to laugh. After everything she’d seen so far today, it shouldn’t have come as a surprise when he didn’t seem shocked by her question.

  “Aye, ‘twas Ben Varrey. The selkies summoned her help.” He glanced back over his shoulder to check on Colin. “‘Tis a good thing, too. I didna’ realize how deep the lad had been pulled under. Without yer help, he wouldna made it.”

  “I thought I heard a strange voice. Did I imagine it, or did you hear it, too?”

  He clenched his jaw and his face quickly went grim. “Nay, lass. Ye werna imaginin’ the blasted voice. Well, ye needin’ be worrin’ yerself about that just now. I think ‘tis best if I take ye and Colin back to the knoll and get something hot in yer stomachs.”

  His gaze lowered to the front of her shirt and peered at one spot.

  By the Goddess, my clothes! She squirmed under his close inspection. Heat raced from her neck to her cheeks. She peeked down to find the skimpy nightgown ripped and soaking wet. It clung to her body, her nipples strained against the flimsy fabric. Embarrassed, she grabbed the cover out of his hands and shielded her breasts. Head bowed, her cheeks burned.

  Duncan shuffled his feet and cleared his throat. His face donned an appreciative smile as he held his hand out to her. “Ye’ll be all right now, Miss Keara. Ye’ve had a hard day. Ye both need to get next to the fire and get out of those wet clothes. Well, what do ye say?”

  Her fingers touched the warmth of his outstretched hand, her body relaxed, and she knew she was finally safe.

  “Speaking of clothes, I hope you still have the rest of mine?” She noticed a slight grin appear on his reddened face.

  “Aye, lass, I do at that. At least what’s left of ‘em.”

  She peered up at him, her eyebrows raised. What in heaven’s name does he mean by that?

  Chapter 6

  After she and Colin discarded their wet clothes and changed into dry garments, Duncan led her down a pebbled path to a nearby stream to freshen up. With bow and arrows strapped over his arm, he strode off to hunt for fresh game. Glad for some privacy, she wanted to wash the dried smudges of caked blood from her skin. It was well past noon, but the day had sped by.

  Keara knelt beside the narrow flowing stream and drank from her cupped hands. Fresh cold water trickled through her fingers, dribbling down her chin. Birds perched in towering trees ruffled their feathers. She closed her eyes and listened to the pleasant music they sang. Their melodious tunes sailed above the soothing chorus of the babbling brook. She fought back tears wondering how long before she’d make it back home.

  Her mind was spinning from the morning’s incidents. Visions of the mythical mermaid and seal-woman raced through her head. The creatures were only legends. But she’d seen them with her own eyes and watched how they helped rescue Colin.

  By the Goddess, they were real. If she didn’t know better, she’d swear she was stranded in some sort of fairytale world.

  Something giggled. She glanced around the stream and trees but saw no one. It must’ve be her imagination getting the better of her since her nerves were on edge, she thought.

  There was no comparing her home in the mountains to this place. She wondered how many people actually lived around this area and how they supported themselves.

  The chilled water rinsed the embedded salt from her deeper wounds, making her wince. More time must have passed than she realized, as the aroma of grilled meat roasting over a fire drifted under her nose. She combed her fingers through the tangled mess of hair. Her belly growled, and she realized she hadn’t eaten since yesterday.

  Sounds of Colin’s laughter made her smile, making her glad that she’d taken the CPR class.

  She stood, taking a deep breath before gripping the front of the oversized nightshirt. By the looks of this wilderness, the nearest motel was probably miles away. Until she could get to the nearest phone, she’d have to make the best of things. She donned a smile and headed up the hill.

  With the back of her hand, Keara wiped away warm drizzles running down both sides of her mouth from the juicy meat she was eating.

  Colin smiled, curiosity written across his face, when she caught him staring at her. She watched his fair cheeks glow rosy red as he lowered his head. As her fingers slid across her greasy lips, she noticed Duncan grin at his nephew.

  Her belly full and content, she covered her mouth with her hand to stifle a yawn. She had to admit, the fresh grouse roasted over the open flames was one of the best dinners she’d ever had. Thoughts of taking a cozy nap tucked beneath the new coverlet would be perfect right about now. She sighed, trying to get her mind off home.

  Duncan nodded to Colin. The boy stood and walked over to a stump with Samson following close behind. He picked up a bundle of clothes and clutched them under his arm. His right hand fumbled with a sheepskin vest he tucked alongside the bundle. He glanced at the Highlander as he dawdled back and stopped in front of her, a puzzled expression written across his blushing face.

  Duncan nodded in return and grinned.

  “Uncle Duncan t-told me how ye helped to save me life. I’m beholdin’ to ye, Miss Keara. I know ‘tis nay much, b-but here’s some of me own clothes ye can use for now. My mum stuffed a handkerchief inside one of the p-pockets. Ye can have that, too.” The boy’s nervous stuttering tugged at Keara’s heartstrings. He stood scuffing his feet while he glanced toward Duncan. “Uncle D-Duncan thought ye might want what’s left of yer own garments he found ye in.”

  “My clothes!” Quickly, she unwrapped the bundle of wrinkled garments and squealed with joy. She grinned at her favorite pair of capris with the embroidered tiny rosebud flowers. They’d been ripped almost completely in half, except for the crotch. She clutched her brand-new camisole corset top and hugged it to her chest. Damn.

  Her smart phone peeped out of a pants’ pocket. She tried turning it on. Oh great, the battery must be dead.

  Everything else was here except for one small item. The G-string. There’s no way I’m going to ask what happened to that.

  She peered around Colin’s thin body and caught a glimpse of Duncan’s boyish grin before it turned into a devilish smile. He turned his head, rose and strolled to his saddlebag and started to rummage inside. A bewildered expression crossed his face as he removed and gripped a small leather pouch. He hesitated a few moments before putting it back.

  Maybe it’s a good thing I don’t know what’s in there.

  She scanned the area but saw no signs of electric towers. If she could just get to a phone, she’d call Beth and ask her to wire money so she could get home. A bad feeling gnawed at her chest, and an uncanny impression of this place pierced her heart. Her forehead throbbed. She pressed her fingers to her temples, the terrible tension headache causing her eyes to squint.

  The eerie voice stuck in her mind. Cold chills raced up her spine. She shivered. The memory still bothered her, but after the look on Duncan’s face when she mentioned it earlier, she knew this wasn’t the right time to pursue the topic.

  Boisterous laughter echoed through the valley. Her thoughts distracted, she hadn’t noticed the Highlanders had strayed from the fire. Once agai
n, Duncan was helping Colin practice with the bow and arrows like nothing had ever happened. She wished she had her pencils and sketchbook.

  The crackling fire was cozy and warm. Colin had given her his sheepskin vest to wear over her own camisole, now tucked beneath the borrowed nightshirt, along with a pair of britches or breeks as he called them, to replace her torn capris. Surprisingly, she found them quite comfortable. Keara jerked, catching her head bobbing and her chin hitting her chest.

  Glancing up in time to find the two guys peeling off their skirts, she straightened and watched the pair fling their clothes to the ground. She couldn’t help but take notice of the long, solid organ dangling in front of Duncan’s muscular physic and trusted no woman was ever left disappointed by its use. I can’t even imagine how big that thing must be when he gets an erection.

  She couldn’t help herself. Like a foolish young teenager, a giggle escaped her lips. She hurried and put her head down before Duncan caught her staring at him. Or worse, before she got herself worked up and needed a cold shower. By the Goddess, I’d probably faint from sheer bliss if someone like him ever made love to me.

  Intense warmth surged between her thighs. The strange feeling that’d flooded her bloodstream when Duncan touched her earlier raced through her veins. Her body and emotions flared like a torch being lit each time he came in close proximity. These wanton cravings were not like her. She welcomed the cool breeze caress her flushed face. Now wide-awake, her attention focused on the rambunctious pair before her.

  To her surprise they ran down the steep bank. Sounds of water splashed as their bodies hit the sea. Shocked they’d even consider going back near the water after what happened earlier, she raked her fingers through her hair. Duncan and Colin reminded her of two mischievous boys going skinny dipping on a hot summer day.

  Left alone with her thoughts, she realized the Highlanders were just as bewildered with her as she was with them. Besides, it wasn’t their fault she was stranded. For now, she needed to try to stay calm and find a way home.

  That’s definitely not going to be easy. She was just grateful for Duncan and Colin’s companionship in this strange land she knew nothing about.

  Samson nuzzled his face against her chest and purred.

  “This certainly has been one heck of a week, boy. Not only did I lose my fiancé and almost get killed hanging upside-down off a cliff, but I seem to have gotten us lost in some kind of fantasyland. Come first thing tomorrow, we need to concentrate on getting to a motel.” She sighed, feeling quite helpless. Her fingers scratched behind his ears. “At least you seem content here.”

  “Miss Keara. I b-brought something back fer ye.”

  She jumped.

  Colin stood before her, clenching something inside his hand. He relaxed his fingers and an exquisite white pearl rolled from his palm and into her open hands.

  “Oh, Colin, thank you! It’s gorgeous.” She grabbed his hand and squeezed. His kind gesture brought tears to her eyes. The iridescent shimmer of the pearl reminded her of something, something she couldn’t quite remember. A piercing pain stabbed her forehead. She laid the gift in her lap and gripped the side of her face, her fingers rubbing her temples.

  “Did I do something wrong?” Colin’s worried gaze swept from her face to the pearl.

  “No, Colin, I’m fine, really. I’m honored by your thoughtfulness, and I’ll treasure your present always.” She bit her lip, fighting to hide the terrible pain racking her head. Her fingers trembled wrapping the delicate pearl inside his mother’s small handkerchief. She tucked it safely inside her pants’ pocket.

  “Would ye be willin’ to take a wee donner with me and stretch yer legs for a while?” Duncan towered over her with that boyish grin on his face.

  The pain immediately subsided as fast as it had appeared. Grateful for the distraction, she was careful to keep her eyes away from the hem of his kilt, though she struggled to keep her thoughts pure when she could see the incredible organ strained against the fabric. Her face warmed. For heaven’s sake, get a hold of yourself. It must be the new ambiance making me feel this way.

  A leisurely stroll through the countryside under the deep-purple velvet sky sounded like music to her ears. Hoping it might help get her mind off her present dilemmas, she couldn’t deny his irresistible offer. He helped her up as she held her hand out to him.

  Colin settled down in front of the fire, and of course Samson jumped right in his lap. Duncan passed by Colin, ruffling the curly red locks on the boy’s head before taking her hand and leading her down a path filled with beautiful heather.

  Her hand felt lost inside his strapping one. They walked in silence a good distance before he hesitated. He mumbled something under his breath. She lifted her head, waiting for him to talk first.

  His forehead wrinkled like he had something important on his mind he wanted to discuss.

  He cleared his throat. When he spoke, his brogue was thick, his face serious. “I’ve got to ask ye a question, Miss Keara. I hope ye be takin’ nay offense by it. I owe ye everythin’ fer savin’ me nephew’s life.”

  A knot tightened in her stomach.

  “I didna’ understand C P R? Is that what ye called it? And, I havena’ seen the like of clothes I found ye in. Are ye a goddess or a witch?” His tone was not condescending. His eyes opened wide and he watched her face, waiting for her response.

  Though she silently sighed in relief, the word witch jolted her memory. Twice this week she’d been accused of being a witch. Only this time, it wasn’t thrown in her face as an accusation. The question was straightforward. She only wished she’d had a logical answer.

  “I won’t deny the fact my mother told me I was born a witch. But I’m not the kind of witch that casts spells and rides on a broomstick if that’s what you mean.” She spotted his eyes narrow.

  “I dinna know what ye mean by that. Ye must be a powerful enchantress and healer from what I’ve seen ye perform today.” His expression grew puzzled as he studied her reaction.

  “I’m an elementary school teacher and definitely not a doctor, I promise. I’m not here to hurt you or Colin. I honestly don’t know why I’m here.” She thought she detected compassion in his eyes.

  To her surprise, his face showed no signs of repulsion. He lifted her hands, still gripped inside his. His gaze captured hers.

  “I canna thank ye enough for savin’ the lad’s life. I wish there was somethin’ I could give ye in return. I’ll try to help ye find a way home if I can. Where are ye from, lass?”

  “I share a home with my sister, Beth, in the Catoctin Mountains of Maryland. In the good old USA. Have you ever visited the States, Duncan?”

  “No, my family was from outside Dunvegan Castle. I’m hopin’ to soon return there. For good.” He stared in the distance like he was lost in deep thought.

  His closeness sent burning shudders through her limbs. That strange feeling he aroused every time he came near enveloped her body. His charismatic eyes most definitely reminded her of Chris Hemsworth. The scent of leather, mixed with the intoxicating musk of his wet skin, made her want to snuggle her head on his bare chest and close her eyes. If only for a few brief moments.

  Tomorrow, I’ll probably wake and find myself back in my own cozy bed and discover this has all been nothing but a dream. She tilted her head and admired his inviting mouth, which brought to mind Gerard Butler.

  Bloody hell! I sure don’t want to miss an opportunity of a lifetime, do I? She remembered the immense groin beneath that woolen kilt.

  Oh, what the hell! What do I have to lose?

  “Kiss me,” she whispered, just loud enough for him to hear. Her cheeks burning, she stood in silence and waited.

  His smile vanished. He hesitated a brief moment and stared at her. Wet ringlets of hair still clung to his damp forehead.

“Lass, I dinna’ think I heard ye right. What did ye—?”

  Her fingers traced the bottom of his enticing lips. Standing on tiptoes, she wrapped her hands around his fine neck and stared into his dreamy turquoise eyes.

  “Please, just kiss me.”

  Chapter 7

  Duncan’s hand cupped Keara’s chin as her moist, parted lips beckoned to be kissed. Gentle morsels of freckles peeked through copper ringlets strewn across her face from the evening’s cool breeze. His cumbersome fingers pushed back the disheveled curls to reveal her fair, delicate skin. He stared into her twinkling green eyes. A wee smile trembled on her peach-blossom lips as he wrapped his arms firmly around her slender waist. He lowered his mouth over her lips and devoured her softness.

  He sensed her sudden thrill of arousal when her warm, inquisitive tongue darted inside his mouth. A surge of renewed passion flooded his veins like a hot tidal wave. His hands lowered and cupped her buttocks, pulling her closer to him. Her round breasts grew firm and her crested-peak nipples pressed against his bare chest. Cool fingers traveled down the concave of his back. His skin sizzled like a hot flame beneath her hands, as her fingers worked their magick and kneaded his tense muscles.

  Her knee edged its way beneath his plaid. His groin grew hard and stiff and pressed against her private area. Their kiss grew hungry and urgent. His hand caressed her outer thigh. Her lithe body quivered. She moaned softly before dropping her chin on his chest with a sigh of pleasure. His own heartbeat drummed through his ears, she had awakened yearnings he hadn’t felt in a very long time.


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