by Nancy Lieder
nothing more than the internal compression within the ball, forcing a rebound, is at play. In gravity matters, the
original pull toward the gravity giant, the Sun, remains in effect, countered by the repulsion force. But by sliding past the Sun, a glancing path that had already veered long before Planet X entered the solar system, momentum could
translate into a path away from the Sun. In human terms, the vectors are:
1. the gravity pull toward the Sun such that Planet X is essentially plunging toward the Sun when it enters the solar
2. the repulsion force generated when Planet X comes close to the Sun, which is equal to the gravity attraction and
thus stops the plunge into the Sun.
3. the backwash of particle flow returning to the Sun at its middle, the Ecliptic, which caused Planet X to drop to a
32° angle on approach to avoid this crowded lane, in effect pushed away from this backwash due to particle
flow friction, particle compression, caused by the great speed of Planet X on approach.
4. the fight to pierce the backwash of particle flows returning to the Sun at its middle, the Ecliptic, as the path of
Planet X turns away from the Sun and outward, once again causing a sharp angle to be the path of lease
5. momentum on the forward path, which due to the gravity pull inbound achieves great speed and force, and
which momentum does not abate when Planet X slides past the Sun due to repulsion force buffering.
6. the Sweeping Arms, which push the planets orbiting the Sun in a counterclockwise orbit
7. the hop over the Sweeping Arms which cancels out the influence in the case of Planet X as this actually propels
Planet X into its retrograde orbit.
If the repulsion force creates a slowed plunge and the backwash in the Ecliptic forces a sharp angle ideal for piercing
the Ecliptic, then what factor prevails for Planet X at the point it is passing the Sun? It is momentum, which may seem
minor, but at the point Planet X is passing the Sun, this is the factor that tips the balance. Balance this against the
planets encountering Planet X in their path - the Earth, Venus, Mars, and the Dark Twin. Their combined mass does
not come close to the mass of Planet X, which is 23 times that of Earth. For the Earth alone, the ratio is 1 to 23. The[2/5/2012 11:54:57 AM]
ZetaTalk: Plowing Ahead
Earth, Venus, and the Dark Twin being essentially equal in size and mass and Mars being relatively insignificant, the
combined mass of the planets in the path of Planet X thus provide a ratio of 3 to 23. Hardly a contest. Now give this
monster momentum. Do the Sweeping Arms of the Sun counter this momentum? Here again the mass of Planet X tips
the balance, as it hops toward the smaller planets being swept along, this push back equivalent in force to the
momentum they have, plus. The sweep is gentle, the hop quick. The hop likewise is in the direction of the momentum
Planet X already has.
At the present time, the planets encountering Planet X have halted, but Planet X is moving. Thus, momentum is the
prevailing factor in this shoving contest. Planet X will plow forward, forcing these minor planets before it, knocking
them into each other, at an increasing speed. If you think the sweeps that Nancy has been keeping track of recently
have been interesting, they are about to become more than an intellectual curiosity. It is an unshakable grip, an
inevitable path, an accelerating drama.[2/5/2012 11:54:57 AM]
ZetaTalk: a Twirling Wobble
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ZetaTalk: a Twirling Wobble
written May 25 2004 during the Lou Gentile show
When are the Earth changes, the things going on now, going to become so obvious that there will be no
question, no more debate.
It has seemed an interminable time since we stated on May 15, 2003 that rotation stoppage and the pole shift were
imminent, but in fact Planet X was just coming into the inner solar system on the other side of the Sun from the Earth
on that date. On May 15, 2003, there was a very dramatic view, directly across the Sun. Planet X was more brilliant
and more easily photographed than it is now. Then the Earth traveled for 6 months to be meeting Planet X, where it
was coming into the inner solar system, and there we sit, for the last 5 months, in a shoving contest which Planet X
will win, which has likewise seemed to be taking forever. The view of Planet X is not as brilliant now. If you’re
staring at something or looking out of the side of your eye, there’s a difference. You are currently looking out of the
side of your eye. It is shrouded in its dust cloud and floating about out there next to the Sun, or so it appears from the
view from Earth, at least, so it is not something that you can easily pick out as it is lost in the light of the super bright
Sun, part of which is the reflection from that dust cloud. Yes, there are more exploding factories now, global
shuddering during the sweeps, but how long is this going to go on? We have inferred, and detailed, that there is an end
to this.
Magnets, magnetic fields, are very strong. Planet X is a huge magnet, it is 23 times the mass of Earth though only 4
times the diameter. Therefore, due to its mass, it is a magnet that will win in the shoving contest. What do Magnets
do? If you lay, as every school child has been taught to do, iron flakes on a plate of glass and a magnet underneath,
and tap that so that you can see the magnetic field lines, you will notice that at the poles, the magnetic field lines are
almost vertical, but as you get close to the middle of the magnet, they become almost horizontal coming off of the
magnet, and round. Planet X came up from beneath the Sun, at a 32° angle, and as its N Pole is very attracted to the
Sun’s S Pole as it is passing, Planet X is slinging its S Pole to the side and is skewed along the magnetic flow lines.
This is why the Earth is currently leaning its N Pole toward the S Pole of Planet X, likewise tilting and leaning, thus
simulating the seasons where the northern hemisphere gets more Sun, confusing the issue as the Book of Enoch has
Now, this will not last forever. At first, that skew is slight, but as Planet X rises toward the Ecliptic that skewing
becomes more extreme, it has a tendency to lie almost horizontal such that the S Pole of Planet X is pointing away
from the Sun, and the Earth likewise will increase its tilt and lean. But what happens when magnets get side by side,
when they line up together? When Planet X approaches the mid point of the Sun, the Ecliptic, it will decide to become
straight up and down along with the Sun, and that is at least a 45° swing for the skew that it currently has. The Earth
will adjust, especially because Planet X will be between the Earth and the Sun, and all of a sudden the N Pole of Earth
will swing in many different directions as it adjusts itself to this sudden change. We mentioned, in the Whiplash
ZetaTalk, that ricochet effects and twirling are possible. Twirling? What does that mean? Why is the cold spot to the
west of Hudson Bay the coldest spot on Earth? That’s not the N Pole. What point is pointing away from the Sun most
of the day? Are we going to develop a wobble? Are we going to suddenly lurch about so that the Sun is rising and
setting in a place way off from where the public would expect? And what happens to the crust when that happens?
Imagine the Glasgow factory explosion 100 times over
across the world. Imagine the I-70 overpass beam dropping on every major freeway so that travel is not possible except for short spurts locally. This is in your future, folks, but we
will not give you the date.[2/5/2012 11:54:57 AM]
ZetaTalk: a Twirling Wobble[2/5/2012 11:54:57 AM]
ZetaTalk: 23 is the Key!
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ZetaTalk: 23° is the Key!
written Mar 9, 2004
Since the Dec 25, 2003 time frame, when the rotating Earth halted in her orbit, deflecting any impact like a gymnast
slamming onto the mat on his back but deflecting the impact by rolling forward to bounce to his feet, the Earth has
been attempting to maintain a distance from Planet X. This distance, as we have mentioned, equates to the now famous
ZetaTalk Triangle. For the Earth, this means a 23° angle from Planet X, which she maintains by pushing back in her orbit between sweeping arms of the Sun pushing her into the arms of her brute brother. For those who say the orbit of
Earth has not stopped, we point to the many observations from astute humans not blind to what is going on around
them. If Planet X were at a 23° angle from the Earth, and the N Pole gripped such that it is tilting toward the S Pole of
Planet X, as we have maintained in Recent ZetaTalk, then the N Pole would be tilting and leaning at this 23°. Is it?
Ecliptic Observations
Norway, Feb 23:
Another interesting
observation however
was the location of the
Moon and Venus when I
arrived home at about
17:20 UTC. According
to Starry Night Pro,
Cartes du Ciel and
SkyMap Pro, they should have been at about 235º from my location. However, their true location
was more like 260º. Their relative position was shown a little bit different in the different sky charts,
with SkyMap Pro and Cartes du Ciel showing the correct relative position of Venus vs. the moon,
whereas Starry Night Pro showed Venus a bit too far South. Note: this is a difference of 25° for the
Ecliptic plane.
The Sun transit, expected to be due south, would no longer be that, but found, due to the lean toward Planet X, to be
eastward. Is it?
N/S Observations
Italy, Mar 9: During these days I verified that my
South is not 180° but 160°. Note: this is a difference of
20° for South.
During the bobbling about of the Earth over the past several
months, it has frequently been noted that the Moon is not in its
proper orbit, is too far north or south, often so in the extreme for
several days. Of all indicators that something is amiss, and not
being addressed by the establishment, this aberrant behavior of the
Moon has clued the common man that the heavens are not right.
Those without TV or the barrage of electronic entertainment that city dwellers in industrialized countries posses,
entertain themselves under the stars in the evenings, and the Moon rise and transit is well noted. Where the Moon hugs
the Earth's middle, and has been noted to find this middle again when the Earth has shifted position, in the crunch
ongoing at present where the Earth is being drawn in toward the Sun, accounted for by the very bright sunlight of late,
it listens to other voices. It listens to the Sun's middle, the true Ecliptic, and adheres to that. Thus, the Moon could be expected to be positioned in the old Ecliptic, while the Earth tilts. Is it?[2/5/2012 11:54:58 AM]
ZetaTalk: 23 is the Key!
Moon Orbit Observations
El Paso, Feb 6: Moon transit did
not happen until 1:15 AM Feb 6
when Moon was at 185° South
and 98° overhead, a difference of
32° and 22° from expected. Note:
Moon tracking too high in the sky
by 22°.
What does the common man learn from the
lack of comment in the media, the lack of mention by the leadership if their countries are so primitive that they look to their leadership for news of importance? They take silence on this matter to indicate a cover-up. What else? That the
leadership has not noticed? Prophecy and folklore serve the common man well, in these instances, as this speaks to the
changes they are noting. And in developed countries, where the media blares irrelevant information and ignores such
matters as the wild weather that threatens every township and farm, a pervading sense of something amiss has taken
hold. Thus, the leadership has lost the people, who have become jaded and suspicious of any messages or directive, as
the truth has obviously become a victim to other agendas.
Moon Face Observations
Biloxi, Mar 7: Big, beautiful yellow
moon rose last night. It seemed to
traverse ENE to WSW as it went.
Note: transit noted is for a Moon on
the old Ecliptic plane with a tilted
Spokane, Mar 7: The moon appears
to have rotated counter clockwise by
about 45 degrees. The reading I've done on the Internet this evening shows that my view from the
Northern Hemisphere, here in Spokane Wa. seems to be the view that I would see from somewhere
near the Equator. The folks in the Southern Hemisphere have an upside-down view from ours. The
feature that makes up the man in the moons left eye, on the right side of the moon, is now on the top
of the moon. Note: 45 rotation of the face substantiated by photo from Wisconsin, same lattitude. If
a hemisphere flip is a 180° change to the Moon face, then moving to the Equator is half that or a
90° rotation. Since Spokane and Wisconsin are at a lattitude approximately 45° north of the
Equator, a 23° tilt would put the Moon face rotation at half of that, or 45°.
Anyone laying out the orbit of Planet X, which we have detailed in excruciating detail, and the Earth's orbit, in which
the Earth is trapped, can see a crunch point approaching. The Earth is pushing back, scuttling back, but at some point
her orbit turns and places her in front of the onrushing Planet X like a tiny car on the freeway attempting to reach an
exit ramp and to do so must cross in front of a truck barreling down the highway. This draws Earth into Planet X, the
point we have predicted when the magnetic grip will take hold to the extent that rotation slows to a stop! This is
dependent upon the speed of Planet X, a variable unknown to man, but known to us. At this point we remind the
establishment that they have still not informed the public, the common man, of what is about to befall them. And until
they do, and relay whatever news they learn promptly to the public, we will stonewall them. If this sounds like
blackmail, it is whitemail, as our pressure on the hands of evil which have run this cover-up is all for the good.[2/5/2012 11:54:58 AM]
ZetaTalk: Rings of Planet X
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ZetaTalk: Rings of Planet X
written Sep 3, 2004
Subtract light from the object and the belt is always there. Sep 1, 2004.
Ciao, Alberto
Like the rings of Saturn, the planets of the Solar System sling out
around the Sun’s middle, swept along in their orbits by the sweeping
arms of the Sun, and the Earth’s moon swings out around her middle.
Driven by rotation in the larger
object they are orbiting, rings of dust
around a planet, or moons orbiting a planet, or planets orbiting a sun,
give a solid clue as to the direction of rotation in the interior of that
giant. So what can be learned from the rings around the center of the
object just under the Sun, just under the Ecliptic, rings only recently
visible and able to be captured by the eager camera of an amateur
astronomer? These photos are showing the dust cloud surrounding the
corpus to be swirling around the middle of a tilted planet, when the
photos are adjusted to align with an Ecliptic as viewed from the proper
place on an Earth halted in its orbit at the Dec 25 position and tilted
itself at a 45° toward the Sun.
We have stated that Planet X is slung out along the Magnetic Flow lines
emanating from the Sun, at an angle that Approximated 45° but that this
would sharpen as Planet X continued to rise to the Ecliptic. Planets
orbiting a magnetic sun align with that Sun, but Planet X is not orbiting,
but passing, and has come too close for magnetic comfort to the Sun in
doing so, and thus the odd angle of its magnetic poles as it is forced to
align with the magnetic flow lines of the Sun. We have also stated that
Planet X will do a dual 270° Roll during its transit of the Ecliptic, a phenomena not demonstrable in mans laboratories as this is not solely a magnetic maneuver. For those that would scoff, we point to man’s inability to explain why the
Ecliptic exists at all, and why the planets all orbit the Sun in the same direction, and can speed up or slow down during
perturbations at odds with Newton’s theories. Man cannot explain, nor reconcile the contradictions in their theories.
The number of particle flows swirling around the Ecliptic, moving into and out of the Sun and swamping, at times, the
hapless planets in orbit, are about 1,000 to 1, those unknown by man compared to what he vaguely understands.
These photos corroborate what we have stated about the angle of tilt in Planet X Sharpening as it approaches the
Ecliptic. The fact that Planet X stands beside the Sun, just beneath the Ecliptic, having zoomed in rapidly from outside