Her Gentleman Pirate (High Seas & High Stakes Book 2)

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Her Gentleman Pirate (High Seas & High Stakes Book 2) Page 6

by Tamara Gill

  Arabella sat back down. “I don’t understand. Father has money so why he’s refused to pay what was due, illegal or otherwise doesn’t make sense. How much is the debt?”

  A muscle worked in Stephen’s jaw and trepidation settled like a rock in her gut. “Two thousand pounds.”

  “But he has that.” Doesn’t he? Of late they had been having food that was less extravagant than usual. Come to think of it, less servants and only one carriage to support their household in Malta. Was her father short of blunt? Were they poor? She swallowed.

  “Apparently not,” he said.

  “What will you do if he cannot pay?” Would he ruin her publicly? Throw her overboard as a waste of his effort and time? She shook the silly thought aside, her mind going places that were less than helpful. At times such as these one needed a clear mind, free to think rationally.

  “I will ruin him.” And you as well. The unspoken words hung between them like a noose.

  She clasped his hand. “Perhaps if I speak to my father I can get him to pay you and there be no need for any further trouble.” Although the more Arabella thought about the strictures of her life of late, something told her that her father wasn’t going to be able to pay no matter how much she wished it.

  A knock sounded at the door before a tall man, dressed in attire Arabella had only ever seen in the highest ranks of society. In her shabby dress, stained and torn in parts it left her feeling inadequate and poor. She checked her gown, pleating a section of her skirt to try and hide the small tear.

  The gentleman’s eyes widened when he spotted her, but he continued into the room and greeted Stephen with warmth. Who was he?

  “And who is this?” the man asked, nodding toward her.

  Arabella frowned, not liking how this gentleman’s tone lacked warmth when speaking of her.

  “This is Miss Arabella Hester. Sir Ronald Hester’s daughter.” Stephen turned to her. “Arabella, this is Gabriel Lyons, the Duke of Dale.”

  She felt her mouth fall open and she nodded in hello. How was it Stephen knew a duke?

  “Miss Arabella, is it?” The word was accentuated and had it been as sharp like a knife, she didn’t hesitate to think Stephen would’ve been cut. “As in unmarried and from looking about this room and seeing no maid I can assume, unchaperoned…” The duke sighed. “I had hoped the rumours were false.”

  For the first time since she’d known Stephen he looked sheepish. “Dinner is about to be served. We’ll discuss this later. Alone.”

  The gentlemen glared at each other and Arabella sat down at the wooden table as dinner was brought in by two kitchen girls. Night was falling and the storm howled outside. Candles were brought in and the fire stoked to ward off the dark chill of the night. The windows whistled, a cold draft running down her spine and making her flimsy gown less than ideal in such weather. She shivered, wishing she had a shawl or blanket.

  “We’ll be staying here for the night,” Stephen said, as if sensing her unvoiced concern. He joined her at the table, but didn’t meet her eye. The other gentleman did the same and a quiet awkwardness settled around them. The duke did not try and hide his disappointment at seeing her here. She quickly ate the stew and welcomed the maid who came in to take her upstairs. Bidding the men goodnight, she left them to their discussions.

  * * *

  “What the hell is going on? Rumours reached me in London over your escapades or should I say your kidnapping of innocent women. What are you doing?” Anger thrummed in the duke’s voice and Stephen tempered his answer.

  He slumped back in his chair and sighed. “Her father owes me funds. She’s my leverage in getting it.” He didn’t point out that the day he’d gone to Arabella’s father to ask for the blunt in a gentlemanlike manner, he’d spotted her in the garden and his whole plan to be civil had dissolved before his eyes. She’d been sitting on a bench, surrounded by lush green plants and he’d wanted her instantly. Had abruptly turned about and devised a more devious plan that would enable him to have her in his bed and alone for some weeks.

  He was a cad.

  And revenge was sweet. What he hadn’t planned on was how the lovable woman with a strong backbone and warmth could worm her way under his ribs. He rubbed his chest, his like for her much more than he’d ever thought possible.

  “She’s a gentleman’s daughter. You’ll ruin her, if you haven’t already. You are better than this, Stephen. I know you have peerage in your family. You need to act the gentleman, now man, before it’s too late.” The duke rubbed his jaw, his face all hard angles and serious.

  The disappointment in his friend’s tone ripped him in two. Was he better than this? His family had lost everything before he was even born. He’d never been given the opportunity to know what it was like to be lord and master of all he surveyed. To care for people as only a member of the upper ten-thousand should. So was he really better than a smuggling pirate who idled his life away on the sea? “You’ve always held me in too higher regard, Gabe. And let’s not forget the woman you married was an innocent on her way back to England when you seduced her, in front of us all. How is what I’m doing any different?”

  “I married Eloise, that’s how it’s different.” The duke’s face softened, but for only a moment. “It also doesn’t hurt that I’m the Duke of Dale. You must take Miss Hester back to London and find another way to gain payment from her father.”

  Stephen cringed at the thought. He didn’t want to return her. And what the hell did that mean if he did not? Did he feel more for Arabella than he was admitting to himself? They certainly worked well together in bed, but in everyday life was another matter entirely. All Stephen knew was he was not ready for her to leave him. Not yet at least. “I will not. She stays with me until payment is made in full. I have nothing left to lose. But I’ll be damned if I’ll let my men suffer the same fate.”

  “You can still lose your life. Think man, not even I could save you from the noose should you be caught. And I haven’t told you everything I’ve heard. There is more you need to know.”

  Stephen sat forward, frowning. “What don’t I know?”

  “Lord Montague has sailed after you and is headed here. Been tipped off somehow as to your location I would think. From what I could find out, he’s crossed paths with Sir Hester who is now accompanying him. By tomorrow afternoon your captive’s betrothed will be here to collect his bride-to-be.” He paused, shaking his head. “This is absurd behaviour. You know better than this.” The duke gestured with his hands and looked ready to throttle him at his continued silence. “What possessed you?”

  Stephen crossed his arms over his chest. “I will not be threatened by a fellow who likes to be buggered every night in the hells of London. A lifetime with me would be sweeter than a day with him. Why, he’d never even see her. Not the real, Arabella. He would only ever view her as a woman who took his freedom away. A woman who’ll never be a man; the sex he desires most.” He could not give Arabella over to such a fate. To sail away knowing he would never see her again and that he’d left her to life a life she would never enjoy.

  A muscle worked at the duke’s temple. “Whether the rumours are true or not, she’s promised to him. Should he come here, you’d be best to hand her over and make your way to Scotland where the law will not find you too quickly or better yet, will forget your indiscretion. You know what Lord Montague is like. He’s a prick with a lot of connections. Forget the blunt you’re owed. Your life is worth more than a couple thousand pounds.”

  Stephen swallowed. Gabe was right in many respects. He should never have kidnapped Arabella in the first place. He pinched his nose. What the hell had gotten into him? But it still didn’t change the fact he couldn’t regret the decision he made. He would never regret his time with Arabella. They were the best times of his pitiful life so far. “I won’t let her go.”

  “Even if Lord Montague is willing to settle the debt? What will your excuse be then to keep her?”

  “It won’t come to
that. I shouldn’t think Lord Montague wants to marry her that badly, especially as she’s not his preferred type.” Stephen took a long swig of his brandy. “If the debt is paid, of course I’ll have to let her go. What reason would I have to keep her here then?” Other than love…

  The duke nodded, his gaze compassionate. “Indeed.”

  “Tomorrow we should know.” Stephen pushed away the thought that tonight could possibly be the last time he was ever with Arabella. Such musings didn’t warrant thinking over.

  “That you’re having dinner with the chit, conversing with her and no doubt warming her bed at night tells me your indifference to what tomorrow could bring is false.” He sighed. “That is all I’ll say on the matter, but you need to take care. This could end badly for her and yourself.” The duke leaned back in his chair. “As you know, Eloise is with child and I must leave you tomorrow morn, but should you need me, you know where I am.”

  Stephen nodded. “Aye. I know and I thank you.” He poured them both another brandy and settled back in his chair changing the subject to discuss their mutual interests in investments in London. He tried to concentrate on what his friend was saying, but his mind kept venturing upstairs to where Arabella slept waiting for him…

  …possibly for the very last time.

  He inwardly swore and left the duke, mouth agape, alone to converse with himself.

  She was asleep when he made it up to their room. The moonlight cast a hazy shade of blue over the covers highlighting her silky, white skin. Her hair looked ebony and cascaded over the pillows to frame her beautiful face. The bedding had slipped low on her chest, giving him an ample view of her nakedness and his cock twitched.

  He sighed knowing he’d made a mess of things. He should never have kidnapped her and dragged her back to England with the sole purpose of ruining her and her family. Because now, that’s exactly what would happen should the scandal break out across London.

  If it hadn’t already.

  She fidgeted in sleep and her eyes fluttered open. She sat up and kneeled on the bed, beckoning him to join her. Stephen needed no cajoling and went to her willingly, took her mouth in a searing kiss and dragged them both into an inferno of desire.

  After the weeks of being together, she’d learned a few things and quickly she disposed of his jacket, pulling his shirt out of his trews before sliding her hand inside and clasping his ass.

  Stephen grinned through her fun. His body ached to take her, to lift her up and impale her on his hardened shaft. Playfully she pushed him away a little and slowly lifted her shift, exposing a body that had captivated him from the first moment he’d seen it.

  Unable to stop himself he toppled her onto the bed and wrapped her legs about his waist. His cock slid against her moistened heat, teasing them both for what was to come.

  Them. Literally.

  She sighed his name and his control snapped. He thrust within her over and over again, the frenzied need thrumming through him unable to sate. She met his every stroke with awe, her gasps, moans for more and scoring nails down his back only making the interlude hotter, more enjoyable.

  Her fingers tangled in his hair, tugging slightly. Stephen kissed his way down her neck, slender shoulder to eventually pay homage to her breasts. A lovely handful with nipples the colour of roses on a summer’s day.

  She squirmed as his kisses moved farther down her person. Her stomach was smooth, soft and a beacon for more delights. Stephen pushed her legs apart, inhaling her sweet scent before kissing the glistening flesh before him.

  “What are you doing? You can’t do that.”

  He chuckled at the shocked but inquisitive tenor of her voice. “Lay back. Relax and let me love you.”

  Gradually the muscles in her legs relaxed. To have her, laying before him, open and trusting was the most delicious elixir he’d ever tasted. He licked her swollen bud and she gasped, her fingers clasping his head for purchase.

  He loved her with his tongue, welcomed the rhythm she found undulating against his face. He added his hand to her lovemaking and took her with his fingers. Arabella lost all inhibitions and Stephen’s body ached with the need to have her. How he adored her reaction to him, her enjoyment as great as his own. He groaned as her body tightened and then convulsed under his touch.

  “That’s it,” he said, sucking on her hardened nub. “Come for me. Enjoy me as much as I am enjoying you.” She whimpered under him, their lovemaking climaxing to a frenzy unlike any he’d ever experienced before. Arabella called his name and she came apart in his arms.

  Stephen’s body roared with the need to have her now. He sat up and flipped her over onto her stomach, before coming down over her back licking his way up her spine as he thrust deep into her hot wet core. The delighted gasp sent shivers to wrack his body. Sweat poured over his skin.

  His release flowed through every limb, every pore before lights burst before his eyes as he came inside her. They laid like that for a while both lost in the exquisite torture that they had just endured. He slumped down next to her and pulled her against his chest, wanting her as close as he possibly could get to the woman in his arms.

  She wrapped her arms around his body. “That was amazing Stephen. I can’t imagine ever finding that with anybody else. Please tell me you do not experience this each time you lay with other women?”

  Stephen shut his eyes. Did he experience this with other women when he slept with them? Something told him deep down inside is soul he didn’t. That he’d never experienced anything so mind numbingly good in his eight and twenty years. “No. Never like this.”

  He felt rather than saw her smile against his chest. “Good.”

  Chapter 7

  Arabella woke to the delicious sight of Stephen’s bottom going into his breeches as he pulled them on. She lay there silently, loving the peaceful quietness of the morning and just the two of them being alone like a married couple partaking in a holiday by the seaside.

  She shouldn’t delude herself. All of it, their time together, the enjoyment they brought to one another, wasn’t real. It wouldn’t last. How could it when she was to marry another and Stephen had plans of his own future?

  He busied himself about the room, pulling on his shirt, his boots, tying a cravat. There was no doubt she didn’t know everything about him, but given time she was sure she would find out. Not that any time was left. Tears threatened and she blinked quickly, not wanting him to see her upset.

  Not entirely certain of what he would do with her, she pushed the worrisome thoughts aside and continued to take pleasure in the view. Stephen bent over and his pants pulled tight. A smiled lifted her lips. He really was the most handsome rogue she’d ever seen.

  And he was hers to enjoy, if only for the day.

  He turned and caught her staring. A knowing eyebrow rose as he strode toward the bed. “Like what you see, Miss Hester?”

  She kneeled and let the sheet fall to the bed. He stilled, his muscles tightening as if preparing to launch and tackle her to the ground. The thought of what he did to her, the pleasure each touch wrought made the imagining longed for. “As a matter of fact I do.” She pulled him closer by the waist of his pants. “In fact, perhaps you would be inclined to forgo whatever business takes you from me and join me here for some other mutual satisfaction.”

  He chuckled, his touch idly gliding up and down her back. She shivered and let her own hand venture over his frontfalls. He cock hardened against her palm and her body warmed in response.

  “I want you, Stephen.” A muscle twitched in his jaw before, without any notice, he flipped her onto her back, came down on top of her and ground himself against her. Arabella gasped at the contact, wanting, needing him close. The non-existent distance too much to bear.

  He ripped at his frontfalls, lifted her a little and thrust into her aching core and carried them both toward bliss within moments. She came up to meet him, to join with him as deep as possible. He filled her completely, made her whole and she moaned when he slo
wed his pace to tease relentlessly.

  “Don’t stop,” she gasped. He didn’t, just inexorably kept up his torturous pace.

  “I won’t,” he whispered against her ear. “Not until you ask me to.” He nipped her lobe, his hands either side of her skull. She met his gaze and almost drowned in his sensual haze. They watched each other as both fell into bliss. The delicious spasms that rocked through her body left her sated and sleepy. Arabella kissed his shoulder, loving the feel of Stephen above her, in her, with her.

  “I never knew it could be like this for a woman. That being with a man could be so enjoyable.”

  Stephen’s lips curved and then he laughed. “If the man’s doing it right of course it can. I’m glad I’m able to pleasure you.” He laid beside her, pulling her into the crook of his arm. “You’re a very intelligent, beautiful woman who deserves only the best of all things.”

  Arabella looked up and held his gaze. “I’m glad you think so. Thank you.”

  He nodded. “I do. Don’t ever think otherwise.”

  She snuggled into his hold, not wanting him to see that she’d become a watering pot since last night. The realization that she did not want to leave Stephen hit her like gale force wind on the stormy seas. He was everything she wanted in life. A man who listened to her, loved her with reverence and only wanted what was best. And soon she would have to leave him. Family duty told her so, along with marriage contracts, but the thought of never seeing him again tore her in two.

  Broke her heart in fact.

  Chapter 8

  Stephen crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the pompous Lord Montague, who stood on the deck of his own ship, similarly glaring. “So what do we owe the pleasure, my lord? I didn’t think the coastal communities of Cornwall would pull such a gentleman of the ton to its ports. You’ll find no Almacks here.”


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