Control - Noah's Rise Bundle (Books I-III): A Billionaire Romance Series

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Control - Noah's Rise Bundle (Books I-III): A Billionaire Romance Series Page 17

by M. P. Lodi

  Jackson deftly grabbed the back of her head, curling her hair in his grip tightly with his right hand while holding her head to the mattress as his body moved down. It was almost like he went into a push-up position, then rested his body on hers. His body was like iron, his muscular chest was amazing to glance at. She felt his hard cock on her pussy. He rubbed against her and then gagged her with his left hand.

  “Try to say something now, bitch. Scream as hard as you want. No one is coming to help, you hear me?” He tightened the grip on her hair, she felt it pulling deliciously behind her head. It was the perfect hold, the sensation of her hair being pulled stirred something inside her. She screamed as hard as she could, but only a muffle could be heard past his powerful palm on her mouth. She fought hard against the ropes holding her wrists to the bedposts. Finally she could fight against him without holding back.

  Jackson's hard-on moved over her clit, and then his cock pushed into her while she kept fighting to move her head and hands. He was inside her, gliding into her easily. She felt as though she had never been that wet before. His grip tightened even more on her hair as she fought to move her head. She couldn't do anything.

  The brute had her and pushed in and out of her, her legs curled around him after his third push into her. He ground his body into her pelvic area, pushing deep and touching her spot inside, where the tip of his penis sent divine pulsating waves of pleasure outward. The muscular brute, with the incredible chest plowed into her over and over. Her fantasy realized once more. Each time as he hit deep inside her, he would rub his cock then withdraw, then back in, and rub again. She opened and then closed her eyes as he kept invading her, she had no way to stop him. The pressure on her wrists added to her excitement. Only the grip on her hair and mouth kept her body from moving higher on the bed as he pushed in hard.

  She tried to scream again, as he pushed in again and again, but not a sound escaped his hand gag. His hand's grip on her hair held firm, he turned her head to her right, exposing the left side of her neck. Now she opened her eyes and couldn't see him much to her side. Only her tied right hand struggling to break free of the rope. He pushed into her, and just as he rubbed deep inside her, massaging the walls of her pussy with his cock, his teeth took a hold of her neck. The sensation was unreal. Not being able to move her head, or scream, and struggling against the ropes holding her hands to the bed, coupled with the tip of his cock massaging her inside, and then pulling out and pushing back in was incredible. Now visions of a sexy vampire assaulting her took hold in her mind.

  It felt hot. Like hot water was building up into a massive storm, the pressure building by the second. It was behind her clit, and made her clit throb. His body rubbed and pushed against it as he pressed into her, still biting on her neck, massaging it with his teeth, then sliding and biting harder. It sent shivering waves of pleasure all over her body. His pushes into her would end each time with his cock massaging the limits of her pussy, while her clit felt his skin rub against it. Then he would pull partially out and repeat.

  The rope on her wrists held but the struggle against them sent shivers into her, her pussy's pressure inside was getting ready to burst, her body tightened and she couldn't see clearly. Her pussy spasmed as she closed her eyes and pictured her faceless muscular man firmly holding her down, keeping her gagged, and still biting on her neck. His body moved on her clit as she pulled him closer into her with her legs around his waist. She exploded, like a spring that couldn't be compressed any further, she just lost control.

  Jen struggled against the rope, his hand gagging her, she felt her hair pulled and felt him inside her, pushing in again, more slowly this time. Her eruption flowed. She labored to breathe through her nose as pulsating waves of pleasure took every part of her body. Tingles were left in their wake, from her head to her toes. Every part of her felt more alive than ever before. She heard Jackson moan or grunt. Then again as he moved in and out of her a few more times. Every part of him that touched her body anywhere caressed her inner core. The hand holding her mouth shut felt like it needed to be there. It was natural for it to be over her mouth and preventing her from uttering a sound. Her pussy started to relax. It massaged his cock as it relaxed around it. She kept her eyes closed as Jackson took his hand from her mouth and the other from her hair. He moaned again even though he was still now, laying on top of her. She felt his nose caress under her ear and neck as he breathed hard on her neck.

  She still had tingles all over her body as he slowly pulled out. It was simply and utterly blissful. Nothing could take that moment away as she was able to take in his scent as he lay his head next to hers. He kissed her neck and she was completely satisfied and happy. She tugged at the ropes holding her wrists, prompting Jackson to reach for one of the knots as his face still nuzzled in her neck, kissing her softly.


  The next afternoon, Noah and Em walked into the great room together. He grunted as he half-waved to Jackson and Jen on his way to the coffee machine by the bar. Jen's right leg was draped over Jackson's left as the two sat holding each other as they watched a Game of Thrones episode that Noah knew was recorded on the DVR.

  As Noah made Em a cup of coffee, he massaged his temples and leaned over the bar.

  “Long night and morning for you two.” Jen said. She loved stating the obvious too damned much.

  Noah grunted a low scowl of a sound as Emily sat down on the sofa next to the two love birds. It was Sunday - the day of rest, and Noah wasn't in the mood for anything except his coffee.

  “What episode is this?” Em asked Jen

  “It's the one with that battle on the Blackwater, where Tyrion saved the city from Stannis. I forgot the name of the episode though.”

  Em turned to face Jen “That reminds me! When the hell is George R.R. Martin coming out with the next book, Winds of Winter? I really need to know what's up.”

  Jen gestured with her palm up and smirked “I have no idea at all any more. I really hope it’s soon.”

  Em looked at her phone, and said “I forgot to ask you last week about that Facebook page you told me about for all of the comics, memes, photos and chats on Game of Thrones…”

  “Hold on, let me look on my phone.” Jen scrolled down some favorites and saw the link. Jackson was still watching the show and briefly turned to his left to look at the two of them, as if to say “shut up, or lower your voices.”

  “It's called Game of Thrones TV and Books. Let me get the URL for you.” She loaded the page and said “Here it is, I can send you the link in chat or just search on Facebook. Just search for Game of Thrones TV and Books. Keep going back into the timeline – it’s a collection of all material for the show and the books. There's lots of links to videos too and it'll help you up on trying to debate with me and Jackson.”

  Noah walked over behind the sofa and handed Em her cup of coffee. “Thank you.”

  Noah started walking back to the bar “Anyone want anything else, Jackson you want another coffee?”

  “Nah man, I'm good. This was my second cup. We only got up less than an hour ago, it’s got to be the latest the two of us have ever gotten up I think. We're getting like the two of you with these late starts.” Noah growled a little.

  Jen looked at Jackson “Pause the show a minute.” He used the remote in his left hand and paused it. Jen said “I don't know about the rest of you but I don't like living in fear of that maniac.” She looked at Noah and Em, “Jackson told me he might be here in Texas too. Why can't we get the hell out of here, as in right, just in case?”

  Noah was at the bar and fixing his own coffee. “We can't, I thought your hubby would have explained what we were doing. We need to end the problem once and for all.”

  Jen looked at Jackson “Something you're not telling me about all of this drama?”

  “We have everything handled. I didn't want to scare you.”

  “Scare me? What am I missing then?”

  Jackson didn't answer. Noah made some d
eep throat sound and then downed a large gulp of his coffee. Jen and Em both turned to look at him. “I swear it’s like you make love to the cup.” Em said.

  He stopped sipping long enough to say “I do sweets.” Then dove back into the cup.

  Jen shook her head. “I feel like I'm being ignored here.” With her elbow she tapped Jackson in his rib. He looked like he was about to say something to her when Em said “They laid a trap for the guy, have their own hit teams out there from New York to Texas and they were given a full report. Noah showed me the whole damned Gambino crime family report from their private detectives and the F.B.I.'s info. The tough guy that tried to hurt us all, Ian Colitzi, has a brother who also works for the mob. He has a sister that supposedly drives a school bus, but happens to live in a million dollar home in Queens, New York. The prevailing theory is her brothers, both who work for the mob, take care of her.”

  Jen leaned forward, taking her leg off of Jackson “What's this trap then, is that why most of the security people are inside now and not outside. Is that why I feel like we're living in some armed camp?”

  Jackson nodded yes. “It was Noah's idea. They are going to give the asshole a security breach to take advantage of, and then...”

  There was silence in the room as Jen looked into her husband's eyes. Jen then glanced at Em, who avoided making eye contact, then Noah.

  Noah stared right back at her and said “We had to do it like this. Jackson was only trying to spare you more worry. You tend to freak out and are too emotional. As you know, we're not going to live in fear. I should have taken him out in New York.”

  Jen stood up with fear all over her face. “I can't believe this. When exactly were you all going to tell me? When the killer makes another attempt on our lives?” She bit her lower lip. “I can't believe you didn't tell me we're all bait. Like worms on a hook.”

  Jackson saw her biting that lip as he often did. “Hon, you're biting your lip now.” He smiled as she stopped, but still looked very worried. Jackson grabbed her arm and pulled her down to him, on his lap.

  Jen was freaking out. She started breathing hard “I wish I had something to calm me down. This isn't cool guys. And you, Em...” She looked right at Em, who still avoided her eye contact. “You should have told me. I was wondering why all of the security have been hiding out inside, and the change of routine. Jen breathed in and out in an over-exaggerated way. She was prone to panic attacks, Noah knew and was glad his girl wasn't so pathetic emotionally. Em told Noah that Jen had been messed up way back since she lost her parents.

  “I can call a friend to bring over some Valium for you” Noah said to Jen. “That can calm you down and help you sleep. Might be the best thing for you before you put yourself in hospital from fright.”

  “No it’s OK, I'm going to go and lay down upstairs now. Thanks everyone for keeping me in the loop.” She said sarcastically. Jen started to walk out of the room as Jackson put his coffee mug and the remote on the table and stood up.

  “Wait for me hon.” He said to her back, but she just kept walking away. Jackson looked at both Em and Noah and shook his head.


  Em looked at Noah as he fixed his second cup of coffee. He downed that first one real fast. They both shared a glance as Jen left the room with Jackson following her.

  After their friends were out of range to hear her, she stood up and walked over to Noah at the bar. “I've known her a long time, she is looking real bad. She can't handle the stress at all, as she's not like us. Your buddy Jackson is stressed out too.”

  Noah waited for his coffee to finish dripping out, then leaned on the bar facing Em, who sat on the bar seat facing him. “This character works with the Gambino's out of New York, so does his brother. I'm afraid we'll never be safe as this is personal now. It isn't just a job hired out to a hitman, so I'm afraid my way is the only way.” He took a deep breath before continuing.

  Ian Colitzi was hired out of Howard Beach in Queens, and that former CEO grew up around the corner from John Gotti's home a few blocks away from the Kentucky Fried Chicken on Cross Bay Blvd. They knew each other for years. The FBI is talking to the Colitzi family. His sister drives a school bus for some company called ‘Lasinder School Bus Corp.’ but she lives in a million dollar home. What's a woman who works for $14 an hour doing living in a million dollar home?” He said

  “I get it, her brother has funneled money to her. He's probably done so for years.”

  “Grab that remote for me, will you? I’ve had enough of Game of Thrones for now. My head still aches a little from last night.” He said as Em was already getting the remote from the table. She flicked it over to the news.

  “Trump is on TV again. I love that guy.” She said.

  “I like him too. It’s interesting that even if I don't agree with him, at least he answers questions. Have you ever seen how politicians do it? It frustrates the hell out of me to see politicians talk. They never ever answer any question posed to them, all they do is answer their own questions. Makes me want to throw up, how disgusting they all are. That's why Trump is different. Whether you agree with him or not on certain issues, he's real and he isn't a polished politician. The more the media attacks him, the more popular he seems to get. Like Ronald Reagan was. My family is mostly Democratic and they were all fans of Reagan too.”

  Jen and my Aunt Diana said something similar. She likes Donald Trump too and she's still a Democrat, and now the media has all but ordained that it will either be Bush or Clinton as the next President. You can see how the fix is in. People aren't stupid and everyone is catching on to the scams going on. I prefer someone like Trump that can't be bought.”

  Noah finished his coffee and put the cup down. “As long as the right to bear arms is in place, if anything is tried, God help the tyrant that tries anything. God help any police, or Homeland Security or anyone that supports tyranny and gun confiscation. Then you'd see a real revolution and we'll go back to freedom and the Constitution.”

  “It'll never go that far. Americans are into justice and can't be fooled for long, I'd think.” She turned to face the TV.

  Glancing back to her left at Noah who seemed to be fixing a tall glass of Long Island Iced Tea again, Em said “We'll see, the next election is around the corner already. I do know that right here and now, Jen is falling apart. Having security up the ass like this is nerve wracking for the two of them. How long do you think this will go on before we can all get back to living like normal people?” She asked.

  “Maybe never, life can be fucked up like that.” He finished mixing his drink and walked around to the seat at the bar next to Em and sat down.

  She gave him a look as he took in a huge gulp, and then shook her head. He was either already an alcoholic, or just a few drinks away from being one. He liked to play the big tough guy, but she now knew him for over four months and he never drank as much as he did now.

  He said “I don't want to hear anything, OK Mommy.” She didn't say a word.


  Later that night Jen was lying on her husband with her head on his chest, and right leg over his legs. Whenever she laid her head on his chest, he would massage her head after scratching it. She loved the way it felt, and he sometimes put her to sleep with just the scratching.

  “That feels sooo good.” She let out a soft moan.

  “It almost sounds like you're having an orgasm.”

  She moaned softly again “A headgasm maybe, if there is such a word. It's like those eargasms that I can have with just a q-tip. It just feels so good.”

  After another minute of Jackson scratching her head she said, “I'm a little worried about Noah. Don't say anything, but Em is worried for him too. He keeps promising to stop juicing up but doesn't. He went so far as to have Em throw out some of his pills that he had at the office. She knows he's still on the stuff. He gets crazy and uncontrollable from it.”

  “I've known him a long time. I can tell when he's on that stuff too. I've seen him s
tart fights with people at the gym. He's not the type to screw around with, and there's nothing I could say to him to get him to stop.”

  “Oooh, right there, stay there please.” Jackson scratched her head a few inches above the back of her neck, staying at the spot Jen loved scratched.

  “You love this spot; another one of your sweet spots as you call them.”

  “Oh God yes. You just about know them all, inside and outside of my body. Did I tell you that Em tried a spanking game with Noah?”

  “No. You know I don't like hearing details of other people's sex lives. What they do in private is their business.”

  “Well he hurt her ass big time. She said she never wants to play spanking games again. Too much pain and she was never a fan of it.”

  Ooohhh... OK” she said, as she moved his left hand to a different spot on her head.

  “Too much at that sweet spot, huh?”

  “Too much of a good thing sometimes. We used up all of the pleasure in that spot for now,” she said.

  “You weren't so into spanking either.” Jackson gripped her neck and started massaging her. His fingers were strong and she loved the feel of his hands on her neck and shoulders.

  She said “I love you dominating me, but the pain wasn't so great. I still love bondage and playing prisoner with you, but I would only do spanking games if you were into it.”

  “You know I'm not. What I'm into is pleasing you. I'm more than happy playing Dragon with you without spankings. How does this feel?” He massaged her back behind her breasts. She tended to feel sore there often.

  “It feels wonderful, please don't stop.” Her right hand extended to his cock and grabbed hold.

  “Jen...please no. Let me just massage you. My cock needs a rest. There is such a thing as too much sex.” She moved her hand to his stomach.


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