Wet Dream

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Wet Dream Page 5

by Jenna Jacob

  “Is it time to eat?” She flashed her friends a confident smile.

  Dissecting her with a hard stare, Jade slowly nodded. “Yes. Are you all right?”

  “I’m actually better than I’ve been in a long time.” Flashing Colton a mischievous grin, she arched her brows. “Are the eggs over easy?”

  A crooked smile kicked up a corner of his mouth, and he nodded.

  “Then let’s do it,” she stated before marching into the kitchen.

  The meal started off enveloped in an awkward silence, but after a few minutes, the three were eating, laughing, and reminiscing about their teen years.

  “I never did tell Chelsea Walters it was me who threw the rock that broke her window. How did I know she slept like the dead? But one thing I’ll never forget was the sound of her daddy pumping those shells into his twelve gauge or the buckshot that sailed over my head as I ran elbows to asshole out of there.”

  Brea and Jade were laughing so hard at Colton’s story, tears spilled down their cheeks.

  “You’re lucky you didn’t end up stuffed and mounted over his fireplace,” Brea snorted.

  “I know, right? Her dad was a taxidermist’s fantasy. He had six or seven deer, three wild boars, and two cougar heads, all stuffed and mounted in his shed,” Colton said with a visible shudder. “The crazy son of a bitch even had a family of squirrels hanging on the wall by the shower in the bathroom. I don’t even want to think what he mounted over his own damn bed. That man was scary as fuck! It wasn’t any wonder Chelsea didn’t have many dates.”

  “What’s she doing now? Do either of you know?” Jade asked, wiping her happy tears.

  “Last I heard, she was still in Austin, working for a big oil company,” Colton replied before draining his mug and pushing back from the table. Standing, he bent and planted a soulful kiss on Jade’s lips, then gave her a wink. “I need to get back to work. Breakfast was wonderful, sweetheart. And those eggs? Best I’ve ever tasted.”

  Jade rolled her eyes and flipped him off. He just laughed, all the way out the door.

  “After I get these dishes done, I need to run to town and get some groceries. Wanna come with?”

  “Only if you let me clean up the kitchen.”

  “You’re on. Thanks. I’m going to grab a quick shower, then we can be on our way.”

  With her life plan in place, Brea’s soul felt lighter than it had in…forever. Belting out her favorite Blake Shelton song, she started loading the dishwasher.


  Sitting in Jade’s rusted pickup, Brea couldn’t wipe the grin from her face. Memories of them cruising their favorite haunts back in Austin inundated her. For several long minutes, she savored a time long past, when life had been easy and carefree. She brushed a hand over the faded cloth seats while wistful melancholy fluttered through her.

  “Boy, if this old truck could talk…” she chuckled.

  “We’d be in jail,” Jade snorted. She quickly slapped a hand over her mouth and darted Brea a look of sympathy. “I’m sorry. That was the wrong thing to—”

  “It’s the truth,” Brea cut her off with a laugh. “I can’t believe you still have this beast…and that she actually still runs.”

  “This old girl’s been the only constant in my life.” Jade patted the cracked vinyl of the sun-bleached dashboard. “At least so far. Hopefully, Colton and I will last as long, if not longer. I hope this old truck will still be with me and not in a junkyard, if I have to start over again.”

  As if in warning not to mention a scrapheap, the engine coughed and sputtered before once more purring down the road.

  “You’re not going anywhere. Colton won’t let you. He’s in this for the long haul,” Brea assured.

  “Me, too.” Contentment smoothed Jade’s face as she pulled in and parked in front of the post office. “I’ll be right back. I need to pick up a package, then we’ll run across the street and get groceries.”

  Brea leaned forward and spied the supermarket. “Why don’t you meet me over there, while I get the shopping started?”

  “Sounds great. See you in a few.”

  Jade darted into the post office while Brea stood at the corner waiting for a couple of cars to pass. All of a sudden, a shiny black pickup truck pulled to a stop beside her. When the tinted window slid down and she saw Sawyer behind the wheel, her heart tripped in her chest.

  His emerald eyes danced over her like a gentle caress. And the wide smile on his lips made Brea’s whole body tingle. Like a bolt of lightning, heat awakened between her legs with a familiar throb.

  “Good morning, gorgeous. What brings you to town so bright and early?” he asked, shoving his truck into park.

  She swallowed the lump in her throat. With shaky fingers, she raised the grocery list. Dropping the paper quickly, she darted a glance behind her. “Oh, I’m just helping Jade with some errands. What about you?”

  “I’m heading to work a little early.” Sawyer leaned over the cab and opened the passenger door. “Hop on in for a minute, let’s talk.”

  Talk? She had plenty to say to the man but it wasn’t with words. Brea wanted an in-depth discussion that involved lips, tongues, and every inch of his naked body.

  What about your man ban? You know…that orgasm-prohibited diet plan you started today? You’ll never heal your heart deep-throating his long john and sucking the cream out of it!

  “I can’t!” Brea barked and slammed the door. Sawyer blinked in surprise. “I-I mean…I’m meeting Jade at the store in a minute. I need to go.”

  His intense gaze set her body on fire, yet goose bumps peppered her flesh. Her nipples drew up hard and tight, sending tempting tingles to spark her blood.

  “Then join me for a drink tonight at the Hangover, say around eight o’clock?”

  No way. Brea and booze didn’t play nice. Alcohol went straight to her pussy and turned her into a hooker hosting a yard sale. Her attraction to men was hard enough to contain. Tequila was an accelerant that ignited a ravenous bonfire of lust inside her. A willing appendage that made her combust was the only way to put out the flames.

  “I-I don’t drink,” she stammered.

  “Then let me buy you a soda,” Sawyer countered.

  The irresistible twinkle in his dazzling green eyes was short-circuiting her brain.

  “Hey, Sawyer.” Jade nodded to the man as she moved in alongside Brea. “Are you hitting on my bestie?”

  “I’m trying, but unfortunately, I think I’m striking out.” His lips turned down in a mock frown before he wiggled his brows and grinned. “Wanna put in a good word or two for me?”

  “Oh, god,” Brea mumbled under her breath.

  “Normally I would, especially for you, but my girl isn’t interested in men. Sorry.” Jade looped her arm with Brea’s.

  Wrong, Jade, I’m hella more than interested.

  Though Brea knew she should at least try and deny the fact, she couldn’t.

  Sawyer’s gaze stalled on the women’s linked limbs before shock made his eyes grow wide. “Oh, hell. I didn’t realize that you…you two were lovers. Wow. Okay, it makes perfect sense now. Fuck! Colton’s one lucky son of a bitch.”

  Brea’s mouth fell open. “What? We’re not… You thought that we…that Colton watched while Jade and I… Oh, hell no!”

  While Jade tossed back her head and howled, a vibrant red blush crawled up Sawyer’s face. Brea was too stunned to laugh and simply stared at him, slack-jawed.

  “I’m sure Colton would love that, but the three of us are just friends…platonic friends,” Jade explained through giggles.

  Sawyer’s blush grew deeper crimson as he held up his hands in surrender. “Hey, I’m not one to judge or pry…it’s just…” He narrowed his eyes at Brea. “Why won’t you let me take you out for a drink?”

  Because I’ll be on you doing the lust thrust before we make it to the bar.

  “Wait! Do not give her alcohol,” Jade barked out in warning.

  “Okay. I
won’t.” He looked startled by her sudden outburst, but focused back on Brea. “Let me take you to dinner, then.”

  “No. I’m sorry. It’s not you. I-I don’t date. I’m on a man ban.” Brea lifted her chin defiantly.

  While she didn’t want the whole world to know her plan, Haven was small, and she’d likely run into the man over and over again. She needed to shut him down, nip his stirring flirtations in the bud, and she had to make it quick, painless, and final. What he’d do to her in bed, when she was alone with B.O.B., would have to satisfy her…somehow.

  Sawyer’s golden brows slashed with a frown. “A man ban…what the fuck is… Oh, I get it. Damn. That’s a cryin’ shame. A pretty little thing like you shouldn’t do without the pleasures a good man can give.”

  His low, silky voice set a fifty-pound can of sexually curious TNT off inside her. Knowing she couldn’t possibly do anything about it had her girl parts weeping in regret.

  Then, like a colossal masochist, she opened her mouth. “And I take it you’re that good man?”

  “I’ve never had a complaint yet.”

  He flashed her a bad-boy grin. Promise flickered in his eyes. Brea wanted to howl in frustration.

  “I don’t doubt that for a second, but my man ban remains.”

  It might remain, but it was crumbling and cracking like an oatmeal mask in the Mojave.

  The corners of his mouth kicked up in a mischievous grin. “Good. I like a challenge. See you soon, darlin’.”

  With a wink, Sawyer pulled away. She watched him drive out of town as she trembled like a leaf. Slowly his words registered. He planned to decimate her defenses.

  What defenses? The ones he just destroyed with that sexy, lazy smile?

  His smile…his lips…one kiss and he’d melt her like lip gloss in August. Her plan was in serious jeopardy. She had to build a sturdy wall around her before encountering that sinful man again. Locking herself in Colton’s guest room was an inviting alternative, but hiding from Sawyer until she grew strong and secure wasn’t a viable option. She’d have to work fast with all the determination she could muster.

  Good luck with that, her subconscious scoffed. That big, bad wolf will blow all your houses down, and you damn well know it.

  Though she didn’t want to admit it, Brea knew deep inside she was in serious trouble.

  As if sensing her dilemma, Jade squeezed her arm, then dragged her across the street.

  “You stood your ground firmly. I’m proud of you.”

  Brea wanted to be proud as well, but she was too busy processing the shock of turning down the first date of her life. She thought of calling her parents, or Ripley’s Believe It or Not, to share her miraculous feat, but instead, she grunted and followed Jade into the store.

  The overhead vents blasted cold air over her body, freeze-drying the flames of estrogen still licking up her spine. Unfortunately, doing a handstand to take care of the heated wetness between her legs might be frowned upon and cause grave embarrassment as well. Sucking in a ragged breath, Brea forced thoughts of Sawyer aside. She focused on pushing the cart behind Jade as they walked up and down the narrow aisles.

  Pausing in front of the milk cooler, Jade placed her hand over Brea’s. “You haven’t said a word since he drove off. If you’re that attracted to Sawyer, go out with him. One date isn’t going to hurt.”

  Brea adamantly shook her head. “No, it only takes one date. I’ll end up doing something stupid, like let him fuck me into a coma.”

  Jade laughed softly. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

  “It is, because I won’t stop there. I’ll keep going until I maneuver myself into his life, until we’re both miserable and can’t stand each other.”

  “I’m not suggesting you move in with him. I’m just saying have some fun, but hold on to your heart.”

  “If only it were that simple.” Brea rolled her eyes.

  “It is. You don’t need a man twenty-four seven.”

  “I’m not ready to use him like a vibe and then send him out the door, as if stowing my toys back in a drawer.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to push you into doing something you’re not ready for. It’s just that…Sawyer’s a good man. You need to stop plucking partners out of the gutter, or you’re going to keep getting junk. You should be start plucking your men from the sky… like stars.” Jade sent her a sad smile. “You of all people deserve big, bright, beautiful stars.”

  “Is Sawyer a star?”

  “He definitely ain’t no broken beer bottle, sugar,” Jade chuckled.

  “No, he isn’t.”

  “At least think about it. Okay?”

  Since laying eyes on the man, she’d done nothing but think about it. That was the problem! Biting her tongue, she sent her friend a nod before they proceeded to the front of the store.

  Brea stopped the cart behind a thin, older blonde. The woman turned and skimmed a cursory glance over the two. Looking back at the cashier—a heavyset woman wearing a tag stamped LUCY, was eyeing the friends as well—the blonde issued a heavy sigh.

  “I don’t know what to do,” she moaned. “Kristen will be in the hospital for at least a week after they do the surgery on her broken leg. Like an idiot, she was the only one I had lined up to take care of things for me. My flight takes off at eight in the morning, and there is no one left to call. I can’t cancel this trip! The girls will have to forfeit if I’m not there.”

  “Lordy, Barbara, I’d help you out if I could,” the cashier commiserated as she shoved her wire-framed glasses on top of her bottle-black hair. “We’re so short-handed here that Ray’s got me putting in sixty, sometimes seventy hours a week. I can help you out by going by the house before and after work, but Ozzie’ll be alone for ten, maybe twelve hours a day.”

  “No. That little monster of mine will have eaten the entire house the first day. Of course, Troy’s closing the vet clinic next week to take his family to Disney. I tried every other vet and kennel from here to Dallas.” Barbara tossed her hands in the air. “I am so screwed.”

  The angst in the woman’s voice pained Brea. She’d been between a rock and hard place more times than she could count.

  “I know that woman doesn’t know me from Adam, but I would love to help her out,” Brea whispered to Jade.

  “I don’t know her either,” Jade murmured. “But I bet she knows Colton.”

  Before Brea could stop her, Jade tapped Barbara on the shoulder, flashing a sincere smile. “Hi. I’m Jade, and this is my friend Brea. We weren’t trying to eavesdrop, but you sound like you’re in a fix. We might be able to help you out.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know you two. Do you live in Haven?” Barbara was clearly suspicious of Jade’s offer.

  “This gal here”—Lucy pointed at Jade—“she’s the one who moved in with Colton Maddox.”

  “Oh, I heard he finally found someone special.” Barbara smiled. “I’m sorry. I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you yet. I’m Barbara Rhymes.”

  The woman extended her hand and Jade shook it. “It’s nice to meet you. This is my friend Brea Gates. She and I… well, and Colton, we’ve all been friends since high school. Brea is staying with us for a little while.”

  “Hello, Brea.” Barbara studied her appraisingly.

  “Nice to meet you,” Brea replied politely.

  “Where you from?” Lucy asked curiously.

  “I was living in Denton.”

  “Was? You running from the law or something?” Lucy narrowed her eyes.

  “No. No, nothing like that. I just got out of a long-term relationship.”

  “Men,” Lucy tsked. “They’re all swine.”

  “Are you planning to stay in Haven?” Barbara asked.

  “I can, as long as you need me to.” Brea didn’t want to confess that at age twenty-eight she didn’t have a life plan. Or that she’d wasted her dreams of having children, a home, and the love of a good man on losers whose lofty ambitions were achieved
by keggers and video games.

  “Can you stay a month?”

  “A month?” Brea had expected to fill the woman’s needs for a week…two at the most.

  “That’s going to be a problem, isn’t it?” Barbara frowned.

  “No. I can stay as long as you need me.” She didn’t have anything else to do.

  “Oh, thank god. All you need to do is take care of my dog, Ozzie. He’s a love. And then water my gardens. I’ve raised everything from seed and would be heartbroken if they died.”

  “Is your ex dangerous? Is that why you left him?” Lucy blurted out, obviously warier than Barbara.

  “No. He’s a lazy ex-mechanic who has more skill romancing a transmission than a woman,” Brea drawled. “He got fired a while back and stopped looking for work. I got fed up supporting him and left.”

  She’d keep Weed’s extracurricular drug activities to herself. Why cast doubt on her shredded moral fiber? Still, the cashier sent Barbara a scowl and a subtle shake of her head.

  “I…I don’t know.” Barbara indecisively bit her bottom lip.

  “I’m not a murderer or anything,” Brea began, hoping to ease the other women’s fears. “I’d never harm an animal. I love dogs. I won’t think of destroying your house or pilfering the silver flatware. I’m trustworthy and honest. You can ask Colton. He’s known me forever. He’ll vouch for me.”

  “I will too.” Jade nodded emphatically.

  Their words seemed to melt Lucy’s distrust, as her expression softened. And soon after, Barbara and Lucy were regaling her and Jade with stories of their own heartbreaking experiences with men.

  “I like you, Brea…” Barbara paused. “No offense, but I’d like to talk to Colton.”

  Jade whipped out her cell phone, scrolled to find his number, and handed it to the woman. “Here, you can call him now.”

  Barbara thanked her, pushed the button, and walked toward the produce section.


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