
Home > Science > Struck > Page 12
Struck Page 12

by Amanda Carlson

  “How long have you been here?” I asked hesitantly.

  “Many years, Valkyrie. Too many to count.”

  “Oh,” I answered. What a horrible fate to be tossed in this unforgiving world. I wanted to know why he’d been cast here, but the closed look on his face redirected my next question. “You said there are other ways for me to get small bits of food?” My stomach wasn’t grumbling, but I was weary and fatigued in a way I’d never been before. If I truly wanted to heal, I knew he was right. I’d have to eat, and the sooner the better. “I think my body is really hungry, but not for food.” Consuming energy actually sounded appealing to me.

  “There are a few ways you can get it.” Fen ran his hand over his face, appearing a little unnerved. He rearranged his body, and the water lapped against his abs. “In Midgard, human-generated electricity can keep you fueled for a time. On other planes, there are energy sources you can draw from. But here, I know of only one place you can get energy other than Yggdrasil.”

  “Well, I don’t have a return ticket to Midgard, and the tree is far away, so how do I get it here?”

  “As a demigod”—Fen cleared his throat—“I am flush with power. My power can be transformed into the kind of energy you need to feed.” As he spoke, his eyes sparked with something feral that sent shivers racing down my spine. “It can happen from touch, kissing, but the greatest source is during the act of…”


  “Sex? Are you referring to sex?” My voice ended an octave higher, and I gaped, my eyes losing focus for a good, solid moment. I almost slid off my rock. I gripped the slippery surface like my life depended on it to keep from tumbling under. “Why…why on earth does it have to be…sex?” Maybe because you’re not on earth, Phoebe. My hand slipped again, and I had to regroup. I wasn’t a prude—and truth be told, the thought of sleeping with Fen made my libido skyrocket and my legs quake—but I’d never had a one-night stand before. Sex to me had always been a commitment, something you did with a lover. “You said touch and kissing. Does that give enough?” I asked hopefully.

  “Valkyrie, know this,” Fen said, his voice stony. “I will never force myself upon you. There is no need to look so horrified. I did not know that you would be…so averse to our coupling. Touching and kissing, although nice, will not provide you with enough food, but will give you some. During the act of copulation, there are a few other…factors involved.” He brought an arm up and rubbed the back of his neck, his bicep jumping. “My power becomes concentrated for…a very brief moment. It’s all about the transfer of energy from one body to another.” He looked wildly uncomfortable. “All who live in Asgard know this already. I’ve never had to explain it to someone.”

  His semen packs a punch?

  Is that what he’s talking about?

  Why did I find that more surprising than a huge, talking snake? Or fire demons with acid blood? Or a witch out to kill me?

  “I’m…I’m not horrified”—I was kind of horrified—“or…averse.” I definitely wasn’t averse. “I just…need time to digest this.” Yikes, not digest, Phoebe! Ick.

  “Valkyrie, I will leave you to your thoughts. I am going to check in with the Jondi.” Fen hoisted himself out of the pool. He wore the same pant-shorts, but the way they clung to his muscular legs made me tingly inside this time. Having sex with him would not be a hardship. It would just be strange and awkward. He turned back to me, and I had to look away, pretending to fix my hair so he couldn’t read my face. “When I get back, we must formulate a plan. We need to get to Yggdrasil, and it will be a dangerous journey.”

  He walked away before I could reply.

  * * *

  Fen had been gone a long time, and I was sleepy. I’d hooked my ankles on the edge of the pool and had managed to keep floating without much effort, but I was in danger of falling asleep.

  While he’d been gone, my mind whirled. I kept trying to wrap my brain around the crazy idea that I might, in fact, be immortal, but then just as quickly dismissing it. It was too strange.

  On one hand, with everything I’d experienced in the last few days, it seemed feasible. But on the other, when I thought of my normal human life in New York, and of growing up in a small town with two human parents, there was no part of me that could match the two together.

  Instead of forcing the issue, I floated in the warmth, doing my best to ignore the stinky solay, and tried to clear my head of all thoughts. Meditation didn’t come easy to me, but in college I’d learned to do it out of necessity. It was either get a handle on my stress, or let it eat me up. It was going pretty well, but the problem was, with each growing hour, I felt more depleted, my movements more sluggish.

  I yawned.

  My body was threatening to shut down whether I wanted it to or not. The damage done to me by the demons and not eating had taken a hefty toll. Emotionally and physically.

  Where was Fen, anyway?

  I hadn’t asked him anything about the deal he’d made with the snakes and why he hadn’t forged an alliance before today. If he’d been here for years, it seemed like making a deal with the serpents would’ve made his life a lot easier in this dark place.

  Unless the snakes had demanded something from him that was too big?

  Something he hadn’t been willing to give before.

  Oh, no.

  A bad feeling whispered through me. What if Fen had agreed to give the monsters something he didn’t want to part with? What if the price had been too high?

  My ankles splashed into the water as I struggled to stand, my arms doggie paddling. I’d moved around the pool in the last few hours and had taken some tentative steps that hadn’t ached too badly, but the sudden strain on my body sent new shock waves burning up my legs.

  “Ugh. I’m getting sick of this.” I slapped the water in frustration, instantly regretting it when a spray of water shot up my nose. Then my arms started to ache with all the sudden motion. “Damn.”

  I was ready to exit this pool.

  Fen had said my clothes were toast. Maybe he’d set something to wear by the pool? Very carefully, I maneuvered along the edge, checking hopefully for any clothes lying around. There were none. With effort, I hoisted my upper body out of the water, panting as I pulled one leg over the side. I was forced to leave this pool like an old lady after a water aerobics class. If this didn’t mark me as a big, strong immortal, I didn’t know what would. Once I had both legs out, I lay on my stomach, panting like a dog after a long walk in one-hundred-and-twenty-degree heat.

  Two down, one to go.

  I inhaled and shifted my body so my legs dangled off the side. Then I slid down the wall until my feet hit the dirt floor. I stood slowly. My legs shook like leaves in high wind as hundreds of needles of pain rushed upward from my feet.

  But I managed to stay upright.

  After a few minutes, the pinpricks receded to a dull throb.

  I can do this.

  I took one step forward, and then another. I was wobbly and weak, but I was moving on my own. I passed the tunnel opening to the larger cavern on my way to Fen’s lair. Right as I stepped in front of it, I heard a noise.

  It was an unmistakable slithering sound.


  Before I had a chance to react, a giant black, scaly head emerged, not ten feet from where I stood.

  I screamed and fell backward, hitting the ground. The thing was massive up close. As it came nearer, I saw its eyes were a violent shade of amethyst. I scooted back as fast as I could, ignoring the pain, my palms scraping as they maneuvered over the rocky terrain. “What do you want?” I yelled. “Get away from me!” I searched for something to defend myself with. There was nothing around me but small rocks. I picked one up, fisted it, and launched it at the giant snake, which had no qualms about coming closer and closer.

  “Valkyrie!” Fen shouted from somewhere in the tunnel. “Do not fear! The serpent is just coming to get your scent.”

  The snake angled its neck towar
d Fen, and then back at me.

  I froze as it extended its huge head over me menacingly. It had to be enjoying this. I watched in horror as its long, forked tongue unrolled out of its mouth soundlessly.

  It must be mandatory to have a forked tongue in this world.

  A low hiss emitted from its throat as its barbed tongue slowly whipped back and forth just short of my face. I closed my eyes, but didn’t flinch. I wasn’t going to let this serpent have any more of my fear. I’d given it away too many times already.

  After a few moments, I opened my eyes, ready to heave another rock, or grab on to its tongue, or do something to make it go away, just in time to see it fly backward.

  It smashed into the cavern wall with a clamorous boom, rocks exploding and dirt and sand raining down. I brought my arms up to shield my head from the falling debris.

  “This is not how we agreed to do business, Jondi!” Fen raged. The snake had bounced once, but sustained little damage. It recovered in moments, hissing like a madman, advancing on Fen so fast I couldn’t track it. Fen swung his powerful fist, and the serpent went flying again. “You were to wait for me to enter first. That was our agreement.”




  I scuttled out of the way, wedging myself into the shelter of a midsize boulder. My adrenaline had kicked in, so I felt no pain. I was grateful, as it infused me with hyperenergy as I watched the fight unfold. I needed all the energy I could get.

  The serpent was three times as big as Fen. Its black scales glittered iridescent in the low lighting. But this was not a fair fight. Fen’s arms bulged with power. His tapered waist swung to the side, his abdomen flexing as his fist shot out again, connecting squarely with the serpent.

  But this time the beast didn’t fly backward. It was ready. It absorbed the impact, ripples streaming through it like quaking Jell-O. It immediately lunged forward, its horrid serpent face stopping inches from Fen, the barbs on its tongue wagging, ready to strike.

  The standoff was intense. Neither of them backed down.

  My heart began to race. If the snake monster won, I was dead. It would gobble me up in one bite or sell me back to the demons. I had just vowed not to be a victim. I had to do something.

  I made up my mind. No more weakness.

  I would survive.

  But before I could make a move, Fen yelled, “Get the hell out of my domain, Jondi! Or else you die here. You know you cannot best me. This is your last chance.”

  “You would go against us soooo quickly? You risk much, dog.” The serpent’s voice sounded like a long, creepy whisper coming from somewhere deep inside its throat. “Your word issss binding. Do not forget yourself. We are your masterssss now.”

  “That was not our bargain. I agreed to free you, but you do not rule me. I am no one’s slave. Never a slave,” Fen snarled.

  The thing let out what sounded like huffs of air all in a row. “Take heed. If you break your vow, your life is ourssss.”

  “I don’t intend to break my vow, serpent. You have her scent, now get out.” He leaned into the snake, his biceps jumping, one step away from throttling it again.

  The serpent angled its huge head at me, its deep purple eyes swirling. “Yessss, and she smells delicioussss.” Its tongue snapped out so fast I almost didn’t see it.

  You won’t be getting a piece of me, buddy.

  Seemingly satisfied, it turned and slithered out, its massive body fluidly crossing the rocky floor.

  Fen rushed forward, bending over and scooping me up. I didn’t protest. “Valkyrie, I apologize. That was not my intention. The Jondi have agreed to get us to the crater that holds Yggdrasil, but in case the demons attack, they need your scent among them to track you. Are you hurt? Did it harm you?”

  Instinct shot up inside me.


  I wrapped my arms around Fen’s big shoulders, my hands winding around his neck, running through his long, silky hair. I prodded the back of his head gently with the tips of my fingers, while leaning forward, licking my lips. Lust shot through me.

  I wanted to taste him. I needed to taste him.

  Fen’s eyes widened in surprise, and his breath quickened. “What’s this?”

  Instead of answering, I covered his lips with mine. He responded in kind. The man was magnificent, and I needed energy desperately. My body screamed for it. Need overpowered my rational mind, and I let it.

  The moment our lips met, his firm to my soft, sparks of energy leaped between us so powerfully my body sizzled from head to toe. I jerked back, regretfully breaking the connection. Fen’s gaze was pinned on mine, blazing with need. “That…that…” I stammered, my breath coming in quick bursts, “was a transfer of energy. I…feel it running through my body.” I ran the tip of my tongue over my prickling lips, enjoying the sensation, yearning for more.

  My body felt alive.

  I need more.

  “Valkyrie,” Fen growled, eyes locked on my mouth. “Put your lips back on mine, and I will give you what you crave.”

  I dove up to him, my fingers fisting in his hair, pulling him roughly to me. His mouth met mine fiercely. My lips parted, welcoming him in, seeking what he had to offer. He turned his head, deepening the kiss, exploring, searching.

  I wanted to cry.

  The intensity was so sweet.

  After all the heartache and pain, my body felt alive, buzzing, sensitive to his every touch as a tidal wave of delicious current raged through me. “How long has it been since you’ve been with a woman?” I breathed, my hands enjoying the feeling of him all over.

  “Too long, maiden…far too long.” His gaze was combustible.

  “You taste so…good.” I licked my lips.

  “I need to touch you.” He turned me effortlessly in his arms and slowly guided me down the length of his body. He took my lips again, ravaging me with another long kiss as I inched down his hard frame. His strong forearm stayed locked around me, so no space separated us.

  When my toes hit the ground, he slid his thigh smoothly between my legs, supporting my weight, knowing I was still unsteady on my feet, splaying his other hand hard against my back.

  All the new sensations made my head spin.

  His hardness was pressed against my stomach, his leg tight against my core, and I instinctively rocked my hips against him, enjoying all the feelings. The buildup of pleasure inside me was spiraling quickly. I broke the kiss, arching my body back, locked in a mindless rhythm.

  Yes, yes, I need this. Have to have it.

  “My gods, Valkyrie. If you keep this up, this will not be a lasting encounter,” Fen said roughly as he bent over and latched on to a nipple, taking me deeply.

  “Oh.” The sensation of his mouth around me almost sent me over the edge right then and there. “Fen, please forgive me,” I panted, leaning up to face him. “I don’t know what’s happening. I just know I need…more.”

  He placed his hands on my hips, gripping my backside and guiding me back and forth, helping me achieve my pleasure. Then he hoisted me up in his arms.

  I wrapped my legs around his strong body, locking myself to him, running my hands over his chest, relishing in the dampness of his skin. I raked my nails along his pecs, up to his neck, and into his silky hair. I would never get sick of his hair. It was thick and soft and perfect.

  The current of energy that ran between us was palpable. Electricity shot into my body in tantalizing waves from all over. I drank it in as fast as I could. Each lave of his tongue filled me with more. He was full of so much power. The aura of it cracked and sizzled around us.

  Give me more, wolf.

  Fen found my breast again and teased the sensitive peak, twirling his tongue around it. I threw my head back, arching until I thought my back would break as a stab of lightning shot around us, followed by a clap of thunder so loud it rocked the cavern, sending rocks tumbling to the ground.

  “Valkyrie…you must…slow down,” Fen groa
ned, his voice low and husky. “I want to give you what you need, but at this rate, I will spend my seed before we are finished, and therefore help you none. You are too…exquisite.”

  I mewled at the loss of contact. I tried to find my brain, so I could answer him coherently. “Yes,” was the only word I could find.

  Fen shifted position, sliding me farther down his body so I sat lodged at his waist, my legs still locked tightly around him. I brought my hands up and cupped his face, leaning in, lightly skimming my lips over his, craving his touch like a drug.

  I knew I was drunk on the power he was transferring to me, but I didn’t want to stop.

  Invisible jets of electricity flew from his mouth to mine. I licked his lips greedily, running my tongue all over them, tasting him, lapping up his power.

  “Valkyrie, you are driving me mad,” he growled, swinging me around and stalking to a large boulder. The stone had a smooth top, just big enough for the both of us. He backed me up against it.

  I unlocked my legs and sat, shifting to rise up on my knees, pressing my fingers into his massive chest. “I want…you,” I ordered, pointing to the smooth top of the rock, “to lie down.”

  My words sounded strange in my own ears, slurred and bold.

  I shook my head.

  Now that we were fully separated, everything began to dim, and my brain began to clear. As our gazes locked, light speared through Fen’s eyes, his wolf just behind them, raking me with his intensity. It sent chills racing up my spine.

  Gods, he’s beautiful.

  I brought my fingertips back to his chest and traced the contours. His body shivered, quaking under my touch as beads of energy jumped to greet my waiting fingertips.

  He shed his shorts and moved up onto the boulder next to me.

  “Oh,” I breathed.

  He was magnificent. I hadn’t expected less, but he was truly incredible, his body glossy with sweat and fully primed for me.

  Suddenly, I didn’t know what to do. I felt completely overwhelmed and out of my league. The more time we spent separated, the more I came back down from the energy high. I was torn. This was both me and not me. The new me wanted him unequivocally, but the old Phoebe was embarrassed by her brazenness.


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