Ink Me More (Ink Series Book 3)

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Ink Me More (Ink Series Book 3) Page 16

by Jude Ouvrard

  He laughed and rolled to his side. “What do you want to do? Do you want to go eat somewhere?”

  I didn’t want to go out yet. “Cook for me, cowboy. You’re so sexy when you cook.”

  “Only when I cook? What about when I sing to you? Or when I’m walking around shirtless?”

  “Do all three at the same time and I’ll be pleased. Best birthday present ever.” I expected some kind of reaction, but didn’t get anything.

  He watched me with wonder in his eyes, then reached out with his fingers to brush my jaw with a soft caress. The room became so quiet I could almost hear Levi downstairs in the shop.

  “Remember when we were at the ranch and Grandma asked me to follow her to my mother’s room?”

  I nodded; I remembered.

  “She wanted to show me something. When my mom got engaged, my dad offered her a ring, and when she passed away, she gave it to Lisa. You’re going to think it’s pretty morbid but Grandma wants you to have it. Lisa’s note…” Miles choked up, and I hugged him. “She loved that ring more than anything else she owned because it was Mom’s. Lisa wanted it be given to the woman able to make me fall head over heels in love with her.” He paused, nervous. “That’s you, Val. I’m not asking you to marry me, yet, but it’s a promise that I’m here for the long haul. I would be honored if you would wear it.”

  Of course. Yes. I’ll never take it off. All these answers popped in my head, but I couldn’t get any words to come out, so I nodded. Miles had rendered me completely speechless. I’d expected flowers, maybe a cake, but never a family heirloom.

  Taking my left hand into his, he slid the white gold band onto my ring finger. My hands were getting clammy with how nervous this whole thing had me. Everything went too fast for me to see the ring in its entirety. My vision started to blur. Oh, Gosh! This was what I’d meant when saying Miles always did too much for me. How can I ever offer him something as meaningful? When my vision cleared a bit, I saw a red ruby sitting at the center of the ring. The simplicity of the piece didn’t match the meaning or its history, but I loved everything about it.

  “Whatever the meaning of this ring, I know I’ll marry you one day. Thank you so much, Miles. I’ve never received anything like this in my life.”

  The only other ring I’d ever been given was in my youth, it’d had my birthstone. His gift made me so happy, I couldn’t describe how good I felt even if I tried. The emotions ran through me; my hands were shaky and so was my voice.

  “Thank you,” I said, pampering his face in kisses.

  “It looks pretty on you. I’ve seen this ring all my life, either on Mom or on Lisa, but it looks really good on you.”

  He’d made my day. No matter what happened today, nothing would top this. My smile stayed on my face all through breakfast, and as I showered and got ready. I couldn’t be happier with my life, or with Miles, and I had Dorothy to thank for this. She could’ve kept the trinket for herself, or at least in the family. I was only his girlfriend, for God’s sake. We’d been together for so little time, the gesture touched me so much.

  We stayed home until dinner, cuddling and playing music. Well, Miles played guitar and sang to me. Private concerts had their perks. I loved him more and more with each sentiment, each day that we shared. His voice, the expressions on his face while he sang, everything added up to create the man I desired.

  We had an invitation from Nix and Levi for dinner. Their new married life seemed so fun, they completed each other. Nix had never been stronger in her life, which I believed had a lot to do with Levi and how much he cared for her. He made her the priority in his life and never failed to ensure her wellbeing. I hated that I couldn’t be there for Nix when she had issue with her biological father last year. It made me even more thankful for Levi and Bekka. The handled everything together. Bekka had let me know, of course, and I’d tried getting some time off from school, but since they were sending Nix to rehab they told me not to travel all that way for nothing. I still hated I couldn’t help her.

  Miles nudged me on the shoulder while he drove. “Are you happy with going to their place tonight, or would you have preferred a restaurant?”

  “What? No, I’m super happy to go. Sorry, was lost in thought for a second.” I thought giving him an insight into their past was okay, given the circumstances. “Nix had issues with drugs when we were teenagers. Several months ago, after meeting her biological father, she relapsed and went back to rehab. I was just thinking how thankful I was for Levi. I was in Boston at the time, and couldn’t help as much as I wished.”

  “Yeah, I know the feeling.”

  Damn. His sister. He would always regret not saving her from her demons. All I could do was love and support him. With time, maybe, he would accept that he’d had no power or control over his sister’s actions. He hadn’t known.

  As we approached Levi and Nix’s house, I started looking at the other houses around and wondered if, one day, we would be looking for a house to call our own.

  “Val, I know your place is pretty convenient for you at the moment, but would you ever consider moving into something bigger?” He laughed. “Admit it, that apartment is fucking small.”

  “I’m starting to believe that you really do read my mind,” I said with my mouth full of Starburst. “I think we could consider it. Maybe in this area, so we could be close to Nix and Levi?”

  “I like that idea.” Miles pulled me closer to him. One joy of having a pick-up truck with a bench seat: I could sit right next to him.

  “Oh, my god. Did she really put balloons on her front door for my birthday? We aren’t eight anymore.” The sound of my laughter echoed in the truck as Miles parked it in the driveway.

  Before we climbed out the vehicle, Nix and Levi were outside welcoming us. Levi and Miles started talking about the houses in the area while Nix invited me inside. Our men followed us into the house where it smelled so good. It was sweet and spicy, and reminded me of Thai food.

  “Would you like some wine or beer?”

  “Wine’s fine for me, thanks.”

  Miles and Levi were deep into a conversation. Levi grabbed his laptop and they continued talking about whatever they were looking at.

  Sipping my wine, I set about helping Nix in the kitchen. When we’d lived together, we ate more frozen lasagna in two months than the average American citizen eats in four years. I hadn’t eaten one since moving out of the apartment. It was good to cook a meal from scratch together.

  “Bekka and Tyler couldn’t come because they had to be at the club, so do you mind if we go there after dinner?”

  “Not at all. The more, the merrier. It’ll be fun to have all of us together. It feels like lately we’ve been seeing each other in separate passes. I mean, we never hang out together, the three of us.”

  “With Bekka’s pregnancy, it’s harder. She’s tired or sick, or both.” She chuckled. “Her belly is starting to show. It’s adorable.”

  “Are you guys planning for a baby, too?”

  “We haven’t used protection since my graduation, so it’ll happen eventually.” She was shrugging before she’d finished talking, and my arms were already hugging her with all my strength.

  “That’s so exciting.”

  “I know, I’m excited, too. At first, I wanted to wait, but since we moved in here, I’ve been looking at the other bedroom and can’t stop imagining it as a baby nursery. People might think it’s too soon, but I don’t care. I’m ready, and so is Levi. We want a family and grow old with our children.”

  “I might have just met him,” I said looking at Miles and feeling it in my heart the love and butterfly kisses, “but I know he’s it for me. He’s mine. It feels like we’re already married or attached to each other.”

  “Yeah, you guys share something special. It’s like something stronger than nature got you two together. When you met him, you were still with John, right?”

  “I met him the night before I left. He saw me at my worst, but didn’t let th
at change his vision of me. He kept sending me messages, which became my little bits of joy every day.”

  “I never thought everything would change so fast when we got that apartment. Our lives changed quite fast, we fell in love. You moved to a different state. I was still battling between Tristan and Levi.” Nix giggled.

  “Oh, come on. Tristan never stood a chance.”

  “You got that right, Val,” Levi added from the back making us all laugh.

  Levi grilled Thai shrimp marinated with hot peppers and pineapple while Nix fixed the rice and salad. Like I’d guessed by the scent, there was a mix of sweet and spicy. It tasted delicious, and I made sure to get the recipe before we left for the club.

  On the way to the club after dinner, Miles appeared tense or nervous. I couldn’t quite get my finger on it, but he was acting off.

  “What were you looking at with Levi?”

  “Houses in their area. We found two, one of them is one corner away.”

  Embarrassed by my own finances, I didn’t know how to say what I needed without hurting him. “Miles, I don’t think I could qualify for a mortgage now. I mean, I just started working.”

  “No worries, I got this.”

  Nix had the same issue with Levi when they first started house hunting. Letting Miles handle the financial side of buying a house didn’t seem right, but I didn’t want to talk about it tonight. Tonight was for celebration and partying. Tomorrow would be better.

  From the parking lot of the club we could hear the music blasting inside. The lot was filled to capacity, indicating a full house. Tonight would’ve been a good night to work. My bad.

  “Come on, birthday girl. I’m thirsty.”

  Walking to the door hand-in-hand with Miles, I opened it with my free hand and…


  Jesus Christ! Every single person inside seemed to be waiting for my entrance. Bekka, Tyler, and the regulars stood right up front screaming my name. I must’ve flushed ten shades of red.

  “Okay, stop now. Get me a drink.” My pulse didn’t beat this fast usually. I hadn’t seen any hints of this night being prepared for me—and I’d worked yesterday. Am I blind or what? Gosh!

  Tiff appeared with a tray full of shots. “To you, Val. Happy birthday, girl.”

  Everyone but Bekka threw back their shots and I noted someone in our circle of friends was missing. Kyle. He should’ve been there with us. I wanted him to be, so I took my phone out and texted him.

  Hey, K. Big party at the Black Shakers. I would love to see your face. P.S. It’s my birthday so you can’t say no.

  Not expecting him to reply, I slipped the phone back into my pants pocket then returned my attention to the party. “When did you guys plan all this? I can’t believe I didn’t see it coming.” Hugging Bekka and Nix, I added, “I love you, girls.”

  “It was a piece of cake. You’re blinded by all things Miles.” She laughed. “Young love will do that to you. It was the easiest party to plan. Trust me,” Nix said.

  “Come on, let’s dance.”

  The evening was still young when we started to dance, but I wasn’t really feeling it. The music echoed between the walls and the girls were digging it, singing all the words to every song. It was our usual to hang out at the bar, or at a table for a few drinks, before dancing the night away. Whatever, at least we were having fun.

  Nix excused herself to the restroom while Bekka and I danced on. At one point I placed my hand over her baby bump. It was overwhelming to know a little baby resided in there.

  The music skipped and scratched, coming to an abrupt stop. I looked around, trying to find Tyler so he could fix this. When I found him, he was smiling at the stage so I turned to look. Miles was taking over the stage, clad in his boots and cowboy hat. His guitar was slung across his back like Johnny Cash.

  “I met this girl.” He pointed at me, and my cheeks split with my smile. “While I was giving a show in Boston. She was sad and hurt, but also the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Tonight, she’s mine, and for every night from now on, too. I sing to her every chance I get, but tonight I thought I’d make it a special night. All profits will be given to the Washington State Suicide Help line.” He blinked at me under the bright lights of the stage and I blew him a kiss. “Cowgirl, this one’s for you.”

  Oh, my god.

  Miles was my super star. My very own Sam Hunt. He sang to me like we were the only ones in the room. Nothing else mattered, but me. Heat spread throughout my body, coming from love and from the excitement of seeing him performing again. How amazing was he?

  As if being serenaded by Miles wasn’t enough already, Nix joined him on the stage for the chorus and that was it. They made my night. Bekka sidled up to me and let her head rest on my shoulder. Could I be any happier? After spending a year in a city that made me feel lonely, tonight, my friends had erased all of those lonesome memories and reminded what it was to feel love. More than I could handle.

  Once upon a time there was this girl

  The second I saw her, I knew

  I knew I couldn’t let her go

  So, please, tattoo girl, don’t ever go.

  With tears in her eyes,

  I made her promise

  to reach out to me.

  Those tears weren’t my doing

  But I just had to make sure she’d would be alright.

  Every day, her lips, her smile…

  Her tattoos

  Made me strong enough to go after her.

  Until I found her again, I put my life on hold

  She had my heart, she just didn’t know.

  When that day came

  She faced me with wonder in her eyes.

  Baby, I’m here to take care of you

  So, please, tattoo girl, don’t ever go.

  She asked me to kiss her.

  Oh, boy, how could I say no?

  Our first kiss but not our last.

  This moment forever mine.

  All I could think was,

  Please tattoo girl don’t ever go.

  So, I’ll say this just this one time.

  Tattoo girl, will you be mine?

  Because I certainly can’t let you go.

  The End

  If you enjoyed this tale, the best compliment you can pay the author is to leave a review where you purchased it, or tell a friend! Thank you for reading.

  First, I have to thank Rachel for your work on my Manuscript. Again, I have to thank your hard work and patience. You have done an amazing job again. THANK YOU!

  Kari March created another great cover. The third amazing cover in the Ink series. Thank you for working with me.

  Thanks to Lisa Matthew for being there when I first started writing the story and for working with me on the project. Your support and friendship mean a lot.

  Danielle. You were there again to support me when I wrote the story. Thanks for your feedback over the years, I truly appreciate it.

  Tracey, thanks for helping me promoting this book. You are doing an excellent job and I can’t do it without you.

  Thanks for my friends, Sandra, Sylvie, Susan, and my group for your support. You are important and I’m glad I have you as my friends.

  Jude xox

  Jude Ouvrard is an author who writes from the heart, and reads with passion and devotion. Jude enjoys stories of drama, true love, tattoos, and everything in between. While writing is her therapy, reading is her solace. Life doesn't get better than books and chocolate, and maybe a little bit of shopping.

  A romance lover, Jude writes about love, pain, heartbreak and matters that will challenge your heart. A book can tell an unexpected story, no matter which directions it takes. Jude embraces words that have haunted her for years.

  Jude is a working mom who dedicates her time to a law firm and writing books. She has an energetic son, and a supportive boyfriend of many years. Her family is her rock; she could not survive without them. Born a country girl, she transformed into a city woman w
ho now lives in Montreal, Canada. Although French is her first language, Jude decided to write in English because she liked the challenge.

  "Drama, true love, tattoos...and everything in between!"

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