The Silver Fang

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The Silver Fang Page 8

by Silver Fang (NCP) (lit)

  Groaning from somewhere deep inside, I ran my hands through his damp hair, losing myself in the silken strands. I hastily pulled away, but he countered my move by claiming my mouth. My head spun as his tongue danced with mine. Moaning into his mouth, I pulled him closer. He backed away reluctantly and stood towering over me. He looked at me for a moment and frowned. "I would not hold it against you if you did not take this job, Samantha." His face was earnest. "I apologize for my behavior. I cannot seem to help myself. Your eyes are intoxicating. You are the most desirable woman I have ever met." His voice was husky with yearning.

  I felt my breath catch in my throat. I stood up not realizing we were still so close. I almost fell back into the chair but he grabbed my wrists and held me against him firmly.

  I now spoke to his smooth chest. "I am not sure I like the way you look at me," I mumbled. "I really don’t like you using your powers to seduce me. I also don’t like taking orders and I can take care of myself, thank you." This is all just a little creepy for me, but despite my surprise over everything, I somehow felt at ease with this vampire. It felt very natural being in his arms and that frightened me.

  Siön Baptiste stepped back, rubbing his hand through his hair. He gave me enough room to maneuver around him without touching him. "You were meant for me, my sweet. I can feel you inside of me."

  The words he spoke hit me somewhere deep and I sighed. "Sit in the living room until I’m dressed and ready." It was more of a plea than an order. I knew he could do whatever he wanted, and I couldn’t stop him. He terrified me more than anyone had in the past and I didn’t quite grasp why.

  Twenty minutes later, I was dressed. I strode into the living room, adjusting my gun strap so it wouldn’t give me boob burn. I laughed at the thought, which got a strange look from my new vamp friend. "Are you ready?" I asked.

  Siön Baptiste glanced at me without saying a word, a blank expression on his face. I broke the silence with a simple question. "Why are you such a bloody annoyance?" I paused, dragging the last word out into a half giggle. I had to laugh before I cried. I’d managed to land the biggest gig of my life, sleep with a vampire, and break every rule I’d ever lived by all in one night. Yeah, it was either laugh or cry and I chose laughter. I found new determination to hate this vampire with all my heart.

  Siön Baptiste’s face tilted to one side. "You manage to ruin a perfect moment, my sweet. Despite your mouth, you are still very beautiful." I thought I saw him blush as he stood offering his hand.

  I took it and quickly stated, "My mouth has many talents, Siön Baptiste, that you will never experience."

  Realizing my admission, I cursed myself softly. Crappie, I have such a big mouth. I could feel the color rush to my face and once again, I’d managed to put my foot in my mouth. He didn’t make a crude comment or even flinch. Either he hadn’t noticed the slip up or he didn’t care. He was too wrapped up in himself and his daddy to give a damn.

  Taking my hand in his, he led me out into the hallway, entering the elevator in total silence. I peeked over at him but he seemed to be avoiding my gaze. I settled on checking my outfit. My blouse was just right for the occasion. It wasn’t too low or tight, just perfect for concealing weapons. The skirt came to my knees yet the slit ran up the side exposing my leg up to mid thigh.

  Siön Baptiste coughed, drawing my gaze to his. Looking at him, I could feel the pulse of his heartbeat upon my fingers and it reminded me of the kiss we shared last night. He had the softest lips and the most luxurious kiss. It was both gentle and kind, yet probing into the very depth of my soul. The best damn kiss I’ve ever had but it was something to remember, not repeat. There was danger behind every mouthful of his sweet, tasty mouth. My legs swayed as I remembered his touch. I caught myself before I lost my balance. He watched me as if reading my mind. What the heck was wrong with me? Something about this vampire made every movement, everything we did so natural it disturbed me on every level. He drove me nuts, made me crazy with fury. I wanted to hit him, not kiss him.

  We both finally turned away as the elevator opened. We exited and I jerked my hand out from his as I walked in front of him. Just outside the door, my car was parked next to a black limo. I turned to Siön Baptiste. "Who brought my car?" I asked.

  "I had a friend drop it off this morning. We will be taking the limo," he added the last statement carefully.

  Ralph stepped out from the front of the limo and opened the door for us. "Mr. Baptiste, we have taken the liberty of providing refreshments for you and the lady. The trip will be about two hours. Please call me if you need anything." He nodded in my direction and smiled. Holding my arm as I entered the limo, he squeezed gently and repeated, "Anything at all."

  I scooted along the edge of the leather seat and turned back. "How about a wooden stake?"

  He watched Siön Baptiste expression and when the vampire didn’t react he smirked. "Enjoy your ride," and slammed the door shut. I could hear him laughing outside and still when he started the car. Siön Baptiste just sat with a smug smile on his face.

  Chapter 7

  The ride was quiet for the first 20 minutes. I periodically glanced at Siön Baptiste, trying to read his expressions. His face was blank, nothing giving away his feelings but the occasional clenching of his fist. He appeared a little nervous even apprehensive about this meeting. I wasn’t so sure that I wanted to find out what exactly was bugging him.

  Siön Baptiste interrupted the quietness in the car first. "Do you remember your mother?" He whispered the word mother.

  His voice startled me and his question shook me to the core. I answered him bowing my head, "My mother died when I was young." It pained me to speak about her and I knew it showed on my face. She died while giving birth to me but I didn’t feel like sharing my whole life story.

  His face mirrored my pain for just a second before he turned away. He laughed, filling the limo with waves of energy that slid across my body. "I often smell her on a spring day like I can still feel her in the wind," he said, his laughter changing to anger while his voice carried through the car. "Why does God presume to take whom he pleases, when he pleases? Who is he to take life?" His voice trailed off as if thinking aloud.

  In the ten years I’ve been in the business, not once had a vampire shown so much raw pain and emotion. He had gone from an arrogant, pompous pig to a hurt child in just a few moments. I rotated my legs around, tucking them under myself, and casually grabbed his hand. Watching all the hurt in his eyes knowing all the pain he was obviously feeling, I felt sorry him. For a moment, my anger and hatred towards him slipped away.

  I rolled down the window letting the fall air cool my heated skin. The sun cascaded over us shimmering throughout the interior. A flashing beam of light against the car door caught my attention. Light was reflecting off a silver ring on his middle finger. The detail of the ring was exquisite. Vampires had clans and families and rings or jewelry represented which they belonged too. His ring was of a snake eating its own tail. It was beautifully crafted and my finger brushed across it as I spoke. "I think God has a perfect plan for everyone. He cares for those who believe and damns those who don’t. I will see my mom again." I could feel tears welling in my eyes and turned my gaze toward the window watching the swiftly passing scenery.

  I released my grip on his hands and he seized my arm. "If you couldn’t die and knew you would never see her again, what would you do, Samantha? What would you do?" I could hear the bitterness as his last words slithered over my body.

  Capturing his hand I gently removed it from my arm, placing it on my lap. His eyes were damp with unshed tears. His power was so intense I forgot he was still a man with feelings. I was so busy hating him, the thought that he might be hurting never entered my mind. I massaged his strong hands tenderly. I could barely hold one of his in both of mine. All I could do was shake my head and quietly say, "I don’t know, Siön, I just don’t know."

  An unseen pang of hopelessness sifted through the vehicle. I released his ha
nds and turned away. We sat quietly each of us looking out the opposite windows. I had to get my mind off my mother and concentrate on the job at hand.

  At least the weather was nice this time of year and fall had always been my favorite season. My whole body began to relax as I watched the passing scenery. The leaves were turning deep autumn colors, ushering in the season. Leaves the shade of red, orange and brown blanketed the forest waiting to drop to the ground. A cool breeze on a warm day, bundling up for a hayride, and Halloween were what I looked forward to the most. October was just around the corner and festivals that surrounded Halloween were incredible. With the partying came added responsibilities and usually this time of year was the busiest at the Eldon Agency.

  Staring out the window in the gloom of the car, I reflected back to the days of my childhood. My memories seemed foggy now and with each passing year, my identity was fading. I understood Siön Baptiste’s dilemma because I also longed to see my mother, desired to know the truth. Sitting here in this car so close to a vampire who had a similar tragic story brought a realization of things I’d never thought I could share with the undead, oneness. We had a mutual desire to know our pasts while being haunted by our dreams.

  I was startled unexpectedly when Siön Baptiste put his hand on my shoulder. "My sweet, it is necessary for you to be blindfolded for the last leg of the trip. It is safer for you if you do not know the way." With that, he drew my hair back from my face and removed a black cloth from his jacket. He very carefully wrapped it around my head. I took hold of his hand and he stopped.

  "Samantha, it is necessary." I released my grip, slowly letting my fingers slide down his hand to his bare wrist. He made a quiet noise under my touch and then quickly tied the cloth behind my head. He grabbed my waist pulling me closer. I tensed and then relaxed as his arm went around my shoulder caressing my back. I trusted him. I shook my head at the new revelation. I trusted Siön Baptiste not to hurt me. The feel of his body against mine sent every nerve burning with awareness. I trusted him and I wanted him. This couldn’t be good.

  I calmly asked, "Is this really necessary?"

  He nuzzled his mouth to my ear. "Yes." His voice was breathy and hot, mesmerizing my thoughts and desires. I shook in his arms and he drew me closer. He spoke French quietly in my hair, kissing my head. I didn’t understand a word he said but it soothed my nerves. Relaxing further into his arms, I swayed beneath the power of his touch. "I will never let anything hurt you, my sweet," he promised.

  The limo made a sharp turn onto a gravel road. Now blinded, my senses seemed more alert than before. I could feel everything around me, even the slow methodical beating of Siön Baptiste’s heart. Rocks hit the undercarriage of the vehicle as it slowed. The road seemed to go on forever and then it curved sharply. Attempting to hold onto the side of the seat for leverage, I was tossed wildly around the vehicle. Siön Baptiste steadied me rubbing his hands over my arms settling softly on my stomach. Butterflies swirled under the heat of his hands. We crossed what sounded like a wooden bridge, and then a couple minutes later the limo came to a stop.

  Siön Baptiste seized my hand and commanded, "Don’t move until I get back. Keep the blindfold on until I say. It could mean your life."

  He scooted over the leather seat exiting the limo. I sat in the car and waited for what seemed like forever. I jumped when the door opened. I heard nothing, just felt a hand pull me gently out of the car. Whoever it was wore a glove. It couldn’t have been Siön Baptiste. I stood up outside and felt soft grass under my feet. The smell of lilacs floated in the air reminding me of home. Lavender and white lilacs surrounded my house and the scent was intoxicating. You knew it had to be September in New Orleans when you smelled lilacs first thing in the morning.

  The hand led me across the lawn helping me up a set of stairs. I wondered what John would think about the whole job. These were definitely the strangest clients the Eldon Agency had ever commissioned. Despite fearing the unknown, the voices in my head reassured me that everything would be okay. I wasn’t afraid of death and Trevor often argued that I longed for death so that I might see my mother. Maybe he was right, perhaps in some sick way death would resolve any unanswered questions I faced during life. I craved the opportunity to sit and talk with my mother, hoping to uncover what happened to her in death. How? Why? When? It was the fear of losing people close to me that kept me in this world. The thought of losing Trevor made my throat clench and my chest ache with pain.

  We came to an abrupt stop, giving me just enough time to remember the six figure sum of money we would earn if I completed Nicholi’s request. This was just a job and when it was done, I would put everything behind me including Siön Baptiste. Convincing myself he was acting to get me to do his will gave me a new resolve to thwart his advances. He was a sweet talker who was very convincing and I couldn’t help wondering why it was affecting my ability to think clearly. Normally, I was always great under pressure doing whatever necessary to impress clients. I was obligated to be at my best or someone would get hurt. The only thing that made sense was his vampire abilities to control and manipulate. I was going to be strong and take charge from here on out.

  With new resolve I stood quietly next to the person who was leading me, I could feel the sun fading out of the sky. Had we been traveling more than two hours? I would soon find out. I had to grab my skirt to fight the urge to peak out from under my blindfold. I remembered Siön Baptiste’s warning and decided to wait.

  The door creaked open. A cold breeze ran over my body causing goose bumps to rise along my arms and neck. As soon as the door shut behind us, I was silently ushered into another room. My shoes echoed loudly as I walked over a stone floor. From the sound, it had to be a hallway. The guide ushered me to a chair and then spoke, "Please have a seat." The voice was deep and accented, French. He placed my hand on the couch so I could sit without falling.

  I heard him move about the room and then depart. I couldn’t tell if I was alone. A warm heat rose in the room. With the rise in temperature, the hairs on my neck stood on end as if an unseen power coursed through the room.

  An icy hand touched my shoulder and I jumped, ready to scream but trying hard to remain professional. The hand loosened the blindfold and it fell to the side. My eyes strained adjusting to the dim lights. I turned around to see who was behind me but they were gone, disappearing into the shadows.

  A small lamp in the far corner lit the room. Shadows cast across my sight hiding the silhouette of the room. I could only make out the lone light. Straining to see the details of the room my eyes hazed trying to adjust from the blindfold. The room had stone walls and a decorative fireplace. A vaguely familiar painting hung above the mantle, but the room was still too dim to know for sure. The room was cavernous and even breathing seemed to resonate against the walls.

  Lights began glowing to life. Everything came into focus as the shadows disappeared. The room had a pool table in one corner and a bar in another corner. There was a couch directly in front of me and behind it was a stone wall decorated with weapons. From what I could tell, they looked to be silver. Standing, I decided to take a closer look while I waited for my clients. I strolled around the couch to the wall. Lifting my hand I slowly ran my finger down the sword. "Ouch," it was sharp. Yanking my hand away, the blood began to seep from the fresh wound dripping down my finger and onto the floor. Crud that was going to leave a mark! I felt a warm breeze as I raised my finger to my mouth. I reached out to suck the wound and to my surprise, someone snatched my hand and held it tight, almost painfully.

  I let out a gasp as the hand burned into my wrist and the length of my arm. I turned to meet my assailant face to face and readied myself for attack. The sight before me sent butterflies dancing in my stomach. My free hand moved closer to my skirt and gun. The invader gripped my hand before I could reach my gun, holding it in a tight grip. The man had long auburn hair flowing over his broad shoulders. His eyes were a sparkling emerald green. He reminded me of Siön Baptiste.
He was a little shorter and his face more delicate. His nose perfectly shaped and his mouth a flawless heart shape that looked both red and moist. He smiled, knocking the wind out of my sails as my knees buckled. He was dazzling. The heat from his hand spread little by little through my entire body. A slow roll of power pulsed through my body causing me to shudder. Pulsating pleasure rushed through my legs as I trembled. A pressure built as he continued to stroke me with his energy. I felt drawn to his eyes and to his mouth. He moved slowly against me, his long muscular body pressed against mine. Pulling me closer, he dropped my left hand. Bringing my bleeding finger up to his mouth he began to lick and suck while a rush of pleasure washed over me. I shook my head trying to resist the trance he was trying to put me under. He licked my finger in tiny circles as his wet soft mouth moved over my wound. His eyes were hypnotic, sending a jolt of ecstasy through me. With every lick, I cried out. His tongue embraced my finger, but I felt as if he was licking deep between my thighs. My back bowed as he continued short quick strokes. My blood oozed into his mouth causing him to groan quietly. He gradually inserted my finger into his mouth and power from below thrust within me. His tongue rolled over my finger as he brought it further within. His energy entered my body capturing me under his control. I cried out throwing my head back trying to hold on to something. I fell into darkness, riding a wave of bliss giving myself to him. He continued to lick and caress my finger. I felt a growing force moving inside and my stomach tightened in response to the waves of orgasms that ravished my mind and body. The stranger held me with one arm preventing me from collapsing. I wanted the power to take me forever. I understood the darkness was swallowing me, yet I didn’t care.


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