The Silver Fang

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The Silver Fang Page 10

by Silver Fang (NCP) (lit)

  I usually ramble in stressful situations, but tonight I would sit quietly and listen because my life depended on it. I had to concentrate on the quickest way out and how I could kill whoever was in my way. I looked over past Nicholi to the couch on the far wall. The sword I had cut myself on earlier was closer to me than my gun, which was now behind the bar near the pool table. I had taken fencing in high school and had moved on to swordplay in a local fencing club. I was good and it had only taken me a year to be the number one swordsman or woman in our club. I had made sure to be trained by the best in hands on combat and weaponry.

  My instructor was an ex-CIA agent, at least that was the rumor. He only took students who had potential and he’d thought I had a lot of killing power. Lucky me! I was the only woman he ever taught and still worked with him monthly. I counted how many steps it would take to get to the wall and how many seconds it would take to pull it off the case. I estimated five seconds to jump over the couch, roll, and grab, ten seconds if I walked around carefully. Every second counted and jumping, rolling and swinging sounded like the best option. I would bide my time until the moment was right.

  Nicholi watched me, speaking quietly as if I was the only person in the room. "Your mother was an elegant woman with lavender eyes like yours. She loved you dearly."

  "How do you know?" I asked.

  "I knew her when she was with child. Her brother was a blood donor for us in New Orleans. He brought her to the Silver Fang when she was eight months pregnant. He donated then left." His voice was soothing and I believed he was telling the truth.

  He continued. "The night she entered the club is the night she was killed. They left the club and a vampire followed them to their apartment, greeting them inside. The vampire killed your uncle then turned on your mother who he raped and murdered." He was moving closer to me as he spoke.

  Siön Baptiste watched the anguish on my face. "Father, is this really necessary?" he asked.

  "How do you know all this?" I asked, ignoring everyone in the room but Nicholi.

  "Father," Siön Baptiste pleaded.

  He waved a hand at Siön Baptiste silencing him. "Your mother was turning into a vampire. She didn’t realize what had happened to her. She called the cops and they sent her to the hospital. Her neck wound was bleeding profusely. Believing she would die the doctors performed a c-section, removing you from her womb." I gasped but he continued. "She became violent and they tried to restrain her. The cops outside the door attempted to help the doctors and that was when in her fit she grabbed a cop’s revolver shooting a man in the stomach. They killed her because she’d become a vampire and killed a cop. You were put in foster care and the rest is history, so you might say. You were so young they sealed the records and gave you a new name." He stopped for a moment and hesitated. Siön Baptiste grabbed my hand and squeezed as if he knew the pain Nicholi’s words had caused me. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, but I had to keep a clear head. I needed to get out of here when the time was right.

  "You also fed that night my dear. When your mother was forced to drink of the vampire blood, she took his power and so did you. When they pulled you from the womb before your mother finished turning, they caused a partial turning in you. Somehow, the event affected your genetic makeup. You are part vampire only your soul waits to awaken the monster inside. Your powers will be strong if you choose to turn. If you were to be turned at this point due to your vampire DNA, you would become a powerful vampire able to live in the light. The vampire who unknowingly killed your mother left a genetic mutation in your cell. Normal humans have 46 chromosomes. You, my dear, have 47, which makes you closer to us than you would like to admit. You are already more powerful than a human and can sense things a normal human cannot detect. You have benefits that we do not. The blood lust does not control you or your desires."

  While Nicholi talked, Alastair moved out of his seat and walked closer to us. He whispered, "The prophecy is true?"

  "My word, I feel like I’m back in school. What prophecy?" I asked.

  Nicholi looked at everyone and announced, "She will fulfill prophecy of old. If another vampire who can stand the light impregnates her, the race of vampires will be invincible. We will no longer fear silver and light. We could crush our enemies both night and day."

  Everyone seemed a little to eager to use me. Siön Baptiste stood grabbing my hand forcing me to my feet. "What are you saying Nicholi?" he asked.

  "We will mate her with my sons producing a new vampire race." He was now smiling.

  Fear flowed through my body like a lightning bolt. I had to get out of here NOW. Someone walked into the room as we all stood there hovering. The man simply said, "We have a problem."

  Everyone was expressionless but they moved like they had a purpose. Siön Baptiste gave my hand a squeeze and moved me over to the wall. I was closer to my intended target, the sword was only about three seconds away now.

  Alastair, Nicholi, Sevastian, the other man, and Cassarah all left the room. Siön Baptiste pulled me into him, leaning up against the wall, pressing me into him. My stomach was pulsing with the prospect of being so close and now so alone. He gently moved the hair out of my face and bent closer kissing me. As quickly as he kissed me, he was gone. What the heck, he left me alone in this hole. Just then, two men entered the door and started for me, crouching, low growling and hissing. Something in their aura told me they were going to hurt me if not kill me.

  "You bloodsuckers better take a step back. Nobody is going to bite me today, fellows." I grinned waiting for them to pounce.

  The men stopped for a moment while I spoke, then took a step closer.

  Chapter 9

  That was all the motivation I needed as I made a mad dash for the sword on the wall. Jumping the sofa in a single leap, I flipped rolling to my feet and in one swift motion and I snatched the sword off the wall. Turning the sword, I stabbed the first assailant from behind. I could feel the sword slide through his body like a knife through butter. Pulling the sword out, I reversed, dropping my shoulder, swinging the sword in one quick flash. I brought the sword back to me as I swung around on my feet. The second assailant fell to the ground holding his neck as blood flowed freely from the fresh wound on his neck. I was getting out of here.

  Running over to the corner, I grabbed my gun and as I knelt to pick it up I saw a shadow in the corner of my eye. It moved with inhuman speed as it stalked me. As the shadow came closer, I flattened to the ground. It flew over me and when it landed, I fired four rounds into its chest. It fell back twice and yet it still rushed forward. Shoving the gun into my skirt, I readied myself, sword in hand. I waved the sword in a motion that any normal human would fear but this monster wasn’t flinching. Twirling the sword in a circular action, I backed up. He threw a chair out of the way and walked towards me as I continued to retreat slowly. I hit something hard behind me, the pool table. I suddenly felt cornered. He rushed me in a blur of fangs and blood and as he lunged, I placed my feet on his chest and grabbed his arms, flinging him over my back. Once he landed, I turned and prepared for another onslaught. He flew into the air lunging at my neck. This time I maneuvered to the right of his attack bringing my sword across my body. He stopped in mid motion as his torso flew in one direction and his legs fell to the ground. I walked away to the sound of hissing burning flesh.

  Darting through the door I thought I entered earlier, only to notice rug instead of stone. As I turned to leave, something grabbed me forcing me to the ground. The sword was pinned between my body and the beast staring into my eyes.

  "My brother wants you but I will have you." I recognized the voice. Sevastian had me trapped on the floor and the sword was now slicing my skin. I felt pain on my stomach as I wiggled to get free. "Oh struggle, my little butterfly," he laughed. "You will surely kill yourself." He pulled me over so I was on top of him and quickly threw the sword down the hall. Then he rolled back onto me pinning his legs over mine. He traced his hand down my blood soaked blouse befo
re ripping it off me. He threw my gun next to the sword. I fought back but he was too powerful. Moving his face over my stomach, his tongue flicked, licking the cut between my breasts. His tongue scorched me as he fondled my breast, returning to the sliced skin. Fangs scraped the cut causing blood to seep from the wound. His body tensed as he moaned with desire. I thrashed about trying to free my hands and legs, but he held me with the length of his body. The more I fought the more excited he became. If I didn’t calm down I would cause him to lose total control. I forced myself to breathe and relax.

  Leaving my stomach, he slowly traced the cut to my neck, kissing me gently with his lips and tongue. I could feel a wave of energy over us both, causing me to quiver and spasm. I felt myself falling into him wanting him to have me. I couldn’t think or move. I could only feel the warm buzzing of my skin and the heat sliding up and down my body. He kissed my lips opening me with his tongue grinding his hips into mine. I could feel his shaft hard and ready through his pants pleading for release. I groaned, "Please, please." I wasn’t begging him to stop I wanted him, all of him.

  "Will you willingly have me?" he asked, voice raspy with desire.

  I couldn’t think. I wanted him more than I had ever wanted anyone and it felt so good. "Yes," I cried.

  He moved his mouth to my neck while moving his hand to my skirt. He pushed my skirt up, sliding his hand to my underwear, slowly caressing me with his fingers, moving them delicately over and in my body. I could feel something sharp on my neck while his tongue circled its destination. He thrust his finger into my body and my back arched with the pleasure. His hand wrapped around my back shoving me into him as he sunk his fangs into my neck. I was floating, his power spewing inside me, within every cell. I felt the crushing movement of his fingers caressing me down low. The burning pleasure caused multiple orgasms jerking my hips to meet his finger. With every thrust, I lifted to meet his eager hands as they dived deep within me. I shook from pleasure and pain as he drank my warm blood. A low deep groan came from him as his power engulfed me, swallowing my soul. I felt like I was floating outside my body. I wanted him to take all of me. Tucking his head into me he rotated his fingers faster, in and out of me wet, hot and twitching. I could feel myself fading as my sight blurred. White lightning heat surrounded us, melding us together. I wanted to die if it felt this good, I wanted to die. My life flashed before me as I felt myself slipping into an orgasmic death. He filled me again and again with his energy, wrapping us in ecstasy, moving me with him. His heart beat with mine as if we were one. Slower and slower until everything went dark.

  It was very dark and quiet. I could still feel and smell Sevastian as if he were inside me. I saw a shadow in the darkness. I could feel warmth on my face. I put my hand up to swat at the warmth and hit a face hovering over mine. I ran my fingers up the face and found a nose. From the nose, my fingers moved to a cheek. Something wet and warm flowed from the face. Was it blood? My eyes adjusted, but I could still only hear my heartbeat slow and quiet ringing in my ears.

  "My sweet, stay with me, don’t… Now that I have found you, don’t leave me," the voice pleaded.

  I tried to speak and nothing came out. My eyes blurred, still not focusing on the shadow leaning over me. I heard laughter ringing in my ears.

  "Don’t speak, I will take care of you."

  "Yes, take care of me." I giggled.

  I felt like I was in a safe place where something wrapped me up and kept me warm. I could stay here forever. "I want this forever," I whispered.

  I recognized the voice. It was Siön Baptiste, he was holding me. I looked up into his face, the tears dripping, hitting me as they slid down my body. I reached out to touch him and asked, "What happened?"

  "You almost died." He sighed, wiping the hair from my eyes. "We must go. Are you strong enough?"

  Before I could answer, he scooped me up into his arms. A man lay with his back on the floor smiling. It wasn’t until I turned around did I see Sevastian laughing at us, smiling as if he were drunk. He yelled at us to come back as we walked around the corner and out of sight. I stared up at Siön Baptiste and he was searching my face trying to read me, but for what reason I didn’t know. He waved a hand at the door in front of us and it burst open. We walked through as shards of wood and debris flew through the air. I heard screaming from behind us and Siön Baptiste picked up his pace. The limo was still parked in the driveway, he hit the roof and entered, and as soon as we were safely in the limo, it took off down the road.

  I huddled against Siön Baptiste, sitting in his lap, his arms firmly around me. "Rest, for you will need your strength, my beau l’orage. We have done a very bad thing tonight," he spoke low, running his hands through my hair.

  Gazing into his eyes, I saw the light green flash with emotion. Hair fell into his face covering his eyes. I raised my hand reaching for the stray hair. He caught my hand pulling it to his mouth, kissing my fingers gently. I laughed. "What does beau l’orage mean?" I was starting to feel drunk on power. Whatever Sevastian had done was still affecting me.

  Siön Baptiste smiled. "It means beautiful storm." He sighed. "You are my beautiful storm."

  I giggled, warm energy still pulsing through my veins. Except for feeling exhausted, I felt high as a kite. "Why? Why do you call me that?" I laughed again.

  His smile broadened, taking my breath away. I gasped at the sight of this vampire staring at me. He was perfect. I wanted to kiss him but I couldn’t lift my head. "When I met you, Samantha, you were a storm of fire and heat. You are reckless and beautiful like a thunderstorm." He paused. "You can be destructive but once you’re done, a cool breeze floods over everything in your wake." He placed a kiss on my forehead as we huddled together.

  I felt my body give way as he spoke quietly in French. "Je t’aime, my beau l’orage," he whispered.

  "What does that mean?" I asked.

  "When the time is right I will tell you. Now you must sleep." He waved his hand over my face and my eyes closed.

  I slept, hearing his soft voice in my dreams.

  Chapter 10

  Turning over I couldn’t remember where I was. This was happening too much lately. I rubbed my head, felt pain, and cried out.

  Something stirred beside me and flew straight up. "Are you okay?"

  This was really getting to be a bad habit. Waking up with a vampire in my bed once was bad enough, but the same man twice in a row? I rolled over and cried out again. It felt as if I was being twisted from the inside out.

  My voice was shallow and dry as I spoke. "I can barely move." I tried to get up and a hand pushed me gently back to my pillow.

  "You must rest, Samantha, you have lost a lot of blood."

  "I’m chilly yet my skin feels like its peeling off my body. It burns."

  "You are in shock." As the words came out, he moved himself against me drawing me towards him. I felt the warmth of him all over easing the pain. I was suddenly aware that we were both very naked.

  "Why is it I keep waking up to you naked in my bed?" I asked.

  "Many women would be pleased. Are you not?" He laughed.

  I ignored his comment and tried to move again. "I feel like I’ve been hit by a train. What is wrong with me?" A flashback of Sevastian over me flooded my mind, causing me to cry out. I could still feel him within me, pulling and caressing my body. A shudder ran through me.

  Siön Baptiste squeezed me closer to him and his touch warmed every cell in my body. "What is going on?" I asked.

  Kissing my forehead, he clung to my body as if holding me would keep me alive. "You almost died, Samantha. Another moment and Sevastian would have marked you for life. You would have been his and not mine," he purred against my hair.

  I am not either of yours I wanted to speak aloud but his heat kept me alert and awake. I was afraid to close my eyes for fear I would never open them again.

  I felt something walking on the bed across my pillow. My black cat, KoKo, came over to my head rubbing his head against Siön Bapti
ste then turning to me. I was surprised he didn’t attack Siön Baptiste. KoKo was normally very jealous of men. He didn’t even tolerate Trevor. I shrugged it off and let his purr soothe my nerves as I clung to Siön Baptiste. I wrapped my arms around his waist and wiggled closer into his heat.

  "How did you get in my house? How did we get here?" I asked.

  He pulled away looking at me with his mesmerizing sparkling eyes. His face seemed flushed as if he had been running a marathon. I would almost say it was a hint of a blush. Could vampires blush?

  "I can read minds if I choose to do so." He said it so calmly I almost believed it should seem normal.

  Yep, read minds, why not.

  "Can your father and brother read minds too?" I asked. I was now concerned that they knew where I lived and that scared me more than anything.

  "They can read only those who open their minds to them. Sevastian can reach your mind, but if you do not give the information willingly, he will not have access. He cannot rape the mind but he can rape your body. He has powers controlling lust and sex." His voice had a hint of anger behind it.

  "What are your powers?" I asked.

  He smiled. "I can read minds without permission, and I have some talent in the lusting department." He chuckled as he spoke quietly. His face was so close to mine, I could feel the warmth of his breath against my mouth.

  I shook my head trying to remember what happened. "Did Sevastian rape me last night?" It was a simple question but it stirred an emotion from Siön Baptiste I had never seen before, hatred.

  Leaving the bed, he released his grip on me. He stood completely naked before me. "My brother will die for what he has done." He started pacing the room. I tried to keep the smile from my face but it isn’t every day a tall dark and handsome vampire paces your room totally naked.


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