All He Feels - Dax & Ginny (Crossroads Book 11)

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All He Feels - Dax & Ginny (Crossroads Book 11) Page 20

by Melanie Shawn

  He didn’t miss a beat. “Okay, guys, we’re gonna head inside where we can warm up.” He emphasized the word warm to insinuate there would be more going on than there was.

  It actually made her feel a little better because it was a good indicator that he hadn’t gone off book. They’d always be seen kissing or together, neither would admit to any relationship but he would always throw out double entendres to keep the frenzy building. And it worked. The media had eaten it up.

  Derek wrapped his arm around her waist and Dax followed behind them. As they stepped inside and started down the hallway she could feel the heat of Dax’s tension radiating off of him like a furnace. She knew that it was wrong of her to hope and pray that jealously was the coal that was fueling that fire, but she couldn’t help it.

  The second that the door shut to the front area at Chase’s studio Derek’s arm fell away from her and he introduced himself to Dax. She watched the two men’s exchange intently, hoping to see if she could pick up on any jealousy on Dax’s part. Unfortunately, he was the pinnacle of professionalism.

  She did notice, for the first time, the difference between pretty boy, leading-man handsome and real-life-hero handsome. Real-life hero took it hands down. Derek might arguably be as good-looking as Dax, but there was something so sexy about a man that had fought in a war, that could build houses, or at least renovate houses. A man that protected people. Then again, she might be biased since she was in love with the real-life hero in question.

  Dealing with one crisis at a time, she barely waited for the introductions to be made before she demanded, “What are you doing here?”

  Derek turned towards her with sincerity shining through his voice and his eyes. “I didn’t want you dealing with all of this alone. I know you wanted to come clean and you only waited for us to break up because of my movie. My reputation is shit anyway, I don’t care what they write about me. But you don’t deserve this. I figured if I came out here, at least it would give them something else to write about until we decided together how to move forward.”

  “What does your team want to do?” she asked.

  “Fuck my team. They’re the ones that got us into this mess. What do you want to do?”

  “I just don’t want to lie anymore,” she answered honestly.

  “Okay,” Derek easily agreed. “So does that mean you want to come clean with everything, release the statement we’d planned, or just let it die out its natural death?”

  That was a good question. One she wasn’t sure she had the answer to. She didn’t want to come out with the whole story. And she really didn’t want to put out a statement that was all lies. She kind of just wanted to let it die its natural death, but she wasn’t sure if she was just trying to take the easy way out.

  She looked up at Dax. “What do you think?”

  His opinion meant more to her than anyone else, including her mom.

  He looked at her with all the confidence in the world and said, “Trust your gut.”

  That’s when she knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that no matter what she said he would support her. She also knew that when that support was gone, it would be the biggest loss she’d ever felt in her life.

  She looked back at Derek. “Let it die its natural death.”

  And as she said the words she hoped that she wasn’t foretelling what was going to happen between her and Dax when she went home.

  Chapter 21

  Dax stood under the pulsing hot spray of the shower and let the water beat into his muscles like a thousand tiny massaging hands. He ran his hands through his wet hair and tilted his head back so that the near-scalding hot water covered his face as well.

  He shook his head to try to clear it. As much as he had hoped that this shower would relax and re-center him, it wasn’t having that effect at all. In fact, if anything, he felt even more full of swirling out-of-control emotions now than he had before. Last night, Ginny had come home with him. She’d made love to him. She’d fallen asleep in his arms. But was he sleeping soundly beside her? No. He’d left the woman he loved, sleeping naked in his bed because all he could see when he closed his eyes was one person.

  Derek Fucking St. Vincent.

  He had so much anger towards the guy and it wasn’t that he had done anything wrong. He’d actually seemed like a stand-up guy that genuinely cared about Ginny. But seeing him with her, hugging her and kissing her, even if it was just for the cameras, had brought up to the surface something that had been simmering just beneath it for the past couple of weeks. She’d be leaving soon and Dax would be seeing her with some other Derek St. Vincent.


  His hands fisted and he had the urge to punch a hole through the shower wall that he’d spent an entire weekend tiling. Dax wasn’t used to feeling like this, or feeling at all for that matter. But with Ginny all he did was feel and he was all over the place. His emotions were like a pendulum swinging wildly back and forth.

  From anxious to calm. Anytime she was away from him he felt anxious and whenever she was in his arms he was calm.

  From disbelief to certainty. He couldn’t believe that someone as perfect and perfect for him actually existed but now he was certain that she did.

  From lucky to cursed. He felt like the luckiest man alive to be with Ginny but he knew he was cursed that it wasn’t forever.

  From love to hate. He loved Ginny and hated the fact that she was leaving.

  From trust to jealousy. He trusted Ginny completely but they weren’t together and she could see other people and that made him extremely jealous.

  It wasn’t like he was choosing to be or feel any of those things, he didn’t have a choice in the matter. Dax liked to be in control, and he could see that slipping away. His life had always been controlled and well ordered, and he loved it that way. Self-contained. He was the master of his own destiny. He worked hard for his success and he learned from his failure. He was in charge of his own fate. That had always been the way he wanted it, and so that’s how it was. Until now.

  Now, it wasn’t like that. All because an adorable, sexy country singer had walked into his life and blown apart that carefully constructed world. He was no longer immune. He was not desensitized. And he hated it. But at the same time, he wouldn’t take back a second that he’d had with her. If he had it to do all over again, he wouldn’t change a thing. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t terrified about losing her.

  In his military career, he had gone on missions that were dangerous. Even deadly. Suicide missions, people called some of them. And yet, he had never felt the level of fear that he now felt at the thought of Ginny Valentine waltzing out of his life as suddenly and unexpectedly as she had waltzed in.

  He heard the glass shower door click open behind him and he turned to see a very beautiful—and very naked—Ginny standing there in the door. The steam from the way-too-hot water curled around her face and body, giving the picture a dreamlike quality.

  For a moment, he wasn’t sure if he was dreaming. But then she moved into the shower, closing the door behind her and touched him, and then there was no doubt in his mind that she was flesh and blood.

  “Hi, mind if I join you?” She scooted under the spray and the water tamped down her golden hair, turning it a rich, dark blonde and plastering it to her. His eyes traveled over her fair, naked skin, which was getting pinker by the second because of the heat, and looking extra enticing as it glistened from the sheen of water that now covered it.

  His gaze traced individual rivulets as they made their way from her swan-like neck down between her perfectly formed breasts and continued over her taut belly. He wanted to speak, to tell her all he was feeling about her, about their situation, but he knew he couldn’t so instead of communicating with words he figured he’d use something a lot more fun.

  He touched her hips and was just starting to lift her up when she placed her hands on his chest and stepped out of his grasp. Then without another word she dropped down to her knees and wrapped her
lips around his head, sucking him into her mouth. She took him deep, all the way to the back of her throat. He groaned and pressed his hands to the sides of the shower to keep his balance. His knees got weak and it took every ounce of will he possessed to stay on his feet.

  “Oh, fuck, baby. Damn, that feels amazing,” he groaned. Of course, that was seriously underselling what it actually felt like, but he didn’t think words existed in the English language that would convey the truth of what was rushing through his body at the touch of her mouth to his sex.

  She moved her mouth up and down his dick, maintaining a perfect suction and rubbing the sensitive skin on the underside with her tongue as she stroked up and down with one hand while the other cupped his ass, controlling the rhythm that he pumped in and out of her hot mouth. He reached one hand down and entangled it in her hair, watching her head bob on his steel length. He couldn’t get enough of the sight. He still wasn’t entirely convinced that it wasn’t a perfect dream. He smirked. A wet dream, in fact.

  She pulled her head back and released his swollen member from her mouth and started to touch herself between her legs with one hand while the other was stroking him off. It was such an erotic sight that his week knees almost buckled from the arousal that shot through him. He watched as her head fell back slightly, her eyes closed as she worked them both into a frenzy. Both of their bodies, their pleasure, in her hands, literally. On the upstroke, she even curled her hand over the head, giving his most sensitive spot a little bit of extra attention.

  He was a strong man, but he knew that if she kept that motion up for too long, he wasn’t going to be strong enough to keep from coming all over her, and he didn’t want that to happen yet. Reaching down he grasped her firmly under the arms, picking her up and standing her on her feet in front of him again. He took a step forward and at the same time pulled her towards him until their bodies were pressed together down the entire length.

  He couldn’t tell where the heat from the steam ended and the heat from her body began. It gave the incredible illusion that he was completely surrounded by her. Totally enveloped. He loved that sensation.

  Lowering his head he kissed her passionately, slipping his tongue into her mouth, holding her to him as tightly as he could without crushing her. He didn’t know if it was pure lust from the surprise of her invading his shower, unexpected and naked, or if this intensity stemmed from the frustration that was consuming his mind before she showed up.

  He didn’t care, really. It wasn’t the right time to analyze his feelings. It was the right time to surrender to them. And that was exactly what he was going to do.

  He slid his hands down her slick back and cupped her ass, picking her up off of the shower floor and carrying her to the far end, where he settled her on the bench that was built into the side of the tiled wall. When he had selected this model of shower for the bathroom remodel, he had never guessed that it would be put to such perfect use. One thing was for sure, though—right now in this moment, he was certainly glad that he had chosen it.

  When she was firmly sitting on the ledge of the bench, it was his turn to drop to his knees in front of her. He didn’t even need to push her knees apart this time. As soon as he knelt, she spread them open and extended her arms to him, wanting him to come closer, which he did.

  Rather than kissing her again, though, he immediately dipped his head and started lapping up the sparkling diamond drops of water that lay on the hard buttons of her nipples. The taste was an incredible mix of the sweet musk of her skin and the clear, sharp edge of the shower water. He felt like he could suckle there all day long—but when he felt her writhing under his touch, her hips bucking forward, begging him without words to be touched between her legs, in that most sensitive of pleasure centers—he knew that he couldn’t put her off.

  It wasn’t completely altruistic, either. As much is he enjoyed licking her breasts, he loved another area even more. He was more than happy to oblige her silent request and make his way down south.

  He kissed his way along her taut, slick belly and pushed her thighs even further apart. He took a moment just to appreciate the sight of her perfect, pink lips spread out there before him, glistening with heat and shower water and her own juices, letting him know that she was more than ready for his touch. In fact, she was aching for it. Begging for it.

  Wanting to drive her to the same heights she catapulted him to, he ran his tongue first up one of her inner thighs and then the other, until she was groaning and urging him forward with her hands at the back of his head. He extended his tongue, making the tip a hard little knot, and traced up one of her outer lips and then the other. He did this again and again, enjoying the sound of her moans getting louder and louder, the feeling of her arms and legs twisting and writhing. Teasing her. Not giving her the satisfaction yet of feeling him lick her neediest part.

  He continued this until she was not only panting but also whimpering, at which point he figured she had been tortured enough. They both had been tortured enough. He wanted to feel her come against his tongue. Enveloping her honeyed mound with his mouth, moving his sandpaper tongue firmly up and down, paying special attention to the sensitive pleasure nub at the top of her sex. She bucked her hips against him and he matched the rhythm of his strokes perfectly to the movement of her hips. He loved the way she tasted—so sweet, just like she was. He would never get enough of devouring her juices, especially when he knew the pleasure that it gave her.

  Then, when he could sense that she was right on the edge, he sucked that swollen button into his mouth and tweaked it with his tongue while he pumped two fingers in and out of her. It didn’t take long. Almost immediately, she exploded, coming completely undone against him. She tasted like the sweetest nectar as she came on his tongue. He held her hips in place and kept his mouth pressed right against her throughout the entire climax.

  He sensed her gaze on him and looked up to see that, yes, in fact she was watching his head moving between her legs as she came. He locked eyes with her and stared into her gaze as the orgasm ravaged her. He watched every layer and wave wash through her expressive eyes.

  He continued to gently lap her sweet core as she calmed, wanting to bring her down from the high as softly as he could while also extending it for the longest time possible. When her muscles finally unclenched, she stopped shaking, and her breathing returned to a relatively normal pace, she opened her mouth and he expected her to say something along the lines of how good it felt, or how amazing it was. Something sweet about the experience.

  But, she surprised him, as she did so often, when she merely said bluntly, “I want you inside me. Now.”

  * * *

  The instant her declaration was made, Dax was on this feet. Ginny should’ve known that using those words would get a strong response, and she’d figured he would be all over it—but even she was surprised by just how quickly and powerfully he responded, springing to his feet like a panther. Then, he reached down and brought her to her feet just as quickly, and flipped her around so that she was facing the shower stall wall.

  She closed her eyes and leaned her head against the hot, wet tile wall. She was amazed by how safe she felt with Dax. Even in a situation as simple as this, letting him take control and spin her around on the wet shower floor. All she felt was thrilled. No hesitation. No anxiousness. She knew that he would never let anything happen to her. He would always protect her, in all situations, large and small. Something inside her told her that he would die before he let her get hurt.

  He took both of her wrists in his hands and placed them above her head. She felt his lips against her ear as he whispered roughly, “Keep these here. Don’t move.”

  She stood completely still, doing exactly what Dax had instructed her to do. When his voice took on that authoritative, commanding tone, he had to be obeyed. And, to be honest, it was such a turn on to do exactly what he said.

  Her entire body tingled in anticipation of what the next thing she would feel might be. Just the
energy that crackled between them, being in the same tiny physical space of the shower, was almost enough to overload her synapses. But, then add to that she was facing the wall, waiting, not knowing what his next move was—knowing that she wouldn’t even have a visual clue as to what it might be before she felt it on (or in) her body—it was so mysterious and delicious and adventurous and crazy and everything that she had always dreamed about. It was perfect. It was Dax.

  She sensed him step up closer, right behind her, felt the heat of his skin that let her know he must be standing less than a millimeter or two away from her. Then, she felt his strong hands encircle her hips and his lips on her ear again.

  “You said you want me inside you,” he whispered gruffly, “now.”

  The next thing she felt was her brain explode as he thrust roughly into her.

  “Yes!” she cried.

  He pumped into her powerfully, again and again, as if his life depended on it. Then, he growled. Growled like a wild animal. “You’re so tight. You’re so damn tight.”

  He kept plunging in and out of her for what seemed like forever. She never wanted it to end. When he was inside her, she felt complete and whole. Like her body had been missing a critical component her entire life and she’d just never noticed the absence until suddenly it was there.

  Just when she felt her body start to clench in spasm around his member, he pulled out of her and spun her back around to face him. She looked at his face, at the jagged, naked want written all over it, and knew that she would do anything he asked. It didn’t matter what it was. She would follow this man to the ends of the earth. She was under a spell, and it wasn’t one she had any experience with. She didn’t know how to break it, and she didn’t think she would want to try even if she did. She was very happy being mesmerized for the moment.


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