The Twelve Dancing Princesses (Faerie Tale Collection)

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The Twelve Dancing Princesses (Faerie Tale Collection) Page 6

by James, Jenni


  She looked at her father.

  “Yes. I felt that too.” He grinned. “And he is handsome, to boot.”

  She rolled her eyes and tried to hide her answering smile. “That does not signify, and you know it.”

  “Oh! Does it not, now?” He laughed, but not loudly enough to disrupt Damalis from her playing.

  She decided to ignore his question. “I take it you approved of him?”

  “Yes, I did. Much more than I anticipated I would. You have a very sound head upon your shoulders. And it pleases me.” His expression was serious for a moment.

  “Thank you, Father.”

  He nodded and took a deep breath. “I fear you girls are growing up without me. I am not sure how to take it. You are seeking advice and help from young men and dancing until all hours of the night …” He grinned when she rolled her eyes again. “No, but honestly, my daughters are stunningly beautiful women and I had no idea they had grown. When did you mature? The last I knew, you were all itty-bitty rascals needing a nurse to keep you in line. Now—”

  Her hands tightened around the fabric. She could not believe what she was hearing. “Yes?”

  “Now you need a father to beat the rogues away with a stick and ensure you are protected and safe.”

  She gasped. “You did not beat Aleck, did you?”

  “Heavens, no! Though if I find he touches any of you, I will not hesitate to send him to the gallows. Curse or no curse, neglectful father or not, you are still my daughters, and I love you all excessively.”

  The piano halted. Damalis was staring at them both, tears forming in her eyes.

  “Come here.” He beckoned to her. “Come here. I love you, too.” He held out his arm, and she instantly pushed away from the instrument and flew to her father. Wrapping her arms tightly around his neck, she snuggled onto the settee next to him.

  “I have missed you, Papa,” Damalis whispered, causing tears to spring into Casey’s eyes as well.

  Casey felt the king wrap his free arm around her and pull her into his other side.

  “I have missed you both as well. I have missed you all.” He kissed them upon their brows. His fuzzy beard tickled Casey’s cheek as he did so.

  And then he said the words Casey had been positive she would never hear spring from his lips. “I believe it is time to truly see and get to know my daughters again. Your father has a lot of making up to do, so be patient with me. And forgive me for my neglect. Perhaps this curse will prove itself a blessing after all.”


  THAT NIGHT AT DINNER, Casey was excited to see her father enter the dining room. The girls around her tittered their amazement and approval at his appearance as he sat in the long-awaited empty captain’s chair at the head of the table. There was a vacant place next to his right for their guest, and Casey did not have to wait long before she saw Aleck enter with the butler.

  Many of the girls were talking excitedly with their father and did not see Aleck straight away. Casey watched as he scanned the large table. When their eyes locked, her heart jumped.

  He grinned.

  It was then that she noticed how truly handsome he appeared. She had never before seen him in evening wear. Indeed, he was a striking man in dirty trousers, but with a waistcoat and tie and tails, he was simply stunning. He looked like royalty. Her heart began to beat frantically.

  She watched as he spotted the empty seat in front of him. It was next to Abigail. As the eldest, it was her right to have the guest of honor near her. Alex’s brow furrowed slightly.

  Casey hoped it was because he had wished to sit next to her. It could not have been too horrid for him, though; as the third eldest, she was merely across from him and over one. Near enough to reach across the table and touch hands, if they wished to do so. And it was much easier to watch the other person this way, see his mannerisms and the like.

  He seemed a bit nervous, but hid it well as the butler announced his presence.

  The room stilled.

  Twelve very curious, very eager pairs of eyes looked in his direction.

  All at once the girls became even livelier, and their smiles widened. It would seem Casey was not the only one who thought the gardener cleaned up nicely.

  “Have a seat, Aleck,” her father said as he pointed to the chair. “I would like to introduce you to my daughters.”

  Aleck sat and glanced at Casey, catching her eye. They shared a quick grin before her father began the introductions.

  “To your left is Abigail, my oldest, and then Beatrice is on my other side. Cascadia you know, and then we have Damalis, Eunice …”

  Her gaze never left Aleck, and she giggled quietly to herself as she watched him attempt to put faces to the names of the sisters he was being introduced to. He had known their names all his life and had seen a few, but was now finally putting them altogether for the very first time. It must be daunting.

  The king kept up a fun and animated banter until the first course came. At that point, Casey watched a look of panic flash across Aleck’s features as he glanced down at the number of silver utensils upon the table. Of course! He most likely had only used but one utensil at a meal. He would have no notion how to go about eating with such a vast array.

  After a few silent pleas for him to look over at her, he finally did. When she was certain he was watching, she picked up the outside fork, indicating it was the one he should use.

  A look of relief passed over his features as he collected the proper utensil and then began to eat as he should. The rest of the meal went on without mishap. He was very quick to learn and imitate their ways. In fact, by the end of supper, it seemed he had been raised as royalty, so great were his manners.

  They retired to the drawing room, where Damalis played softly on the piano in the background whilst the other princesses gathered around Aleck. Her sisters were eager to gain his attention and asked many questions. Casey stayed back and watched the interactions with a rueful smile. It was clear Aleck wished to be next to her and not her sisters. He would live without her for a bit. It was no doubt good for him to get to know them all, anyway.

  However, as they were heading to their rooms to retire for the night, he stopped her in the corridor. “Princess Cascadia, may I have a word with you?”

  Casey’s silly heart began to race again. “Yes, of course.”

  Abigail cleared her throat and motioned for the girls to follow her. One by one, the group went around the couple and down the hall toward their room, her sisters stealing glances behind them as they went.

  “We need details of all you speak of!” Beatrice teasingly chanted while the others giggled.

  Casey flushed and waved her sisters away. When they were out of earshot, she asked, “What is it?”

  He searched her features for a moment. “Your father has made it clear I only have three nights to solve this.”

  Oh, dear. She took a deep breath. “That is not very long at all.”

  “No, it is not.”

  “What if you fail?”

  “I believe I will be dismissed. The truth is, if he trusts me enough to come into close proximity with his daughter, I risk even more if I fail. There are his most treasured possessions.”

  “His what?”

  “You. You and your sisters mean more to him than anything. And when I spoke with him, he did allow for my speculations on what was happening, respecting my conclusions as if I could truly help him. But if I fail at this, I am not certain I will have a position at the castle anymore.”

  What would his family do then? “Why risk it?” She reached forward and clutched his elbow. “Do not do this. It is not worth the price of losing …” She trailed off and glanced down at the ground.

  Aleck delicately lifted her chin with his finger. When her eyes met his handsome features and saw the warmth within that gaze, she gasped a small intake of air.

  “Losing what?”

  She was gone. That look in his eyes was ev
erything she had imagined it to be. So close, so inviting, so caring. “What?”

  He grinned slightly. “You did not finish your thought just now. It is not worth the price of losing what?”

  Losing you. I could not bear to lose you. “Your position, of course. What would your family do?”

  His thumb came up from under her chin and began to trail softly across her lips. “It is worth the cost, I assure you.”

  She could hardly breathe, let alone keep her wits about her, so great were the sensations he was creating upon her mouth. However, after a few moments, she managed to get out, “Is it?”

  “Casey?” he whispered.

  She allowed her eyes to flutter shut. “Hmm?”

  “I will not fail. I do not have much time, but I will not fail you.” Slowly, his other arm wound around her shoulder and pulled her within his embrace.

  Keeping her eyes closed, she nestled into his shoulder, feeling the strong, secure being before her.

  “Not only would my family never forgive me if I did not try, but I would not be able to sleep knowing someone is toying with you. This is too frightening I must risk what I can to solve this. I must, no matter what I lose in the process. Your safety means more to me than even my own family at the moment.”

  Her eyes flew open, staring at his smart jacket. “Aleck!”

  “Hush.” She felt a small kiss upon the top of her head. “As a subject of the king, it is my duty to help where he needs me. Where you need me.”

  “Why do I feel so safe at the moment? As if nothing in the world could ever harm me again.”

  “If I had my way, nothing ever would. You have been strong for too long. It is time for someone else to care for you.” She felt him pull back and stared into his dark glittering gaze. “Let it be me.”


  “Tell me I have a chance with you, my princess. I know I do not deserve a fraction of the love you could give me, but tell me nevertheless that there is hope in this quest of mine, that maybe one day you could see me as I see you.”

  She stared into those intense eyes for several seconds. Her heart had long lost the capability of beating a rational rhythm. In those moments, speech was impossible, and so she did the only thing she could do. Standing upon tiptoe, she reached her arms up around his neck and brought his mouth to hers.

  Oh, how he kissed her! How the world and all things perfect stood still in that time. His kiss was heaven—pure bliss.

  After a few minutes, he pulled back. It was a bit longer before he had voice enough to speak, though his smile conveyed everything he could not.

  She grinned.

  “We must behave now. It is not proper for me to be seen mauling the king’s beautiful daughter.”

  She laughed in surprise. “Mauling? Goodness! What a word! And what were you mauling, exactly?”

  He chuckled. “Your lips. And I have half a mind to do so again, if you do not stop looking so utterly adorable and shocked.”

  “But I cannot help it if I am utterly adorable or shocked. I am a princess, and it is my right to be so.”

  “Ahem.” He raised an eyebrow at her coy manner.

  And she blushed.

  Swiftly Aleck leaned forward and placed a kiss on her nose before saying, “Once you retire for the evening and everyone is respectable, I wish to be able to slip inside your room.” He raised a hand. “Not to kiss you again. Perhaps to sit upon the floor, so as not to disturb anyone. I would like to do so privately—I do not wish to alarm your sisters. Will you please leave the door open a smidge? When it all seems quiet and dark, I will sneak in. I promise to be gone by morning, but I feel the only way to solve this is to actually stay in the room with you, if I can.”

  It did seem practical, though a tad unnerving to have a man in the room who was not her father. But if they were ever to find out what was happening, then perhaps it would be the only way. She nodded her head.

  “Do not tell your sisters. I promise I will keep hidden, and no one will even know I am there, not even you.”

  How was that possible? “What about when you follow us to our dancing spot, if we indeed leave our room and go somewhere?”

  “I will keep hidden. I do not want anyone giving away the fact I am with you—that is, if you do actually travel somewhere at night. If one of your sisters sees me, they may continuously try to speak to me, revealing where I am instead of allowing me the opportunity to solve this riddle.”

  “Very well. I will tell this to no one. Just, please be careful, and remain hidden at all costs.”

  “I will.” He leaned forward and kissed her check. “Thank you. Thank you for everything.”


  ALECK COLLECTED THE CLOAK and slipped it on. Then he lingered outside the door of the old ballroom for several minutes. Once he could no longer hear any rustling at all, he slipped inside the room and silently felt his way along the wall until he came to a good spot next to a wardrobe. He slid down, letting his rear hit the floor, and then waited.

  He waited for a long time, just listening to the gentle breathing of the princesses around him as they slept. He had no idea where Casey was, and if he was anywhere near her. Perhaps it was best he did not, for it would probably embarrass him greatly. Bringing his knees up, he set his head upon them. He closed his eyes and imagined her sweet kisses again.

  Aleck must have dozed, because he awoke to movement in the room.

  The princesses were all up and whispering to themselves. Several of the chandeliers were lit, and the girls were clustered together in their long nightclothes.

  He quickly stood up, clutching the cloak around him, hoping none of them saw him. Casey pulled away from the group and he took a step toward her, wanting to see if she was awake, when all at once the faint sound of a harp could be heard.

  As soon as the music began, the girls started to waltz slowly by themselves. One-two-three, one-two-three movements, upon tiptoe. Each princess held her nightgown spread out in her hands as if she were wearing a grand ball gown.

  Suddenly the oldest sister spun around in a tight circle and dipped into a curtsy. The skirts of her night attire spread out upon the floor, and when she stood up, Aleck gasped.

  There she was in full evening wear, including jewels bedecking her hair.

  How was that possible? What had happened?

  Instantly the second eldest sister did the same thing: spun in a tight circle and curtsied. When she stood, she too was dressed to the hilt in a stunning gown fit for a ball.

  He watched as Casey stepped forward and did the same, looking more like a princess than he had ever seen her as she stood back up. Each of the sisters twirled and dipped and appeared wearing lavish gowns.

  They really were dancing each night! But did they go somewhere? Aleck clutched the cloak further around him and quickly walked toward Casey. He was eager to make sure he followed her, no matter what happened next.

  The harp music grew louder, and a few more string instruments joined in. He glanced around the room, but could not see where the sounds were coming from. When he looked back, the oldest two princesses were missing. And then Casey twirled in front of him and vanished before his eyes. Where did she go?

  The girls were all leaving and he could not make out how or what was happening. When the youngest spun toward him, he quickly grabbed the skirts of her gown and attempted to keep up, hoping she would take him with her. She tugged at the fabric as if to see what was wrong, but he did not let go.

  “What is this?” she said as she stopped altogether and looked in his direction.

  “What is wrong?” asked one of the other sisters.

  “It feels like my gown is caught upon something, but I cannot see what.”

  It was then that Aleck realized he could not only see the other sisters, but that he had somehow made it from the bedroom into a grand ballroom full of people. It had worked! He was here!

  He quickly released his hold on the skirts and stumbled backward, careful n
ot to run into anyone. The room was so beautiful. The chandeliers gleamed, the marble floor shone with a perfect luster, and everyone was dressed in exquisite clothing, more exquisite than anything he had ever seen before. The room was full to brimming with men, women, and children.

  They must all be royalty. He noticed that the older people and the children were not dancing—they stood around the perimeter of the dancing hall. However, the twelve sisters were gathered in the center of the room with many other people their own age.

  The music grew louder, and Aleck stepped back to see if he could find the source of the melody. He could not make out any orchestra or the like, but was amazed at how the dance floor seemed to fade into an enchanted wilderness or forest of some kind. It was quite beautiful, with silver and golden trees, and both of them appeared to have tiny diamond fruit upon them. Never before had he ever seen anything so magical.

  He walked up to one of the silver trees and touched a leaf. It was indeed made of the most delicate, filigreed silver he had ever seen. Plucking a small cluster of leaves, he quickly placed it in the pocket of his nightshirt to show the king later.

  He wandered deeper into the enchanted gold and silver forest. The floor beneath his feet glittered with glorious copper flakes. This was a marvelous place, an enchanted fairyland where every little princess must dream of coming one day to meet her handsome prince.

  He gasped and spun around toward the ballroom. That was it!

  Quickly, he made his way back to the dance floor. There in the center, couples had already begun to line up. He noticed his king across the room, standing next to a woman and another man, and he wondered if they were Lady Daphne and her husband.

  This would explain why they were never able to solve the riddle themselves; they were all part of it. All of the royalty around him were.

  He glanced back at the dancers. Casey danced with a tall lad who looked to be a couple of years older than Aleck. He was blond and handsome and making her smile this very moment. Aleck groaned when the sudden urge to strike the man began to build within him.


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