Pursuit of the Zodiacs

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Pursuit of the Zodiacs Page 54

by Walsh, Nathan

  Guardians of the Dark Realm: The Guardians of Hell.

  Helena: A young skilled Demon Master Archangel who appeared before Noah offering him assistance.

  Human Realm: Anywhere Mortals dominantly resided was considered the “Human Realm.”

  Illuminator: Another moniker describing Lucifer, used by a Demon during its visit to Netanel and The Pursuers.

  Immortal Tongue: A language not of the Mortal Realm. Archangels and Gods are the only ones that can comprehend.

  Irisan: One of The Pursuers (Mosqidou). Blessed with the ability to Heal and Poison. She could transform into any creature of the Earth that was poisonous. Her artillery included a special poison to paralyze and destroy her opponents.

  Isaiah: A murdered Gatekeeper, whose severed head had the Mark of the Beast carved on it. Rumored to have been murdered by Gemini. First fatality since the start of Mosqidou’s campaign.

  Italian Mob: At one point they had control of the Scroll. It was stolen by Three Kings, Asad, Farooq and Rashad. Asad was the King who actually carried the Scroll.

  Ithiel: One member of Mosqidou (Pursuers). Blessed with power over lightning.

  Jacob: A spy, along with Mileck, for the Dark Graduates.

  Jedediah: He was an Archangel and another enemy of the Zodiacs. His tactician was named David.

  Jeremiah: A Guardian Angel, his obligation was to protect the Children of Time.

  Johnathan: Representative for the Super Humans of Sirius.

  Jordan: A Dark Graduate, Representative of Venus.

  Julius: One of two Super Humans from Sirius who were eight feet tall, solidly built, and carried equally impressive weapons. They were two of the Pope’s messengers. Cameron was the name the other messenger.

  Justus: Another member of Mosqidou (The Pursuers). Blessed with the power over Levitation, capable of paralyzing his opponent in mid-air. He could summon a force field to block any substantial attack.

  Karz: One of four demons that accompanies Virgo when she joins the Pursuit, along with Taurus, Gemini, and Sagittarius, to pursue the remaining Zodiacs. The other three demons are Dynamo, Rufus, and Zodon.

  Khana: The Psychic Reader/Witch, the Guide suggested they visit to check the Zodiacs’ Horoscopes and whereabouts.

  Laurentina: One of the surviving representatives of the Children of Time.

  Leo: A Zodiac [2nd Fire Sign; 5th overall & in command]. Powerful and invincible and able to destroy anyone in audible distance of his death-defying roar, which can also cause earthquakes. In combat, half of his body transforms into a Lion. His mane is impenetrable and indestructible. He has incredible strength. Aru, a Dark Graduate and Representative for the People of the Sun, is his Brother.

  Leon: One of Bishop’s soldiers (Accompanied by Bareen) who fled Heaven and sought refuge from the Pope.

  Levi: Another member of The Pursuers (Mosqidou). He was second in command. Blessed with power to control Earthly matter.

  Levitica: Grenad’s wife in his past life back in the Earth Realm.

  Leviticus: One of the five Master Archangels organized by Bishop’s Emissary. Bishop tasked them to go to the Moon to find out what had happened with the two Archangels sent to execute Jedediah. The other four were Genesis, Exodus, Ezra and Amos.

  Libra: A Zodiac [2nd Air Sign; 7th overall & in command]. Known for her aerial attacks. She has great balance, and the ability to walk on walls and other similar fixtures. She has a force field that is impenetrable to almost all Supernatural attacks.

  Lions of Fire: Summoned lions, Guardians, in the form of fire, used to haul Abdeen’s advanced chariot.

  Lisa: One of the Children of Time, secret members of the Dark Graduates.

  Lucifer: Hopes to have all twelve Zodiacs, who are Fallen Archangels, in his command for the final war.

  Lucifer’s Scroll: Lucifer’s Contract. A Scroll written in Lucifer’s blood, that only the Zodiacs, his Fallen Archangels, can understand. Has immaculate power that will put almost anyone under its authority.

  Lucifer’s Militia: Consists of everything evil and may appear in many forms.

  Lucille: A Mercenary and assassin for the Dark Graduates.

  Lucius: A Dark Graduate Representative from the Planet Mercury.

  Malachi: He, along with Anthony were Archangels who traveled from the North to bring news to Natenal that the Judgment Realm had been restored.

  Man Who Can Move Suns, Mover of Suns: Other names for Bishop.

  Mark of Death: Carved by Zodeen on his opponents using Special Blades.

  Mark of the Beast: A forbidden symbol worn by those of evil and damned. It was carved on the severed head of Isaiah, the murdered Gatekeeper.

  Mark of the Dark Covenant: Mark of the Beast.

  Mary: The name of the flight attendant onboard Flight 118.

  Mary Vitzoma: The First Lady of the United States.

  Master Archangel: The highest rank among Angels, anything above that rank would be considered a God. Mathieu appears as one in Daniel’s Dream. Natenal is a Master Archangel.

  Mathieu: A Master Archangel in Daniel’s Dream.

  Mercenary Demon Nuns: The Pope’s deadly Demon soldiers.

  Mercury: A Planet, Gemini’s Ruling Planet

  Mercury: One of the Queen’s most trusted Guards.

  Messenger: Anyone relaying a message.

  Michael: A Master Archangel, one of God’s most trusted top-ranking Archangels.

  Mileck: A spy, along with Jacob, for the Dark Graduates.

  Monarch: An Emperor, Leader

  Mortal Realm: The corollary to the Immortal Realm.

  Mosqidou: In the Immortal tongue, collective name/term meaning “The Pursuers.” They were all Archangels, but separated in rank. Members include: Abdeel, Abdeen, Ithiel, Daniel, Tessai, Pharisees, Goliath, Ozias, Grenad, Irisan, Zodeen, Justus, Shiloh, Simeon, Timius and Natenal.

  Mountain of the Seven Moons: A secret location where one can rid themselves of their gifts or destroy their property, in the Rivers of Ruin.

  Mover of Suns, Man Who Can Move Suns: Other names for Bishop.

  Natenal: A Master Archangel, he was the leader of Mosqidou (The Pursuers). His power remains secret and unknown. Wears a special mask crafted by God himself.

  Naum: A Dark Graduate and Representative from the Planet Jupiter.

  Nephilim: Another name for Giants.

  Nelson: One of the Nephilim Giants along with eleven others unearthed by Pope Elizabeth. Their job is to protect her.

  Nevil: One of Bishop’s top Advisors.

  Nicholas: A Demon Master Archangel. Sent to kill the Children of Time.

  Noah: The Final Judge and Ruler of the Dark Graduates. He had an ongoing feud with the Pope.

  Oseem: A Demon Master Archangel. He, at one point had four arms, but Remiel had removed two of them during a conflict. He offered to go to the Pope’s underground stronghold and retrieve Aries’ Son.

  Overlords of the Underworld: Monarchs, Lieutenants who ruled alongside Lucifer.

  Ozias: One of the members of The Pursuers (Mosqidou). Blessed with the power of stealth. He was also a shape-shifter able to alter his appearance to mimic anyone he saw or touched. He was the “Assassin” of Mosqidou.

  Pastor Jacob: The second Guide for Mosqidou who Gemini encountered in the Earth Realm. He is the Guide after Bernard.

  Paul: The only surviving Son of Adam and Ursula (Aries). Lucifer had all his siblings killed.

  People Under the Sea, The: They lived in the abyss of the seas in Pyramids, where no man dared travel. They were lead by Goro an acquaintance to Aquarius.

  Peter: Carpicorn’s Father. He hid Capricorn on Saturn to protect him while he was growing up. Aquarius and Libra would visit and train Capricorn.

  Pharisees: One of The Pursuers (Mosqidou). Blessed with power of super human senses and weakness detection privileges. He was also blessed with the power of mind control and teleportation.

  Pisces: A Zodiac [3rd Water Sign; 12th overall & in command]. She has
telepathic power over water and any creatures in the sea.

  Plague: One of the names of the Four Talismans: The others were Feud, Dearth and Demise. They were Ghouls and Overlords of the Underworld.

  Pope Elizabeth: She became the new Pope after her male predecessor was killed.

  Pope: The Pope at the start of the book. Succeeded by Pope Elizabeth.

  Pursuers, The: (collectively known by the singular moniker: “Mosqidou”). They travel throughout the Universe in search of the Zodiacs. Included amongst their rank: Abdeel, Abdeen, Ithiel, Daniel, Tessai, Pharisees, Goliath, Ozias, Grenad, Irisan, Zodeen, Justus, Shiloh, Simeon, Timius and Natenal.

  Queen, The: The Queen of England at the time before her death.

  Raphael: A Master Archangel. One of God’s most trusted soldiers.

  Rashad: One of the Three Kings protecting the Scroll. The other two were Farooq and Asad. Asad was the king who was actually carrying the Scroll after it had been stolen from the Italian Mob.

  Remiel: The Master Archangel who saved Lucille and gave her a warning to leave. He is equal in rank with Michael.

  Rider of Meteors: Another name for Vetrius. He used meteors to travel throughout the Cosmos.

  Rohan: A well-known underboss for the Genesis black militia. His family was having trouble with the Verdone family.

  Rufus: One of four Demons who accompanies Virgo when she joins the Pursuit, along with Taurus, Gemini and Sagittarius, to pursue the remaining Zodiacs. The other three Demons are Karz, Dynamo and Zodon.

  Sabrina: God’s new Master Archangel courier. She went along with Emmanuel to attack Bishop’s Kingdom.

  Sagittarius: A Zodiac [3rd Fire Sign; 9th overall & in command]. He is capable of stopping time and predicting the future. He can sense an attack before it is even presented. He is the third Fire sign, and has some control over fire. He has sharp vision, is an excellent marksman, and very accurate in his attacks. He also has the ability to enter one’s dreams.

  Saraii: The woman Lucifer locks in a room with Abdeel. Later discovered to be Virgo.

  Saturn: A Dark Graduate. Representative from the Planet Saturn.

  Scorpio: A Zodiac [2nd Water Sign; 8th overall & in command]. Though still a child, one of the most powerful Zodiacs. He has been granted the Sting of Death. He is a Shape-shifter and can turn into anything poisonous. His serpentine eyes can put anyone or anything that he meets, into a trance. He is more dangerous whenever near water.

  Scroll: Document carrying vital special intelligence.

  Secret Mountain of the Seven Moons, The: The Waters of Ruin is the river running through the cavern where the Scroll must be destroyed. Only a few knew of its existence. Once someone reached the top, they could literally see seven Moons from diverse Worlds and Galaxies.

  Shape-shifter: One who has the power to temporarily turn into another form or entity. Scorpio is a Shape-shifter.

  Shiloh: One of The Pursuers (Mosqidou). She was blessed with the power to control the beasts of the land. Also has a special ability of Reincarnation.

  Simeon: An Archangel. One of The Pursuers (Mosqidou). He was a skilled artist. He was blessed with the power to freeze time and halt motion. He must use that time to sketch his weapon of choice on his shield.

  Sira: The giant octopus-like monster controlled by Pisces that helped her attack the Three Kings: Asad, Farooq and Rashad.

  Skore: One of Lucifer’s personal messengers.

  Soldiers of God: Mosqidou (The Pursuers) or any other Archangels from God’s Covenant.

  Special Soldiers: Hybrids due to the mixture of DNA and backed by classified training. Only Special Soldiers and Archangels can operate the “Giant Killers.”

  Stealth Sword: One of Ozias’s weapons. Able to alter its color into anything it touches.

  Super Humans of Sirius: They were eight feet tall, solidly built, and entrusted with a Scroll bearing the Pope’s Shield. Their names were Julius and Cameron, personal messengers of the Pope. Jonathan was the Representative for the Super Humans of Sirius.

  Super Satellites: They pose as asteroids or space debris backed by advanced technology used to cloak and protect Planets from potentially harmful explorers.

  Super Species: The beings Dracuul was trying to create using the blood of all races.

  Taurus: A Zodiac [1st Earth Sign; 2nd overall & in command, after Aries]. He is an Elder Zodiac since he has survived into adulthood. He has Super Strength and can grow to an extraordinary size, and turns into a half-bull/half-man entity. He is considered inescapable and persistent during combat. His horns are the source of his power.

  Theandra: She and Zeda traveled a great distance to meet Natenal and Abdeen and demand restitution for a 10,000 year-old destroyed satellite and the death of one of their own.

  Time Travelers: Many gun exporters travel in time to profit from wars. Their crime is punishable by death. The Children of Time are the only ones who can detect illegal Time Travelers.

  Timius: Member of Mosqidou (The Pursuers). He was third in command. His gift was that of a Dimension Transporter. Capable of creating gateways to transport those with him to other Dimensions.

  Trekkers of Sirius: a nickname Julius and Cameron were called by the Four Talismen.

  Two-Headed Water Dragon: The form Ozias took when fighting Sagittarius in his dream. It had the body of a man with impenetrable rock-like skin.

  Tyrant: The entity created when Fidor consumed too much of the various types of blood and was unable to keep the power within. It was made up of almost every class of species combined.

  Ursula: The name the Zodiac Aries went by when she met and fell in love with Adam. Paul was their only surviving Son. Lucifer had their other children killed.

  Uziel: A Master Archangel. One of six Master Archangels (with Vincent, Emanuel, Camiel, Ariel and Sabrina) sent to go investigate and clear the most challenging Dimensions none dared enter.

  Vampeer: A special class of Vampires

  Vampeer’s Army: An army consisting of Vampeers

  Vaniah: A Dark Graduate. Representative from the Planet Pluto.

  Vega: One of the Planets the Mercenaries who confronted the Pope in the streets of Rome were from. The other Planets were: Dubhe and Vy Canis Majoris.

  Vega: A Super Vampeer who turned on his Vampeer Host in search of his own power. Encountered Sagittarius, Aquarius and Libra.

  Verdone Family: One of the families of a notorious Mob from New York, having trouble with Rohan.

  Verdone, Paul: One of the captains of the Verdone family. He tried to attack Mr. Rohan.

  Victoria III, Queen: She was queen and an intelligent and powerful Vampeer. More powerful than Dracuul.

  Vincent: The Master Archangel who encountered Capricorn at the train station.

  Virgo: A Zodiac [2nd Earth Sign; 6th overall & in command]. She has the gift of telepathy, can take total control of another person’s body. She is silent and deadly with hypnotizing beauty. She can sense a person’s weakness, and can heal wounds.

  Virtues: An Archangel and secret leader of the campaign in Rome. His job was to safely escort the new Pope (Pope Elizabeth) into Rome.

  Vitrius: Also known as Rider of Meteors. He used meteors to travel throughout the Cosmos.

  Vy Canis Majoris: One of the Planets the Mercenaries who confronted the Pope in the streets of Rome were from. The other Planets were: Dubhe and Vega.

  Watchers, The: The Watchers, observers of the Universe. Can only record what they see, they can never intervene. Their gift and curse.

  Water-Bearing Sword: Aquarius’s weapon of choice. It had the appearance of water in the shape of a sword. The edge was sharp and cut finer than the average Katana. For a second, she could see the blood of her victims appear in the sword, then disappear, strengthening it more due to the liquid compound of the blood.

  Waters of Ruin, The: The Waters of Ruin is a river running through a cavern in The Secret Mountain of the Seven Moons, where the Scroll can be destroyed.

  Wings: Each Pu
rsuer had a set of enormous wings that could be retracted when not in use.

  Year of the Dragon: He’s from a different class of Zodiacs. Their true agenda is unknown.

  Year of the Monkey: He’s from a different class of Zodiacs. Their true agenda is unknown.

  Year of the Rat: He’s from a different class of Zodiacs. Their true agenda is unknown.

  Year of the Rooster: She’s from a different class of Zodiacs. Their true agenda is unknown.

  Zen: A trusted colleague of Taurus’s, along with Demetrius. They were both highly skilled assassins.

  Zeta: He and Theandra traveled a great distance to meet Natenal and Abdeen and demanded restitution for a 10,000-year-old satellite that was destroyed by the order of Natenal.

  Zodeen: One of The Pursuers (Mosqidou). Blessed with the power to see the Mark of the Beast and to carve the Mark of Death into his or her opponent, and with a special heightened sense of unseen danger.

  Zodiac: Fallen Archangels cast out of Heaven along with Lucifer … some of whom have taken a righteous path; and some, evil.

  Zodon: One of four Demons that accompany Virgo when she joins the Pursuit of the remaining Zodiacs. The other three are Dynamo, Karz and Rufus.




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