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The Descendants

Page 28

by K. K. Allen

  The presenter called my name as Principal Langley handed over my diploma. My family and friends screamed for me as I pranced off the stage, grinning from ear to ear. Alec had just accepted his diploma before me, and he slowed, waiting for me to catch up. I made a run for it, surprising him by jumping onto his back so he could carry me the rest of the way to our seats.

  He tossed me a smile as we sat down and threw an arm over my shoulders. “You’re really leaving for the entire summer? You’re going to miss my Fourth of July bash. Won’t be the same without you, Summer Girl.” Alec winks.

  “Funny,” I said. “I think I’ve had my fill of events for a while. You guys should meet us in the Bahamas in a couple of weeks. Khloe would love it.”

  Alec’s eyes widen. “I forgot to tell you. We’re going to Greece with my parents in late July. Arabella and Kaleb are coming too. I might try to track down more about my birth parents.”

  “Really? That’s great, Alec.” I meant it. As much as it hurt watching his failed attempts at uncovering information about them, I hated that he eventually gave up. It’s nice to see the hope is still there.

  “If anything happens with Johnny Boy, you have my number.” He winks. “I don’t care what country I’m in; you can always call me.”

  I smiled, confident I would never have to make that phone call, but happy our friendship had come to a point where he still felt the need to protect me. “I’ll be back for orientation at the end of August,” I assured him.

  Alec, Khloe, Trisha, Brent, and I all plan to attend school at the Tampa campus of the University of South Florida in the fall. While Alec’s focus would be on art history, mine would be on physics. At least that’s the plan once we get our general requirements out of the way. Johnny will be going to school part-time, too. He doesn’t want to quit his job at the plant, so he plans to work on a degree in chemical oceanography at the St. Petersburg campus during his off-hours. Kaleb and Arabella made plans to attend school closer to Weeki Wachee to be close to Isaac, while still deciding what their focuses will be — besides each other. Luckily, they still have two years to pick their majors. Trisha surprised us all, deciding her future career would be in child education. It wasn’t what I would have guessed for someone as creative as her, but I have no doubts that she’d make a great teacher.

  “Whatever you do, don’t get lost at sea. I hope Johnny Boy knows how to use a compass,” Alec teased.

  With a roll of my eyes, I terminated the conversation, just in time to toss my graduation cap into the air along with a sea of others.

  My heart thrums as I think of the independence I’ve accepted by coming on this trip. Johnny and I will be alone in the middle of the ocean every morning, day and night. We can barely contain our attraction for each other as it is …

  Cheerful shouts shake me from my daydreams. I turn to see my parents grinning with their arms snaked around each other. This sight might just be more beautiful than that of the sunrise.

  My parents are a testament to true love and overcoming the most difficult of obstacles. It didn’t take long for them to fall back in love with each other—crazy, madly, deeply in love. The circumstances that kept them apart for eighteen years no longer exist, especially with Erebus now locked up in the energy plant.

  I wave back at them and cup my hands around my mouth like a megaphone. “I love you!”

  They scream that they love me too, causing my smile to widen into the breeze. A rush of emotions wash over me, and I know that although they may be fading into the distance, I’ve never felt closer to them.

  “So what will it be, birthday girl? Vanilla or chocolate?”

  Johnny anchored the yacht before nightfall somewhere near the Florida Keys. It will be our first night at sea, so he wanted me to get acquainted with the movements and noises of the waves before really settling in.

  I eye both tubs of ice cream carefully as if I’m making a life or death decision. Glaring in mock frustration, I look up at Johnny and frown. “Why do I have to choose?”

  He chuckles. “Fine. Scoop of both it is, but only because it’s your birthday.” He winks and takes the tubs back to the kitchen as I rest my head on the couch, watching him work.

  Johnny moves with confidence, revealing strength in every task. It’s incredibly appealing. As he dips the spoon into one of the tubs, my eyes drift up his arm and bulging bicep. I gulp. How am I going to resist those arms when they’re curled around me tonight? A heat wave rolls through my core.

  “You okay, babe?” The couch shifts as he sits beside me, entrapping me with his arms, locking them together with a bowl of chocolate and vanilla. “Daydreaming of me again?”

  I smile instantly. “Something like that.”

  Johnny’s eyes widen, and all is silence except the tiny pocket of air being suctioned to his lips in surprise. Breaking his stare, I reach for the spoon and devour the first bite of ice cream. I can’t remember the last time I felt heaven in my mouth quite like this.

  “Hmm,” I moan.

  He tries to take the spoon from me, but I hold it away. “Wait. You can have some, only if you tell me what you told my mom the night of our first date.”

  He glares at me. “That’s unfair to hold the ice cream hostage just because you failed to use that great hearing of yours.”

  I press my lips together firmly, keeping my grin at bay. “It’s my birthday. I can hold the ice cream hostage if I want to. Besides, you promised you would tell me one day.”

  He chews the inside of his lip as if debating if now is the time to fess up. “It’s nothing you don’t already know. Your mom wanted to know what my intentions were with you and our relationship. I told her the truth—that I loved you and intended to be with you forever … and that I could never find another heart to love as much as yours.”

  Johnny rips the spoon from my hands, causing me to laugh. “Story time is over. Time to share.” He takes a bite and mimics my moan from earlier.

  “Give that back!” I say, trying to snatch it from him, but he’s too fast.

  “Open up.” He grins and digs into a large scoop of chocolate ice cream.

  My eyes grow wide. “No way! Don’t you dare.”

  The look on his face is purely wicked as he brings the spoon in closer to my face, refusing to stop even though my lips are pressed together. “Open up, Kat. I’m not stopping.”

  A second before the ice cream makes its way to me I throw my mouth open and close my eyes. He misses his target completely, smearing the ice cream onto my cheek and down neck. I gasp, throwing my eyes open in shock. “You did not just do that!”

  He chuckles, practically throwing the bowl onto the coffee table before tackling me, pressing my back into the couch as he licks my face like a dog. I wrestle him, but he’s too strong, and he doesn’t stop until he’s licked my face clean.

  “Gross, Johnny,” I say as I wipe my face with my hand. “Dogs have less slobbery tongues.”

  He grins, eyeing my neck where ice cream still remains. “Let me try that again.”

  “No, Johnny!” I laugh as I try to break free of him, but the moment his mouth touches my neck, I relent, my eyes rolling back into my head.

  When his teeth scrape the top of my skin, I’m wax to his burning flame, melting into myself and all around him. He’s kissing me, working his way up my neck, toward my ear. I shiver from the hot breath on my ear before he gently bites it.

  “I love you, Kat. I think I’ve loved you from the first day I laid eyes on you at the Grille. Since that day it’s been you, and only you.” He sighs then kisses my aching lips. “Just tell me to stop and I will.”

  I shake my head without hesitation. “After everything we’ve been through, I’m only ready to move forward with you, Johnny. Promise me we’ll never stop moving forward and I’m all yours.”

  He smiles, causing a rippling sensation through my entire body, his promise clearly written in his next kiss.


  His eyes radiate hatred as
he stares through the glass cylinder toward the woman who started it all. She dances wildly around the lab, teasing him as she concocts mixtures and chatters nonsensically to herself. Her joy fuels the growing rage that penetrates his black and gold, scaly skin. Has she forgotten that she too has been held prisoner by the vile Enchanters?

  All he needs is time to remind her of who their true enemy is. They were once a great team, friends and lovers; a team that sought to destroy the Enchanters together, as they were a threat to Circe too, demeaning her role as Enchantress to that of just a witch. Her magic was banned by Zeus, and her only opportunity to take back what belonged to her was to trick Erebus into wanting eternal life.

  Blinded by love, he agreed to her plan, believing they would live forever, together. Immediately after drinking the potion she gave him, his body fell to the ground around him and he realized what Circe had done.

  He went after her on a mission to destroy her for condemning him to a serpent’s body, only to find that she was now protected by the Enchanters, and they would continue to protect her from the evil clutches of Erebus, the Serpent.

  Seeing as the narrow space between the cylinder walls is now his home, he has time—time to convince Circe of the mistake she’s making by helping them over him. He is confident in his new mission, knowing exactly what it will take to convince her that she’s the most powerful goddess of all … and that together, they’re unstoppable.



  Acknowledging every single person who inspired me while writing this installment of the Summer Solstice Series, big or small, is simply impossible. Every character I wrote, every emotion my characters felt, the science behind the magic—all of it—was inspired by everything and everyone around me.

  To my son, Jagger. I dedicate my words to you first, because it’s you who gave me the most precious gift on Earth. Being your mother brings me daily joy and has opened my eyes to the world in a way I never thought possible. You’ve reminded me that there is magic in the world, and that every day should be treated like an adventure. I hope we never stop hunting for pirate treasure, creating flashlight puppets, or giggling over the silly stories we tell each other.

  Thank you to my parents and friends who take road trips with me so I can better visualize the scenes in my books, the experiences are immeasurable. A special shout out to my mother who embodies so many of the wonderful traits of Grace Summer. It was easy to describe her beauty with you as an example. Thank you for being my craft maker, beta reader, biggest fan, and rock on this journey through life. And to my brother, Corey. Thank you for letting me pick your smart brain to talk physics!

  Two people who I’ve been incredibly fortunate to meet, who are passionate about the series, and are a huge reason why I can have the confidence that I do. Richard Duerden and Shauna Ward! I had to put the exclamation. I adore you both for being completely straight with me. You’re my favorite kind of (honest) people and I could not do this without you.

  Cheri Bauer. I adore you. Thank you for agreeing to Beta my book and give me invaluable feedback! To everyone who accepted an ARC, I truly hope you enjoy it! You were chosen because you’ve supported me throughout the series and I hope I gave you something worth reading! Thank you so much for taking a chance on my story.

  Three books in and Mirella Santana continues to hit it out of the ballpark designing my covers. Thank you so much for always giving me a product I’m proud to show off to the world.

  To all the indie book supporters out there, you are a true blessing in a world that is incredibly hard to fit into. We’re all struggling to find our way, to reach readers who genuinely care about our stories, and here you are, completely devoted to helping us be seen. To my author friends, who are also indie book supporters, I love enduring the challenge with you all—each and every day.

  When I started this journey, I started it blind. Now, I feel as if I have the most amazing network of authors, bloggers, readers, promoters, who love books! Without a doubt, you all are the most inspirational people to be around.

  One last (but the biggest) thank you goes out to my readers who find this series entertaining for whatever reason. I couldn’t do this without you. So thank you for loving to read!

  Much love, XO

  K.K. Allen

  About The Author

  K.K. Allen is the Contemporary Fantasy / Romance Author of the Summer Solstice Series. Her novels, The Summer Solstice Enchanted, The Equinox, and The Descendants are now available in print and digital formats. K.K. was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, raised in Seattle, Washington and currently resides in Florida with her ridiculously handsome son, Jagger. Her passion for reading and writing began at the age of twelve. Writing has even transitioned into her professional career in the media industry. “There’s just something about telling a story that drives me in everything that I do. Whether I’m creating a content outline for a website, pulling together assets to write to, or producing a video project, it’s all about the storytelling.” Allen is proud to say she’s worked with stellar professionals who have provided her with additional opportunities to grow into the writer that she is now.

  Giving Back

  K.K. Allen supports the Florida West Indian Manatees, and they need your support too.

  Check out the link below to find ways that you can help protect manatees and give back.

  CLICK HERE—SaveTheManatees

  Save The Manatee © Club

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