ZetaTalk: Science

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ZetaTalk: Science Page 26

by Nancy Lieder

  are visible because they do not absorb light rays but reflect them. Satellites or

  manmade metal objects such as the Space Station or probes are visible because

  metal is highly reflective. Comets create a spew of gas, a cloud, that reflects sunlight but are not highly visible until this cloud develops, outgassing. But what of asteroids, which regularly take mankind by surprise, appearing for a close

  pass but unnoticed until they arrive. Did they not twinkle, reflect light, or glow? Asteroids are almost entirely

  composed of hardened magma from the core of planets in the Asteroid Belt that got whacked to pieces in the past

  when Planet X and its entourage of moons passed through the solar system there. Magma is black, or dark gray, not a

  surface that reflects visible light rays. What is it about the color black that makes it dark, unseen? It absorbs light, almost entirely, reflecting little. And as a dead planet, without water, without atmosphere, without vegetation

  coloration, there is nothing on the Dark Twin to change this.

  The Dark Twin has been viewed, by astonished gazers, due to the phenomena that causes the rising and setting Sun to

  appear huge and orange. The size of the Sun, overhead, is a fraction of its apparent size when it rises or sets, due to the

  tendency of light rays in the red spectrum to bend. These light rays spread outward from the Sun but bend toward

  Earth due to Earth’s gravity, and thus arrive at Earth from this spread, giving the appearance of a larger Sun than is

  real. This is the same phenomena that causes the Monster Sun persona, a large dim orb next to the Sun. Why does the Dark Twin appear on the horizon, briefly, as a large yellow planet, the color and size changing back and forth to a tiny

  blue star? These are the colors least absorbed by the twin, thus most reflected. Yellow, being close in the color

  spectrum to red, bends outward and back toward Earth, thus changing the apparent size. Blue, being a straight line

  light ray not readily bent, reflects the true size of this object, equivalent to the Earth or Venus.

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  ZetaTalk: Dark Twin

  New York City, New York

  I know that it was at least 3 times bigger than Venus has ever appeared. Possibly more. Obviously it

  was bigger than a normal star because I thought it was a light on a building. And the color also!

  That yellow was flaming yellow! Then two minutes later - blue! The map I pulled up for NYC shows

  that Venus is not visible at that time. I know it wasn´t Venus, but thatś about it. Why? Well, for one

  Mars and other objects were right next to Venus and the object I saw was off by itself just sort of

  hanging there. I was walking toward the West in NYC (West Side). NYC is skewed in terms of true

  directions. Going according to actual directions (by using where the Sun sets) I was walking NW.

  Detroit, Michigan

  I live in suburban Detroit. I saw it in the sky around 11:00 PM. It was so huge I thought it might be

  an airplane coming in.

  Sydney, Australia

  I see it every day slightly west NW. It is extremely bright as the Sun sets then reduces in magnitude

  to about the brightness of Sirius it does actually change colour (Aussie way to spell it) from yellow

  to blue then disappears below the horizon by about 9 PM.


  In the Netherlands itś also visible for quite a while now. First, I thought it was just Venus but I

  have the feeling it gained in brightness over the weeks. Also itś color has turned from white to more

  yellow, I believe. Last night I was outside at approx. 01:00 and it was still visible and I don´t believe

  that Venus would still visible that late. There was a light haze so I could only see this in the WNW

  and the two brightest stars from Orion in the WSW

  San Francisco, California

  I saw it from about 9:30 to 10:30 my time the first night. I looked at a map and did not see Mars

  near it or any other visible stars, it seemed alone. I went out again at 11:00 and it had just

  disappeared, the night was clear and the earlier time I saw it , it wasn´t low enough on the horizon

  to have disappeared. The next night I checked it, it was still bigger and brighter than any star etc I

  have noticed before. But strangely , it seemed to have moved slightly more to the West.


  I am in middle Indiana and I took the dog out and saw the huge yellow colored planet / star in the

  western sky. I didn´t stay huge yellow and low in the sky for more than maybe 10 minutes after I

  first spotted it.

  Phoeniz, Arizona

  I´ve been seeing it here in Phoenix AZ over a week now. It is very obvious. It is due West in the

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  ZetaTalk: Dark Twin

  western sky about 10:00 PM my time. Very bright, yellowish and the bigest star on the horizon.

  Source: Godlike Production Message Board

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  ZetaTalk: Whiplash

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  ZetaTalk: Whiplash

  written Apr 14, 2004

  What is the effect on the Earth, currently swept into the arms of Planet X periodically by the Sweeping Arms of the Sun, when more planets crowd up to the stop sign, and halt, due to the massive Repulsion Force issues presented by

  Planet X standing before them. Planet X is 23 times as massive, this mass not reflected in the mere diameter of this

  interloper, which is only 4 times as broad as Venus or Earth or the Earth’s Dark Twin, all of which are approximately

  the same size. The Sweeping Arms normally just propel the planets in the inner solar system to continue their path,

  counterclockwise around the Sun, a nudge so benign as to go unnoticed by man, who assumes this motion and

  direction due to other factors. It is only when the sweeps create disaster, at predictable intervals, that man takes notice.

  The Sweeping Arm effect only became noticeable in the Summer of 2003, when the Earth began rounding the backside

  of the Sun and moving toward Planet X, which was inbound from the outer solar system regions toward the orbit of

  Earth where it encountered the Earth on Dec 25, 2003. The Sweeps then had a different pace, as rebounding away from

  Planet X or standing still or backing up under pressure, the Earth encounters the sweeps more often as it is not running

  ahead of them as a normal orbit would allow.

  Presently, the sweeps have the characteristic of

  1. pushing the Earth into the arms of Planet X,

  which it is avoiding due to Repulsion Force

  issues, thus creating phenomena man has come to

  associate with the sweeps such as strong Global

  Quakes, electromagnetic surges creating power

  outages and magnetic flux, and more falling

  bridges, separating rails derailing trains,

  collapsing buildings, water line breaks, and gas

  line or fixture explosions.

  2. hopping Planet X toward the Earth a few days

  later as its reaction in its Retrograde Orbit to a

  sweep is to hop over, rather than sweep before,

  the Sweeping Arms. This causes a second round

  of quakes and phenomena associated with sweeps, and often pushes the Earth backwards so it makes no progress

  in its orbit, but is stalled, and slightly backing up, during this process.

  With Venus stalled to the left side of the Earth, and Mars stalled to the Right, and with the Earth unable to leave her

  orbit due to the presence of these other
planets, and unable to lift far above or below the Ecliptic where other particle

  flows which sweep all the planets into the Ecliptic plane as they wash back toward the Sun’s middle, the Earth is

  stuck. Now approaches her Dark Twin, apace, closing the gap and just months behind her in their shared orbit. What

  will occur when this Dark Twin, the equal of Venus or the Earth in size, is close? It will surely stall in its orbit, but

  more will occur. The sweeps will now have a ricochet effect on the Earth.

  1. the Dark Twin will first encounter the Sweeping Arm, and will smash into Earth with the gravity Repulsion

  Force effect, not only creating a bump but pushing the Earth prematurely into the arms of Planet X. Disaster

  Scenario ONE.

  2. the Earth will then encounter the Sweeping Arm as noted above, and be sweep into the Arms of Planet X,

  bringing Disaster Scenario TWO.

  3. Planet X will then hop the sweep, smashing it into the Earth as noted above bringing Disaster Scenario


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  ZetaTalk: Whiplash

  4. where the Earth has been reacting to this hop by backing up, it can no longer do this without another crunch

  from the back due to its Dark Twin behind it, creating Disaster Scenario FOUR.

  This is twice the impacts already received, and each such impact that forces the Earth into the arms of Planet X creates

  more tilting and leaning and magnetic grip. In that the Earth cannot back up away from Planet X, but may in fact

  rebound into it when encountering her Dark Twin at her backside while attempting to do so, it will increasingly engage

  in the magnetic play that is inevitable between the Earth and Planet X. Slowing, beyond the steady pace that has been

  occurring but disguised by the halted orbit, will occur. Tilting and leaning or aligning with the bully magnet that Planet

  X represents will occur, with ricochet effects and twirling possible to an extent we decline to reveal at this time. If the

  Earth has been able to avoid Planet X as it creeps forward up to this point by backing up, what would cause the

  extreme pole shifts that her geology attests to? She is trapped, and the magnets engage, and the Earth, inevitably, is the loser.

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  ZetaTalk: Dark Twin Visibility

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  ZetaTalk: Dark Twin Visibility

  written Mar 15, 2004

  If Planet X is affecting our original Earth, by making it stop or even reverse in it

  ś orbit, why hasn´t this other Earth come into view?

  What would Earth look like, if viewed from Venus? Got a recent snap shot? Got a report from someone who was

  there? This Dead Twin is in the orbit path of Earth, which is farther away than the orbit path of Venus and Mercury, which those on Earth see as bright objects due to reflected sunlight. Why is it that asteroids are dark, in space, unless in a close fly-by. They are reflecting light only from their hard rocky surfaces. Planets which have gaseous atmospheres

  or are gaseous do more than that, they reflect light that is bounced around in all directions. An example is shining a

  light into a dark forest, against the dark trees. One see vague shapes. Shine the light into a fog bank and you see that

  bank, no question. Yet water is clear! Does not have shape or color! But the light has been returned to the viewer,

  having been bounced around, rather than absorbed. Thus the reflected light from the dark twin would be more muted

  than expected, but in a halted Earth orbit, this twin sharing the orbit would Arrive from the West indeed, in an

  apparent collision course!

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  ZetaTalk: Dark Twin Looms

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  ZetaTalk: Dark Twin Looms

  written April 10, 2010 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.

  On the Pole Shift ning http://poleshift.ning.com/profiles/blogs/picture-of-dark-object a dark object has been captured on a photo, with the following information regarding the capture: "Full Moon is in the

  center , house light lower right and dark object upper left side. Taken March 28 5:12 am EST in North

  Carolina. Was not visible to the eye, only the one picture. Camera (cannon) saw object just yesterday,

  during a review of the pictures taken previously." The dark object is not visible in the photo, which shows

  no signs of being doctored, until the photo is brightened.

  Under color inversion, the dark object emerges. It shows a shadow similar but not exactly like the shadow

  on the Moon. The object's shadow is directly on the left, while the Moon's shadow has a center pointing to

  the upper left. Thus, it is not a reflection of the Moon. Lens reflections, in any case, are equivalent in size

  to the bright objects, or smaller than the object. Thus, this is not a ghost, a reflection, nor is it an orb

  caused by light reflecting off a particle of dust or a raindrop, as orbs appear as light objects, not literally


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  ZetaTalk: Dark Twin Looms

  Skymap shows that the partially Full Moon on March 28, 2010, at 5:12 am from North Carolina is low on

  the horizon and at about Azimuth 270°. So the delivery man was looking west, though the Earth was not

  such that he was on the side of the Earth from which the Dark Twin is approaching. Nevertheless, he was

  looking out along the Ecliptic, in that general direction. I would think the Dark Twin would be blocked by

  the Earth itself, as this is just a couple hours before dawn, not midnight, and the curve of the shared orbit

  would likely put the Dark Twin more along the curve of the shared orbit, wrapping toward the Sun, not

  out there in the dark space. But, it could be somewhat out of our orbit, the shared orbit, due to trying to

  evade the Earth, the crowding. The Skymap diagram also shows that the dark object is closer to the

  Ecliptic than the Moon, as depicted in the photo.

  Per NASA, the Moon is 1/60 the volumn of Earth, but only 1/4 the diameter. Per the Zetas, the Dark Twin

  is approximately the same size as the Earth. Taking a measure of the diameter of the Moon in this photo

  and comparing to the diameter of the presumed Dark Twin, we find it is as large as 8 Moon diameters.

  Since the Moon is 1/4 the diameter of the Earth, this size is not possible unless the dark object is a

  Monster Dark Twin, akin to the Monster Planet X persona seen and photographed repeatedly. Light rays

  bend out, then return to the Earth, thus seeming to represent a larger object. Monsters are almost

  invariably pale. At right is a Monster Sun persona of Planet X from Texas on August 6, 2003. Not a ghost

  or lens flare as it stands behind the telephone wires.

  This is the Dark Twin, which has been crowding up behind the Earth in their shared orbit, but the orbit they share is no

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  ZetaTalk: Dark Twin Looms

  longer exact, due to the crowding. The Dark Twin has pushed back, slightly away from the Sun, to avoid crowding the

  Earth, in the same manner that the Earth has pushed back in her orbit to avoid the approaching Planet X. Such

  crowding will increase as Planet X comes outbound from the Sun, closing the gap between itself and Earth. Dramas

  will ensue, which we decline to detail at the present time. Why is the Dark Twin now visible when up until now has

  been seemingly impossible to see, having moved close up behind the Earth is their shared orbit?
While the Dark Twin

  has been to the side of the Earth, such that light would not reflect from the Sun to the Earth as the sunlight would be

  returning directly to the Sun, it now has pushed back outside their shared orbit, so the opportunities for reflected

  sunlight to reach the Earth have increased. As a black hunk of rock, without atmosphere or water, it absorbs almost all

  light. This captured image does not reflect the true size of the Dark Twin, but is akin to the Monster Sun captures of

  Planet X, so often astonishing those who viewed them during the day, and proving when captured on film to be

  anything but a lens flare. Light reflected from the Dark Twin fanned out, but when captured by the gravity field of

  Earth bend back, presenting to the camera a large pale orb not representative of the actual size of the Dark Twin.

  The Dark Twin, per the Zetas, shares the Earth's orbit but is normally hidden behind the Sun. It became visible when the Earth was halted in her orbit in December, 2003. It was captured in a photo on January

  20, 2004 in China. At the time, this odd bluish/yellowish orb was not recognized for what it was.

  Then in April, 2004, it was visible naked eye from Earth , many people noting a bluish/yellowish orb on the horizon, several times larger than Venus. In May, 2004 it was again captured in a photo from Arizona.

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  ZetaTalk: Shrouded Monster

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  ZetaTalk: Shrouded Monster

  written Aug 17, 2004

  Shrouded in a close hugging dust cloud that reflects the light of the Sun, Planet X was seen during the Summer of 2003 and into

  the Fall as the Second Sun, as the shrouded corpus was at a distance from the Sun that allowed an independent light source to be


  As the Earth moved into the Dec 25 position, approaching the point where Planet X was entering the inner solar system from a

  32° angle toward the Sun’s S Pole, it was viewing Planet X from the side, so the shrouded corpus, scattering light in all directions, was not lost from view except as an odd second light source reflected on the Moon or Venus, or creating a lingering


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