Browning, Elizabeth Barrett,
Bunte magazine, 284
Café de Paris, Monaco, 1, 109, 172, 314
Callas, Maria, 104, 110–111
Cannes Film Festival
America and, 32–33
Grace (1955), 33–34, 35–36,
Capital punishment, 231
Caroline, Princess
accident/mother’s death and, 239, 268, 269–270, 271, 272, 280, 324
birth/title, 119–120
childhood, 7–8, 14, 114, 121, 122, 123, 125–126, 127, 200–201, 213–214
children and, 235, 236–237, 239–240, 283
children’s births, 207, 283
Connaught Hotel incident, 199–200
education, 121, 201
father’s death and, 312
on friends/friendship, 206–207
hair loss, 241
interests, 237–238, 239
Junot, Philippe/wedding and marriage, 201–205, 304
languages and, 7–8, 128–129
magic show and, 179–180
official duties, 188, 235–236, 239, 283
personality, 121, 201, 213,
press/paparazzi, 141, 143, 146, 202–203, 205–206, 235, 236, 237, 240, 241, 243, 284, 287
Stephanie/accident and, 274, 324
title with Ernst marriage, 243
writing and, 237–238
See also Casiraghi, Stefano; Ernst Augustus, Prince/King of Hanover
Carroll, John, 166, 167–168, 169
Casiraghi, Andrea, 207, 208, 247
Casiraghi, Charlotte, 207
Casiraghi, Pierre, 207
Casiraghi, Stefano
background, 207
death, 208, 209, 235, 251, 283, 304
his family and Caroline, 236–237
marriage to Caroline/children, 207–209, 283, 304
Cassini, Oleg, 33, 161
Charles III, Prince of Monaco, 56, 85, 226
Charles, Prince of England, 64, 168
Charlotte, Princess of Monaco (mother of Rainier)
grandchildren and, 120
as heir to throne and, 87, 93, 96, 97
marriage/divorce, 50, 56, 87, 88, 89, 91
work of, 87, 120, 133
Chatelin, Charles, 269–270
Christian Dior fashions, 218–219
Christian (Princess Antoinette’s son), 301
Christina, The (yacht), 102, 110
Churchill, Randolph, 133
Churchill, Winston, 66, 184–185
Circus Festival, Monaco, 184, 194, 243, 256, 262, 312
Clark, Petula, 169
Coki, 27
Connaught Hotel, London, 139, 199–200
Connery, Sean, 8, 162
Cooper, Gary, 5, 21
Cosby, Bill, 189
Coste, Éric Alexandre Stéphane, 322, 323
Country Girl, The (movie), 23, 34, 161, 227
Cousteau, Jacques, 97–98
Coward, Noel, 164
Crosby, Bing, 23, 161, 251
“Curse of the Grimaldis,” 56
Da Silva, Howard, 20
Dahan, Olivier, ix
Daily Nation, 285
Daly, Tyne, 251
Davis, Sammy, Jr., 188–189
de Gaulle, Charles and Rainier
actions on tax conflict, 114, 115–116
American bases/NATO and, 117
description/personality, 99, 114–115
taxes and Monaco, 8, 112–114, 115–117, 163
taxes compromise, 116–117
de Havilland, Olivia, 34, 39
de La Fressange, Inès, 208
de la Renta, Oscar, 72
De Laurentiis, Dino, 105
de Segonzac, Gladys, 34, 37
Delon, Alain, 219
Delon, Anthony, 219
Deo Juvante II (yacht), 62, 63, 120–121
Designing Woman (movie), 158
Dial M for Murder (movie), 6, 22, 318
Diana, Princess (Spencer, Diana), 54, 64, 168–169
Domingo, Placido, 169
Donat, Robert, 40, 44, 45, 50, 53–54
Douglas, Paul, 20
Dr. No (movie), 8
Ducruet, Daniel
background, 257
Stephanie marriage/divorce, 257–258
stripper/photos and, 258–260
Ducruet, Louis, 257
Ducruet, Pauline Grace, 257
Duplay, Jean, 269
Earl, Phyllis, 265
See also Blum, Phyllis
East African Standard, 285
Eisenhower, Dwight, 95, 119, 296
El Khoury, Khalil, 28, 182–183, 297
Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 31, 65, 66, 242, 243
Elizabeth, Queen Mother of England, 66, 167
Ernst Augustus, Prince/King of Hanover
Alexandra (daughter with Caroline), 283, 284
background/description, 242
Caroline before wedding, 240–241, 242
Caroline marriage/children, 283–285
Caroline/wedding, 243
Chantal marriage/children, 241, 242
divorce from Chantal, 242
paparazzi and, 243, 284, 285
split with Caroline, 323
temper, 243, 284–285
Evocations (Carroll), 167–168
Farah, Empress of Iran, 178, 300
Farouk, King/son, 297–299
Father, The (play), 19–20
Fitzgerald, Ella, 187
Florestan, Prince of Monaco, 78, 191
Foch, Nina, 223
Fontvieille, Monaco, 194, 291
Ford, Godfrey (Fordie), 15–16
Ford, John, 5, 22
Fourteen Hours (movie), 20
American culture and, 113
Monaco’s history and, 50, 82–83, 85, 86
See also specific individuals
Franco-Monegasque treaty (1918), 50, 85, 114
Francois “Le Malizia” (Frank the Spiteful), 82
French Revolution, 83, 122
Furstenberg, Ira von, 286,
Gable, Clark, 5, 22, 32, 200
Gaither, Grant, 21
Galante, Pierre, 34–35, 38, 39
Garden Club of Monaco, 7, 154, 168
Garden of Flowers, A (Princess Grace, co-author), 168
Gardner, Ava, 5, 22, 31–32, 70–71, 160
Ghibellines, 81–82
Ghislaine, Princess, 95, 96
Gottlieb, Jean-Raymond, 261
Grace Kelly Film Festival, 169
Grace, Princess of Monaco
on acting career, 317–320
adjustment to role, viii, 7, 123, 151–152, 159
American furniture/reading material, 119, 157
beatification and, 295
car accident (late 1970s), 263–264
clothing/best-dressed women lists, 155–156
crafts interests (summary), 156
description/personality, viii, 7, 150–151, 152–154, 153, 177, 179
holidays (1981), 315–317
hosting television series, 169
languages and, 7–8, 137–138, 151, 156, 167
letters/correspondence, 155,
MGM and film copies, 157–158
miscarriages, 8, 131
Grace, Princess of Monaco (continued)
nonprofit artisan boutiques/
organization and, 154
office of, 4
poetry readings, readings, narrations, 164, 165–168, 169–170, 265
pregnancies/children’s births, 119, 120, 121, 136
public recognition and, 159–160
as regent, 120
remembrance and, 309
stamps honoring, 227
Twentieth Century Fox board and, 164
vision and, 152
See also Kelly, Grace; Rainier and Grace
Grace, Princess of Monaco c
ar accident (1982)
accident description, 268, 274–277
drive description, 267–268
funeral/burial, v, 271–272, 273, 324
gardener and, 276, 278
Grace’s exhaustion and, 274–275
Grace’s injuries/strokes, 268–270, 277
investigation, 277–278
morning of, 265–267
press/rumors on, 276, 278–280, 281
public response, 270–271, 273–274
Stephanie on, 274–277
Stephanie’s injuries/
hospitalization, 268, 269, 272, 274, 276
Stephanie’s reaction/impact, 214, 218, 223, 279–280, 304
Grand Prix, Monaco, 185–186, 309
Granger, Stewart, 23
Grant, Cary, 6, 8, 23, 66, 184, 203, 213, 309
Green Fire (movie), 23
Grimaldi, Camille Marie, 261, 282
Grimaldi, George, 302
Grimaldi, Jazmin Grace, 323
“Curse of the Grimaldis,” 56
history overview, 81–83, 86
royal relationships, 65–66
See also specific individuals
Guelphs, 81–82
Guilaroff, Sydney, 69
Guinness, Alec, 40
Hamilton, Lady Mary Victoria Douglas, 65, 87
Heiress, The (play), 19
Henley Regatta, 12, 13, 15
Henry VII, King of England, 65
Hermitage Hotel, 2, 106
High Noon (movie), v, 21, 22, 31, 316
High Society, 9–10, 58, 59, 66, 251
Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, 83
Hitchcock, Alfred
background/description, 6, 317–318
Grace Kelly and, ix, 4–6, 8–9, 10, 22, 23, 317–318
Marnie/Grace and, ix, 4–6, 8–9, 10, 162–164
See also specific movies
Holden, William, 23, 161
Hool, Lance, 212
Hopper, Hedda, 161
Hotel de Paris, 1, 2, 38, 94, 103, 105, 106, 108, 132, 133, 172, 178, 184, 185
Hughes, Charles Evans, 85
Hunter, Jeffrey, 20
Identity cards, Monaco, 231–232
Innocenti, Patrice, 208
International Herald Tribune, 237
Jeune J’ecoute, 239
John Paul I, Pope, 294
John Paul II, Pope, 294–295
John XXIII, Pope, 294
Jourdan, Louis, 40
Journal-American newspaper, 55
Junot, Philippe, 201–205, 304
Kazan, Elia, 319
Kelly, George, 16, 17, 19, 20–21
Kelly, Grace
childhood/education, 13–17, 46
grandparents, 12
modeling, 18–19, 20
personality, 36, 46
See also Acting/Grace Kelly; Grace, Princess
Kelly, Grace (aunt), 17
Kelly, John Brendon (Jack)
background/as parent, 12–13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 125
death, 131
Rainier/wedding and, 44–45, 51–52, 52–53, 56–57, 72, 228–229
Kelly John, Jr. (Kell), 13, 14, 277
Kelly, Lizanne, 14
Kelly, Margaret (Majer)
background/as parent, 13–14, 15, 16
Rainier/wedding and, 44, 52–53
Kelly, Peggy, 14, 161
Kelly, Walter, 17
Kennedy, John, 141, 296
Kentucky Derby, 228
Khomeini, 299
Kidman, Nicole
film on Grace, vii–viii, ix
on Grace, vii–ix
King, Maureen, 130–131,
Kissinger, Henry, 183–184
Knie, Franco, 282
Kramer, Stanley, 21
Lacoste, Nadia
Grace acting and, 163, 165
Grace’s charities and, 154
Lacoste, Nadia (continued)
on Grimaldi family, 121, 181, 236
as press secretary, 133–134, 136–138, 139, 141, 144–145, 147, 236, 265
Lawrence, Mary Wells, 152–153, 170
Lawrence of Arabia (movie), 185
Le Fur, Jean-Yves, 256–257
Le Monde newspaper, 259
Le Rocher, 1, 2, 3, 38, 77, 81–82, 123, 230, 264, 313
Le Rosey boarding school, 93
Lehman, John, 182
Letter to Stephanie (Ducruet), 258–259
Levy-Soussan, Louisette, 153–154, 155
Lifeboat (movie), 6
Lindon, Vincent, 237, 241, 283
Livanos, Tina, 101, 102, 103, 104
Look magazine, 31, 32, 40, 45
Louis II, Prince of Monaco (Rainier’s grandfather)
background/Monaco and, 56, 84, 87, 89, 90, 95
death, 96
Ghislaine Marie Dommanget and, 95
grandson and, 92–93, 95, 192–193
Louvet, Marie Juliette, 87
Lowe, Rob, 224
M/Y Grace (yacht), 121
Majer, Margaret. See Kelly, Margaret (Majers)
March, Fredric, 23
Marchais estate, 76
Marnie (movie), ix, 8, 162–164, 165
Marriage contracts, 52–53
Massey, Raymond, 19–20
McCarthy and anti-communism, 33
Mermoz cruise, 179–180, 275
Michael, George, 223
Milland, Ray, 6, 22–23, 161
Minnelli, Liza, 188, 189
Mississippi and Monaco law suit, 84–85
Mitchum, Robert, 32–33
Mogambo (movie), 5, 22, 23, 31, 200–201, 316
Monaco Arts Festival, 239
Monaco Banking and Precious Metals Society, 97
Monaco, Principality
adopting-an-heir option and, 54–55, 86
ballet/opera and, 137, 183, 239, 291
Constitution (1962), 98
conventions/festivals, 194–195
economy/marketing Monaco, 182, 183–187, 193–195, 211
government, 86, 98–99
history overview, 81–83
holding cells/prisoners and, 230–231
marriage ceremonies/banns law, 68, 69
marriage contracts, 52–53
National Council, 26, 67, 68, 86, 89, 96–99, 107, 112, 113, 231–232
overview, 80–81
population/residents description, 80–81, 291
Rainier’s improvements (summary), 291–292, 309–310
recognition as independent state, 83, 230
religion and, 247, 293
Russians/Cold War and, 228
security/crime and, 291–293
700th anniversary, 248, 249, 250, 306
size advantages, 229–230
size/location, 81
space and industry, 194
suit against Mississippi, 84–85
as “tax haven,” 194, 195–196, 197
taxes/French government and, 99, 112, 113–117, 163
tourism, 192, 193, 211
union strikes, 36, 108
World War II and, 94–95
See also specific individuals; specific places
Monaco’s Rose Ball (1998), 260–261
Monroe, Marilyn, 27–28
Monte Carlo
Beach Club, 106, 171–172, 184, 313
clientele/tourists and, 104, 105–106
dawn, 1–3
dusk, 313–314
gambling and, 86, 94, 104, 105–106, 109, 192
midday, 171–173
Nazis and, 94
Rainier on, 109
real estate fever/construction, 195–197, 290–291
See also SBM
Moorehead, Agnes, 20
Moss, Stirling, 185
Napoleon III, 87
Napoleonic Codes, 52
NATO, 117
Neiman Marcus, 58–59
New York Times, 5, 20, 85
New Yorker cartoons, 157
/> Newman, Paul, 319–320
Niarchos, Stavros, 102, 105
Niven, David, 203
Notorious (movie), 6
O’Brian, Jack, 55
Oceanographic Institute, 97–98
Old Beach Hotel, 2, 106, 144
Olympics, 12, 13, 232, 250, 251–253
On the Waterfront (movie), 6
Onassis, Aristotle
background/businesses, 100–102
Callas, Maria and, 104,
Onassis, Aristotle (continued)
Livanos, Tina and, 101, 102, 103, 104
as Rainier’s friend, 27–28, 62, 110–111, 184, 298
SBM and, 102–105, 106–108, 109–110
One Man’s Hero (movie), 212
Paget, Debra, 20
description, 1, 3, 7, 66, 75, 77, 122, 123–124
history, 122
projection room/showing films, 124, 157–158, 184–185
protection/building permits and, 123
restoration/changes, 7, 122–123, 124
Pantomime show, Nairobi, 31–32
Paris Match magazine, 34–35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 284
Pascal, Gisele, 26, 28
Paul VI, Pope, 294
Peck, Gregory, 6, 203, 213
Peeping Toms, 139
See also Rainier and Grace/press and photographers
Pelletier, Emile, 113–114, 117
Peres, Adans Lopez, 282
Philadelphia Story, The (movie), 58
Pierre, Prince of Monaco, Count de Polignac (Rainier’s father), 50, 87, 88, 89, 91, 131
Pigeon shooting, Monaco, 181
Pinocchio and Grace’s Italian language class, 156
Pirates, 191
Pius XII, Pope, 294
Pollution regulation/prevention, 194, 230, 321
Popes and Rainier/Grace, 294–295
Porter, Cole, 58
Powell, Jane, 190
Presidential security, US, 297
methods/goals, 141–142, 144, 147, 149
See also Rainier and Grace/press and photographers; specific individuals
Princess Grace Dance Academy, 239
Princess Grace Foundation, 137, 154, 239, 251
Rabagas (play), 78
Radio Caroline (pirate station), 113
Radio Monte Carlo, 49, 112, 113
Railroad of Monaco, 97, 98
Raimondi, Ruggero, 238
Rainier and Grace
political differences and, 296
public recognition and, 11, 30
religion and, 42–43, 46, 169, 205, 293–295
separation of responsibilities, 181
as team, 117–118, 121, 181–183, 211
White House visit (1956), 119
White House visit (1981), 296
Rainier and Grace/family
children learning to drive, 266, 279
humor and, 130, 174–176, 179–180
music, dance, opera and, 77–78, 128, 167
parenting, 120, 121–122, 124–129, 131, 158, 266, 303–305
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