ZetaTalk: Science

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ZetaTalk: Science Page 32

by Nancy Lieder

circumstances such as the backlit view from SWAN. The dust cloud is charged and thus like tiny particles held suspended in the air by static electricity, it perpetually cloaks Planet X, not escaping nor drifting down through the

  atmosphere into the great seas of that large water planet. We have mentioned that the inhabitants of Planet X, giant

  hominoids who would loom at least a full head taller than man’s basketball teams and are stocky and well muscled,

  deal with anxiety during the passage, as they not only zoom rapidly toward the Sun before the brakes are put on by the

  gravity Repulsion Force but also spend an uncomfortable amount of time close to the heat of the Sun. Why would their world not fry, and sizzle, like Mercury and Venus?

  Is there not a temperature difference between cloudy vs sunny days? Cloud cover on Earth, here just a matter of some

  skimpy water vapor, makes a difference. In discussing the outcome of a potential nuclear war, the concept of a nuclear

  winter emerged, where the dust from the explosions would shroud the Earth for decades, killing all life on Earth from

  lack of sunlight and the resultant cold. And what about the hypothesis of why the dinosaurs became extinct, a

  hypothesis we disagree with but nevertheless man’s current favorite, that a large meteor striking Earth and the resultant volcanic dust reducing the vegetation these massive herbivores required? The concept of dust preventing sunlight, and

  to some extent the heat from a sun, from reaching a planet is not foreign to man. This dust cloud likewise prevents the

  heat and light from Planet X, which as a smoldering brown dwarf it generates, from escaping when it is out in cold

  space afar from the Sun. Indeed, there is a temperature rise during its passage of the Sun, which takes some centuries

  to dissipate until its normal equilibrium is re-established. But as this planet has much less land surface, and deeper

  oceans, it has a natural heat sink in its oceans. The hominoids there do not see the stars, as do Earthlings. To see where

  their planet is heading, or where it currently is located, they must send aloft probes, and these well aloft to escape the

  fog of dust that only gradually dissipates as distance from this giant magnet planet is attained.

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  ZetaTalk: Simulating the Seasons

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  ZetaTalk: Simulating the Seasons

  written May 26, 2006

  The Big Dipper appears appropriate for May 25, 2006 at midnight. The only way to get the Big Dipper to

  appear as it did during the Oct 15 position, would be to assume a 5:00 pm time, then it lines up exactly as it did

  on midnight May 25. I also noted that the Sunset was in the extreme NW a couple days ago, estimated 20° too far

  to the North, and the message boards have been alive with similar observations for Sunrise, up to 30° too far

  North. We're supposed to be pushed back into the Fall position, in our orbit, a complexity of factors at play.

  Photos from Japan also show the Sun not moving steadily across the skyarc during the day, but faster at certain

  points. Then there's the issue of the Earth's magnetic field moving about, recently reported to be pushed further

  to the West from where it was days ago. This is such a confusing picture. What's going on? [and from another]

  Usually in May the Sun goes 15° degrees per hour. I photographed the Sun shadow during the day, and this is

  no longer the case. The Sun is at its zenith at 11:53 am here in Japan at Nara. I started the photo sessions at

  9:53 am. From 10-11 it moved 30°, from 11-12 it moved 45°, from 12-1 it moved 50°, from 1-2 it moved 20°,

  from 2-3 only 10°, from 3-4:30 only 8°. Please ask the Zetas what this means!

  Beyond the issue of why the constellations appeared normal to Nancy for May 25, 2006, when she assumed the Earth to be

  somewhere in the Fall position, there is also the issue of the Sun rising and setting too far to the North by many degrees, an

  estimated 20-30 degrees, as noted by Nancy and a number of other individuals posting on message boards and sending her

  frantic email. Nancy is trying to correlate these facts with our statements on the Earth orbit and tilt.

  1. We have stated that Earth will be pushed back in her orbit to the point of August, prior to passage, and is held in the cup. The mobility for Earth while in the cup is up and down and side to side, but not for a very large distance.

  2. We mentioned earlier that pushing the globe down below the Ecliptic is another way of maintaining the appearance of

  normalcy, as a lower posture vs a vs the Sun floods the Northern Hemisphere with sunlight, and puts the Southern

  Hemisphere into darker days for their Winter. Likewise bobbing the Earth up vs a vs the Sun, in the Ecliptic, allows

  the reverse.

  3. We have explained that the constellations are overhead all the time, just not visible because of light pollution. In a globe out of position, constellations overhead in the dome appear only slightly out of position, but constellations on the

  horizon will switch, E/W, so this horizon view is a sure clue that the globe is out of position.

  4. We have explained that a lean to the left would start to occur as the N Pole of Planet X swung round from the right, as

  the N Pole of Earth would attempt to evade this, leaning left. This would, as we stated, create a sunarc in the sky that would look increasingly aberrant. Planet X now appears to the right when looking toward the Sun, because the Earth is

  attempting to escape to the left, beginning to lean her N Pole away from the N Pole of Planet X which is emerging

  from the right hand side.

  Do any of these statements apply to the current situation? The Council of Worlds has required an Element of Doubt be in place, not only about the alien presence but about the approaching pole shift, for many reasons. For the alien presence, a

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  ZetaTalk: Simulating the Seasons

  gradual realization on the subconscious level that man is not alone, and intelligent life from elsewhere is visiting, reduces the likelihood of contactees being attacked, burned at the stake by the threatened religious elite or governments. Thus, visitations

  are recorded in the subconscious, and the Element of Doubt is inserted when photos or video capture occurs. The Element of

  Doubt on the pole shift is to prevent panic in the establishment, premature imposition of Martial Law, which would surely

  occur as the establishment has no plan of action other than to save their sorry skins, leaving the common man to his own

  resources. Thus, the stalled orbit of Earth is hidden in Apparent Precision while benign aliens, ourselves and others, tip the globe to simulate the seasons. We are also manipulating the globe to simulate constellation normalcy. This may seem a

  fantastic and impossible maneuver, but we will explain.

  In arranging to create the Element of Doubt as to the stalled orbit, we sometimes have to make choices. In that the rising and

  setting Sun would not be noticed by as many, given the workday world rushing to work and eating supper during those times,

  and given that the point where the Sun rises and sets could be argued, not likely to be measured by busy people on the go,

  this was deemed a lesser problem. If a constellation, well known, simply disappears from the sky, this not only stirs amateurs

  on the hunt for them in the night sky but the common man wanting to point these out for their children, stirring many

  question. So how has the Earth been arranged, vs a vs the Sun, to allow a more appropriate constellation view? The Big

  Dipper, as it appeared to Nancy, was inappropriate for the Fall position, her estimated Oct 15 position. The Fall pos
ition at

  midnight would have placed it some 1/6 of the way further round the horizon toward the North, and in a different point in its

  nightly rotation, the view from the Earth as the globe turns under the starry night, being approximately 25% further along in

  its rotation. Thus, the May 25 and Oct 15 views are not all that different, and a slight adjustment in the position of the globe to a 5:00 pm position puts the Big Dipper in the same place as on May 25 at midnight.

  Where the manipulation we are required to do differs as the seasons progress, to simulate a May 25

  date when the globe is in the Oct 15 position, the following occurred. We tipped the N Pole of

  Earth slightly toward the Sun, to bring more hours of daylight, as the Fall position is not yet at the

  Equinox of Sept 21, but the Spring position is well past the Equinox of March 21. This tipping puts

  the globe on a slight diagonal, which means the North Star, Polaris, and the Southern Celestrial

  Pole would be slightly askew, but not to the degree to be noticed by the common man or most

  amateur astronomers, who sight on these polar stars, assuming them to be correct, and do not use

  landmarks as locators. This diagonal lean of the Earth toward the Sun is what is causing the Sunrise

  and Sunset to appear so far to the North, at this time. It also causes an irregular speed of Sunarc, as

  the view from the Earth swoops down into daylight at the start of the day, and swoops up at dusk

  at the end of the day, rather than a steady path across the sky. Near noon, the Sunarc is running

  sideways across the sky, moving rapidly as it is covering more distance per hour. To align a familiar constellation like the

  Big Dipper, this sideways tip of the N Pole toward the Sun also assists. If on May 25 the Big Dipper is found in the NW, half

  way up in the dome, but on Oct 15 is found in the extreme NNE closer to the horizon, the tipping of the N Pole toward the

  Sun places this constellation higher in the dome. For the Big Dipper to also move toward the NW, the N Pole would have to likewise be tipped toward the East, somewhat, toward Planet X rather than away, and this was done. This has produced more

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  ZetaTalk: Simulating the Seasons

  magnetic stress, pushing the magnetic N Pole further to the West, at this time. The Lean to the Left we have predicted to

  occur leading into the 3 days of darkness has not as yet begun.

  This manipulation, appropriate for the Element of Doubt on May 15, 2006, will change shortly, as each month presents new

  challenges to be addressed. For those Insecure, unable to deal with the reality of the presence of Planet X and what this means for their future, unable to deal with the fact of the cover-up and what this means for the likelihood that the

  government will protect and care for them in the future, the Element of Doubt is in place. For those astute enough to observe

  the anomalies, the quakes and stretch zone accidents and volcanic increases that are not explained by the Global Warming

  excuse, the signs are there that things are not right, and the explanation presented by our emissary, Nancy, fits the pieces of

  the puzzle together correctly. For most, confused by this lengthy discussion of the many factors at play, our manipulation of

  the view, and the constant change likely to occur as the seasons unfold, a simply examination of the latest oddity suffices.

  For those into mental gymnastics, careful computation, and putting all the observations together on one page and seeking

  what answer might account for them all, our words here this day will be a guide. Those wanting to deny will not deal with all the anomalies or observations, choosing to divide in order to attempt to conquer. But all the facts must be faced, at once, for a fair trial of any theory proposed. If the constellations are correct, then why is the Sunrise and Sunset so aberrant, and

  the swoop of the Sunarc irregular?

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta287.htm[2/5/2012 11:55:09 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Solstice

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  ZetaTalk: Solstice

  written July 1, 2006 on the live GodlikeProduction Radio show.

  Nancy has asked for an update on simulating the seasons since the clues have changed somewhat. While the Earth is still in somewhere in the October position, to simulate the seasons as we move past the Summer Solstice, the Earth is

  still being skewed off axis, with the N Pole pulled more toward the Sun. For those who would be confused, thinking

  we are speaking here of the normal tilt of the Earth during the Summer Solstice, where the N Pole is 23° closer to the

  Sun than the S Pole, we are speaking here of a sideways tilt from the Fall position where both Poles would be equally

  exposed to sunlight. To effect more daylight, as June 21 is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, we

  continued to pull Earth off its axis as we did in May but also dropped the Earth below the Ecliptic. Thus, as with the

  polar regions which find their skies lit 24 hours a day during their Summer seasons, even when not seeing the sunball,

  those areas close to the polar circle are seeing their civil twilight extended, earlier and later, by a considerable period.

  Signs of the Times #1616

  I bought my house last spring and worked on it all summer. All summer long the sun beat down

  directly into our greenhouse - on the south side of the house. This year, the sun doesn't even hit the

  greenhouse. [and from another] I live in north east Texas ,about 30 degrees north latitude. As I

  understand basic astronomy , the Sun should never be north of my position at noon since I live north

  of the tropics. My house is oriented east to west precisely, so it is easy for me to see the sunlight

  shining in the northern facing flower beds [Jun 29], which are under an 18" eve. This translates in

  my mind to the Sun "tracking" too far north, since the tropic of cancer and capricorn no longer

  apply. [and from another] London [Jun 26] For the record Civil Twilight was supposed to begin at

  3.57 AM on June 23rd in London. I observed it with my own eyes at 3.03 AM. [and from another]

  Romania June 26 'Around here, in summer days, we used to have the twilight ending 9:00-9.30 pm

  and up again at about 4.30-4:45. Now that changed. This year, we have the twilight until 10.30-11

  pm, and already up again at 3.30-3.45 am. [and from another] In Wisconsin on June 11 sunrise was

  12° too far North, on June 30 it was 11° too far North, per Skymap. [and from another] Sweden

  [Jun 10] I use a sundial. The 3:15 mark is 20 minutes early.

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta299.htm[2/5/2012 11:55:10 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Intermittent Lurch

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  ZetaTalk: Intermittent Lurch

  written Mar 10, 2007

  El PasoTX: Feb28 23:45 pm. The Hunter is

  CincinatiOhio: Feb28 5:00 am. I know where

  Azi 270-285° and leaning N somewhat and

  N, S, E and West are relative to my

  entire constellation is visible above Franklin

  observation point. I have confirmed them

  Mtns. Per Skymap, 240-260° leaning N

  through satellite maps and photos. Polaris,

  somewhat, yes, too far East by 30°. In a halted itself was East by about 50-60°. At 5:00 am

  orbit, 270° is correct for a globe in the Oct 1

  the deviation appeared to be maximum. By

  position. But the Hunter's belt would be just on 6:00 am it was rapidly correcting towards its

  the horizon, for Mar 7 or Oct 1, and this entire expected value. Sun is over Europe, extreme

  constellation was high in the
sky, above the

  lean to the West, 50-60°. Magnetic N Pole is

  mountains. An additional 10° for below the

  coming into view.

  belt and 10° for mountains is needed to be

  seen. Thus, 20° too high. Sun is over India, 20° SantiagoChili: Mar7 5:30 am. Hercules

  lean to the West. Magnetic N Pole fully

  seemed to start 85° [up] measured from the


  Eastern horizon, and at some 120° [up]

  measured from the Northern horizon. Placing

  MadridSpain: Mar7 The Sun was to appear at Hercules high in the dome in the SE. Skymap

  7:41. It appeared at 7:50: 110-115º East, when expects Hercules Azi 5-45° Alt 7-38°, low in

  it was expected to be 90-100º East. Skymap

  the dome in the NE. Offset by 50° or more.

  expected sunrise at exactly 7:41 at Azi 96°. A Considering the halted orbit, on Oct 1

  tad late and 15-20° too far South, the lean El

  Hercules should still be at the same Alt but

  Paso notes at midnight apparent! Sun is over

  more to the North Azi 345-27°. Altitude still

  India, 20° lean to the West. Magnetic N Pole

  too high by 50° or more. Sun is over Europe,

  fully hidden.

  extreme lean to the West, 50°. Magnetic N

  Pole is not yet in view.

  BarabooWI: Mar10 4:25 am. Polaris and Big

  Dipper sighted pretty much where expected by

  Skymap. What happened to the lean? Cincinati

  is almost directly below Wisconsin, on the

  Western border of ET, and Wisconsin on the

  Eastern border of CT. Chili is a time zone

  ahead, so their 4:30 was likewise equivalent to

  Cincinati 5:30. This lean appears to be

  intermittent. Sun is over Europe, extreme lean

  to the West has disappeared. Magnetic N Pole

  is not yet in view.

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  ZetaTalk: Intermittent Lurch

  Nancy and friends have carefully gathered data to determine where the Earth wobble has gone, as one of the team


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